After the power ape knew Zhang Tianqi's identity, his heart beat a drum, because this person in front of him was different from the others, this person was a man who made the entire Haotian Domain submit.

He didn't think that the demon races in this endless mountain range combined could compete with the previous Haotian Domain, after all, the power of the Terrans had always been the crushing of the demon race!

"It turns out that the Zhenxian Pavilion advocates Tianqi, disrespectful and disrespectful, please inside."

At this time, Hu Xiaoxiao on the side transmitted a voice: "

Uncle Li Ape, why are you so polite to him, you called all your clansmen over, surrounded him, kicked him, and took revenge on me."

The corner of Li Ape's mouth twitched, and he secretly thought in his heart:

"My special lady also wants to do this, but the strength does not allow it, the person who knows the time is Junjie, it is better to be polite!"

Thinking of this, Li Ape also specially cheered himself up:

"Yes, you must pretend to be a grandson, at this time pretending to be a grandson is the only way out!"

"Little no, this person is not easy to mess with, you better be careful, if you provoke him, maybe our endless mountains will be surrounded, and then it will become us being surrounded and kicked!"

Hu Xiaoxiao didn't know what Zhang Tianqi represented in the Haotian Domain, and when he heard the words of the power ape, he directly turned around and left a tiger butt and said

, "Hmph, Uncle Li ape is a coward!"

After speaking, Hu Xiaoxiao ran to Zhang Tianqi's side and said to Zhang Tianqi:

"Hey, scoundrel, I'm hungry, give me a few pills to eat!"

When Li Ape heard Hu Xiaoxiao's words, he slipped under his feet, almost fell to the ground, and saw that Zhang Tianqi was not angry, so he secretly wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Zhang Tianqi rolled his eyes and

said, "I said little tiger girl, when you ask for someone, you must have an attitude, you want to take pills, okay, call me a handsome brother, I will give you two pills."

Hu Xiaoxiao opened his mouth and roared:

"Stinky man, big bad, peeping at people... People there, still break open to see, you... You're a complete stinking rascal, and you want me to call you handsome! Hmph, you're not handsome at all, you're not handsome ...! Hu

Xiaoxiao's words made the power ape snort again, and he was surprised to see a person and a tiger arguing there, and his heart collapsed directly.

"Where did you look? Also break it to see, what is this doing, what is your special lady doing? To be clear! "

Hu Xiaoxiao according to the demon clan, after all, he is a little tiger, not yet an adult, a few words are a little tearful.

Seeing that the other party was pitiful, Zhang Tianqi took out three eight-pin extreme pills and threw them to Hu Xiaoxiao:

"Okay, I'm afraid of you, look at your pitiful appearance, eat my elixir, when the time comes, when the time comes, you Flying Demon Tiger Clan, you can be a counter-strategist, persuade your clan more, let them not resist, surrender directly, don't be a white-eyed wolf!"

There is a huge palace built of rocks in the valley of the giant ape family, and Zhang Tianqi stepped into it, and he also felt the wise and tyrannical aura that belonged to the giant ape family.

There were also six burly men above the main hall, four of whom were cultivators from the early stage of the Mahayana realm to the late stage of the Mahayana realm, and two belonged to the three-rank scattered immortals.

The power ape was afraid that the six elders of this giant ape clan would provoke Zhang Tianqi, and after meeting, he directly spoke in advance: "

Elders, let me introduce you, this is the Zhenxian Pavilion Advocate Tianqi who dominates the vast heavenly domain."

Hearing the introduction of the power ape, the six people were startled, and then suppressed the shock in their hearts, and saluted Zhang Tianqi with a fist: "

I have seen the Zhang Pavilion Lord."

Zhang Tianqi also hugged his fists and said:

"You are polite, don't talk nonsense, I came this time to prepare to make all the demon races of the Endless Mountain Range submit to my town Immortal Pavilion, but rest assured, as long as you listen to the tune, the rest of the time will be as usual."

Zhang Tianqi's words made the eyes of the six elders and power apes of the giant ape clan instantly turn red, the aura around them exploded, and the entire hall began to shake.

"Zhang Tianqi, although you dominate the vast heavenly domain and cultivate strongly, our demon clan will not be afraid of you."

With a slight smile, the aura that belonged to the Nine Heavens Xuan Immortal on Zhang Tianqi's body completely burst out, and in an instant, the entire Great Ape Valley was suppressed by a terrifying coercion, and all the clansmen of the Great Ape Clan could not move.

"I said to you politely, because you may all be your own people in the future, if you still think about your own dignity, the great ape clan will completely disappear from the endless mountain range today!"

Zhang Tianqi's words could not be described as ruthless, and directly made the power ape and the six great elders stunned on the spot in an instant!

At this time, Hu Xiaoxiao jumped onto the stone table and yelled at Zhang Tianqi: "

Villain, you are not allowed to do this, you can't hurt the giant ape clan!"

Zhang Tianqi's eyes did not turn, and with a snap of his fingers, Hu Xiaoxiao was frozen in place, unable to move or speak.

"I'll give you a cup of tea to consider, when the time comes, if there is no answer, all the great apes of the entire great ape family will be wiped out!"

The power ape and the six great elders, who were already entangled in anger, were even more numb in their scalps and buzzing in their heads.

At this moment, the hall became extremely quiet, and the sound of breathing was extremely clear, and they all understood that a ruthless person like Zhang Tianqi who dominated the vast heavenly domain would definitely do what he said, and if he did not surrender, the giant ape family would definitely suffer a bloodbath.

The time was getting closer and closer, and the aura on Zhang Tianqi's body was getting stronger and stronger, at this time, the power ape gritted his teeth and suddenly spoke:

"I, the power ape, in the name of the patriarch, announce... The Great Ape clan submitted to the Zhenxian Pavilion... Listen to the tune, listen to the announcement! "

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