The boundless Immortal Domain was full of huge black spaceships, and there were cultivators desperately fighting with spaceships.

The various attacks of the cultivators flew all over the sky, the energy cannons of the spacecraft stirred in all directions, and countless peaks and mountains were directly erased, turning into yellow sand in the sky, disappearing.

In order to stop the attack of the spaceship, some sect cultivators directly controlled the cultivator's flying boat and crashed into it.

A fierce collision between the products of top technology and the products of the cultivator's means began.

However, what shocked the cultivator was that the flying boat made by the cultivation method could not compete with the high-tech spaceship.

Just because the energy cannon attack power on that spaceship was powerful to a terrifying level, even the cultivators who crossed the Tribulation Realm and even the Mahayana Realm did not dare to be hard-faced head-on.

And this is still the attack power of ordinary spaceships, depending on the size and appearance, there are more advanced and more powerful spaceships.

In a mountain range in the Haotian Domain, Niu Huanxi transformed into a body, constantly fighting with the spacecraft in the air, and the powerful body and the pair of horns that rushed into the sky directly tore many spaceships to pieces.


"The iron-blooded barbarian bull clan has all transformed into a body battle, let these invaders see how powerful his cow grandfather is!"

Even the demon clan in the endless mountain range that arranged for people to subdue when Zhang Tianqi left before was involved in the battle in desperation.

Great Ape Family!

Burial Moon Heavenly Wolf Clan!

The Flying Tigers!

The blue-eyed mad lion!

Meteor Day by Day White Dragon Horse family!

Earth Wild Bears!


On this day, countless demon races fought fierce life and death battles in the sky above the Endless Mountain Range and the spaceships of the interstellar thief fleet.

In the Zhenxian Pavilion, in the room where Zhang Tianqi arranged the teleportation array, a burst of light flashed, and several figures appeared after a strong fluctuation of the teleportation array.

This is exactly Zhang Tianqi taking Bei Bei and the others from Aqua Blue Star, but Zhang Tianqi, who came out of the formation, was just about to take everyone to familiarize themselves with Zhenxian City and familiarize themselves with this world, and suddenly Zhang Tianqi's face changed greatly, and he said to several people:

"You stay in this formation and don't come out, when I come back, something will happen in this world."

As the words fell, Zhang Tianqi's figure disappeared instantly, and appeared again already above Zhenxian City, because the space here emitted violent fluctuations, and then Zhang Tianqi saw three huge spaceships passing through the space barrier and appearing in the sky above Zhenxian City.

Zhang Tianqi's divine sense at this moment had been released instantly, and he immediately understood all the situation, so he did not spare the slightest hand and directly struck.

"Kendo Wuji!"


A stream of light flashed, and the three huge spaceships that appeared in the air were directly cut off in an instant, emitting arcs and powerful energy, and then fell into dead silence.

Standing in the void, Zhang Tianqi directly spoke:

"Everyone in Haotian Domain obeys orders, treats enemies without mercy, kill...!"

Zhang Tianqi not only used cultivation, but also used the lion roar, and in an instant, Zhang Tianqi's voice was like heavenly thunder, rumbling and spreading around!

"Is it the Pavilion Master?"

"The Pavilion Master is back, brothers, the Pavilion Master is back, and everyone worked together to slaughter these bastards!"


The spiritual power of the leader is terrifying, it is the most intuitive role in condensing people's hearts, condensing blood, and condensing combat effectiveness, and the appearance of Zhang Tianqi has increased the combat effectiveness of the entire Haotian Domain by at least three percent, and everyone is like fighting chicken blood.

At the same time, Zhang Tianqi used his powerful ability and strength to directly launch a stormy attack on the spaceships of all the interstellar thief fleets in the Haotian Domain.

As long as it is where Zhang Tianqi arrives, all the spaceships will end up in one place, which is to become a pile of scrap iron.

For a whole day, the entire Immortal Domain was fighting everywhere, the sky was dark, the landslides were cracked, countless people died, and tens of thousands of spaceships became scrap iron!

In the alien sky, Bege, Saint Venerable Dragon Emperor, Wang Yan, and Gu Qing have already eliminated countless spaceships.

There were not many originally densely packed spaceships in the entire starry sky at this time, and the largest spaceship, as well as the more than ten huge spaceships guarding him, had stopped attacking at this moment.

Because of the terrifying attack of the spacecraft and the advanced technology, it had no effect on Baig and the other four at all.

The Blackwater General in the spaceship looked gloomy and terrifying at this time, he was now in the control room of the spaceship, and there were countless screens in front of him, on which were the battle pictures of the Blackwater fleet in various places.

And it didn't take long for General Blackwater's gaze to be fixed on a young man, this person was Zhang Tianqi.

The reason why General Blackwater targeted Zhang Tianqi was because Zhang Tianqi's appearance directly made most of the spaceships attacking the Haotian Domain become scrap iron, and his subordinates were killed and injured countless times.

"Black... General Blackwater, our fleet of 100,000 spaceships is now less than 10,000 left, and the combat effectiveness has basically collapsed, this world is too powerful and weird, or should we retreat? A

silver-white light suddenly appeared on the armor of General Blackwater's arm, and when he turned around, the man who spoke before directly split the armor in half.

"My fleet is the strongest in the starry sky, and in this interstellar world, no one can stop me."

"Send a message, all spaceships give up scattered operations, the starry sky gathers, I will let this world give my fleet a burial."

With the anger of the Black Water General, the spaceships that were fighting around the Immortal Domain suddenly all turned on the space jump and disappeared in place.

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