Start with Hyorinmaru Shikai, Who Said That Sealed State Is Weak

Chapter 105 Corrupted Apostles! Lin Ze Is The Best For This Kind Of Scene!

All four are experienced transcendents.

Although he was amazed in his heart, he did not show it on his face.

After Yang Anping's introduction, the group exchanged a few polite words and went straight to the topic.

"Without further ado, let's enter the secret realm first, and then talk to the two adults in detail on the specific intelligence road.

Sheng Liang said in a deep voice.

Lin Ze and Ren Wan bowed their heads slightly.

Yang Anping turned around and left.

His task is to lead the way, and then it is none of his business.

Without delay, the six people entered the secret realm without delay.

The moment through the fog.

Lin Ze had the illusion of passing through a membrane.

When the vision is clear again.

He found himself in the middle of the forest.

The fog that had covered the sky had disappeared.

As far as the eye can see, there are towering giant trees.

The thick trunk is at least four or five people thick.

The tangled roots of the tree broke through the hard ground, protruding and undulating, covered with a thick layer of moss.

It looks like a cyan net has been knotted on the ground.

Overhead, the dense canopy of trees intertwined with each other, almost obscuring the sky.

Sporadic sunlight pours through the gaps in the leaves, making the surrounding environment look a little gloomy.

Everyone had the illusion that they were in a huge maze for a while.

"Is this the secret territory..."

Ren Wan murmured softly.


She twitched her lower nose slightly and frowned.

Lin Ze narrowed his eyes as well.

He immediately sensed the evil aura that permeated the air.

And there is also a hint of decay.

It is hard to imagine such a dead decay in a forest that represents life.

"Speaking of which, which evil god's divine kingdom does this Shattered Secret Realm belong to?"

Lin Ze asked suddenly.

Sheng Liang immediately replied:

"According to our investigation these days, it is very likely to belong to the God of Jackals!"

"God of jackals?"

"It was an ancient god that existed in legend, and it is said that he has fallen, and now only some ancient books can see the relevant records."

Speaking of this, Sheng Liang looked a little emotional.

"We didn't expect that the Shattered Secret Realm discovered this time turned out to be the God of Jackals."

While speaking, the group walked forward.

On the road.

Lin Ze saw quite a few monster corpses.

It looks like a wild wolf.

But it is the size of a calf.

It is dark throughout, and the skin is covered with rotten Madara blocks.

It is not a sign of decaying corpses, but it is pre-existent.

Connected with the decaying aura in the air, Lin Ze's eyes flashed thoughtfully.

Sure enough.

There was a voice of explanation in Sheng Liang's ears.

"This is a rotting wolf, an evil demon created by the god of jackals in the records!"

"The strength level ranges from the lower to upper levels of the Black Coffin level, and it is the largest number of demons in this Shattered Secret Territory!"

Fan Shuo squatted down to observe for a few seconds, and said firmly:

"Not long after this rotten wolf died, it looks like someone just passed by not long ago!"

Xue Mingcheng nodded and answered:

"It should be someone from some extraordinary family!"

"The degenerate of the cult has the means to expel the evil spirit, and they do not waste their strength to kill the rotten wolf."

Fan Shuo and Xue Mingcheng were both experienced transcendent officers, and in a few words, they speculated the identity of the transcendent who killed this rotten wolf.

The crowd went deeper.

More and more carrion carcasses were encountered on the road.

After another seven or eight minutes.

They finally heard the movement of fighting ahead.

Several people glanced at each other, and tacitly accelerated their steps forward.


They saw the crowd that caused the movement.

Against all odds.

It's not just one team that's fighting.

There are three!

Each team has more than ten people.

They were clearly divided into three regiments, each facing dozens of rotten wolves.

The strength of these people is very good.

The weakest one has the strength of the Six Souls Realm.

Among them, there are even quasi-saint-level masters!

Dealing with a rotten wolf that was only equivalent to the Four Souls Realm to the Six Souls Realm was simply not too easy.

"They are all people from extraordinary families!"

Sheng Liang said in a low voice, like a few family treasures.

"The one on the left is the Liu family in Huaiping City, the Jin family in Hanshui City in the middle, and the An family in Quantong City on the right."

The intelligence work of the Black Rock Division is clearly doing well.

The list of all the extraordinary families who entered the secret realm was already in their hands.

Lin Ze watched with interest the battle between the three extraordinary families.

The three extraordinary families Sheng Liang mentioned are not regional families like the Guo family and the Xiao family.

But a behemoth at the top of the entire Federation!

You can see it right in front of your eyes.

Just a team exploring the secret realm, there is a quasi-saint-level existence.

There are also several Nine Souls Realm.

It's almost comparable to the full high-end combat power of a Night Stalker division!

The depth of these top extraordinary families at the apex of the Federation can be seen from this.

In fact.

At this time, Lin Ze was surrounded by someone from a top extraordinary family.

Thinking of this, Lin Ze couldn't help but glance at Ren Wan.


The battle is over.

All the rotting wolves were wiped out.

And the people of the three extraordinary families also noticed the existence of Lin Ze and the others for the first time, and turned their heads one after another.

When their gazes swept over the military uniforms on Fan Shuo and Xue Mingcheng's bodies, everyone's eyes froze sharply, and their hearts were instantly clear.

It is a joint team of the Black Rock Division and the Federal Military!

The people who settled down reacted the fastest, and the leader smiled at Lin Ze and the others.

The people of the other two also reacted and greeted each other.

Running to the territory of the Black Rock Branch without permission to explore the secret realm, they were more or less weak-hearted.

This will naturally not be able to end the shelf.

However, Sheng Liang and the others did not put on a face.

After all, this Shattered Secret Realm was not the first thing they discovered.

And these people present are also part of the Federation.

In other words, the obsidian troops of the White Eagle Empire, or the degenerate of the three major cults, they will definitely do it directly without saying a word!

None of the parties had any intention of greeting each other.

After nodding to each other, they continued to walk.

This time, Mo Zizhen explained to Lin Ze and Ren Wan.

"The forest we are in now is the outer area of the secret realm."

"After passing through the forest is a valley with a huge castle in the deepest part of the valley.

"That's the heart of the secret realm!"

Ren Wan asked curiously:

"What's going on inside the castle?"

"We don't know."

Mo Zizhen smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"At present, we only explore the periphery of the castle, and when we get to the castle, our strength is no longer enough to go further."

Hearing this, Lin Ze and Ren Wan looked at each other and were a little surprised.

Mo Zizhen and the four are all quasi-saints.

In terms of team strength, it was much stronger than the previous three extraordinary families.

Such a strength cannot enter the castle, what difficulties exist there?

Lin Ze was about to inquire, but was interrupted by a sudden sound.


A distant wolf howl suddenly sounded in the forest.

Then more wolf howls echoed from the forests near and far.

"It's a rotten wolf!"

Fan Shuo's expression froze.

".~ Listen to the sound, there are quite a few of them!"

In fact, there is no need for Fan Shuo to remind him.

Everyone had already seen the red dots beginning to move in the forest ahead.

That's the pupil of the wolf beast.

First a little red light.

And then more and more.

The dots of scarlet light are densely connected, as if there is no end to the ocean.

The air seemed to be filled with the low gasps of those grinning beasts.

The extraordinary family team not far away suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air, and their faces changed in unison.

Carrion wolves are not difficult to deal with.

Especially for the strong people present.

Any team can easily deal with hundreds of rotten wolves.

But when this number expands to thousands, the threat multiplies geometrically!

"It's the wolves! Everyone, be careful!"

"What's going on with this amount? That's too much!"

"It's the corrupt apostle! They're definitely manipulating behind it!"

Exclamations rang out in the ranks of the three extraordinary families.

Lin Ze raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Corrupt the apostles?

What kind of evil is this?

Mo Zizhen's voice sounded in time.

"The corrupt apostle is the invoker in the kingdom of the jackal god God!"

"They have the ability to control the rotting wolf pack, and at the same time they are also very strong, each of them has quasi-saint-level strength!"

It's actually a prayer!

Lin Ze's eyes shimmered.

Outstanding believers who were devout during their lives will be brought by divine messengers to their respective kingdoms of God to be reborn after death and become eternal and immortal prayers.

(Wang Zhao) is similar to a person who enters heaven after death.

But those who pray are generally not allowed to leave the place ordained by the gods.

And after the death of the gods, they will also die forever.

Or become a prayer to other gods who kill their gods.

It stands to reason.

Since the god of jackals has fallen, the prayer should also die with him.

How can it still survive?

But now is not the time to think about it.

The rotting wolves have rushed out of the darkness.

The dense wolf beasts were like a rolling black carpet, rushing towards everyone like a tide.

Just a breath of effort.

The black torrent slammed into the three extraordinary family teams.

In an instant, blood and flesh splattered.

The fierce battle began.

Lin Ze and the others did not fall into the battle immediately because of the distance.

It's just that the corrupt apostles who manipulated behind them soon discovered them, immediately controlled the wolves to divide a part, and blatantly killed them.

Sheng Liang and Mo Zizhen looked solemn, and were about to make a move, but were stopped by Ren Wan waving his hand.

The girl smiled slightly and said:

"Just leave it to Lin Ze."

"He is best suited to deal with this kind of scene!"

The four of Sheng Liang were stunned, wondering the meaning of this sentence.

There was a calm voice in my ears without a trace of waves.

"Bankai, Japanese Sakura Manga!"

The sky is full of Sakura flowers flying in an instant!.

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