In a valley on the edge of the 100,000 Great Mountains, a long, round, meatball-like man is lying on a special lounge chair basking in the sun, and two beautiful women are massaging him.

"With a little effort... Yes, where!

"You don't press one place, you have to go back and forth, hey... By the way, that's it... Comfortable......! "

This person is the fat Xiao Qingshou who is in the mouth of the Hundred Spirit Lion King and often mixes with Tang Zhenyang.

Zhang Tianqi's figure did not know when he had already appeared on the side, quietly watching this scene, until Zhang Tianqi lit a cigarette, which was not discovered.

The two women were originally transformed by rabbit essence and cultivated into the heavenly fairyland, and the fat man was a solid Dao Saint realm cultivator, and he actually did not find that a person appeared on the side, which really frightened the fat man.

"Groove... What kind of stuff? The

fat man was so frightened that he rolled directly off the recliner, took several steps back, and watched in shock as Zhang Tianqi burst into foul language.

Zhang Tianqi looked at the fat man full of joy and said with a smile:

"Xiao Qingshou, fat man, little beast, let's talk?"

After carefully looking at Zhang Tianqi, and then his divine sense checked the 100,000 mountains, and after not finding any problems, the fat man waved his hand to let the two rabbit spirits leave.

"You can come here quietly, there is only one possibility, it was my eldest brother Tang Zihao who let you come, right?"

"Are you so sure?"

"I'm pretty sure, because although you are very powerful, you can't hide from my eldest brother's eyes, because in this galaxy, as long as he wants to know, no one can hide his eyes!"

"Being able to quietly appear in the 100,000 Great Mountain can only be done with the consent of my eldest brother."

In the face of the fat man saying this, Zhang Tianqi also agreed very much, because with his cultivation as complete as today's Dao Realm, there was no chance of victory in the face of Tang Zihao, and it was even more impossible to hide Tang Zihao.

Zhang Tianqi nodded with a smile, threw

a cigarette, and then spoke: "Smoke a cigarette first, and then tell me where Tang Zhenyang is?" What is he doing all these things behind his back? Or did someone behind him coerce him into doing so? The

fat man lit a cigarette and hesitated for a long time before saying,

"I don't know."

Zhang Tianqi thought that the fat man was thinking about how to open his mouth after brewing for a long time, but he didn't expect to hold it for a long time and then hold out four words I don't know!

"Fatty, I advise you, it's better to be honest, otherwise you know the consequences."

Who knew that the fat man smiled indifferently and said:

"Consequences? What consequences? I tell you, since my fat man followed my eldest brother Tang Zihao, he rode a wooden donkey with barbs on the battlefield, and ate it as jelly beans, and killed the peerless mysteries for a thousand years, I can hold on six times without changing my face...! What have I not seen and you want to scare me?

As he spoke, the fat man proudly spit out a smoke ring, looking like he was beaten up.

Zhang Tianqi heard what the fat man said, looked at the fat man's stunned appearance, and also admired the fat man from his heart, but Zhang Tianqi said with a smile:

"I heard that you married the daughter of the Jade Emperor and gave birth to a son, now it should be with Tang Zhenyang, your eldest brother Tang Zihao does not let others deal with this matter, but let me come forward with someone who no one knows, how do you guess I will deal with this matter?"

Sure enough, Zhang Tianqi's voice fell, and the fat man changed his face, and the cigarettes in his mouth fell, as if he had been pinched by the soft underbelly, and his face turned red.

"You... What do you mean? If you dare to move my son, you try, I will crush you to ashes!

"If you don't answer my questions, I'll never dare to guarantee your son's safety."

The fat man did not expect that Zhang Tianqi was not threatened at all, the whole person gritted his teeth, the aura that belonged to the Great Dao Saint Realm around his body burst out, and a hand penetrated the space, and suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Tianqi.

"Eight-armed float!"


The fat man's attack directly hit Zhang Tianqi's chest, and a circle of ripples spread around, and several mountains around him directly turned into flying ash.

Looking at the ripples that were still spreading outward, Zhang Tianqi waved his hand, the ripples disappeared, if Zhang Tianqi did not make a move, let it spread, it is estimated that these 100,000 mountains will be gone.

Seeing such a scene, the fat man had horror in his eyes, and he couldn't break Zhang Tianqi's defense with one blow with all his strength, which made him understand that the gap between him and Zhang Tianqi was much larger than he thought!

"You're done fighting, now it's my turn, right?"

As he spoke, Zhang Tianqi casually raised his hand and punched out, without any magical techniques, only strength.


The fat man was sent flying out without the slightest resistance, and at the same time, Zhang Tianqi's voice also entered the fat man's mind.

"Still that sentence, say or don't say, you have one last chance, if you don't say I'll leave, you should understand the consequences."

In the blink of an eye, the fat man's shawl appeared in front of Zhang Tianqi again, and sighed:

"Alas~ in fact, there is no right or wrong in this matter, a wisp of evil thoughts in my eldest brother's heart has become an irrepressible existence, his idea is to dominate the universe, but my eldest brother is unwilling."

"I heard that later, my eldest brother's second son Tang Zhenyang wanted to secretly capture the Heart of Heavenly Dao in other galaxies to improve his strength to the point of killing that wisp of evil thought, which was originally understandable, but slowly I found that those people were planted with demons in their hearts by that evil thought, so what they did was not so simple."

"It may be that my eldest brother has long calculated your appearance, so Babe went to Aqua Blue Star, and a series of things later."

"Where are Tang Zhenyang and the others now?"

"They're in another desolate galaxy."

As he spoke, the fat man pointed a little, and a map of the starry sky appeared, and the galaxies on it were afraid that there were not thousands, but most of them were gray, that is, desolate galaxies.

"They're right here."

Zhang Tianqi saw the place where the fat man's finger was pointing, and silently wrote it down in his heart.

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