An arrogant and unruly laughter, with the domineering air of the world, resounded throughout Marin Fando.

The voice turned into a powerful sound wave, and some naval soldiers, after hearing this domineering voice, began to tremble.

This is a completely different sound from before, coming from high in the sky.

The navies who were familiar with this voice all changed their faces suddenly, and they looked at the sky in amazement.

“Whitebeard, are you finally here?”

Marshal Sengoku stared at the air deadly, trying to see where this old opponent would appear from.


A sound of stepping on the ice came from the air.

I saw that on the sea frozen by Kuzan, countless figures appeared on it, looking condescendingly at everyone in Marin Fando.

It turned out that the white-bearded pirate group at that time was in the sea, and the sudden ninjutsu of the night rain not only brought up the seawater, but also their fleet, and rose to the sky together.

“That’s, the guerrilla knight Thoma, and the Dikarban brothers, this is the big vortex spider Skuyard… The pirates on the side of the New World Megatron are all here! ”

“Whitebeard Pirates, is this an all-out dispatch? There are so many evil sea thieves. ”

Among the naval soldiers, a commotion began.

Originally, they were attacked by the night rain and suffered heavy losses, and now the Whitebeard Pirate Group suddenly appeared again, and the current strength of the troops was completely unable to resist their attack.

The shadow of death hangs over everyone’s heads.

As the elite of the Navy, although they have long been ready to fight the Whitebeard Pirates.

But when they really saw so many famous pirates, although they still had a temporary advantage in numbers, their hearts were still very bottomless.

Ye Yu also glanced at the man high in the sky, his expression extremely solemn.

Although the other party’s qi and blood had almost decayed, he still felt a great sense of threat from that man’s body.

It’s hard to imagine how strong Whitebeard was in his heyday.

“It’s worthy of being called the strongest man in the world, but you come here, why do you steal my limelight, if you have that time, it’s better to rescue Ace directly!”

Just as he was secretly slandering, Whitebeard began to talk to Sengoku.

“Warring States, more and more powerful, actually found so many helpers, but do you think these smelly fish and rotten shrimp can block my impact?”

“Ace, wait a little longer, Daddy will be here soon!”

“The Whitebeard Pirates belong to the group, rush to the square and rescue Ace.”


As Whitebeard’s voice fell, the voice of the login also appeared in the ears of all players again.

“The top war quest begins, players of the pirate faction begin to enter, objective, help save Fire Fist Ace, naval faction, fight off all pirates, other factions, play freely.”

On the sea in the distance, countless white lights flashed, and one pirate ship after another appeared out of thin air.

The above are all players who choose the pirate camp, compared to the naval camp, there are many more pirates, and the number is almost several times.

“Kill, defeat the navy, rescue Fire Fist Ace, complete the mission!”

“Fire Fist Ace is mine, no one wants to rob it!”

“The mission is public, whoever has the ability, it is whoever, this time there must be a devil fruit reward, don’t get in the way, I want to become a human being.”

Everyone began to roar, and in the face of interests, sanity has disappeared.

“Solon, Sanji, let’s go too!”

Luffy, who was standing on the Miles of Sunshine, looked at the chaotic scene and knew that the time had come for him to strike, taking advantage of the large number of people, and secretly went under the execution table to save Ace.

“Ah, don’t worry, we’ll help you get rid of the navy blocking your way!”

Solon pulled out three knives, Sanji lit a cigarette, and the three began to rush into the crowd.

Although a little unhappy, Night Rain turned his head and said to the pheasant and Sakaski:

“Now, what are you going to do? Is it to stop me, or to solve Whitebeard, isn’t that the purpose of your public execution of Fire Fist Ace? ”

The green pheasant’s gaze flickered slightly, and he fell into deep thought.

The purpose of this trip is indeed to kill the Whitebeard Pirates, but if you give up the people in front of you and attack Whitebeard.

This man is like a wolf into a flock, and the navy will be slaughtered by him.

“Ah, pheasant, Sakaski, you can rest assured to deal with Whitebeard, this little brother will be handed over to me, although I can’t win him, but it’s okay to drag it out.”

Borusalino’s lewd voice appeared in the ears of the three.

I saw a flash of yellow light, and his whole person suddenly appeared and stood in front of the night rain.

“Wow Gada, leave it to you, Borusalino, be careful, don’t die, he’s very powerful.”

Kuzan instructed solemnly, and the latter was slightly stunned and said: “Of course, I am clearer than any of you, the strength of this man in front of me.” ”

Taking a deep look at Borusalino’s back, Kuzan and Sakaski left directly.

Now is not the time to hesitate, since the plan has changed, it is necessary to change it with all our strength, at least to solve it first.

Otherwise, when both are in full play, things will be difficult.

The night rain did not stop the departure of the two, since someone helped him share the firepower, then why not?

“Borusalino, can you get out of the way? After I rescue Ace, I’ll talk to you again, how about it, think about it. ”

“That’s not okay, if you don’t do anything, let you go, you will definitely be scolded by the Marshal of the Warring States, and I haven’t repaid the feud in the Chambord Islands last time!”

Hearing this, Night Rain looked strange.

Obviously he himself is an old ghost, what does it have to do with himself? Also take revenge, how to say such words.

“Okay, in that case, let’s defeat you first, and then go and save Ace, but can you block me, can you block my doppelganger?”

Saying that, Mu Duan, who was standing beside him, began to invade the surroundings.

Borusalino’s face gradually became solemn.

Originally, he thought that as long as he dragged the night rain and waited for Kuzan and Sakaski to finish, he didn’t expect this one.

It seems that it is impossible not to exert all its strength, and if it drags on a little longer, the navy may be killed and wounded.

“Come on, little brother!”

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