"Your Excellency killed the people of my city lord's mansion, now go back with me, I will have an explanation."

There was a rumbling sound in the sky, and the people around them all fled into the distance in horror, not daring to stop for the slightest.

As the voice fell, Zhang Tianqi saw an old man standing in the void, looking at Zhang Tianqi condescendingly.

Brow furrowed. Zhang Tianqi just said lightly:

"The cultivation is not high, the tone is not small, I hate others talking to me from above."

When Zhang Tianqi's words fell, he saw that the old man in the air directly turned into flying ash, and his body disappeared.

The death of this old man frightened Li Yun, a young son not far away, to the ground.

Zhang Tianqi glanced at the other party lightly, and Li Yun instantly felt that the cultivation in his body was completely erased, and there was no trace left.

A glance follows the Tao, and everything changes at will!

A cultivator with a strong cultivation suddenly became an ordinary person, and this kind of gap was difficult for ordinary people to bear.

"What's going on? My cultivation is... My cultivation is... It's gone... No way...... I want to be the one who encroaches on the world...!"

Zhang Tianqi ignored the other party who was already crazy, but took Bei Bei and disappeared directly in place, and was already in the city lord's mansion when he appeared again.

"Is that the city lord?"

Zhang Tianqi's voice appeared, which alarmed the people up and down the city lord's mansion.

"Who dares to go to the City Lord's Mansion to spread wilderness?"

As the roar appeared, dozens of powerhouses who crossed the Tribulation Realm and the Mahayana Realm appeared, surrounding Zhang Tianqi and Bei Bei in the middle.

"What are you?"

Li Yuanjie turned his back and looked at Zhang Tianqi carefully and asked.

Zhang Tianqi glanced at the other party lightly, and said directly: "

You sent someone to arrest me?"

The flesh on Li Yuanjie's face jumped, and he suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly spoke: "

Your Excellency killed the people of my city lord's mansion, and as the city lord, I have to seek justice for my subordinates."

Hearing the other party's words, Zhang Tianqi said with a smile:

"If it were someone else, I might really be deceived by you, but I can see through your heart at a glance, there are not many things in this world that can cover my eyes, tell you, provoke me is a trivial matter, but a distracted person provokes me, then it's embarrassing."

I saw Zhang Tianqi's words fall, and the cultivators in the entire City Lord's Mansion turned into flying ashes one after another.

"Wife, this world is a little interesting, the mountain is king, I will take you to play, and by the way, I will also inquire about the specific situation of this galaxy."

With Zhang Tianqi's cultivation now, with one thought, this side of the world is seen through, and now the closest place to Zhang Tianqi is the Tianyi Temple, there are many strong people in it, Zhang Tianqi naturally wants to copy a wave.

In the void, a large mountain floats, and the pavilion palace can be faintly seen above, like a fairyland.

Tianyi Divine Temple, is one of the nine top forces in this world, the master of the gate hall, Luo Zhiyi, has cultivated to reach the quasi-saint perfection realm, and the four quasi-saint powerhouses under his hand, twelve Da Luo Golden Immortals exist, it can be said that in this world, he is also a big man who covers the sky with one hand.

At this time, Luo Zhi was holding a very beautiful woman playing, suddenly the woman's face changed, a retreat stopped the battle, looked at Luo Zhi pitifully and said:

"Husband, my brother's soul fire is extinguished, my brother was killed, you have to be the master of the slave family!"

Luo Zhi was fighting, but suddenly the opponent withdrew, as if swept away, got up directly, and said coldly:

"You go to the people below to solve it for you, I still have something to deal with."

Watching Luo Zhi leave, the woman said with a touch of loss in her eyes:

"The life that others envy, but no one knows the bitterness in this, it seems that it won't be long before I will be abandoned like my sisters before...!"

At this time, Zhang Tianqi appeared in the main hall of the Tianyi Temple with Beibei.

It wasn't until the two sat down for a long time that Zhang Tianqi's breath emitted a little breath, and it was discovered that someone had entered the hall.

At the first time, several figures appeared above the main hall, one quasi-saint early stage, two Daluo golden immortals in the middle stage, several golden immortals.

Looking at the few people in front of him, Zhang Tianqi directly gave an order to

Lao Ji: "Lao Ji, give me a copy of the cultivation of everyone above the Great Luo Golden Immortal Cultivation."

While speaking, Zhang Tianqi scanned the circle and found that in this Tianyi Temple plus the so-called hall master, a total of seventeen people met the requirements.

And when Zhang Tianqi was copying, the leading man said coldly:

"Your Excellency's clever means, you can actually appear on this hall unknowingly, but you don't know what is the matter?"

Zhang Tianqi glanced at the other party lightly, and then spoke, "

I'd better talk to your so-called hall master."

Just at this time, the hall master Luo Zhi appeared above the hall, and several people saluted respectfully, Luo Zhi waved his hand and said,

"You guys go down first."

After everyone left, Luo Zhi stared at Zhang Tianqi tightly, with a look of horror in his eyes, but he was quickly suppressed and said, "

Your Excellency won't come here to drink tea."

Zhang Tianqi smiled and said, "

City Lord Li Yuanjie was killed by me."

Luo Zhi's eyelids jumped, and he did not show anger, but said with a smile:

"You know, this woman is really troublesome sometimes, and she still has to give up when she should give up."

Hearing Luo Zhi's words, Zhang Tianqi's eyes flashed, and after staring at Luo Zhi for a long time, he said:

"The most ridiculous thing is that the woman who was abandoned by you may be a treasure held in the palm of the hand by others, and the hall master lives very freely, I just don't know if you can tell me about the specific situation and division of forces in this world or this galaxy?"

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