Start with Hyorinmaru Shikai, Who Said That Sealed State Is Weak

Chapter 35 The Crow That Spouts Human Words, The Hunt Begins!

Not often.

Then a transcendent person who had mastered the healing power rushed over and began to treat Xu Yue and the others.

The commotion quickly subsided.

Lin Ze retracted his gaze and walked towards the counter.

He planned to see if there were any tasks to pick up.

The tasks performed by the Night Stalker are usually divided into two types.

One is a more urgent task, which is carried out by personnel directly designated by the division.

Usually a demon trail is found somewhere and the Night Stalker needs to go to clean it up immediately.

The other, on the other hand, is less urgent.

Generally, some members have free time and then take the initiative to apply for implementation.

These tasks are typically investigative tasks.

For example, there is a suspected evil demon somewhere that needs to be verified by the night stalker.

What Lin Ze sees now is basically this kind of task.

"It seems that it is not so easy to hunt evil demons directly."

With a sigh of disappointment, Lin Ze casually chose a place to investigate the existence of demons, and left the hall in a hurry to the mission destination.

Looking at his back as he left, Guo Man couldn't help but sigh.

"There are too few people like Lin Ze who are so talented and still work so hard."

"He will definitely become a famous extraordinary powerhouse in the future!"

Xiao Xi nodded thoughtfully, and a pair of shining eyes stared straight at Lin Ze's back.

"I have to work hard too, I must keep up with him!"

The girl turned and walked towards the counter.

She also wants to take on tasks, train herself through actual combat, and improve her strength!

Strive to become a full commissioner as soon as possible!


Night falls.

The bright moonlight spilled like mercury on the secluded streets.

It was as if a thin white blanket had been laid on the floor.

It was late at night.

The streets were empty.

Only in a dark corner, there was a dark shadow slowly surging.

A moment later.

A figure came out of the darkness.

With the help of the moonlight, you can see that it is a twenty-seven-eight-year-old youth.

The cheeks are thin and the eyes are narrow and long.

With a very uncomfortable haze.


A sound of wings flapping suddenly sounded, breaking the silence around it.

A crow fell from the sky and landed on the young man's shoulder.

Combing the feathers on the wings with its pointed beak, the crow then spoke.

"The target is coming this way, and it is expected to pass this street in three minutes."

The young man was not surprised by the crow's spit on people, and said coldly when he heard this:

"Who is the target this time?"

"Lin Ze, who just graduated from Blackstone training camp two days ago, has now joined the Nightstalker."

“...... You're kidding? You actually asked me to hunt a rookie? ”

"Don't underestimate the target, Lin Ze is the chief of this Blackstone graduate, set a new record in the graduation examination, and just today, he became the official commissioner of the Nightstalker."

The young man was taken aback.

"Impossible! According to your statement, he has joined the Night Stalker for less than two days, how can he turn positive in such a short time, unheard of! ”

The crow continued to comb the feathers on his body and said lightly:

"Just yesterday, Lin Ze killed two members of the Fear and Nightmare Sect, as well as more than two hundred Horrible Corpses and Blood-Patterned Horde Corpses."

"With such a huge merit, it is not surprising that the Night Stalker directly exempted him from the inspection to make him right."

The young man suddenly fell silent.

Even he, the moment he heard the news, fell into an indescribable shock.

More than ten seconds passed.

He took a deep breath and came back to his senses.

"I see."

"This is indeed a very good hunting target!"

"When I kill him, I will immediately perform a sacrificial ceremony, believing that our Lord will be satisfied with my sacrifice!"

There was a hint of excitement and excitement in the youth's tone.

The crow glanced at him and said lightly:

"If you let the target escape again this time, don't blame me for being ruthless and report directly to the priest."

The young man's expression froze, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he snorted coldly.

"Today was just an accident!"

"Who would have thought that those guys still have strange things in their hands?"

"If it weren't for that strange thing, those guys wouldn't have escaped my palm!"

Raven faint Kaidō:

"The target this time is from an ordinary background, and most of them will not have strange things on them."

The young man nodded slowly, and a sinister smile appeared on his face.

"Then I'm relieved!"

"This time I promise not to let the target escape again!"

What about geniuses?

No matter how good the qualification is, it will take time to precipitate before it can be transformed into strength!

Judging from the words just now, the target strength is at most the peak of the Four Souls Realm.

With his strength at the level of the Five Souls Realm, he was afraid that he would not be able to deal with a Night Stalker of the Four Souls Realm?


"Here comes the goal."

The crow spoke, then fluttered its wings and rushed into the sky, disappearing into the night

"My task has been completed, and I will leave it to you next."

The voice faded away.

The young man retracted his gaze, his gloomy gaze shot straight at the figure that appeared at the end of the street like a sharp arrow, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"The hunt begins!"

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