Start with Hyorinmaru Shikai, Who Said That Sealed State Is Weak

Chapter 54 Where Is This Sheep, It Is Clearly A Tiger!

Look at the Sakura flowers flying around.

The two trainees subconsciously swallowed their spit.

For some reason, they felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

It's like you're facing something terrible.

The two of them's gazes then fell on the person in front of them, and their minds turned sharply.

Quickly recalled the named and surnamed commissioners of the Night Stalker.


They locked one person.

Lin Ze!

Night Stalker's recent rise to fame as a talented newcomer!

Graduated from Blackstone Training Camp as the chief and set an unprecedented super high assessment record!

On the first day of joining the Nightcrawler, he killed two Four Soul Realm members of the Fear and Nightmare Sect and was promoted to junior commissioner!

Subsequently, he independently killed Shen Ji, who had teleportation ability and Five Soul Realm strength, and was known for his cunning and cruelty!

One record after another is extremely impressive.

Known as a peerless genius that Night Stalker has rarely seen in a century!

Even Yan Shi, who was the priest, heard the name Lin Ze.

Naturally, they will not be unaware.

It's just that in his memory, Lin Ze obviously only has the strength level of the Five Souls Realm or so.

When did you become so tough?

Unexpectedly, even Zhou Huan, a Seven Souls Realm transcendent, died under him?

The two trainees looked at each other, and both had a look of surprise and uncertainty in their eyes.

"Looks like you recognize me."

Seeing the change in the demeanor of the two, Lin Ze immediately understood.

However, he had no intention of making small talk with the enemy.

The voice fell.

The Sakura flowers accelerated abruptly and swept towards the two of them!

The fear of death instantly enveloped the two of them.

Without hesitation, the two trainee priests immediately roared and changed into evil demon forms.

Next second.

The Sakura flower torrent had already hit the two of them violently, instantly submerging them.

The powerful evil demon body that the two are proud of is as fragile as tofu under the stranglehold of Sakura flowers!

Before consciousness is overwhelmed by intense pain and darkness.

The last thought involuntarily flashed in the minds of the two.

"It turned out to be really an Eight Souls Realm Transcendent!"



There was a deafening roar in the distance.

Immediately followed.

Two familiar breaths rose up into the sky.

Yan Shi suddenly raised his head, his eyes looking in the direction where the movement came from in amazement.

"This is..."

A look of surprise flashed in Yan Shi's eyes.

What's going on?

Doesn't it mean that the intruder is just a young transcendent being?

Why did even Liu An and them have to turn into evil demon forms and have to go all out?

What happened?

Yan Shi's heart was full of doubts.

However, what shocked him even more was yet to come.

It lasted less than five seconds.

Those two breaths were like candles in the wind, dissipating in a blink of an eye!

At this moment, Yan Shi was really shocked.

There was a look of disbelief on his face.

The two trainee priests of the Seven Souls Realm were actually killed after only supporting it for less than five seconds!

The person who came could not be an extraordinary powerhouse at the level of the Eight Souls Realm!

"No, it can't be!"

"The High Commissioner of the Night Stalker who is still in Tianyu City has been dragged down by the people I sent, and there is no way to get out and make trouble here!"

"But in that case, who is the intruder?"

"Could it be the newly promoted High Commissioner?"

Many thoughts flashed through Yan Shi's mind in an instant.

But he soon stopped guessing.

The end of the view.

A figure has slowly appeared.

His gaze fell on the other party's young face, and Yan Shi was suddenly stunned.

This face he had an impression of.

Isn't it the genius newcomer that Night Stalker has been rumoring about lately?

Is the intruder him?

Recovering from his shock, Yan Shi's figure flashed, and he had stopped not far in front of Lin Ze, preventing him from continuing to approach the ceremonial site.

"Liu An and Yao Qian, they were killed by you?"

Yan Shi stared at Lin Ze with dead eyes.

Lin Ze smiled disapprovingly and shrugged slightly.

"If you're talking about those two Seven Soul Realm degenerates, then it should be right."

Even if he had already guessed psychologically, but hearing Lin Ze admit with his own ears, Yan Shi couldn't help but be shocked.

The rumored nocturnal genius newcomer turned out to be an extraordinary person at the level of the Eight Souls Realm?

It's a fantasy!

Yan Shi couldn't believe it.

But he knew that the other party did not need to lie at all.

No wonder those left behind on the periphery could not resist the intruders!

He had thought that the intruder was a little sheep who had strayed into the wolf's den.

But now it seems that where the other party is a sheep, it is clearly a menacing tiger!

Lin Ze didn't care about Yan Shiru's sight of the enemy.

He raised his head, his gaze straight over Yan Shi, and landed on the ceremony site in the distance.

In his keen perception.

A majestic and powerful will is gradually condensing and growing.

Just wait to grow to a certain node, you can break the shackles and truly come to this world!

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Grab it now (Event period: October 1st to October 7th)

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