Before Ye Yu could enter, a small hand grabbed him.

Looking back, I found that Jiu Xinnai had tears in his eyes and was staring at him pitifully.

“Daping, don’t fight, if it goes on like this, you won’t be able to get out of the village, run now, and leave Konoha directly while they don’t react.”

Looking at Jiu Xinnai in this state, a trace of distress appeared in Yeyu’s heart.

He was wronged, he looked like this, and he was still thinking about him, afraid that he would be surrounded and killed by the ninjas of Konoha Village, which is really kind.

“Okay, Jiu Xinnai, I’ll listen to you, let them go.”

Night Rain still compromised, he didn’t like to see his beloved girl cry, then he would also be sad.

The mood to play is disturbed by this waste.

Neither of them was interested, so they had to return to the residence of the Thousand Hands Clan.

However, there are always some people who can’t see the situation clearly and want to put their faces up for them to beat.

“Shinobu Night Rain under Sunain Village, Konoha Village trainee ninja Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai, you are suspected of making trouble in the village, come with us!”

Several ninjas wearing masks appeared in front of them.

On the mask, there are animals and other shapes, which is the ‘root’ of Shimura Danzo.

This old stick, there is nothing kind, really follow them to the base of the root, the average person may not be able to come out.

“Get out!”

Night Rain took Jiu Shinnai’s hand, and with a trace of anger, rushed directly to the ninja at the root.

The other party paused slightly, and then reacted!

“Do it, directly arrest the two people, as long as it does not cause danger to life, it doesn’t matter if you lack arms and legs, fight quickly!”

Sure enough, it is worthy of Shimura Danzo’s dog legs, and if he can do it, he will not force it.

Several ninjas attacked the two in tacit agreement, some intending to entangle the night rain, while the other wanted to control Jiu Xinnai.

In one day, offended again and again, the night rain was a little on fire.

“You Konoha Village, it’s really okay, originally for the sake of Grandma Mito and Tsunade’s face, I didn’t want to think about you, but now it seems that it can’t.”

“In that case, help Tsunade eliminate political enemies!”

With his eyes narrowed, countless thick trees rose up, instantly piercing the ninja in front of them.

He no longer wants to hide anything, people are not ruthless, they can’t stand steadily, only by beating such ambitious people and fearing them, they will not come to harass you again.

Maybe Night Rain isn’t afraid of these things, but Jiu Xinnai is different.

She is going to live in Konoha Village, and when Uzumaki Mito dies, although there is no one to deal with her on the surface, she is afraid that the rats inside will make small movements.

Thousand-day anti-thief is not good, directly strangle them to death, one.

Jiu Xinnai trembled and hid behind Night Rain, the bag tightly clinging to the latter’s strong back, a little afraid to look ahead.

As a student of the Ninja Academy, although experienced the destruction of the Vortex Village.

No matter how you say it, you are a child, and when you see a dead person, you will still be afraid.

“It’s okay, Jiu Xinnai, I won’t let these people hurt you anymore, all the people who laugh at you and bully you, I won’t let them go!”

Night Rain immediately comforted her.

Soon, the other ninjas of Konoha Village also arrived one after another.

The first to arrive were the old rivals, Konoha White Fang, Kiki Shuo Shigeru, and behind him, there were teams of dark ninjas.

Looking at the scene at the scene, I couldn’t help but shrink my pupils.

“It’s you, the kid you met when you were in the camp of Shayin Village, I didn’t expect you to grow up to this point, and you also mastered the art of the first generation of Hokage, it’s really dangerous!”

Qimu Shuomao squinted his eyes, looked at the other party vigilantly, and did not let his subordinates act rashly.

He could feel an extremely strong pressure from Night Rain’s body, and that kind of power stimulated every pore on his body.

It was as if as soon as he made a move, he would be hit hard.

A shadow avatar is separated, and the body holds Jiu Xinnai in his arms, while the shadow avatar acts as a diplomat.

“It’s been a long time, Qimu Shuomao, I didn’t expect you to become stronger, and you came to fight with me today?”

“No, I’m here to maintain order, can you tell me why you did it in Konoha Village and kill so many ninjas?”

Hearing Qimu Shuomao’s questioning tone, Yeyu was quite calm.

“Are you teaching me to do things? Don’t say that I am reasonable in this matter, even if I am not reasonable, what can you Konoha do with me, don’t put on that posture in front of me. ”

“You used to be okay, now, you don’t have that qualification.”

Night Rain’s arrogant words angered the people around him.

Although the expressions on their faces could not be seen clearly, from their trembling bodies, it could be seen that everyone was already angry.

Qimu Shuomao’s face is not particularly good-looking.

“In that case, then I can only capture you and then ask you properly!”

“I hope you are all knives, like your mouth, so sharp!”

Saying that, the two put on a fighting state.

It’s just that Night Rain sent a shadow avatar to fight, and against a Qimu Shuomao who is good at knife skills, one shadow avatar is enough.

If it weren’t for the feelings of Uzumaki Mito, the shadow doppelganger entered the immortal mode in seconds, called out the real thousands of hands, directly erased them from the map for you, and told you so much.

Qimu Shuomao was the first to attack, just when Night Rain was about to attack head-on.

Another figure quickly arrived and directly took the knife with her sandbag-sized fist.

Looking at the people coming, Qimu Shuomao asked suspiciously: “Tsunade, why are you stopping me, he is the one who destroyed the village, and he should be arrested and handed over to the three generations of adults.” ”

“Brother Shuomao, I’m sorry, other things can be discussed, but only him, I won’t hand it over to you.”

Hearing this, Kiki Shuomao was a little angry, obviously he was the Tsunade of the Konoha ninja, and he actually openly shielded a ninja from another village.

This made him a little puzzled, could it be because the opposite side could use Mu Duan?

“Tsunade, he killed several ninjas in the same village, stop messing around, hurry up and join hands with me and catch him together, what we should do.”

Tsunade’s face remained unchanged, still so calm and calm.

“I repeat, I won’t hand him over, this is also the future village is good, besides, even if I am here just now, I will kill these ninjas.”

Listening to this, anyone who doesn’t know the situation will feel that Tsunade is a bit messy.

At this time, Qimu Shuomao had such a feeling.

“In that case, then I can only attack you together, and afterwards, I will take the initiative to go to the Thousand Hands Clan to apologize to you!”

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