Chapter 0100: Just by you, you can withstand the power of the Demon King?!!

Looking at the Demon Time King in front of him, he was actually so confident in place.

Even if you know your plan.

This guy, he still didn’t make any statement.

It’s as if you’re looking down on yourself.


At this time, the alien emperor rode, he seemed to have received some kind of insult!


A loud drink!

The alien emperor rode, and he had already suddenly stretched out his hands.

And from his hands, the purple-black energy light band was already extended.


These light belts were rushing towards the Demon Time King at a very exaggerated speed.

If you don’t make any dodging moves.


There is no doubt that the Demon Time King will definitely be hit by such a light belt.

It’s just that, as an absolute opener.

At this time, the Demon Time King, he did not disdain to dodge the attack of the alien emperor horse at all.

Even with that purple-black energy light belt, righteousness rushed towards him at a rapid speed.

When the Demon Time King, he still didn’t take any action!……



The purple-black energy light band hit the body of the Demon Time King smoothly.

Use this energy light band as a medium.

The current Demon Time King and the Alien Emperor Rider have built a very special energy channel.

And through this special band of energy light.

At this time, the alien emperor rider, he actually really drew the ‘power of the devil’ from the body of that demon king.

That dark golden energy…

Using this purple-black energy light belt as a channel, it is flowing towards that alien emperor horse at the speed of light!

Beyond the picture, in the world of Naruto.

Inside the Hokage office in Konoha Village.

Looking at the alien emperor rider on the screen, he was actually really successful in absorbing the power of the Demon Time King.


Naruto Uzumaki, he also spoke in an extremely incredulous voice.

“Fake, fake!!??

That alien emperor rider, he was actually able to draw power from the body of the Demon Time King!?

So vast and huge power, can it really be absorbed? Do you say… Is everything really under the control of that alien emperor rider now? ”

Now Naruto Uzumaki, he is starting to worry about the situation on the screen

However, actually…

His worries are completely superfluous! No!

It should be said that he somewhat underestimated the power of the Demon Time King.

Instead, he overestimated the power of that alien emperor rider!

On the other side, in the world of super beasts.

In the palace of Hades.

Also looking at the screen, the alien emperor rider was absorbing the power of the Demon Time King.

But Hades, he was exceptionally calm.

Because he knows…

With such a disparity in strength.

The alien emperor rode, he simply could not do it in the true sense, stealing power from the body of the Demon Time King.


Hades, he also said at this time with a famous line.

“The height of the fountain will not exceed his source.

A person’s strength will not exceed his limits.

Perhaps the current alien emperor rider can really steal power from the body of the Demon Time King.

But that’s just a star.

Even so small that…

Even the Demon Time King, he was completely disdainful!

It seems that the alien emperor ride is really just a provocative clown! ”


Also outside the picture, inside the world of the Grim Reaper.

In the Void Night Palace of the Void Circle.

Without exception, the blue dye is also looking at the screen. That alien emperor rider was absorbing the power of the Demon Time King.


At this time, he is also very clear.

The power of the Alien Emperor Rider alone was absolutely unable to withstand the absolute power of the Demon Time King like a vast starry sky.


Lan Ran, he showed a contemptuous expression and spoke.

“The over-inflated container will eventually usher in only one result. That is to rupture, to turn into countless fragments.

Many people think that progress can be achieved with hard work.

But actually…

Talent determines the height of a container.

Some people are destined to be only a jumping beam clown.

Some, on the other hand, are destined to be king!

It is estimated that every time the Demon Time King, he will not take any action.

On the one hand, because there is no such need.

On the other hand, did he want to completely smash the fantasy of the alien emperor rider and let him know… Himself, what a small existence! ”

Saying that, Lan Ran continued to show a very contemptuous expression.

In his eyes, the alien emperor rider is indeed a shameless jumping beam clown…


Under the gaze of countless spectators in the heavens and realms, their worried, but slightly expectant, incomparably complex gazes.

The field of view is shifted back to the mysterious giant screen.

I saw the alien emperor riding at this time…

He was still absorbing the vast and invincible ‘Demon Power’ from the Demon Time King through that special purple-black energy light belt.

Under the action of this energy, his power is rising rapidly.

Even, even he himself did not think of it at all.

The power brought by the Demon Time King would actually be so exaggerated and vast!

Just one star and a half of strength is enough to surpass the cognition of the alien emperor rider.

Even, after ‘tasting’ the terrifying power of the Demon Time King.

At this time, the alien emperor rode, he became even more crazy.

Drive the activation of your abilities with both hands, and continue to draw power from the body of the Demon Time King.

He wanted to draw all his power from the Demon Time King as fast as possible, so that…

He is the most extreme, powerful, and ultimate warrior in the entire universe, even all parallel universes!

“What a powerful force this is!!!

As long as I have this power, I will be able to surpass my sister.

Can truly inherit the throne!!! ”

The alien emperor ride, his madness is even a little unable to maintain his sanity.

For him…

“The power of the devil” is a poison that makes people crazy. Although he has not completely captured the power of the Demon Time King.

But the alien emperor rides, he is already fantasizing about the scene where he dominates all parallel universes.

But alas…

After all, these are just the delusions of a different emperor riding a person…

Outside the picture, in the holy place of the armored warrior world, in the Ming Realm.

Above the golden throne.

Looking at the screen, it was already close to madness, close to losing his mind.

At this time, the emperor, he just shook his head and said.

“Just overflowing, a star and a half of power, is it already making him crazy to such a point?


The alien emperor rides, he is still too small after all. He had no idea what it meant to be truly powerful.

What is true invincibility.

That little bit of residual power was enough to make him excited to this extent.

The battle, in fact, has already been separated from this moment! ”

When the alien emperor horse made such a maniacal laughing sound.

Victory or defeat is already predestined.


In this battle, the alien emperor horse actually has no chance of winning from the beginning, and there is no absolute thing in this world.

But there is absolute power!……

Under the gaze of countless spectators in the heavens and realms, their highly concentrated gaze.

Back to the video content itself.

At this time, the alien emperor rode, he was still constantly absorbing the power of the Demon Time King.


Look at the other person so ‘hard’

At this time, the Demon Time King also decided to ‘help’ the other party.

Under one thought!

Every time the Demon Time King, he instantly inspires even more vast and majestic power!

This vast energy, through the purple-black energy light belt of the alien emperor horse, directly rushed towards him.



Because the upper limit of the drawing capacity has been exceeded.

The purple-black energy light band actually exploded in an instant.

In the midst of such a bombardment, the alien emperor horse also let out a painful wail, and took several steps back.

The purple-black and dark gold energy currents were wrapping around his body.

It was as if it was ‘eroding’ his body.

Every Demon Time King, the energy he stimulated in an instant directly exceeded the upper limit that the alien emperor could withstand.

So…… And rightfully so!

At this time, the alien emperor rider also suffered a violent reaction from this energy!

Such a small word…

It is simply impossible to withstand the power of the Demon Time King.

Just a little bit of the energy that spilled out was already an incomparably small ‘container’ that surpassed the alien emperor ride.

He thought he was in control.

But I don’t know…

The Demon Time King, with his absolute strength, has pierced any and any conspiracy!

Outside the picture, in the five worlds of Kamen Rider Time in 2068.

Looking at the screen, the alien emperor rider who was already unable to withstand the power of the Demon Time King and suffered a backlash.

The Demon Time King on the Dark Golden Throne.

He continued to utter a voice of extreme disdain.

“Hmph! It’s just the aftermath that spills out… Couldn’t he even bear it?

The alien emperor rider, he is even smaller and weaker than this king expected!

However, as an absolute invincible king who knows the past and the future, he controls all the power of knights.

From the beginning, he had no chance of victory.

But now he is afraid that he does not even have the ability to contribute a little Yuxing program.

Because of the alien emperor ride, he is really too weak! ”

The weakness of the alien emperor horse caused the dissatisfaction of the king of the Demon Time.

After all……

Just now in the video, the tone of that alien emperor rider is also quite not small

But alas, he only has this level after all.

The Demon King is also looking forward to whether the Alien Emperor Horse can contribute a little more exciting battle.

But if you look at it now…

Every time the Demon Time King, his expectations are about to be disappointed…

In the eyes of countless spectators in the heavens and realms, they became excited and expectant.

Focus on the video content itself.

Looking at this in front of you…

Even a little bit of his own Yuwei was completely unbearable for the alien emperor ride.

At this time, the Demon Time King, he also spoke in his low, hoarse, but extremely domineering and majestic voice, which did not allow any doubt.

“You think it’s up to you…”

Will you be able to absorb all my power?

3My power is the power of all Kamen Riders!!! With the words of the Demon Time King, just fell.

The shadows of countless Kamen Rider dials surround these dials around the Demon Time King.

There are Heisei main rides, and there are Heisei two, three, and four horses.

Even, even the enemy Kamen Rider, Gaiden Kamen Rider, and female Kamen Rider have become the power of the Devil’s time!

It’s like what he said…

The Demon Time King, what he has, is the power of all Kamen Riders!

As long as Kamen Rider, their powers have become part of the Demon Time King with the situation of the knight’s dial, surrounding him.

There are ten, dozens, hundreds, even countless degrees!!!

[Finally, today is finally no longer broken. ] Keep popping tomorrow! By the way, kneel and beg the readers’ posthumous support!!! 】。

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