Start with Hyorinmaru Shikai, Who Said That Sealed State Is Weak

Chapter 72 Promote To Five Soul Realm, Get Zangetsu!

Not long after the battle.

The logistics staff of the branch rushed over and began to deal with the on-site hand-tail.

Seeing this, Lin Ze left directly.

He can't wait to go back and move up the rank and extract new Zanpakutō abilities.

Hong Guang did not retain.

After all, people have just experienced a big war and really need to rest.

——— though Lin Ze looks unscathed!

Looking at Lin Ze's departing back, Hong Guang couldn't help but smile at Ren Wan:

"It seems that the patrol made the lord right, and soon after, the branch is estimated to have another ace commissioner!"

Liu Jing next to her smiled when she heard this, - said:

"Sir, Lin Ze has submitted an application for the assessment of the ace commissioner."


Hong Guang and the three were stunned in unison.

Ding Wanjun reacted the quickest, laughed, and showed a look of eagerness.

"That's good!"

"Elder Hong, Tian Jiang, I will serve as the executive examiner for this assessment, don't grab it with me!"

Elder Hong and Tian Jiang glanced at each other and shook their heads in unison.

"As you wish, my old bones just save the toss."

"Your fighting maniac has really not changed."


Ren Wan suddenly spoke up.

"If you don't mind, can you let me watch during the assessment?"

"Of course!"

Hong Guang and the three quickly answered.

Of course, they will not refuse this small request.

"Thank you, I'm starting to look forward to the next exam."

Ren Wan smiled, her eyes shining.

Back to the apartment.

Lin Ze immediately summoned Zanpakutō.

[The soul energy has reached full value, is it upgraded to the level?] 】


Lin Ze said silently without hesitation.

A familiar sense of strengthening and soul sublimation instantly emerged.

It lasted more than ten seconds.

The intoxicating feeling receded like a tide.

Lin Ze clenched his fists, feeling the surging power surging in his body, and sighed with joy.

"Finally broke through to the Five Souls Realm!"

"The next step is to extract the new Zanpakutō ability!"

"I wonder which one will be drawn?"

Lin Ze took a deep breath and looked at the information in front of him

[Tip: Host currently has 1 draw opportunity left]

【Is it extracted?】 】


Lin Ze said silently without hesitation.

The panel disappeared instantly.

In its place are various ability names that are constantly flashing and jumping.

It lasted more than ten seconds.

The flickering beat only stopped.

【Congratulations to Host for obtaining the special attribute 'Zangetsu'!】

[Congratulations to Host for obtaining the skill 'Sword Art Master'!】

"It's actually Zangetsu!"

Lin Ze looked overjoyed.

This is the main character Zanpakutō in the original book.

It belongs to the relatively rare body strengthening class Zanpakutō.

In the Shikai state.

The appearance of Zanpakutō turns into a huge blade shaped like a kitchen knife.

At the same time, the movement speed, attack speed, defense power, and strength of Zanpakutō holders will be greatly improved.

It can be called a comprehensive physical strengthening!


It can also allow Zanpakutō to absorb energy, and after high-density compression, a new half-moon-shaped energy shock wave appears.

That is, the skill called Crescent Heavenly Chong!

And in the Bankai state.

Zanpakutō will shrink, changing pitch-black shapes of long knives.

At the same time, the holder's attack, defense and movement speed will be greatly increased again, thus reaching the realm of super speed combat.

Especially the speed of movement.

It's so fast that even Senbonzakura's Bankai can't catch up!


Zangetsu's effect is earthy and concise.

But very powerful!

"Good luck!"

"Zangetsu is no worse than Hyōrinmaru and Senbonzakura, or even better in a sense!"

Lin Ze's eyes sparkled with surprise.

"I just don't know if it's the final form?"

Similar to Hyōrinmaru, Zangetsu has both initial and final forms.

Needless to say, the initial pattern.

The final form is a precursor using 'no moon'.

Moon is Zangetsu's strongest move.

Its essence is to make the Zanpakutō holder turn himself into a crescent moon sky rush to attack the enemy, which is extremely powerful!

It is impossible to describe it as shocking!

The only downside is that you lose Zanpakutō after using it!

"If you use Moon in this world, I wonder if you will also lose Zangetsu's ability?"

Lin Ze thought to himself.

He has the plural Zanpakutō ability, and even if he loses Zangetsu, his strength will not be weakened too much.

When it really comes to the critical moment, Wuyue can be used as a killing card.

Think it's enough to surprise the enemy!

————Of course, it is best not to use it.

If he could, Lin Ze still didn't want to lose Zanpakutō's mighty Zanpakutō ability.

Fix your mind.

He looked at the panel, and the data on it had changed a lot.

【 Host: Lin Ze】

[Rank: Five Souls Realm]

【Soul Energy: 0%】

【Ability: Zanpakutō】

[Skills: Sword Master, Shunpo· Grandmaster、 White Hits· Grandmaster、 Kidō· Grandmaster】

[Special Attribute 1: Hyōrinmaru———— Ice damage can be freely attached when attacking with sword art (Shikai and Bankai)]

[Special Attribute 2: Senbonzakura———— Can freely attach double damage when attacking with sword art (Shikai and Bankai)]

[Special Attribute 3: Shinsō - 50% increase in reaction speed and attack speed (Shikai and Bankai)]

[Special Attribute 4: Heavenly Punishment———— 50% increase in strength and physique (Shikai and Bankai)]

[Special Attribute 5: Zangetsu – 50% faster movement (Shikai and Bankai)]

[Tip: Host can be drawn again after being promoted to the Six Souls Realm]

No surprises.

Zangetsu also comes with a special property.

"50% faster movement... Not bad property!"

Lin Ze nodded in satisfaction.

He already possesses Shunpo's lightning-fast and powerful movement skills.

Now add the special properties of Zangetsu.

The speed of movement has reached an astonishing level.

"Now against Shen Ji's teleportation skill, I estimate that I don't need Shinsō, and I can crush the other party directly with the movement speed.

"Counting the special attributes attached to Shinsō and Heavenly Punishment, almost all aspects of physical fitness have been strengthened."

Reaction speed, attack speed, strength, physique, movement speed........

Lin Ze's physical fitness can now be said to be fully strengthened!

And it's 50% of this amazing enhancement amplitude!

With his physical fitness alone, he had the confidence to crush the transcendent below the Seven Souls Realm!

...... Ask for flowers...

"By the way, there is also a master-level sword technique!"

Lin Ze remembered the 'Sword Art Master' he had just drawn.

You can clearly feel that there are new swordsmanship experience and casting skills in your mind.

Muscle memory is also further strengthened.

"Today, even if I am not Shikai, with my sword skills, Shunpo, and various enhancements, I am enough to compete with opponents at the level of the Eight Souls Realm!"

Lin Ze concentrates and feels the changes in her body.

"Shikai's words should be able to reach the Nine Souls Realm level!"

"I just don't know how much strength can be improved after Bankai?"

Further up the Nine Souls Realm is the Sage Realm.

Lin Ze has never fought a sage-level enemy, so he doesn't know what kind of strength this realm has.

But he speculated.

Ren Wan is likely to be the Sage Realm!

After all, the patrol envoys of the Night Stalkers are all extraordinary powerhouses who surpass the Nine Souls Realm without exception!

"If I had a chance to fight her..."

As soon as this thought came to mind, Lin Ze shook her head dumbly.

Ren Wan is a patrol envoy of the Night Stalker, but not an enemy.


For no reason, how could people agree to start with him?

"However, even if he is not the opponent of the Sage now, when he is promoted to the Six Souls Realm, it should be almost the same!"

"Now that several ace commissioners have returned, it should be possible to conduct the assessment of ace commissioners tomorrow."

"When you pass the assessment and are promoted to ace commissioner, apply for secondment, go to the outer city to hunt high-level demons, and strive to advance to the Six Souls Realm as soon as possible!"

Lin Ze quickly had a plan in mind.

Today's battle with the Divine Blood Creature sounded the alarm for him.

The previous destruction of the Fear and Nightmare Sect's ritual of sacrificing the gods, although it brought him great gains.

But it also buried a lot of hidden dangers.

One of the biggest hidden dangers is undoubtedly the demon from the evil god!

It can be seen from the three divine blood creatures who hated him extremely before.

The malice from the evil gods is not so easy to bear.

That is, he.

In other words, if you are an ordinary transcendent, I am afraid that there will be no bones left!

And at the moment, although he has successfully eliminated the divine blood creature.

But the matter is far from over.

Think with your toes, and you know that the god of fear and nightmares will definitely not give up.

The majesty of the gods is inviolable!

Any violator must be punished - at the cost of life!

In history, I don't know how many extraordinary strong people have died under the calculations of evil gods.

Even if it is now limited by space barriers.

The God of Fear and Nightmares was not yet able to personally attack him.

But He still has believers!


If not surprisingly.

The Fear and Nightmare Sect would probably take revenge on him!

"It seems that the head priest of the Fear and Nightmare Sect is just a transcendent of the Nine Souls Realm."

"If it's just him, it's not scary."

"The point is that behind this group of degenerates, there are still evil gods standing..."

Lin Ze muttered.

That being said.

He wasn't worried.


As long as he keeps his strength improving rapidly, there is no need to fear the retaliation of the evil gods and the fallen.

The other party would never have imagined how amazing his power growth rate was!

After he has enough power, even if the evil god himself comes, Lin Ze is sure to slaughter the god to show him!

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