The figure moved slightly, and he disappeared in place and came to a place.

That is, at the border of the protective layers of various countries.

At this moment, these protective shields have become fragmented.

As you can imagine, if there is a fierce attack now, the shield will absolutely shatter.

Even without such an attack, it is only a matter of time before the shield is broken.

Night Rain stretched out his hand curiously and touched the yellow protective cover.

From above, the faint but full of power made Ye Yu couldn’t help but be stunned.

It is worthy of the enchantment formed by the revival of aura, even if it is already a wind candle for a long time.

It also has such great power.

“Forget it, these things have little to do with me, it’s better to find the nine-tailed beast early, solve it early, and ease it early.”

Making up his mind, he passed directly through this protective shield.

He did not break it because it was not necessary.

Night Rain is not the kind of person who is ruthless and wantonly kills innocent people.

Unless there is a huge benefit, or someone adds money.


His mind moved slightly, and two figures appeared beside him.

One is tall and strong, the other is petite.

The two slowly opened their eyes and looked at everything around them with curious eyes.

Mikoto is generous, while Madara, with her own tsundere.

Even if you are extremely curious in your heart, your body will not be clearly revealed.

I, the ultimate boss, have no feelings.

“Night Rain Lord, is this another world? It doesn’t seem to be the same as the ninja world, the surrounding houses, the trees here, are much taller than the ninja world! ”

Mikoto took Night Rain’s hand and kept talking.

Madara, too, looked at everything around her, all of which were many new sights.

If it weren’t for their power system, it would be the Chakra refined by the body.

Otherwise, you will definitely be able to feel the rich aura that permeates the air.

Yeyu touched Mikoto’s head funny, and her face was full of pampering.

“Yes, this is another world, originally this world, just an ordinary world.”

“There is no strange power, it relies on technology, but in the future, a lot of things have changed.”

“The proper noun is that the aura between heaven and earth has been revived, and the alien beasts of football have broken into their world.”

“It may be that human life should not be extinguished, and the will of this world has briefly awakened, giving the human beings of this world the power to log in to other worlds.”

“Not only that, but humans can also bring the power gained by other worlds back to their bodies.”


That’s it, in a hurry.

Night Rain briefly explained the basic situation of this world to Mikoto and Madara.

The two who have not seen the big world will not think of it.

There is such a unique opportunity in the world.

Being able to gain great power so easily, even being able to gain unlimited life.

It’s really more human than people, and it’s infuriating!

Ye Yu smiled slightly, it is very normal to have this kind of thought, not suffering from the few and suffering from unevenness.

However, their fate came after encountering the night rain and joining the kingdom of God.

It’s completely changed.

Mikoto will not marry Uchiha Fugaku again, nor will she die a tragic death as in the original.

Madara, too, will not use the eye of reincarnation to launch the infinite moon reading.

He will not die tragically in the black looking back, this is all against the sky!

All of this requires night rain to carry.

And with an extremely powerful system that can travel through ten thousand worlds, he is destined to have no impact on him.

“Okay, Madara, don’t be surprised anymore, you will see a lot of such a situation in the future, now it’s still honest, let’s get stronger.”

Night Rain’s instructions made Madara’s reaction.

The latter regained his calm look and put his hands around his chest again.

The coercion of the Uchiha family has penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

“Hmph, wow Kada, I will not be weaker than them, I will dance with people from all worlds!”

Ye Yu’s face turned slightly dark, listen to this, this is what people said?

Realistic dressing is regardless of the occasion.

Just ignore what the latter said, and leave him alone for a while.

Night Rain lowered his hands to the ground.

Seeing the domineering and Chakra perception launched at the same time, the surrounding situation appeared in his mind extremely clearly.

To the east, are several virtual ones, from Killian, to Vashtod, each with a price;

To the south, several huge sea kings gathered here;

In the west, the overwhelming western dragon keeps circling in the sky;

And the last north, their target this time, the nine-tailed beast, is in this place.

The alien beasts in all four directions were constantly attacking the fragile protective shield.

In addition, there are many creatures in other directions, working together to attack the shield.

From this, we can see the last place of human existence.

It’s already in jeopardy!

However, these are not the problems he should worry about, every world, there are their fixed numbers.

Night Rain reopened his eyes and slowly stood up.

“Madara, the tailed beasts have been found, just when they are gathered together at this time, let’s go over now!”

Hearing this, Madara’s smile of excitement appeared.

After learning many things today, his horizons have broadened.

Now, he can’t wait to strengthen his strength.

“Okay, then let’s go, becoming a ten-tailed human pillar force is the first step for me to become stronger!”

Saying that, he left directly in an instant.

Yeyu opened her mouth and said nothing.

“Night Rain Lord, what do you want to say, is there any danger?”

Mikoto asked suspiciously.

The former shook his head helplessly and covered his face.

“No, those things don’t threaten Madara’s life, it’s just that he went in the wrong direction.”

Unexpectedly, the legendary Ninja Shura, the Uchiha Dance King.

Madara, too, will have such cute moments.

Now I finally know why he is so reconciled with Haharama.

Dull cute with natural stay, it’s a perfect match! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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