With the passage of time, Zhang Tianqi's world has far exceeded the Immortal Domain, and finally even surpassed the size of the Ten Thousand Immortal Realm several times.

And there are more and more human beings in this world, but they are in a primitive state, no one laughs at anyone, all bare asses, life depends on hunting and gathering wild fruits to barely maintain life, because of beasts and diseases and other problems, human life span is extremely short, and even death at birth is not a few.

But with the passage of time, the population gradually increased, and the range of human activities became larger and larger, gradually spreading around.

Some people even led some people to migrate because of food problems to find a more suitable place to live.

At this point, there was the beginning of a large-scale migration of mankind to the surrounding areas, some of which died out directly, while others grew.

Slowly, humans began to learn to make simple clothes out of leaves, covering key parts.

And there are many people, there are always demons appearing, and some tribes have begun to appear some intelligent humans, inventing the simplest way to count, that is, using the hardness of stones to draw horizontal lines on the ground to record the number of people and the amount of food.

And also created the first division of labor among human beings, because of the importance of population, plus children are born of women, so that matriarchal society was officially born.

And in this process, a huge tribe stumbled upon Zhang Tianqi, Beibei, Shenlong and Mo Qilin during a hunt.

This time the pot exploded in this tribe, and all the clansmen looked at the two two beasts in shock, and knelt on the ground and began to worship.

They didn't know what it was for, but there was a voice inside telling them to bow down to the human being in front of them.

And it was in the daily uninterrupted worship that a young man appeared in this tribe, and through the worship of Zhang Tianqi, he slowly discovered some simple rules between heaven and earth, and with his ingenuity, he created the first simple operation technique of inducing qi into the body in this world.

At the same time, talents from all aspects appeared in this tribe, and some people saw the clothes on Zhang Tianqi and Beibei, and began to ponder, using the skin of plants, beaten by stones until soft, and then connected to each other to make more comprehensive warm clothes.

When someone saw Zhang Tianqi and Beibei, they used primitive methods to paint the first portrait of Zhang Tianqi and Beibei in this world, and called them the first ancestor of the human emperor and the Virgin of the Terran race.

When someone saw the divine dragon and the ink unicorn, they used a wild fruit juice to hang the portraits of the two mythical beasts on a stone wall in a special way, and at this point, the mythical beast patterns of this tribe began to circulate.

With the passage of time, these tribes have undergone earth-shaking changes, because they worship Zhang Tianqi every day, and people understand more and more, feel more and more, and slowly learn to think.

As the production labor force became more and more powerful, the status of men gradually reflected a huge advantage, at this time, some men felt that the tribe's hunting of prey and defense against foreign enemies, and even fighting with other tribes, were completed by men and made great contributions.

And women do not have much effect except for giving birth, and the children born do not know who it is, and most of the food is divided, so someone stood up and directly used the totem culture, that is, the divine dragon and the ink qilin, after creating a myth, began to worship the male fighting power, which completely ignited the fuse that overthrew the matriarchal clan society.

Over time in this world, human intelligence has improved rapidly, and with continuous migration, human traces have blossomed everywhere in this world.

After many years of healing, as well as the help of his huge realm power, Zhang Tianqi's injury has fully recovered, and after this injury, his physical defense ability has been greatly improved again.

On the other side, Bei Beiwei was even more like a natural fit, and in a short period of time, he directly rushed to the quasi-saint's cultivation.

This made Zhang Tianqi frown, because Zhang Tianqi felt that Beibei's identity was not simple, and no one could break through like this to such a level of cultivation.

Of course, Zhang Tianqi's kind of plug-in is another calculation.

Zhang Tianqi looked at Bei Bei, then turned his head to look at the Divine Dragon and Mo Qilin in the distance, nodded slightly, and then looked at his current world.

This glance startled Zhang Tianqi, because he felt that the world had undergone tremendous changes, not only human beings appeared, but also some large tribes had formed their own unique and simple way of life.

"Lao Ji, what's going on? Could it be that millions of years have passed? Why did so much change all of a sudden? System

: "You have a strong repair ability, coupled with the help of the world's boundary, the healing time is only a few years, and the reason why such a big change has occurred is related to the power of faith that you continue to generate."

"Is it because of the power of my faith?"

System: "So to speak.

Zhang Tianqi's eyes began to change at this time, the natural avenue continued to rotate, and the entire world began to change because of the changes in Zhang Tianqi's eyes.

It was at this moment that Zhang Tianqi's heart began to change, and the sea of knowledge also began to change, and even the Yuanshen began to stir non-stop, becoming more and more pure!

At the same time as all this happened, Zhang Tianqi seemed to have a trace of light in his heart, and he seemed to have some understanding.

"The avenue... Nature Avenue... It turned out to be like this, I thought too complicated before, and I hung up the Dao Zhi Jian every day, but I don't know what it is called Zhi Jian...! "

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