The Plague Fred and the Soul Burial Ghost Emperor felt the rapid passage of their cultivation and exclaimed in shock:

"What is this? Why did my practice begin to pass away?

"Boy, what did you do to us? Stop, stop...! "

The law of death, break it for me!"

"Power of the earth, give me back...!"

It's a pity that no matter how the two of them use magical means, they can't get rid of the mysterious magnetic field that the Yuan God is locked, and they can only watch their cultivation pass away!

Faced with such a scene, Zhang Tianqi's heart was also extremely shocked.

He only had one thought in his mind now, this Plague Fred and the Soul Burial Ghost Emperor were both super powerhouses of the Quasi-Saint Perfection Realm, and they actually had no resistance in front of the system Lao Ji.

Moreover, he couldn't get out of the magic means, which made Zhang Tianqi more and more curious about Lao Ji!

In less than a cup of tea, the two of Plague Fred and the Soul Burial Ghost Emperor were completely withdrawn from their cultivation.

The body was unable to stand in this starry sky without the support of cultivation, and it became flying ash for a while.

At the moment of the fall of the two, in the depths of the distant starry sky, in the floating black palace, Saint Lord Ye suddenly opened his eyes.

"Why did the power of luck change?"

As he spoke, Saint Lord Ye waved his hand, and a long river of time appeared in the hall.

With a flash of essence in his eyes, Saint Lord Ye Yan angrily spoke, "

Fallen? The kid is so daring!

As the words fell, Saint Lord Ye Yan stretched out one hand, crossed the endless starry sky, and appeared directly above the starry sky where Zhang Tianqi was.

The giant hand of the heavens fell towards Zhang Tianqi with the coercion of the sage that only a saint possessed.

Faced with such a scene, Zhang Tianqi's body sank, gritting his teeth and barely standing in the void, a heaven-slashing sword appeared in his hand, and a buzzing sword sound sounded on it.

"Holy Lord Ye Yan? You think you can overwhelm me with your powerful cultivation, you dream! "

Kendo Supreme, Sword Gang Wuji!"

"Destroy the sky!"

Zhang Tianqi gritted his teeth and stood up, the power of the ninety-nine laws around his body all emerged, at this moment Zhang Tianqi was like an ancient god of war, the whole person with an indomitable momentum, containing the power of powerful laws, rushing around Zhang Tianqi, the sword pointed to the sky.

Above the Heaven Slashing Sword, a dazzling light rushed directly towards the giant hand that reached the sky.



The space completely collapsed, and unlike before, the starry sky could not heal for a long time, and the barren planets in the entire starry sky were swallowed.

Zhang Tianqi's sword can be said to have exhausted all his strength, and the power of the ninety-nine laws burst out, and the power was enough to destroy the entire Immortal Domain, but it was such a sword, but it was annihilated by that heavenly giant hand!

Zhang Tianqi's hand holding the Heaven Slashing Sword shook, his face was full of shock, and then he also stimulated his competitive heart.

"Is it so strong with just one hand that doesn't even appear in your real body? If I can't do it once, I will do it twice, three times...! I don't believe you are so powerful! At

this moment, Zhang Tianqi had completely fallen into a kind of battle intent, and there was nothing else in his eyes, only the giant hand that reached the sky.

"One sword...!"

"Two swords...!"

"Three swords...!"


Just in the blink of an eye, Zhang Tianqi shot dozens of times with all his strength, and the entire starry sky had all collapsed, and the power of the starry sky did not have time to repair.

As if it was just a moment, as if tens of millions of years had passed, the starry sky had become eternal night, there was not a single planet left, and the entire starry sky fell into endless darkness!

The giant hand of the heavens disappeared, Zhang Tianqi stood in the void holding the heaven-slashing sword, his body shook from time to time, his body was densely wounded, and blood continued to flow out.

The ninth-level defensive power still did not hold on in the end, and was broken in the hands of Saint Lord Ye Xian.

But this is just a hand that came out of the illusion, and his real body was hundreds of millions of miles away in the starry sky, but even so, Zhang Tianqi used all his strength, and this barely annihilated the giant hand in the sky.

And in the four sides of the starry sky, Gu Qing of Shu Mountain, Living Bodhisattva Beger, Saint Venerable Dragon Emperor, and Wang Yan, the Lord of the Five Elements, looked vigilantly at the depths of the starry sky.


Zhang Tianqi's body shook in the void, he coughed a few times, and a trace of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth!

"Lao Ji, the other party made me like this with one move, what kind of cultivation is he?"

System: "Host you are content, fortunately you have accumulated enough foundation, and the defense and other abilities have been upgraded to level nine, otherwise you would have turned to ash by now!" System

: "Do you know that Saint Lord Ye Yan has stepped into the peerless power of the Saint Realm, even if you are a quasi-Saint Perfection or some realm, no matter how powerful your combat power is, you are just a powerful ant in the eyes of the Saint!" "

The saint ... Sage...... I want to go back to retreat and fuse the power of the law into my own avenue, and I want to break through this heavenly barrier and step into the realm of saints. System

: "I like your momentum, work hard, little king bastard, with me as your backing, your luck power is absolutely explosive!"

Zhang Tianqi pouted, activated the repair ability, and in just a few breaths, Zhang Tianqi's injury was completely healed.

At this time, the Saint Venerable Dragon Emperor discovered Zhang Tianqi's powerful ability to repair, his eyes lit up, and he said to Zhang Tianqi:

"Zhang Xiaoyou, are you all right?"

"Thank you for your concern, I'm already fine, I have an occasional realization, I'm going back to retreat, thank you."

Wang Yan, the Lord of the Five Elements, looked at Zhang Tianqi, who had disappeared, and said with a big grin: "

Look at it, how long has it been since Brother Zhang, he faced the blow of that Holy Lord Ye Yan alone, this ability, you say, do you have the confidence to do it without using the Starry Sky Order?"

Shushan Gu Qing flicked the dust in his hand and said:

"This strength is already more than our four old guys, there are still less than five years, I wonder if Zhang Xiaoyou can break through?"

"There are too many incomprehensible secrets in him!"

The Living Bodhisattva Berg glanced at the depths of

the starry sky and said, "Actually, you don't know, Zhang Xiaoyou's life has already changed, and there are people around him who can change the immortal domain or even the entire starry sky, you should have felt a different but familiar aura from the place of burial immortals before, right?"

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