Start with Hyorinmaru Shikai, Who Said That Sealed State Is Weak

Chapter 99 Hollow Plus Tensa Zangetsu! It Is You Who Are Weak!

As the divine son of the Blood Hunting Sect, Pang Yuan had rich experience in fighting.

It was judged at the first time that Lin Ze's strength had reached the level of a sage.

Although he had only just been promoted to the level of a sage, he was much worse than him.

But it already shocked him!

"What's going on?"

"This kid was obviously only at the quasi-sage level two days ago! How come the strength has suddenly increased so much!"

Even with Pang Yuan's heart, this would not help but be shocked.

According to the report of his subordinates, Lin Ze has been shopping with women for the past two days, and has not practiced much at all.

How did it suddenly break through?

This is not at all reasonable!

Pang Yuan had the feeling that the three views were shattered by the impact for a while.

The talent demon is not such a demon law!

After all, with rich combat experience, Pang Yuan quickly calmed down the shock in his heart, and his eyes flickered.

No matter why he broke through, he couldn't escape his palm anyway!

And if you think about it, it seems good to be in this situation.

Pang Yuan's original purpose was to use the Ningjiang branch to cultivate a sage-level divine creature as a blood hunting target.

It's just that the divine creature was killed, so it had to retreat and choose Lin Ze as a replacement.

Now that Lin Ze has been promoted to a sage, wouldn't it be better, allowing the plan to return to its original trajectory!

If you think about it this way, Lin Ze's breakthrough is a good thing!

Thinking of this, Pang Yuan must have killed Lin Ze again in his heart.

He was now incarnated as an evil demon called the Bloody Ghost.

Originally, it was only a blood-level upper-level evil demon, but after several blood-hunting rituals, it had broken through the limit and reached the primary level of the sage. 14

The hardness of the flesh is comparable to high-strength alloys, not to mention, a casual blow can break steel and gold!

With this incarnation, Pang Yuan had even taken out a patrol envoy of the Night Stalker.

Now it is even more important for the last transcendent who has just entered the level of a saint.


Mars shines.

The blade and claw collided again.

Without waiting for Pang Yuan to counterattack, Lin Ze had already cast a ring, and instantly came behind Pang Yuan, swinging his sword again.

With the ringing rotation, Lin Ze does not need to land at all, and can freely dodge and move even in mid-air.

This scene fell in Pang Yuan's eyes, making him more convinced that Lin Ze had been promoted to Sage.

The ability to stand in the air without resorting to extraordinary abilities is one of the characteristics of the Sage.

And then when Lin Ze was injured, the scene of the wound healing quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye verified this point!

Lin Ze saw the change in Pang Yuan's demeanor in his eyes, and after a little thought, he guessed what he was thinking, and his heart couldn't help but be stunned.

But he had no intention of explaining.

In fact.

In the eyes of the uninformed.

Boom and High-Speed Regeneration are indeed very similar to the two characteristics that the Sage possesses, namely flight and superb recovery.

Boom! Boom!

The constant sound of gold and iron clashing echoed over the hotel.

If it weren't for the fact that this place was in the fog realm, the loud battle movement would have already attracted the residents within a radius of thousands of meters.

Lin Ze's figure jumped and turned into a blurry black afterimage, flying up and down around Pang Yuan.

Dozens of slashes were launched towards Pang Yuan every second!

The effect of Tensa Zangetsu is to strengthen physical fitness.

It is the one of all the Zanpakutō abilities that is most compatible with the special attributes of Lin Ze.

Nearly perfect use of his hand-to-hand combat abilities!

Laugh at!

The thunderous sound of breaking the air suddenly erupted.

Lin Ze swung his sword and cut out a half-moon-shaped huge sword qi, which burst out of the air and slashed at Pang Yuan's body.


Pang Yuan, who had endured this blow head-on, was knocked out twenty or thirty meters before he unloaded his strength.

Looking at his chest again, there was already an additional wound deep in the bone.


Next second.

The flesh and blood around the wound squirm violently.

In the blink of an eye, the wound recovered and shrunk and recovered most of it.

"It's useless!"

Pang Yuan's face sneered.

"I have both the two major regenerative abilities of demons and sages, and even serious wounds can be quickly recovered!"

"I have to admit that it is indeed shocking that you have such strength at your age!"

"It's a pity that you're still a lot worse than me!"

Lin Ze's eyes narrowed slightly, silent.

Pang Yuan didn't care either, just sneered.

"It seems that you are not dead yet, recognize the reality, the power gap between you and me is not something that can be made up by desperately!"

Seeing that Lin Ze did not plan to cooperate with him in staging a battle royale, Pang Yuan simply changed his mind, intending to use words to arouse Lin Ze's fear and despair.

These two emotions are also excellent nourishment for enhancing the effect of the ceremony!

It's a pity.

Lin Ze's face remained calm throughout.

He looked at Pang Yuan, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Is the power gap ...................

"But I thought that the weak side was you!"

As he spoke, Lin Ze reached out and pressed the upper right corner of his forehead.

"What does he want to do?"

Pang Yuan frowned and watched Lin Ze's movements.

As soon as the confused thought flashed in his mind, he saw Lin Ze make a sharp tearing motion.


With Lin Ze's movements.

A large amount of cement-like white substance gushed out rapidly from his mouth and ears, and in the blink of an eye, it condensed into a strange white mask inscribed with three red lines, completely covering the entire face, exposing only the eye socket.

The air seemed to stand still for a moment.

The next moment.

A primitive and violent aura that seemed to be an ancient ferocious beast suddenly spread.

Pang Yuan's body froze, and he only felt an unprecedented heart palpitation suddenly surge from the depths of his heart, occupying his chest cavity in an instant.

"This, what is this?"

He looked at Lin Ze in horror.

Such an aura is completely different from ordinary transcendent people, but closer to these believers.

What exactly is this ability?

Why is it not mentioned at all in the intelligence?

For the first time, Pang Yuan had a premonition that things were out of control.

"This kid..... Damn monsters!"

Pang Yuan gritted his teeth and cursed.

"Monsters... For me in this state, it is really an apt description. ”

Lin Ze smiled disapprovingly.

The moment the words fell.

His figure had disappeared in place, but when he reappeared, he came behind Pang Yuan.

Crescent Sky Chong !

Far more massive than the previous blow, the more condensed and sharp black sword qi suddenly erupted, and it fell towards Pang Yuan Wolf Wolf like thunder.

Feeling the terrifying coercion from behind, Pang Yuan's face changed greatly, desperately summoning up his whole body strength, turning around and fiercely swinging his claws back, trying to resist hard.


The power of the crescent sky rush in the Hollow state has increased several times!

The power was completely beyond Pang Yuan's imagination.

The moment he came into contact with that black sword qi, Pang Yuan was like being struck by lightning, his body trembled violently for a moment, and then he smashed back like a cannonball.

In a deafening roar.

Pang Yuan crashed through several buildings in succession before he stopped his figure in embarrassment.

However, before he could take his breath, Lin Ze had reappeared beside him.


Another huge crescent-shaped black sword struck out like a sharp arrow, hitting Pang Yuan at a fast speed.

The latter once again flew out like a cannonball.

"Damn, why is this guy so fast!"

Pang Yuan shouted madly in his heart.

Compared to a moment ago.

Lin Ze has increased his attack power and speed by several times.

He couldn't even react at all, so he hit one after another, and he didn't even have time to catch his breath.

What shocked him even more.

The wound left by Lin Ze on his body has an inexplicable force surging.

Prevents wound 223 from recovering.

"What the hell is going on here?!"

The situation that took a turn for the worse made Pang Yuan extremely furious.

This is the moment.

He no longer had the superiority of the cat and mouse in his heart.

In its place was intense fear!

He could never have imagined that Lin still had such a hole card hidden.

That mask didn't know what kind of ability it was, but it made Lin Ze's power skyrocket so much in an instant.

They are almost at the intermediate level of the Sage!

Laugh at!

The sound of breaking through the air burst out.

Lin Ze swung his sword again.

This time, he did not cut out the black sword qi before.

However, the majestic energy condensed on the blade that was compressed to the extreme still made Pang Yuan couldn't help but change his face.

Frightened, he had to bite the bullet and wave his claws to meet it.


In a flash.

Pang Yuan only felt that a majestic and powerful impact force suddenly erupted from the place where the swords and claws clawed clashed.

The violent shock wave slammed into him like a torrent.

Black Runny Teeth!


Pang Yuan turned into a meteorite again, and the star fell downwards like a moonfall, directly smashing the entire building.

All of a sudden, there was a bang, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

Lin Ze hung high in the air, looking at this scene indifferently.

Hollow plus Tensa Zangetsu is almost arguably his strongest form today.

Can exceed this.

Just Hollow plus Daiguren Hyōrinmaru in full form!

The broken armor of heaven's punishment may also be barely even!

"It's just a pity that the duration is a bit short."

Lin Ze muttered.

When the words fell, the mask on his face clicked, and the pieces shattered and dissipated into the air.


The soot below also dissipated.

Reveal Pang Yuan's figure.

He has returned to adult form.

It's just that the whole body is covered in blood, and it has long been more out of breath and less intake, and the whole person is dying.

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