Start with Hyorinmaru Shikai, Who Said That Sealed State Is Weak

Chapter 76 One Step To The Sky, Promoted To Ace Commissioner!

Good for a while.

Only then did everyone wake up.

The crowd suddenly erupted into an uproar.

"So, what is that?"

"What a strong sense of oppression!"

"What's going on? Weapons and dress have changed?"

"What is this ability?"

Surprises arose one after another.

Everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them.

Even the senior members of the branch will be stunned.

"What's going on? The breath has become much stronger!"

Hong Guang's face was full of consternation.

Compared to a moment ago, Lin Ze's breath at this moment was not at the same level.

Even if it was him, this would feel a pang of heart palpitations!

Ren Wan's eyes narrowed slightly, and the curiosity in her gaze towards Lin Ze became more and more intense.

Central of the venue.

Ding Wanjun had already come to his senses, and his expression instantly became solemn.

No matter how slow it is, he can feel that Lin Ze's strength has changed drastically from before.

Without hesitation, he immediately drank low and took the initiative to attack.

However, there was just a move.

The figure of Lin Ze in front of him flashed abruptly and disappeared in an instant.


Ding Wanjun was taken aback, and before he could react, there was a sudden and unbearable force behind him.


The furious energy suddenly exploded behind Ding Wanjun.

The sky is full of rubble.

A deep ravine has emerged.

When he cast the Crescent Heavenly Chong before, Lin Ze also left the same wound on Ding Wanjun's rock body.

However, he is now just a sword in his hand.

In other words.

Today's Lin Ze has the power of the previous crescent moon with one blow!

After a sword was cut out, without waiting for Ding Wanjun 810 to react, Lin Ze had disappeared again, and instantly appeared on the other side, swinging the sword and chopping down.



The ear-shattering roar is endless!

Lin Ze's figure flickered one after another, leaving a series of clearly visible ravines on Wanjun's rocky body!

Beat him to the bone!

Although Lin Ze was also fast before, Ding Wanjun could at least capture a little movement.

But then he was shocked to find that he couldn't keep up with Lin Ze's movement speed at all.

Only blurry black afterimages can be seen in the field of vision.

If it weren't for the strong enough defense, I am afraid that he would have been crippled a long time ago.

Even so, this will Ding Wanjun also fall into the downside.

The situation was suddenly reversed.

The people watching the battle around were already dumbfounded.

In their eyes, they could only see Ding Wanjun surrounded by a cloud of black afterimages.

The huge rock body is exploding every moment.

The whole thing is as if falling into a high-speed rotating turbine agitator.

In less than half a minute.

The body actually shrunk in a circle out of thin air!

A moment later.

The black afterimage suddenly dissipated.

Lin Ze appeared out of thin air more than twenty meters away, raising his sword high.

Next second.

The blade slammed down.

Crescent Sky Chong !


Where the pitch-black sword blade passed, a huge sword qi that was also pitch black and thick in the shape of a crescent moon suddenly burst out.

The same is the crescent moon celestial rush.

But the black crescent moon in Bankai's state is much more terrifying and powerful than Shikai's.

A piercing air-breaking sonic boom exploded instantly.

The sharp and furious sword intent rushed towards him, causing Ding Wanjun's pupils to shrink suddenly, only to feel a cold breath rushing straight up his spine.

He subconsciously wanted to dodge.

However, the speed of the black sword qi was amazing, and even if it was Ding Wanjun, he could not dodge at such a close distance.

In desperation, he could only raise his arms horizontally, cross in front of him, and summon up his strength to block the black sword qi.


An earth-shattering loud noise erupted, almost shattering people's eardrums.

In the horrified gaze of everyone.

As if he had been hit head-on by a high-speed locomotive, Ding Wanjun's figure involuntarily retreated sharply, and he was pushed out by the black sword qi a hundred meters away before slowly stopping the retreat

When the smoke and dust dissipated, everyone fixed their eyes.

Only to find that Ding Wanjun's pair of stout rock arms had disappeared.

On the chest, there was already an extra wound that was more than two meters deep and almost diagonally across the entire chest and abdomen.

Through the wound, you can even faintly see Ding Wanjun hidden inside the rock body.

This is the moment.

His face was full of horror and disbelief, and his forehead was densely covered with fine cold sweat.

The blow just now only almost injured his body.

Thinking of the consequences of being hit by that terrifying black sword qi, Wanjun shivered.

Seeing that Lin Ze still had to start again, Ding Wanjun was taken aback, and quickly said:

"Wait, wait, don't fight, I admit defeat!"

Lin Ze paused and raised his eyebrows in surprise, with an expression of admitting defeat.

Ding Wanjun saw it in his eyes, and his heart suddenly felt bitter.

He's a fighting maniac, not a masochist.

You won't know that you will lose, and you will keep fighting.

The strength that Lin Ze showed at this time obviously exceeded him too much.

Continue to fight, there is no other result than being abused.

Ding Wanjun is crazy before he wants to continue fighting!

"This kid is also too devilish!"

Ding Wanjun's heart was bitter.

He never expected that Lin Ze's real strength would be so amazing.

When Lin Ze threatened to defeat him earlier, although he was happy, deep down he did not think that he would lose.

Who would have thought...

Ding Wanjun couldn't help sighing.

And here and now.

The square is silent all around.

There was silence.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them with a dull expression, and their faces were full of distraction.

It took a while.

Only then did everyone return to their senses.

The crowd suddenly resounded with gasping sounds.

"Unbelievable..... That 'titan' was defeated!"

"Lin Ze actually won!"

"That's the second-ranked ace commissioner in the division!"

"That's awesome! It is worthy of being a genius that even divine blood creatures can kill!"

The crowd was amazed.

The example of defeating the ace commissioner in the assessment was not without before.

But mostly in the case of the most junior ace commissioner as the executive examiner.

As in front of us, there is a unique example of an executive examiner who is the second-ranked ace commissioner in the division.

Not to mention that Lin Ze still won with a crushing posture in the end.

No matter how eyesight people are, they can see that his strength is obviously far above Ding Wanjun!

This kind of thing is placed on a young man under twenty years old, which really makes people feel absurd like dreams!

"Lin Ze wins!"

"I know that the junior brother will definitely pass the assessment!"

Xiao Xi and Guo Manju both showed expressions of joy from their hearts.

A corner of the square.

The senior members of the branch were also full of amazement.

"It's really surprising, I didn't expect that even Wan Jun was defeated in his hands!"

"That black sword qi just now is simply amazingly powerful!"

"This is the most amazing young man I've ever seen."

Even after Hong Guang was stunned for a long time, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"The afterlife is terrible, I'm afraid it's me, and I'm not Lin Ze's opponent."

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at each other.

Hong Guang is the strongest ace commissioner of the branch, second only to the branch minister Song Yaming.

To say that he is inferior to a young man under twenty years old, in other words, everyone absolutely scoffs.

But this will look at the young figure on the field, but no one can say anything to refute it.

After all.

Even Hong Guang can't defeat Ding Wanjun like Lin Ze!

As if he didn't think everyone was shocked enough, Hong Guang followed and added another sentence.

"Lin Ze's strength has already surpassed the peak of the Nine Souls Realm, and has even touched that threshold!"


Everyone was in an uproar.

Of course, they knew what the threshold in Hong Guang's mouth was referring to.

That was the pursuit of countless transcendent beings, surpassing the sage level of the Nine Souls Realm!

In the entire Tianyu City Night Stalker Branch, only the branch head Song Yaming touched this threshold.

According to Hong Guang, isn't Lin Ze as strong as Song Yaming?

Many people subconsciously looked at Ren Wan.

Among the people present, only she was the most qualified to evaluate this matter.

Facing everyone's inquiring gaze, Ren Wan smiled gently and bowed her head gently.

"Elder Hong is right."

"Lin Ze has indeed touched the threshold of the Sage."

"It won't be long before the Tianyu City branch wants to come out of a patrol envoy!"

Ren Wan's words carried more weight than Hong Guang.

Her admission was no longer doubted.

The gaze that looked at Lin Ze also brought irrepressible amazement and envy.

If Lin Ze can really be promoted to a Saint in the future, even if it is only a Saint in his twenties, it is enough to sensationalize the entire Federation!

The thought of such a genius actually appearing in their branch.

Everyone's hearts suddenly surging.

For a while, I felt a sense of pride in witnessing the birth of legends!

Lin Ze saw a group of branch executives and found that the latter looked at him with a strange look.

It's like looking at some legendary creature.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long.

Sub-minister Song Yaming then stepped forward with a smile on his face.

"Congratulations, Commissioner Lin Ze, you will be a member of the Branch Ace Commissioner from now on!"

The rest of the people also congratulated.

"Congratulations, Lord Lin Ze!"

"Please give more advice in the future, sleepy."

"If Lord Lin Ze and others are free, you might as well take a look at the face, and everyone will have a meal together and communicate."

Most of the voices were made by the High Commissioner.

The look was extremely courteous.

After being promoted to ace commissioner, Lin Ze has become eligible to be titled as an adult.

In terms of status, he was enough to enter the former within the division.

Second only to the sub-minister Song Yaming, and Hong Guang, who is also an ace commissioner, and others are in the same sequence.

For a young transcendent who had just joined the Nightstalker, it was already a step to the sky!

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