Back to the original starting point, remembering that you…

Bah, off topic.

The light flashed slightly, and Night Rain returned to the world of Naruto.

Feeling the several breaths around him, he couldn’t help but be slightly stunned, although he had experienced it many times, he was still a little unaccustomed to it.

“System, settle the reward!”

That’s right, in the Marvel universe, he didn’t bother with the system at all.

Now after returning, the settlement of this mission will begin.

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host, complete the black iron level mission – [Fight off the invaders], get commission, 200 system gold, Zitari related technology, space gems, mission points 40 points.”

With a casual glance, these bland task rewards could no longer bring him pleasure.

As soon as the idea moved, the system’s character panel appeared.

“Host: Night Rain

Mercenary Level: Black Iron

True Combat Power: Bronze Low Level

Mission Credits: 150 (0)

System Gold: 455.5”

That’s right, now the night rain, the strength has broken through.

During this period of rest, he not only absorbed the energy emanating from the space gem, but also absorbed the physique dropped by Thanos.

It is not fusion, it is absorption, in simple terms, it is absorbed into the body as energy.

Good luck happened, Chiming Nine Heavenly Chart broke through the third and came to the fourth.

That is to say, the current night rain, the cultivation of refining the body, has changed from an innate soul to a congenital soul, which is a qualitative leap.

The conjoined body of gods and demons is to make the body fundamentally fade from mortal fetuses, with a god-like body, as long as the head is not destroyed, people will not die.

Night Rain could feel that if he fought with Thanos now, he might not need to bother so much.

Even if it is just the norm, being able to fight with him is the confidence of Xiu Xian.

Looking at the huge number of points and gold coins, Yeyu thought carefully, and then spoke.

“System, upgrade my mercenary level from black iron to bronze.”

As soon as the voice fell, the task panel changed.

Mercenary Level: Bronze 100 (100).

“Dingdong, due to the increase in the level of the host, a small upgrade package will be given, please pay attention to check.”

Listening to this pleasant voice, Night Rain laughed.

It seems that if you increase your employment level once, you will be given a gift package.

The Water Breath and Autumn Water he got before were given by the system when he was upgraded to Black Iron, but they helped him a lot.

Now I have sent another one, and anyway, the current thing is much better.

No longer hesitating, Night Rain directly took the bag out of the system backpack and tore it open.

Inside lay two things quietly, a book and a flame.

[Three Thousand Thunder Movement]: Fighting Horse Continent, the high-level body fighting technique of the Wind Thunder Pavilion, with the power of thunder and lightning, thereby increasing the speed of the cultivator; It is divided into three layers: thunder flash, thunder instant, and three thousand thunder.

[Xuanhuangyan]: The unique flame of the Douma Continent is a red flame that faintly appears in the appearance of ten thousand beasts, which is condensed by the soul of ten thousand beasts and the blood of ten thousand beasts.

Seeing the introduction of the item, Ye Yu’s eyes couldn’t help but light up.

However, since then, it has been restored.

“It’s true, it’s better to replace the three thousand thunder movements with a little bit of singular water, so that you can also improve your physical strength with Xuan Huangyan.”

Yeyu pouted and said a little greedily.

Of course, he is just talking, in fact, three thousand thunder movements is also a good exercise.

The only deficiency is that you have to be slashed by lightning in order to cultivate.

Whether it is the country of wind or the country of fire, there is no such natural lightning site, only heard of the country of thunder, there is one.

It seems that the trip to the Land of Thunder must go.

After putting the two things away, Night Rain did not intend to cultivate now.

After all, one cultivation has prerequisites, and the other must cooperate with the water system treasures in order to accelerate the progress of the Chiming Nine Heavenly Map.

It’s so hard, seeing that the treasure can’t be used, there’s nothing more tormenting than that.

As for the night rain, why not use gold coins to buy a suitable water system treasure in the system mall.

The reason is complicated, presumably, he fancy something else.

[Crystal Palace (Kingdom of God)]: can collect creatures of various races and enter the kingdom of God, regardless of gender, the god lord will not be destroyed, and the kingdom of God will not be destroyed; The kingdom of God is not destroyed, the people of God are not dead, retail price: 500 gold coins.

This thing is something that he has been hungry for a long time.

To put it simply, as long as he buys this crystal palace and makes it confess the lord, he will become a god lord.

As long as they are willing to be branded by the Crystal Palace, they can enter the Kingdom of God, where the spiritual energy is sufficient and adapts to the laws of various worlds.

No matter what world people are, they can practice the power of each world in it.

Of course, after coming out, in one world using other worlds, it will be suppressed by the world.

After all, not everyone can convert all kinds of energy at will like night rain, and it is simply not Bi Lian to the extreme.

Those who join the Crystal Palace will not die as long as Night Rain does not die.

Even if they accidentally die, the Crystal Palace will automatically contain their souls and bodies and be reborn in the Crystal Palace.

This is a baby, those who go on tasks in the future and want to follow themselves, there is a way.

As for why this thing is so cheap, of course, it is because this is only the original version, and the area inside is very small.

It is necessary to absorb a certain number of divine citizens in order to be able to expand on its own.

What’s more, the expansion still requires materials, and it is not free.

But what can be done?

The top things are not even a fraction, so you can only buy something that is cultivated from scratch.

However, this kind of self-cultivated thing is still beneficial, and every time the Crystal Palace expands, it will feed back a stream of energy.

The God Lord who possesses it can absorb this energy and use it for his own cultivation.

Thinking about it this way, rounding it up and expanding the materials needed for the kingdom of God does not seem to be unacceptable.

“Sure enough, I was still too poor, if I had been ruthless at that time, took the Infinity Gauntlet and six rough stones, and sold myself to the system, I might have enough money now.”

“However, I can’t do that kind of thing, although the other party’s death has nothing to do with me, but it is also because I took the Infinity Stones.”

“So how could I possibly do something like that.”

Ye Yu sighed helplessly, he is really a good person.

If you meet those unscrupulous people, such as the reincarnation who appeared in the novels of the previous life, and do not gouge the grave of the Marvel world, it is thankful.

“Forget it, I don’t want to think about this, space gems can’t be sold, they can be used to upgrade the Crystal Palace in the future, now, let’s go to the Land of Thunder first.”

Saying that, Yeyu stood up, pushed the door and walked outside.

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