Start with Hyorinmaru Shikai, Who Said That Sealed State Is Weak

Chapter 21: The Ritual Offerings To The Gods, The Conspiracy In The Corner

In the corner.

The two figures fixed their gaze on the battle in the mirror and talked in low voices.

"The noses of these Federation Eagle Dogs are still as sensitive as ever, and they found this place so quickly!"

"Not because you stabbed a hornet's nest? There are more than three hundred lives, and the night stalker can't do it without launching a large-scale search! ”

"Hmph, blame me now? If it weren't for me, where would you have hatched so many horrible corpses in a hotbed? Where did the flesh and blood cultivate the blood-streaked corpse? Then why don't you stop me? ”

“...... It's useless to say this now, let's think about how to deal with these three Night Stalkers. ”

Seeing that his companion was soft, another tall degenerate smiled proudly and said disapprovingly:

"What is there to worry about, but two rookies who are not even official commissioners, so the woman behind needs to work hard to solve it!"

"Don't take it lightly, that woman's origin is not small, her name is Guo Man, she is a famous young genius among the Night Stalkers, it is said that she is only one foot away from the Three Souls Realm, and has S-level ability, and her real strength is probably not much worse than the Four Souls Realm!"

Hearing this, the tall degenerate's eyes suddenly flickered.

But soon, his expression returned to ease, and he said abruptly:

"What are you afraid of, the two of us are Four Souls Realm transcendents, plus so many terrifying corpses, it is more than enough to deal with a Four Souls Realm Night Stalker Commissioner and two rookies!"

“...... That's right. ”

"Don't be afraid, don't forget that the god sacrifice ceremony is about to be held, the priest ordered to collect sacrifices everywhere, the two of us have been busy for so many days without harvest, and now it's not just right, someone took the initiative to send it to the door!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the companion who had originally frowned suddenly lit up.

"That's right, Guo Man's talent Penultimate, if he can capture her and sacrifice her as a sacrifice, he will definitely be able to greatly please my lord, and by then, the adults will probably be very happy!"

Thinking of this, the hesitation on the face of the thin degenerate who spoke was suddenly swept away.

In its place was a look of excitement.

"And these two."

The tall degenerate pointed to Lin Ze and Xiao Xi in the mirror.

"You probably don't know it, these two rookies are the first and second place among this year's Blackstone training camp graduates."

"Especially this kid, he killed an evil beast and ghost in the assessment!"


When the thin degenerate heard this, his eyes widened suddenly, revealing a look of horror.

The evil beast ghost is a high-ranking evil demon of the Baiyou level.

A newcomer transcendent who has just graduated can actually kill evil beasts and ghosts, this strength and talent is too amazing!

But he didn't doubt the words of the tall degenerate.

After all, he knew that the tall degenerate had intelligence channels in the Blackstone training camp.

Just a few days ago, the tall degenerate even hatched a terrifying corpse in the Blackstone training camp, which made the training camp lose face a lot.

"In this way, this kid's talent is probably better than Guo Man!"

A strong surprise burst out of the eyes of the emaciated degenerate.

Two peerless geniuses.

The other girl, although slightly inferior, is also a genius with excellent qualifications.

Once such a high-quality sacrifice is offered, the ritual of offering to the gods must be greatly successful.

And the two of them will definitely be rewarded by the adults above, and their status in the sect will inevitably rise.

As soon as they thought of this, the excitement on the faces of the two suddenly became stronger.

The eyes of the three people looking at the mirror also changed, with an undisguised greed.

It's as if you're looking at some rare prey.

As for the strength of the three.

They didn't take it to heart at all.

Guo Man may still deserve some attention from them, but that's about it.

As for the remaining two, their talents are certainly excellent, but at this stage, they are only newcomers, and no matter how strong they are, they are limited.

Not in their eyes at all.

"Get ready to do it!"

"Okay, I'll call my pet here!"


The second floor of the factory building.

The dirty concrete floor was already covered with corpses.

More than twenty corpses covered in frost lay motionless and stiff on the ground, having lost their life.

Among them, there were even five or six blood-streaked corpses.

Lin Ze stood in the center of the corpses on the ground, and the blade in his hand condensed a layer of solid ice.

Seven or eight meters away.

Xiao Xi stared intently at Lin Ze's back, his eyes shining.

Further afield.

Guo Manqiao's face was also full of amazement.

The two of them saw the scene of Lin Ze's destruction of the slaughtering corpses with their own eyes, and they were already amazed in their hearts.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that this was the work of a newcomer transcendent.

"This strength is no less than many junior commissioners!"

Guo Man secretly admired.

Seeing Lin Ze walking towards the third floor, he quickly followed.

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