Start with Hyorinmaru Shikai, Who Said That Sealed State Is Weak

Chapter 89 Weakened Tentacle Monster, Escaped Dark Light!

The next day.

The crusade officially began.

West District, Ningjiang City.

The rooftop of the tallest building in the center.

Lin Ze sits on the edge of the rooftop, overlooking the city below.

According to Ren Wan's arrangement, the Tianyu branch was responsible for searching the most central area of the Western District.

The Pingsha branch is responsible for their right side.

The Wuyang branch is responsible for the other area.

In the beginning.

Hu Yonghao also objected, demanding that their division be in charge of the heart of the Western District.

The reasons are also legitimate.

The center is densely crowded, and if the divine creature wants to feed, it is most likely to appear here.

And their Wuyang branch is the strongest of the three branches supported!

Hu Yonghao is even a veteran ace commissioner, and his strength has reached the peak of the Nine Souls Realm.


Ren Wan dismissed Hu Yonghao's objection without hesitation.

The reasons are equally legitimate.

Only she knew that the Tianyu branch with Lin Ze in was actually the strongest of the three divisions.

Of course.

Ren Wan knew that there was no basis for empty words, and Hu Yonghao would definitely not believe it.

Therefore, it is not explained.

Directly blocked back with the power of the general head of the crusade plan.

Hu Yonghao did not dare to disobey the patrol envoy, as long as he swallowed his anger.

This will remind Hu Yonghao's ugly face at that time, and the corners of Lin Ze's mouth can't help but turn up slightly.

Come to your senses.

He looked at the oil lamp at hand.

The oil lamp shell is made of bronze, about the size of a palm, and the workmanship is extremely exquisite.

Inside, there is a faint flame swaying with blue and yellow.

Obviously, there is no lamp oil, but the flame is still burning vigorously.

Even on the roof of the building with strong winds, there is no sign of being blown out14.

This is a man-made wonder called the magic lantern!

It can sense the evil aura within a radius of thousands of meters and change with the strength of the breath.

It is a common aid for the Night Stalker Commissioner to search for evil tracks.

Although the transcendent can also sense the evil aura.

However, he must concentrate, and the sensing range is only about 100 meters.

In terms of convenience, it is far inferior to morning lights.

Divine creatures are also essentially a kind of evil spirit, and the magic lamp can also be effective.

This time, in order to search for divine creatures, the Ningjiang branch took out all the magic hunting lamps.

Almost one of the divisional teams is available.

This is the moment.

Guo Man, Xiao Xi, Liu Jing and others have been divided into several groups.

Search within the area of responsibility.

Lin Ze, who has the ability to fly, sits at the top and supports the search team at any time.


The Ningjiang branch also sent manpower to assist the actions of the various support branches.

It can be said.

Now throughout the western district of Ningjiang City, there are Night Stalker Commissioners patrolling and searching everywhere.

Under this kind of search network, it is only a matter of time before divine creatures are found.

"I just have to wait for the prey to appear."

Lin Ze smiled lightly and looked leisurely at the scenery below.

After coming into this world.

He has been busy on the road to improving his strength.

It's either fighting demons or fighting the degenerate.

He has even fought with evil gods.

Almost every day is leisurely.

It's the first time it's been as relaxed as it is now.


The next second this thought came to mind.

Lin Ze felt the phone in his pocket vibrate.

When I took it out, it was a call from Liu Jing.

Lin Ze's heart jumped and he immediately connected the phone.

Liu Jing's pleasant voice soon came from the other end of the phone.

"Lin Ze, we found the trace of that divine creature, right at 32 Zelkova Avenue!"

So fast?

Lin Ze was slightly startled, and quickly reacted, and said in a deep voice:

"You guys monitor its movements, don't shoot, I'll go over now!"


Hanging up, Lin Ze was still a little surprised.

That's too fast.

Not long after the search net was deployed, he actually found the whereabouts of the target!

If that divine creature was so easy to find, why was the Ningjiang branch so anxious before?

Lin Ze vaguely felt that there was something strange in this.

Nevertheless, he is Shikai Hyōrinmaru, condensing ice wings behind his back.

Then the wings fluttered.

The whole person soared into the sky.

Lightning flashed in the direction of Zelkova Avenue.

Less than five minutes.

Lin Ze arrived at his destination.

Liu Jing, Guo Man, and Xiao Xi were waiting on the side of the road, and when they saw Lin Ze appear from the sky, they immediately waved hello.

Lin Ze, over here!"


Lin Ze landed on the ground.

"What about the divine creature?"

"Inside the sewers."

Liu Jing pointed to a sewer manhole cover not far away, and then pointed to the magic lamp in her hand.

The flames of the bronze lamp violently jumped, and the color completely turned cyan.

This is a sign that there are evil demons nearby, and at least they are high-ranking demons of the blood level.

In present-day Ningjiang City.

Only divine creatures can let the Demon Hunting Lantern show such signs!

Seeing this, Lin Ze nodded slightly and said in a condensed voice:

"Very good, you guys are waiting here, by the way, notify the Ningjiang branch, I'll go down and take a look first!"

Liu Jing's three daughters were stunned when they heard this.

"Don't wait for the patrol to make the adults arrive?"

"Yes, junior, wouldn't it be too risky for you to be alone?"

Lin Ze shook his head slightly, stared at the sewer manhole cover, and said in a deep voice:

"I always feel a little weird, so let's go down and take a look first."

"Don't worry, even if I can't beat that divine creature, it's not difficult for me to get out!"

The three daughters thought about it too.

Lin Ze's strength was praised by Ren Wan, who was a patrol envoy.

It has reached the quasi-saint level.

For divine creatures, even if they cannot overcome [calmly escape], the certainty is extremely high.

There were no delays.

Lin Ze came to the manhole cover, lightly picked it on his tiptoes, threw the manhole cover aside, and then jumped down.

The vision suddenly darkened.

On the walls on both sides, most of the electric lights have been destroyed.

Only a few survived.

The dim light barely illuminates the road ahead.

However, in the realm of Lin Ze, as long as there is a small amount of light, the surrounding scenery is no different from the day in his eyes.

After landing.

Lin Ze walked non-stop towards the depths of the sewers.

Didn't go far.

Then he heard a strange sound in front of him.

It's like a chewing sound.

Sure enough.

When walking around the corner.

What appeared before his eyes was a bloody scene of monsters cannibalizing.

A pitch-black tentacle monster with a huge body size that occupies almost half of the sewer is lying on the corpse of an evil demon, gulping and chewing.

Lin Ze's eyes flashed.

The tentacle monster in front of him was exactly the same as the picture of the divine creature he had seen.

The only difference is that it's much smaller.

However, it is not surprising that the divine creature has the ability to change its body shape.

It's just that Lin Ze can't figure it out a little.

The aura of the tentacle monster in front of him seemed to be weaker than his head.

There is only the level of the Nine Souls Realm.

And at most, it is the first stage of the Nine Souls Realm.

What a difference from the quasi-saint level provided by the intelligence!

"Did you find the wrong person?"

Lin Ze looked puzzled.

And at this time.

The tentacles have discovered the existence of Lin Ze.

Without saying a word, he abandoned the evil demon corpse that had eaten most of it, and brazenly slaughtered the fresh food in front of him.

Looking at this scene, Lin Ze no longer hesitated.

Either way, kill it!

“ Bankai, Daiguren Hyōrinmaru!”


Ice condensation.

Countless densely packed ice crystals instantly appeared in the surrounding air.

The walls and floor of the sewer suddenly condensed a layer of frost visible to the naked eye.

A terrifying chill spread out in an instant.

Let the rushing tentacle monster stop the action in shock.

By this time.

It didn't even understand that what he encountered was not food at all, but extremely 453 terrifying and tough hunters.

Without hesitation, the tentacles turned and fled.

The huge body is surprisingly agile in the narrow sewers.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed out hundreds of meters.



Next second.

I saw Lin Ze swing his sword.

Countless ice mist containing the Ultimate chill swept out.

Like an ice dragon, he opened his teeth and danced his claws towards the tentacle monster at great speed.

Where it passes.

Walls, ground, water, air...................

Everything froze into ice.

Just a breath of effort.

Cold Ice caught up with the tentacle monster.

Feeling the threat of death, the tentacle monster hissed, and instantly stretched out dozens of tentacles, fiercely pumping towards the swept ice mist.


The moment the tentacles touched the ice mist, they were instantly frozen and stiffened without exception.

Then it clicked and shattered.

The next moment.

The ice and snow have flooded the tentacles.


Even the screams didn't have time to come out, and the tentacle monster instantly turned into an ice sculpture, stiff and motionless.

"Is this the end of it?"

Not far away, Lin Ze looked at the ice sculpture in amazement, his expression frozen.

It's also too easy!


Lin Ze suddenly sensed something was wrong.

"Why is there no soul energy?"

He could clearly feel that the tentacles in the ice sculpture had lost their lives

However, his soul energy did not increase even a single star.

It's really weird.

Just wondering.

Just listen to the click.

The ice sculpture not far away shattered, and even the tentacle monsters inside were shattered together, turning into ice slag all over the ground.

A pitch-black glow appeared out of thin air.

After a slight delay, meteors shot out into the distance.

Disappear into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

It was so fast that even Lin Ze couldn't react.

"What's that?"

Lin Ze was stunned.

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