Saint Lord Ye Yan looked at the direction where the Immortal Domain was located for a long time, and finally disappeared into the starry sky with a trace of reluctance, and did not know where to go.

And without the support of Saint Lord Ye Yan and the eighty-two quasi-saint-level powerhouses, the interstellar battleship of Qi Pluto was completely out of the qualification to fight with the Immortal Domain.

Mo Ying looked at the battleship in the starry sky, and slowly spoke: "

I am in charge, and the power of the starry sky obeys my orders."


As Mo Ying's words fell, the interstellar battleships in the entire starry sky seemed to have been squeezed by horror, and they were squeezed into iron pimples and fell towards the depths of the starry sky.

This battle began to end in the end, a full three days, millions of huge interstellar battleships, which can be described as covering the sky, and finally the entire army was destroyed.

And although Zhang Tianqi had made many arrangements in advance, there were still hundreds of thousands of cultivators who died in the melee!

With the end of the battle, the entire Immortal Domain was most happy not with ordinary people, nor those cultivators, but those who had become immortals.

All the immortal people in the entire Immortal Domain looked at the sky at the moment when the battle ended, in disbelief for a long time.

"It's over? Are we still in the Immortal Domain? We were not taken captive! "

Hahahahaha, I didn't expect it... I didn't expect me to be alive, thank God, thank the domain master! "

We won, we won...!"

Some people are stunned, some people laugh and cry, and they can't control their emotions at all.

For a time, all the people who stepped into the Immortal Dao, or were about to step into the Immortal Dao, knelt down in the major cities to worship Zhang Tianqi's statue.

At this time, the countless statues in the entire Immortal Domain began to gather the power of faith, and successfully appeared on Zhang Tianqi, and finally entered Zhang Tianqi's small world.

With the influx of the power of faith, Zhang Tianqi's small world began to undergo huge changes again, the power of the world formed, various creatures began to climb out of the sea, evolve, and plants also grew wildly!

This scene naturally could not hide Zhang Tianqi, surprised, Zhang Tianqi entered the small world, after carefully feeling, Zhang Tianqi opened his mouth in his mind:

"Lao Ji, the power of faith in this small world comes from the outside world, but why doesn't it act on me, but pours into the small world?"

System: "With your current cultivation, there are some things that you can know without me explaining it to you, but regarding the power of faith, you can just let it be, and the integration of the power of faith into your small world may be the best destination!" The

stronger Zhang Tianqi's cultivation is now, the more mysterious his inner opinion of Lao Ji feels, and he can't imagine what kind of existence Lao Ji is to be able to do everything terrifying.

After staying in his own small world for a long time, Zhang Tianqi left, and the Immortal Domain was traumatized by the battle, and under the means of Mo Ying, the former ruler, he returned to his original appearance.

In the Zhenxian Pavilion, in the small courtyard where Zhang Tianqi was located, Zhang Tianqi looked at Mo Ying's perfect face and spoke:

"I said that the big handsome, see that you have something on your mind, how, is there something for me to help?"

Mo Ying said with a helpless bitter smile: "

If you don't let me call you Pavilion Master, then I'll call you Big Brother, I want you to work with me to return the Immortal Realm to the starry sky and restore the order of this galaxy."

Zhang Tianqi heard Mo Ying's words and nodded: "

Although this work is a hard work, as your eldest brother, it is incumbent upon you to do this thing, but I am curious about how you will divide these people after the Ten Thousand Immortals Realm returns to the starry sky?"

Mo Ying knew what Zhang Tianqi meant, after all, now Zhang Tianqi was the domain master of the Immortal Domain, and his prestige had reached a terrifying level, especially after a battle just now.

In other words, after Mo Ying regained control of the Ten Thousand Immortals Realm, there was no one under him, only the Destiny Emperor Bege, the Five Elements Emperor Wang Yan, the Heavenly Mandate Emperor Saint Venerable Dragon Emperor, and the Shushan Emperor Gu Qing.

And the other immortal people who flew to the Ten Thousand Immortal Realm, were they loyal to Mo Ying or to Zhang Tianqi?

With a smile, Mo Ying directly spoke:

"After hundreds of thousands of years, I finally returned and took back everything that belonged to me, but during this period, I also understood a truth, everything is illusory, if it were not for these billions of lives, I might have lived a free life."

Speaking of this, Mo Ying stared at Zhang Tianqi and said

, "If the eldest brother is willing, I am willing to hand over the Starry Sky Order to suppress the realms and make you the leader of this starry sky."

Zhang Tianqi was spraying clouds and mist, and when he heard Mo Ying's words, he accidentally burned his mouth, hurriedly threw away the cigarette in his hand, looked at Mo Ying's eyes and said:

"What the big handsome forced you to say is true?"

"Really, I'm willing to assist the eldest brother from the side."

After the two looked at each other for a long time, Zhang Tianqi suddenly laughed and said:

"Okay, this position is really tempting, but I'm not interested, as for letting the Ten Thousand Immortals Realm reappear in the starry sky, with the power of you and me, let the world rules be reshaped, and it's not impossible, when to start?"

Mo Ying looked at Zhang Tianqi, with a wry smile in his eyes:

"I know that you can't look at this position, alas~ three days later, let the Ten Thousand Immortals Realm reappear in the starry sky after three days, condense the power of the rules, it is better not to have immortals above the Immortal Domain!"

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