When Li Yanran heard Zhang Tianqi's last words, her legs tightened obviously, and then angrily said to Zhang Tianqi:

"Stinky rogue, if that thing is really done by you, whether you can see the sun tomorrow is not certain, you better think about yourself first!"

Soon, Zhang Tianqi entered the interrogation room again, and this time it was different that the director Wang Qi was actually sitting in the middle.

Next to him was Li Yanran, and there was a middle-aged male police officer.


"Don't you already know?"


"Would you like to take it out for you to see?"

"What's out?"

"It's something that proves my gender!"

"Mr. Zhang, how about a little cooperation? Give me some face. "


"I told you last time."


"Zhang Tianqi, you better cooperate well, otherwise you won't have good fruit to eat!"

Facing Li Yanran's strong temper, Zhang Tianqi said lightly to Wang Qi:

"Director Wang, is this considered intimidation?"

Wang Qi touched his nose awkwardly and said, "

That... Yanran, don't get excited, have something to say, besides, this matter is not necessarily done by Mr. Zhang.

Wang Qi's words fell, got up directly, held a file bag in his hand, and slowly came to Zhang Tianqi.

"Mr. Zhang, there are some things that I can't say here, but everyone understands it in their hearts, so everyone opens the skylight and says bright words, you can't remember the seven corpses in the rotten building in the suburbs, right?"

Hearing Wang Qi's words, Zhang Tianqi chuckled in his heart, and secretly thought:

"It's actually that thing, could it be that I missed my horse's feet?" No way......! Many

thoughts flashed in his mind, and Zhang Tianqi looked at Wang Qi lightly and spoke:

"Director Wang, I'm a coward, don't you scare me, seven corpses?" What corpse, this kind of joke is not funny, it will die!

Director Wang looked at Zhang Tianqi with a smile, and only after half a day took out a photo from the file bag and said:

"On the day of the incident, this car drove into the Longhushan villa area, we retrieved the surveillance video, the car stopped at the door of your villa, and the two talked with you for more than a minute."

"Then the two deceased drove away, you drove away, but turned back halfway, and although you eventually avoided the camera, someone saw your car parked by the woods for most of the day."

"All the times coincide exactly, Mr. Zhang, how do you explain it?"

Zhang Tianqi looked at a photo in Wang Qi's hand and said with a smile:

"Director Wang is right, two people did come to the door of my villa that day, but the two said that they kidnapped my family, so I didn't believe their words and chased them away."

"Wang Bureau, do you know, I have been an orphan since I was a child, what kind of family ah, these two are liars at first glance."

"Then I wanted to follow up and call the police by the way, after all, I was a good citizen, but I was later discovered, and I was afraid that I would suffer retaliation from the other party, so I returned halfway!"


Li Yanran slapped the table and said angrily to Zhang Tianqi:

"With your skills, you will be afraid of retaliation from the other party, you are clearly lying!"

Looking at Li Yanran's huge shaking because of anger, Zhang Tianqi said with a smile:

"Officer Li, I'm just an ordinary citizen, although I can hit two ordinary people, but who knows if the other party has a gun, I'm very sucking... Oh...... It's fatal!

Wang Qi put away the photo, walked back to his seat, and continued:

"That Mr. Zhang said that your car was parked by the woods for most of the day, where did you go?"

When Zhang Tianqi heard Wang Qi's words, he immediately knew that this was a pit dug by the other party, because it was impossible for Wang Qi not to call the surrounding surveillance video.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianqi pretended to recall:

"On the day I found two very large spiders in the woods, probably reproducing, this is the first time I have seen such a scene, and under curiosity, I observed the spiders in the woods, for a long time!"

Zhang Tianqi's answer was full of loopholes, but it felt tight, which made Wang Qi also frown.

And Li Yanran stepped forward directly, and he wanted to make a move with Zhang Tianqi, but he couldn't touch Zhang Tianqi's body at all, and every time he was grabbed by Zhang Tianqi's hands.

At this moment, Wang Qi suddenly spoke:

"Mr. Zhang, how did you deal with the guns at the scene?"

Zhang Tianqi was defenseless and spoke, "

I received my storage space...!"

When the words fell, Zhang Tianqicai reacted, and his heart clicked, and he couldn't help but secretly think:

"I'm still too tender!"

But at this time, Zhang Tianqi saw Wang Qi and Li Yanran looking at him angrily, and then his thoughts turned, and he said with a smile:

"I said I don't know, you have to ask, then I will say that I have the storage magic weapon of the immortal cultivator, which can hold anything, and the gun is inside, so you are satisfied?"

"And I tell you, I am actually from the immortals, don't tell others!"

Sure enough, Zhang Tianqi's voice fell, and Wang Qi and Li Yanran looked at Zhang Tianqi as if they were looking at an idiot.

"That, Mr. Zhang, dissipate the anger, thank you for coming today to help us solve the case, I will report it afterwards and present Mr. Zhang with a good citizen award."


-The author has something to say:

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