Start with Hyorinmaru Shikai, Who Said That Sealed State Is Weak

Chapter 74 The Crescent Moon Rushes To The Sky! Three Extraordinary Abilities? !

"Okay, since everyone has arrived, let's start the assessment.

Sub-minister Song Yaming said with a smile.

Naturally, there was no objection from the crowd.

Ding Wanjun grinned and strode towards the center of the square.

Not far away.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ze smiled slightly and walked west to the center of the venue.

Behind him came the cheering sounds of Guo Man and Xiao Xi.

"Come on, Lin Ze!"

"Come on, Senior Lin Ze!"

Lin Ze waved his hand without looking back.

Seeing that the two protagonists of today's assessment came on the stage one after another, the atmosphere around them suddenly became more and more enthusiastic.

"Is the executive examiner of this assessment Lord Ding Wanjun, I really didn't expect it!"

"This is the second-ranked ace commissioner in the division, the difficulty of this assessment is too high!"

"Yes, isn't it usually the least qualified ace commissioner who serves as an examiner?"

"This can't be helped, there are only a few ace commissioners in Tianyu City now, besides, doesn't this mean that the top level is very optimistic about Lin Ze?"

"Do you say Lin Ze can pass the test today?"

"It should be possible, Lin Ze can even kill divine blood creatures, or with one enemy and three, the strength has long reached the level of an ace commissioner!"

"That's not necessarily, the opponent is Lord Ding Wanjun after all! The famous [Titan]!"

The surrounding discussions came into the ears one after another.

Lin Ze was calm from beginning to end, without the slightest wave.

This look fell in Ding Wanjun's eyes, which made him can't help but secretly admire. 14 is worthy of being a genius who possesses the power of the Nine Souls Realm before the age of twenty, and this mental nature alone is enough to make ordinary people unmatched!

Sighing for a moment, Ding Wanjun grinned and said loudly:

"Before the assessment starts, I routinely ask a question."

"Lin Ze, you know the rules of the assessment, right?"

"Of course."

Lin Ze nodded slightly, a meaningful smile on his face.

"Just beat it and you're good to go."

The voice fell.

Ding Wanjun was stunned for a moment, followed by laughter.

"Interesting, really interesting!"

"Okay, then let's have a hearty battle!"

He certainly doesn't think Lin Ze really doesn't understand the rules.


Lin Ze really intends to beat him.

Dante Wanjun was not only not angry about this, but very happy.

He is a battle freak and naturally wants to have a fun duel with a powerful enough opponent.

And judging by yesterday's performance, Lin Ze clearly qualifies for this!


Ding Wanjun didn't care, but the surrounding spectators were all startled.

"What is Lin Ze talking about? Could it be that he intends to defeat Lord Ding Wanjun head-on?"

"That's too confident, isn't it? The opponent is that 'titan'!"

"I can't understand, obviously as long as you insist on twenty minutes to pass the assessment, why increase the difficulty for yourself?"

"Genius thinking really can't be understood."

Many people frowned and shook their heads.

If they had lasted twenty minutes under Ding Wanjun, they felt that Lin Ze still had a great hope of doing so.

Can defeat Ding Wanjun.........

The second ranked ace commissioner in the division, the 'titan' that made countless fallen people smell the wind, how could he be defeated so simply?

Geniuses like Lin Ze can't do that either!

A corner of the square.

The senior officials of the branch were also taken aback.

After returning to their senses, they all shook their heads with a smile.

"After all, it's a young man, young and vigorous."

"Geniuses, I always feel that there is nothing in the world that I can't do.

"I think it's good, at least it shows that he has confidence in his strength!"

"That's right, it's good that young people are scrappy."

Nobody took it to heart.

After all, the assessment rules cannot be changed.

Even if Lin Ze said so.

But as long as he lasted twenty minutes, the branch would still judge him to pass the assessment.


Out of the corner of Hong Guang's eyes, Yuguang suddenly caught a glimpse of Ren Wan's face with a smile on her face, so she couldn't help but ask:

"Lord Patrol Commander, do you think Lin Ze can defeat Wan Jun?"

Ren Wan glanced at him and said meaningfully:

"I just don't think Lin Ze is someone who pushes big talk."

"From what I know about Lin Ze's past deeds, he is undoubtedly a man who is good at miracles.

"Maybe he can surprise us this time."

Hong Guang was a little surprised.

I didn't expect Ren Wan to be so optimistic about Lin Ze.

Before he could speak, the two people in the center of the venue had already moved, so they had to hold back the doubts in their hearts and turn their heads to look at the center of the square.

In the expectant gaze of the spectators.

The assessment has finally begun.

Ding Wanjun took the lead in making a move.

With a click, the ground under his feet suddenly cracked.

Countless gravel spread upwards along his ankles, wrapping his feet, crotch, chest and abdomen.

Just the blink of an eye.

Ding Wanjunhun's body was tightly wrapped in rocks.

And the rocks continued to gather towards him.

In the blink of an eye.

There is a huge crater in the middle of the site.

And the center of the pothole.

It is a rock giant more than ten meters tall and full of distinct blocks!

Just watching.

You can feel the indestructible weight like the earth!


The rock giant roared up to the sky.

A terrifying sense of coercion descended in an instant, covering the entire venue in an instant.

Even the spectators at the edge of the square felt the pressure rushing to their faces.

It was as if a boulder had fallen heavily, pressing down people's chests and almost breathless.

"So strong!"

"Is this the power of the S-class [Earth Spirit]!"

"This is just the beginning!"

Many commissioners showed shock.

This moment.

They finally deeply appreciate the strong Yamato horror of the ace commissioner!


Guo Man and Xiao Xi clenched their palms together, revealing a nervous expression.

In full view.

Lin Ze looked as calm and calm as ever, without the slightest panic.

The oncoming coercion was like a spring breeze blowing on his face, and it couldn't cause the slightest throbbing.

He raised his sword, and his body suddenly puffed up.

Invisible waves of qi swept away in all directions, stirring up smoke and dust in the sky.

Wait until the soot dissipates.

Everyone fixed their eyes and was stunned to find that the weapon in Lin Ze's hand had changed dramatically.

The original long sword turned into a huge sword body shaped like a kitchen knife.

The sword body is completely black.

The blade is bright white.

There are no hilts and gauntlets.

The appearance is extremely weird!

"This, what is this?"

Someone was stunned.

However, no one answered him.

Everyone was stunned.

After all, Lin Ze's two extraordinary abilities have long been widely spread.

Almost everyone already knows.

But the situation in front of you does not belong to any of that ability!

Even Guo Man and Xiao Xi, who know Lin Ze best, will look at each other.

"Could it be . . . . This is another extraordinary ability of Lin Ze?"

The same thought came to their minds at the same time.

As soon as this thought arose, the two of them were startled by themselves.

Dual-powered transcendents, while rare, have at least had examples.

Transcendent beings who can awaken the three abilities are unheard of!

It simply does not exist!

But if not, how can the situation be explained?

The two were puzzled.

On the field.

Ding Wanjun was also shocked.

The ability that Lin Ze showed at this moment was completely different from what he had heard!

But after all, it was in the assessment, and he didn't ask, just took a heavy step, like a chariot charge, rumbling towards Lin Ze at a fast pace.

The huge rock body looks bloated, but the movement is unexpectedly fast.

In the blink of an eye.

Ding Wanjun approached within ten meters of Lin Ze.

Next second.

The huge fist has been raised high, and it has smashed towards Lin Ze like a meteor!

A dull thunderous roar suddenly erupted!

In the face of such a powerful blow, Lin Ze did not dodge, and stood straight in place, just crossing the sword in front of the king.

The next moment.

The giant fist had already struck, and with its furious and unparalleled strength, it slammed into the sword body.


A deafening roar erupted.

Violent waves of air rolled out.

Compared to the rock giant that is more than ten meters tall, Lin Ze's figure is undoubtedly very small.

However, what stunned the spectators was.

Lin Ze firmly holds the fist of the rock giant!

Not even bending the knees!

Such a strong contrast scene immediately kept many people safe.

Hong Guang's eyes lit up and he praised:

"Such amazing strength, I didn't expect Lin Ze's physical fitness to be so strong!"

Having cooperated with Ding Wanjun for many years, Hong Guang naturally understood how terrifying the former's strength was.

Ordinary peers did not dare to punch Ding Wanjun head-on.

Lin Ze easily blocked it, which was really surprising!

His physical fitness has also reached a very strong level!

It's just that in this way, it is more and more confusing.

Lin Ze's two extraordinary abilities are obviously not physical enhancement types.

How did you cultivate such amazing physical fitness?


One blow missed, Ding Wanjun threw another punch.

This time, however.

Before the fist arrived, Lin Ze disappeared in an instant.

When it reappears.

has come to the back of Ding Wanjun.

He raised his blade high and then slashed downward

Where the blade passes.

A thick half-moon-shaped sword qi suddenly burst out.

The meteor rushed towards Ding Wanjun.

Crescent Sky Chong !.

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