“Come on, let me see your strength, whether you have learned the essence of the original Hokage.”

The three generations of Lei Ying stood in place, looking extremely arrogant.

Although their army of ninjas was stopped by the night rain, he did not think that he would lose if he fought alone, he was a thunder shadow.

If he is cowardly before fighting, what qualifications do he have to lead the people of Yunyin Village.

Hearing his words, Yeyu smiled and laughed happily.

There are always some people who don’t understand the situation, and they like to pretend that they exist to teach them to be people.

“Come on, three generations of thunder shadows, I heard that your thunder armor is the most powerful, not only has great power, but also has rapid speed.”

“Today, let me have a good lesson.”

The face of the three generations of Lei Ying did not change color, and it was still extremely tough: “You will see.” ”


The two disappeared in place at the same time, their hands colliding together.

Due to the excessive force of the stepping, two footprints several centimeters deep have appeared on the ground.

As for why there are only two, because this footprint was stepped on by the three generations of thunder shadows, and the night rain was on the ground where he was standing just now.

There was not the slightest trace, even the high-speed movement, did not cause the ground to shatter.

Having practiced the Three Thousand Thunder Flashes, even if he did not activate his body technique, he could walk on the ground in most places with only his body.

Even if you accelerate sharply, it won’t hurt anything.

The three generations of Lei Ying did not discover this detail, but now they are secretly frightened.

If he was just appreciating when he was fighting Tsunade, but now, he couldn’t believe it.

His own attack, which had been strengthened by lightning, was actually blocked by the other party at will.

He could clearly perceive that the other party only relied on his body and did not have the slightest breath of Chakra, that is, this was a pure physical technique.

“What kind of monsters are the people of Konoha Village!”

At this time, only stunned can describe the surprise and fear in his heart.

“Excuse me, I’m not a ninja from Konoha, to be precise, I’m a ninja from Sand Hidden Village, and I’m just working with Konoha now.”

Ye Yu smiled slightly, he could feel the shaking of the three generations of thunder shadows, this is also a very normal thing, who can face him without being afraid.

To be honest, he didn’t even use half of his strength.

It’s just playing with three generations of thunder shadows, but this blow also let him know that the other party’s limit, a small physical trainer, can still be competent.

“Don’t play with you, I already know what you’re capable of, end it!”

Saying that, the night rain disappeared in place, so silent.

Neither Tsunade nor the three generations of Thunder Kage had noticed when they had disappeared, as if they had left out of thin air.

However, there is no flying Thunder God Nara fluctuation.

It can only be said that he disappeared with his strong physical strength.

“Three generations of Lei Ying, where are you looking, but they are fighting, it doesn’t seem to be very good to look around like this!”

Hearing this voice, the eyes of the third generation Lei Ying suddenly widened.

The voice came from behind him, but there was no time for him to hide.

The violent sound of breaking wind has arrived.


The extremely powerful leg whip hit the head of the third generation of Thunder Shadow again.

The latter was directly like half of an arrow that had taken off the bow, smashing into the depths of the forest, and even the Thunder Chakra pattern on his body was scattered.

Today, it is thunder shadow without tragedy.

His proud Chakra pattern, as well as his flesh, was ruthlessly crushed.

Night Rain could clearly sense that the third generation of Thunder Shadow had fainted and was already seriously injured.

The final place that hurt is probably the brain.

I hope that the six immortals will bless him and not beat him into a concussion, if he becomes a fool, then his physical training coach will have to find someone else.

Now is not the time to step forward to accept it, the people of Yunyin Village have problems in their brains.

He will go up and invite the other party at this time, join his own divine kingdom, maybe the three generations of thunder shadows will directly explode, and then desperately.

“Okay, Tsunade, let’s go back, the purpose of this trip has been achieved, the ninjas of the three villages have probably been repelled by the Mu Dun doppelganger, go back and discuss the future development.”

Listening to Night Rain’s flat tone, Tsunade pouted helplessly.

This monster is really uncomfortable.

I feel that my grandfather is not as powerful as him, and maybe only the legendary Six Dao Immortals can match him.

Tsunade didn’t want to walk on her own, and let the night rain take her back into the kingdom of God.

Ye Yu sighed, just about to run the Flying Thunder God Art, and wanted to return directly to the Thousand Hands Clan.

Suddenly, a faint aura appeared in his domineering appearance.

“Is it black again? It took the initiative to investigate, or Uchiha let it come here, but it doesn’t matter, since you encountered it, go and meet that ninja world. ”

Making up his mind, the night rain disappeared in place.

The power of wind and thunder moved, moving silently, leaving only an afterimage in place.

Interestingly, that black shadow actually still has traces of night rain, which can affect the judgment of others.

Thousands of meters away, a figure emerged from inside the tree.

This person, half miserable white, half pitch black, has a large pitcher plant on his head, which looks extremely strange.

“Is the battle over? Why is it that there are only three generations of Thunder Shadow and the breath of the eight-tailed human pillar force, and another person’s Chakra disappeared, what happened? ”

Hei Jue said to himself, but the Bai Jue possessed by it was a talker.

“Probably they all died together, you know, the three generations of Lei Ying Ai is not a simple character, not everyone can provoke him.”

Bai Jue’s funny tone kept invading towards Hei Jue on the other side.

Neither of them noticed that behind them, a handsome man had already stood out.

Yeyu looked at the two in front of him, touched his chin, and then directly stretched out his right hand and grabbed it.

“What man!”

Hei Jue was directly startled, but he was not careless.

Following Night Rain’s right hand, it was directly attached to his body.

When it saw the comer, it did not have fear, but laughed.

“Hahaha, Night Rain, I didn’t expect you to actually send it to the door by yourself, it’s really God help me, become my puppet!”

Saying that, Hei Jue was ready to occupy Night Rain’s body.

The latter smiled disdainfully, and the original energy worked, but instead controlled Hei Jue’s body. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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