
Madala was half-squatting on the ground, her entire right hand open, clinging to the ground.

A circle of black runes extended out from his hand, and on the ground, it slowly became complete, looking very handsome.


Quack, quack, quack!

Above Madara’s head, six crows flew by.

The piercing howl, combined with the obvious white eyes, looked as if she was mocking him.

After waiting for a while, there was still no response.

Madara, finally impatient, stood up again, bit her finger again, re-sealed, and came again.


The Outer Path Golem still didn’t appear, and Madara’s madness was about to go crazy.

Just now forced the grid to come over, but the fart did not put one, like a clown, here to perform himself.

Is this in line with his title as the strongest dance king in the ninja world?

“Damn, what the hell is going on, why did the psychic technique fail!”

Unlike Madara’s ugly face, the roof of the abandoned building, the night rain is very happy at this time.

Before leaving, he still put the outer path golem into the Kingdom of God.

After all, I’m not sure if I can channel across the world, in case I get to the place, I can’t psychic the Golem of the outer path, then it’s not finished?

Just when Madara was psychic, he clearly felt it.

A force seemed to gush out from the kingdom of God, but it was suppressed by him.

Unexpectedly, the feeling just now was actually caused by Madara’s psychic outer path golem, so the latter did not successfully channel out.

Looking at Madara, who likes to pretend, it seems to eat shit’s face, and he is very happy.

“Forget it, don’t tease him, if you really make Madara, it’s not good to turn your face with me, although I’m not afraid of him, but it’s very troublesome!”

After seeing enough, Night Rain lifted the restrictions on the Golem of the Outer Way.

At the same time, Madara’s side suddenly exploded with smoke, and the outer golem suddenly appeared behind him.

He was slightly stunned, what does this delayed psychic mean?

Obviously, the things that use brains are not what Madara’s is good at, and maybe Hamilama is not good at either, both of them are only reckless irons.

The former is pure recklessness, and the latter probably helps the opponent increase his strength, and then go reckless.

“Maybe it’s because of the cross-world reason, there is some delay in psychic, but it’s okay, as long as it comes out, then it’s okay.”

Madara’s mood recovered slightly.

“Golem Lock!”

Slightly sealed, nine iron chains burst out from the outer demons.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the tailed beast.

The iron lock turned rapidly, tightly winding the tailed beasts, not only restricting their movement, but also sealing Chakra.


The chain was quickly retracted, and together with the tailed beast, it poured into the outer path golem.

With the domineering of the eye of reincarnation, the goal of this trip was quickly achieved.

The Golem of the Outer Way, no, should now be called the Ten Tails.

The ten tails that absorbed the nine tailed beasts became extremely huge, at least ten times more than the tailed beasts, and probably more than that.

The army inside the light curtain also discovered the situation here.

They looked at this scene blankly, their mouths wide open, and their faces were extremely ugly.

“Damn, originally those nine monsters were already very big, but I didn’t expect that now there is a bigger one, I don’t know if the energy shield can be blocked, if it can’t be blocked…”

The officer, who was the leader, did not continue to speak.

If the light curtain can’t block the attack of this big monster, then the result can be imagined.

Not only will their army die here because they resist the monsters, but even the city behind them will suffer great damage.

“Adjutant, inform the entire army and be ready for battle.”


Everyone present heard this.

They swallowed hard, perhaps they were afraid, but none of them retreated.

This is the soldier of the Dragon Country, for the safety of the country and the nation, even if he sacrifices his own life, he will not hesitate.

The other side.

Madara looked at the huge Ten Tails, and the whole person laughed.

“Ahahaha, ahahaha…”

The maniacal laughter of the Uchiha clan appeared in the other world.

“Finally waiting for this time, I, Uchiha Madara, will surpass the Six Dao Immortals today and become the first in the ninja world… No, the second person! ”

Madarara smiled slightly and clasped her hands together.

“Six Ten Tails Coffin!”

As his words fell, the Ten Tails turned into a flowing liquid that slowly entered his body from his back.

After all the ten tails entered, Madara easily withstood the will of the golem.

His whole body began to turn white, not only his body, but also his hair and clothes turned white, leaving only a little black collar.

Behind him, there are several black jade on his clothes.

And the nine Dao-seeking jades were quietly suspended behind him, and the whole person looked simply magnificent.

Mada pulled his hands and felt the energy in his body.

“Hahaha, is this the power of the Ten Tails? It’s so strong, I feel like I’m the strongest person now. ”

His old problems have been committed again, and he always feels that the sky is old, the earth is the second, and he is the third.

I saw that he slowly levitated into the air, obsessively looking at everything in the world, and the whole person looked extremely crazy.

Ye Yu looked at this scene calmly, in his perception.

Madara’s Chakra is not disordered in the slightest, and the blood flow is normal.

The conclusion was that the other party was not swallowed by the Ten Tails, and it was still Madara.

As for why he made such a humble action.

Probably because I became stronger, I was a little excited, and I couldn’t help but want to show it off.

Just as he was thinking, he saw Madara, in the air, quickly flying towards him and Mikoto, without any hiding at all.

Mikoto looked at this scene blankly, feeling a little strange.

She pointed at Madara, and asked suspiciously: “Night Rain Lord, Madara Laozu, it seems to be rushing towards us, and there is no slowdown at all!” ”

Of course, Night Rain saw it, and with his ass he could guess what Madala wanted to do.

Suddenly he became stronger, his self-confidence swelled, and he wanted to get back the field from him.

“It seems that you have to teach him a good lesson, if you don’t show your true strength, the other party will not die, just let me come and crush your pride!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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