Start with Hyorinmaru Shikai, Who Said That Sealed State Is Weak

Chapter 43 Nightmare Realm, Mystical Objects

Late at night.

On the corner of Jinhua Street in the Eastern District.

An inconspicuous van slowly approached and stopped in some dark corner.

It was late at night.

The streets were empty.

No one noticed the presence of the van.

In the carriage, Liu Jing and others were sitting in front of a huge electronic display.

A frontal photo of two middle-aged men was displayed on the screen.

"These two are the target tonight."

"The one on the left is called Zheng Ping, the ability to awaken is a D-level [brute bull], and the effect is to greatly improve his strength and physical strength."

"The person on the right is called Zhao Tianpei, and the ability to awaken is an E-grade [Solid Rock Skin], which can make the skin have a hardness comparable to granite."

"The ability level of the two is not high, but they are both fused with evil demons, so the strength is stronger than the ordinary Five Souls Realm, so be careful when you go up!"

Liu Jing's voice sounded in the carriage, making the final arrangements and arrangements.

She stretched out her palm and swiped lightly on the electronic display.

A map soon emerged.

"This is the map of the target hiding company, Wu He, Xu Chen, Lao Yong, the three of you will go to the back door, once the target tries to escape, immediately block it, just drag it until we arrive!"

"Xiao Chu, Song Jian, Xiao Xi, the three of you are blocked here, this road leads to the residential area, you must not let any evil demon rush into the residential area, so as not to cause more damage!"

"The rest of the people sneak in head-on with me!"

"Remember, the first task is to capture the target alive, but if you can't do anything, don't leave your hands behind, kill the target directly, and the most important thing is to keep yourself safe!"

"Is everyone clear?"

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, let's get moving!"

As Liu Jing's words fell, the carriage door immediately opened.

Everyone rushed down, silently and quickly and flexibly to their respective places of responsibility.

Including Lin Ze, there were a total of four people who sneaked in head-on.

In addition to Liu Jing and Guo Man, there is also a man named Lao Jia.

He is also a transcendent of the Four Souls Realm.

Under the cover of night.

The four of them silently walked through a distance of more than two hundred meters and came to the corner outside the company's yard.

After glancing at each other, the four jumped up on the spot at the same time, easily climbed over the wall, and landed on the soft ground of the yard.

However, as soon as his feet hit the ground.

A strong sense of unease suddenly surged in Lin Ze's heart.

Without waiting for him to react.

Next second.

Boundless black fog emerged out of thin air, obscuring the entire field of vision.

The world fell into darkness all at once!

Lin Ze was taken aback and immediately summoned Zanpakutō.

Just after doing this action, the next second, the darkness faded like a tide, and the vision returned to clarity.

Lin Ze quickly looked around.

As far as the eye can see, it is still the same courtyard.

However, everything seemed to be covered with a layer of gray dead silence.

Above the night sky.

The originally bright and clear moon was dyed with a layer of scarlet blood at some point.

"What's going on here?"

Lao Jia's face changed drastically, and he looked around in shock.

Liu Jing and Guo Man also looked solemn.

The situation in front of them was completely beyond their expectations.

Something obviously happened unexpectedly.


There were footsteps in the distance.

But it was Xiao Xi and the others who rushed over.

After sensing that something was wrong with their surroundings, they decisively rushed to join the four of Liu Jing.

"Big Sister, what's going on?"

"It's a bit weird!"

"I can't feel the breath of living people other than us!"

Although the surrounding area was also silent before.

But it was just the dead of night.

But now it is a deathly silence.

You can't feel the presence of living people around you at all.

It was as if everyone had disappeared in an instant.

Even the most dull people now understood that they had fallen into the enemy's trap.

"Calm down!"

Liu Jingqing drank, calming down the somewhat panicked crowd.

Immediately followed.

She looked at Guo Man, who frowned as if she had thought of something, and asked:

"Did you find something?"

Liu Jing knew that Guo Man came from an extraordinary family and could access many secrets that ordinary extraordinary people could not access.

She might see something.

Seeing everyone looking, Guo Man pondered for a few seconds and hesitated:

"If I guessed correctly, we should have been dragged into the realm of nightmares!"


As soon as these two words came out, Liu Jing and the others changed color in unison.

You must know that the realm is a top extraordinary powerhouse above the Nine Souls Realm, an ability that can be mastered!

Could it be that among the enemies they are facing at this moment are the top extraordinary powerhouses who have mastered the realm?


No way!

If the Fear and Nightmare Sect had a strong person of this level, it would not be chased by the Night Stalker like a rat crossing the street.

Sure enough.

Guo Man followed suit and shook his head.

"Not a real domain ability, but the effect of a strange thing!"

Liu Jing frowned: "You mean... Wonders? ”

"That's right."

Guo Man nodded solemnly.

Odd objects refer to items that have special abilities.

Among them, it is divided into natural wonders, man-made wonders and divine wonders.

Needless to say, the first two can be distinguished from the name.

Divine thoughts and wonders are items that are infected by the gods and gods during the ritual of worship to the gods, resulting in certain special abilities.

Since only cultists perform rituals to sacrifice to the gods.

Therefore, most of the mysterious things of the gods are items infected by the evil gods.

Before Guo Man could speak, a gloomy voice suddenly sounded in the field.

"I didn't expect that you were quite knowledgeable and actually knew about the Nightmare Realm and Divine Wonders!"

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