Start with Hyorinmaru Shikai, Who Said That Sealed State Is Weak

Chapter 57 The Counterattack Before Death, The Gods Come!


Deathly silence!

Everyone looked at this scene in a daze, with a sense of unreality in a dream.

No one expected the situation to change so abruptly.

It was clear that a few seconds ago, Yan Shi was only slightly downwind.

As a result, he was seriously injured and unconscious in a blink of an eye.

This scene was far beyond their expectations!

It's been a long time.

Only then did everyone wake up.

The faces of the fallen immediately turned pale.

The Night Stalker Commissioners, on the other hand, let out cheers of surprise.

"That's awesome!"

"It's so strong, even that Yan Shi is not an opponent!"

"What was that blow just now? It feels horrible! ”

"Worthy of Lin Ze!"

Exclamations arose one after another.

The eyes of everyone looking at Lin Ze have brought irrepressible awe and worship.

At the age of less than twenty, he defeated the priest of the Fear and Nightmare Sect head-on, and was an extraordinary powerhouse in the Eight Souls Realm.

If this record spreads, I don't know how many people will break their jaws!

Guo Man, Xiao Xi and Liu Jing's eyes were even brighter.

This is the moment.

Lin Ze has undoubtedly become the center of attention.

Yet he didn't care.

After defeating Yan Shi, he set his sights on the ceremonial venue.

Seeing Lin Ze looking, the degenerates around the strange pattern suddenly fell into panic.

Even the Lord Priest is not this person's opponent, and it is even more impossible for them to fight!

That being said.

There are still many fanatical degenerates who rise from the ground, ready to use their lives to stop Lin Ze.

Right at this moment.

A crisp click suddenly sounded.

But it came from behind.

Lin Ze looked back in surprise, and his gaze fell on Yan Shi, who had a pale face.

The latter was struggling to straighten up his upper body, holding a pitch-black gemstone the size of a dragon's eye, the surface of which was already covered with cracks.

The sound just now was made by Yan Shi crushing the gemstone.

"I can't see that you are really resistant to fighting!"

Lin Ze raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but sigh.

The front bears the scenery· Senbonzakura Kageyoshi hit and was not dead.

Should it be said that it is worthy of being a cultist?

Obviously, Yan Shi also fused some kind of physique strong demon!

Listening to Lin Ze's slightly sarcastic words, Yan Shi was unusually not annoyed, but laughed wildly.

"Don't be proud, boy, don't think I'll end up if you win!"

"Even if I die, I will pull you to be buried together!"

As if to verify his words, a mournful scream suddenly sounded not far away.

Everyone looked at each other in amazement.

It was found that the degenerates around the ritual site all collapsed to the ground for some reason, as if they were in great pain, wailing and rolling while constantly rolling.

Even the twenty-odd degenerates who were attacking Liu Jing and the others were no exception.


A muffled sound like a water balloon exploding suddenly exploded.

But the body of a fallen person suddenly exploded, turning into a blood mist in the sky.

It seems to be some kind of signal.

The next moment.

One after another, the fallen exploded into a mist of blood.

In less than five seconds.

The mournful wail disappeared.

Hundreds of fallen people all exploded and died.

It turned into a thick blood mist that enveloped the entire ceremony venue.

And immediately followed.

As if under some kind of pull, those blood mist quickly submerged into the strange pattern of the ground.

As the blood mist submerged, the mysterious will that shrouded the ceremonial venue suddenly grew sharply.

The sudden change suddenly made the commissioners' faces change greatly.

"What's going on here?"

"What happened?"

"It's not good, the ceremony is still going on!"

"Stop it!"

Several commissioners immediately used their abilities to destroy the ceremonial venue.

However, their attacks were invariably blocked.

An invisible will is guarding the entire ceremony grounds!

"Hahaha, it's useless!"

"The ceremony has been successful, and greatness is coming!"

"You're all going to die here tonight!"

Yan Shi's resentful gaze swept over everyone, and finally fell on Lin Ze, staring at him deadly.

If it weren't for this damn brat, the god sacrifice ceremony would have gone smoothly.

There is no need to use this final hole card.

At the expense of hundreds of believers' lives, the ceremony progressed faster.

But it doesn't matter.

Yan Shi clearly felt that his life was passing rapidly.

Before he died, he just wanted to see Lin Ze and others bury him!

Even if he goes to hell, he will pull this group of people together!

Glancing at the resentful rock, Lin Ze didn't care, and looked straight at the ceremony venue, his eyes shining.

Without hesitation, he directly manipulated the surrounding Sakura flowers and blatantly swept towards the blood-shrouded ceremony venue.

Senbonzakura's attack is much more powerful than that of ordinary commissioners.

Under the attacks of countless Sakura flower servants, although that invisible will can still protect the ceremonial ground.

However, the blood mist inside was already visible to the naked eye, and the speed was rapidly consumed.

As if sensing the crisis, the mysterious will decisively changed its way and no longer waited to absorb the blood mist.

Instead, it quickly contracted and finally concentrated in the center of the ceremonial venue.

The next moment.

Just listen to the click.

A narrow spatial crack appeared out of thin air

In the horrified gaze of everyone.

The spatial rift expanded dramatically.

Just the blink of an eye.

It expands to more than five meters wide and more than ten meters long.

The next moment.

A huge palm slowly stretched out from the crack.

Is that.

Hand of the gods!

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