Start with Hyorinmaru Shikai, Who Said That Sealed State Is Weak

Chapter 62: God-Blood Creatures, Endless Pursuit!

Divine blood... Escaped missing?

Lin Ze was stunned for several seconds before he asked suspiciously:

"What do you mean?"

Guo Man patted his forehead.

Only then did I remember that Lin Ze had just joined the Night Stalker for a few days, and he didn't know much about many secrets, so he quickly explained:

"Didn't you hurt the palm of the God of Fear and Nightmares yesterday?"

"At that time, a few drops of divine blood splattered out, but afterwards we searched the entire manor, but we found no trace of divine blood!"

"They have probably fled the manor!"

As soon as Guo Man finished speaking, Liu Jing sighed ashamedly.

"It's all my fault, knowing that the divine blood is different from the blood of ordinary demons, but I didn't seal them up in the first place!"

Derived from the divine blood of the evil gods.

It itself comes with the will of the evil god.

Although the evil god has left this world, and there is a spatial barrier, it is impossible to control the divine blood.

But Divine Blood still has an autonomous consciousness.

They will actively seek out evil demons, fuse with them, and transform into powerful divine blood creatures!

And the divine blood creatures, the weakest are equivalent to blood-level demons!

Converted to the rank of a transcendent person.

It is the Seven Souls Realm and above!

After listening to Guo Man and Liu Jing's explanation, Lin Ze couldn't help but grin.

Once the transformation of the three-headed blood-level divine blood creature is completed, it will begin to wreak havoc for disaster, and you can imagine how much damage it will cause!

The branch is estimated to have a headache at this moment!

Lin Ze sighed, but Guo Man pulled the topic to him.

"Junior, you have to be careful lately."

Lin Ze was stunned when he heard this: "What's wrong?" ”

Or Liu Jing explained:

"In other cities before, there have also been incidents of divine blood creatures."

"According to records, the divine blood creatures will unceasingly hunt down the source that led to their birth, that is, the transcendent beings who caused harm to the evil gods!"

"If the record is correct, when those divine blood creatures have completed their transformation, they will probably look for your traces as soon as possible!"

A look of surprise flashed in Lin Ze's eyes.

I didn't expect that the Divine Blood creature still had such characteristics.

But immediately.

Lin Ze is not surprised.

He was worried about where to find high-level demons to hunt, didn't this just have a goal!

If those three-headed divine blood creatures took the initiative to send them to the door, it would be his wish!

Who doesn't want soul energy sent to the door?

"I know, I'll be careful."

Seeing Lin Ze nodding, Liu Jing and Guo Man said no more.

After last night's battle, Lin Ze has become a strong man at the same level as the ace commissioner in the eyes of the two!

With Lin Ze's strong strength, he also has the power to fight against the Divine Blood Creatures.

As long as it is not besieged by multiple divine blood creatures at the same time, there should not be any major problems.

After a few more words.

Lin Ze suddenly remembered the purpose of his coming to the branch, so he asked:

"Senior sister, do you know any way to kill demons in large numbers?"

The unexpected question made Guo Man and Liu Jing stunned.

"Why do you ask that?"

"I want to improve my strength faster!"

Lin Ze gave a reason that had long been thought of.

Most of the time, transcendent people level up by repeatedly casting abilities.

And fighting is the most effective way of it.

So Lin Ze's reason is also tenable, Guo Man and Liu Jing did not doubt it.

After thinking for a few seconds, Liu Jing shook her head.

"Tianyu City has not had an incident of large-scale evil demons for many years."

"Most of the time, dozens of them appear at the same time, at most only a few hundred!"

"Unless it's like last night's nightmare realm, it's almost impossible for thousands of demons to gather!"

"If this happens, I am afraid that the headquarters of the federal capital will be alarmed."

Lin Ze was suddenly a little disappointed when he heard this, but he still asked without dying:

"What about high-level demons?"

"If you are referring to the blood-level demons, it is similar, there is no specific law in the appearance of blood-level demons, sometimes there may not be a single case for several months, and sometimes there may be four or five cases in a month."

Liu Jing muttered:

"But if you just want to hunt high-level demons regularly, it's not impossible."

Lin Ze's eyes suddenly lit up: "What way?" ”

"Become an ace commissioner!"

"The number of ace commissioners is sparse, so each city branch will often borrow ace commissioners from each other to deal with various additional emergencies."

"Like our ace commissioner of Tianyu City, he was all seconded by Chaohai City recently, otherwise he would not have almost been succeeded by the Fear and Nightmare Sect's conspiracy!"

"If you are promoted to Ace Commissioner, you can apply for secondment to the city, and by then, the opportunity to fight with high-level demons should be much more."

Lin Ze nodded, this is indeed a good idea.

"So what do you have to do to become an ace commissioner?"

"Apply for the assessment as a high commissioner, and after passing, you can be promoted to ace commissioner."

Speaking of this, Liu Jing smiled and looked at Lin Ze's eyes flashing.

"You made a great achievement last night, if nothing else, within two days today and tomorrow, the notice of your promotion to high commissioner should come down."

"Congratulations, Lin Ze, you are the Tianyu City Branch, no, you should be the first extraordinary person in the entire history of the Night Stalker Organization to join the Night Stalker and be promoted to the High Commissioner in less than half a month!"

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