Start with Island Lord

Chapter 1 A Strange Thing at the Harbor

Late autumn morning.

South of Weiland Island, the harbor area of ​​Dawn City.

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Set sail~~Weigh anchor~~"

“Oysters~fresh oysters~~”

"Have mercy on me and give me a small piece of black bread. I haven't eaten for two days~"

"Sir, do you want to fuck me?"

As the largest port on Judao, the seaport area is extremely prosperous, and commerce, especially the service industry, is extremely developed.

Warehouses, banks, hotels, brothels, restaurants, etc., crowded the harbor area.

"But even so, the harbor cannot fully meet the needs of travelers."

"Especially the young men who have just come off the boat are eager to fill every hole they see on the road."

On the promenade, security captain Cedro said this to the man next to him.

The man was about thirty years old, with sinister eyes and an alert expression. He was dressed in black and held a dark silver cane inlaid with white crystals.

Like a black hound ready to strike.

He looked at a merchant ship that had just unloaded its cargo not far away, and saw the sailors rushing towards the nearest brothel like jackasses in heat.

"Captain Cedro, I know everything you said."

"I also know that somewhere in the harbor area, there is a poor and crazy mage who has completely forgotten the teachings of Mother Nature and is using evil methods to satisfy the desires of the sailors."

"As the executive mage of the Moral Inspection Office of the Great Temple of St. Willan, I need the specific location of this evil brothel."

There was a trace of hesitation on the security captain's face, and he subconsciously licked his dry lips.

"Mr. Lucius, I want to say that there is no such evil brothel. Every brothel in the harbor area is operating legally."


Lucius pointed to the mithril emblem on his left chest.

"Captain Cedro, I think you should recognize this."

"I am not only an inspection mage, but also an intermediate 11-star battle mage!"

"Don't fool me like a child. Even if you don't tell me, I will find out eventually."

"But if I find it out myself, then everyone involved will be punished!"

The black-clothed mage's tone was cold, like a poisonous sea snake about to attack.

The security captain's body trembled slightly. After a moment of silence, he finally couldn't bear the huge psychological pressure and nodded in frustration.

"Well, there is an unusual brothel."

Lucius nodded with satisfaction and said in a slightly slower tone: "Tell me more about it."

"The girls in their family are all beautiful, even comparable to Princess Serai. Oh no, no, no, I said the wrong thing, I deserve to die!"

The security captain slapped himself hard, making a crisp sound, and then continued.

"Youth, health, and beauty are all top-quality goods. The price is also very cheap. Only one kronen can fill a whole candle."


Lucius narrowed his eyes: "This is 80% cheaper than the normal price. It is disrupting the market! Don't other brothel owners object?"

The security captain glanced at the gloomy-looking mage in black and muttered, "Why don't you object? Aren't you the one they invited?"

Lucius heard clearly and frowned: "Captain, you are slandering me! I am performing my duties!"

The security captain said quickly: "I apologize to you, sir."

Lucius didn't hold on to it, he raised his cane and pointed forward: "Let's go, take me to this brothel."

"Yes, sir."

The security captain's attitude was very cooperative: "Brothers, follow me."

The captain led a group of his men along the seafront avenue, but at an angle that the black-clothed mage could not see, he quietly pouted at one of his men.

The subordinate understood the situation, found an opportunity, and quietly left the team.

There was a huge flow of people on the promenade, and the security captain had about ten men, so the move was very covert.

But as soon as the team member took two steps, the voice of the black-clothed mage rang out.

"Captain Cedro, restrain your team members, otherwise you will be the captain for the end!"

Cedro was startled, and when he turned around, he saw Lucius's eyes were as cold as ice, and he immediately knew that his intentions had been seen through.

With a wry smile, he quickly called his men back, sighing secretly in his heart.

"Hey~ I can't get free beautiful girls now."

Don't dare to play tricks anymore, just lead the way honestly.

Soon, the group arrived at the warehouse area of ​​the harbor.

The warehouse area is full of square, box-like stone and wood buildings. The buildings here have similar shapes and are arranged neatly, like a huge chessboard.

In a place like this, even local residents who grew up here can easily get lost, let alone outsiders.

After walking for a while, the black-clothed mage Lucius felt a slight movement in his heart.

"This fallen mage is quite cunning, and he actually opened a brothel in a place like this. I have to deal with it carefully later to avoid being run away by him!"

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, the group came to an old warehouse.

Looking over dozens of meters away, you can see that the warehouse door is closed, and only a small side door is open.

Standing at the side door was a tall, thin man wearing a hooded gray cloth cloak, covering his head and face.

Every minute or two, a man would appear from an unknown corner.

Half of them are sailors and the other half are dock workers. They are ordinary people with little money in their pockets.

Lucius could see clearly that the men handed the money to the man at the door and happily entered the warehouse.

It can take as long as a quarter of an hour or as short as a few minutes, and you will walk out of the warehouse contentedly.

The business of this brothel was quite good. In the half hour that Lucius observed, at least twenty men came in, and men continued to come.

Judging from the customer throughput, there are at least thirty girls in the brothel.

He came to a tentative conclusion.

'The fact that the brothel was built deep in an inconspicuous warehouse district and catered exclusively to lower-class customers shows that the boss behind the scenes has a limited background and is probably a desperate little guy. ’

In this way, he could investigate with confidence.

After observing for a while, Lucius asked: "Captain, you just said that every girl inside is very beautiful?"

"Yes, they are very beautiful. Each of them looks like a fairy."

"Are you sure you read that correctly?"

It is normal for one or two beautiful girls to appear. After all, flowers can grow in cow dung. But it is extraordinary for thirty or forty beautiful girls to appear at once.

Sedro nodded very firmly: "I'm sure I read it correctly."

Lucius made a preliminary guess: "That should be a magic illusion."

Sedro shook his head repeatedly: "Sir, it's definitely not an illusion!"

"Although I don't know magic, I am also a formally trained warrior. I understand the basic knowledge of magic and how to distinguish illusions."

"I not only see with my eyes, but also touch with my body, and experience it with my soul. She is truly beautiful!"

"If you don't believe it, you can ask my team members."

Without waiting for Lucius to ask, the team members nodded in agreement.

"The captain is absolutely right."

"Sir, our minds and knowledge are far inferior to yours, but we are not fools either."

"Maybe this brothel owner is morally flawed, but he is very generous. He let us fuck us for free. Cough~~cough~~~"

Lucius was filled with doubts.

Because magic illusions are indeed easy to see through.

Changes in light and changes in the subject's mental state may cause the spell to be broken, and physical touch is the shortcoming of the spell illusion.

Therefore, the girl inside should be a real person.

So where did they get so many beautiful girls?

"Could it be that they used the transformation technique on a group of ordinary girls?"

"That's not right. One candle costs one keren, and the customers are all hungry sailors and dock workers. No girl is willing to take on such a dirty job unless forced."

"If it is really forced, then I have done a great thing today and will definitely be rewarded by the temple."

Thinking of this, Lucius' heartbeat accelerated slightly with excitement.

"Captain, send someone to block the back door. Remember to be gentle and don't make a big fuss. I'll arrest people at the front door."

As he spoke, Lucius's cane suddenly lit up, and a blue light rose from the soles of his feet, covering his entire body.

After a few seconds, a thin film similar to blue crystal appeared on the surface of his body.

Seeing that the security captain was still stunned, he urged impatiently: "Why don't you go quickly?!"

"Yes, yes, I'll go right away."

The security captain immediately led people to run to the back door of the brothel.

Lucius waited for a while, estimated that the time was almost up, took a deep breath and whispered.


The cane lit up again, and his body suddenly hung half a meter high, like weightless mist, and he rushed forward more than 50 meters very quickly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Lucius was standing at the door of the brothel, standing face to face with the man in gray robe who was responsible for collecting money at the door.

Without waiting for the other party to react, he immediately raised his cane, and the crystal on the head of the cane emitted a dazzling blue light: "Go to sleep."


The man in gray robe behind the door fell limply to the ground and fell into a baby-like sleep.

This movement frightened the customers at the door.

"Mother Nature, the mage is killing people!"

"Guard~Where are the guards?"

"Don't be stupid, the guards only protect the rich. Run!"

The customers dispersed in a hurry.

Lucius ignored the chaos at the door and quickly entered the warehouse.

The interior space of the warehouse is rectangular, with two rows of wooden shelves on the left and right, and sheets of primary-color burlap hanging on the shelves, dividing the warehouse into small individual spaces.

A corridor was left in the middle. On both sides of the corridor, curtain doors dyed dark red hung.

The customers behind the door were unaware of the change and were still immersed in joy.

All kinds of unpleasant sounds flooded into Lucius's ears, making the mage blush and his heart beat faster.

Immediately raise your hand and quickly draw the natural divine seal on your chest, silently reciting:

‘O Mother Nature, may you purify my heart and protect me from the contamination of evil! ’

After reciting the prayer, he felt a little calmer. He used a mage's hand to quietly open the dark red curtain door beside him.

Behind the door is a small cubicle 4 meters long and 2 meters wide. There is a simple bed made of hay and coarse cloth, and two people are lying on top of it.

One was a sailor, the other. After just one glance, Lucius couldn't help but take a breath.

"That bastard Cedro was right. He really looks like a fairy."

Such a fairy, not to mention ordinary civilians who have never seen the world, even he can't control it.


He immediately lowered the curtain and raised his hand to draw the natural divine seal on his chest. He drew it more than twenty times in one breath before he could barely suppress the evil desires in his heart.

But desires will not disappear out of thin air. Desires that have nowhere to vent quickly turn into raging rage.

"This is simply a hell of desires, an evil abyss that tempts mortals to fall. It must be purified immediately!"

He walked to the middle of the corridor and raised his cane like a musical baton.

With his action, all the burlap was guided by an invisible and powerful force, flew into the sky together, and rolled into a ball.


The selfless customers finally discovered the abnormality and hurriedly put on their clothes.

Lucius shouted loudly.

"The temple inspector wizard enforces the law! Everyone put on your clothes, hold your head against the wall and squat!"

"Disobeyers will be shot on the spot!"

No ordinary person would disobey the orders of a powerful wizard.

After a while, all the customers squatted in a row honestly.

But the strange thing is that the girls seemed to have heard nothing and still lay on the floor and posed.

Lucius shouted angrily: "Are you deaf? Put on your clothes immediately!"

Still no response.

Lucius suppressed his throbbing heart and carefully observed one of the girls. As he watched, his face showed a deep surprise.

He suddenly raised his cane and pointed at the girl: "Purification!"

A fist-sized white light ball flew out and sank into the girl's body.

A few seconds later, the girl's body was actually glowing with white light, which became thicker and thicker, as if it were real.

In the white light, the girl's body changed rapidly, and after more than ten seconds, it turned into a sheep.

The sheep looked at Lucius, bleating, and kept twisting its butt at him!

Lucius was shocked.

"Global Transfiguration on Non-Human Aliens!"

"How is this possible?"

Transfiguration is not uncommon.

Standard Transfiguration is just an ordinary spell of low-level strength. What is rare is the sophistication of Transfiguration, which has reached an extremely amazing level.

'The difficulty of casting is probably more than 20 stars! '

Lucius took a deep breath, suppressed his throbbing heart again, walked to the second girl, and carefully examined the details of her body.

The more he looked, the more shocked he was.

"It's flawless!"

Transfiguration is like clay sculpture. Most wizards can do it, but it's hard to do it well, and even harder to do it well.

Because the energy of the spell is difficult to control precisely, and the casting time is only a few tens of seconds.

The situation in front of me is like a clay sculptor, holding an unsuitable tool, completing a masterpiece in less than a minute.

It's simply a miracle.

Lucius didn't believe it: "It's okay to transform into a fairy, but it's more than 30 in a row, and each has its own characteristics. How is this possible?"

If you only transform into a few, there is a trick called mirror deformation.

That is, find a real beauty, use a mirror to obtain her form, and then use Transfiguration to replicate it.

But this requires dual-line casting skills, and the difficulty is not much lower than simple deformation.

But the question is, where can you find so many beautiful women with outstanding style and unique charm?

'Is it a gang crime? '

The black-robed wizard, full of doubts, checked one after another, and purified one after checking.

After the inspection, there were more than 30 sheep in the warehouse.

None of the people serving the customers were human.

At the same time, Lucius came to a more shocking conclusion.

‘The casting style is exactly the same, it is most likely done by a single wizard! ’

On the other side, the customers were also stunned, and they were speechless.

Captain Sedro also came in, and after seeing this scene, his jaw almost dropped from his face.

“Mother Nature, this. This. This.”

Lucius’s face was gloomy: “Did you catch the brothel owner?”

Sedro came back to his senses after a while: “I didn’t see anyone running out of the back door.”

Lucius frowned: “Not good!”

He immediately turned around and ran out of the warehouse to check the gray-robed man who collected the money, and found that the gray-robed man was still sleeping on the ground.

He lifted the other person’s hood with his cane and found that he was an ordinary middle-aged man.

He tried the purification technique again, and it turned into a sheep.

There was no one in the whole brothel, all sheep!

From the beginning to the end, the brothel owner was hiding behind the scenes and never really appeared.

Lucius gritted his teeth and sneered: "You are so cunning, I want to see how capable you are!"

Quickly ran back to the warehouse, and released tracking techniques such as "Wind Breath Tracing", "Clear Water Divination", "Ashes Divination", and "Psychic Guidance".

In the end, nothing was found!

This brothel owner is also proficient in anti-tracking techniques and destroyed all the spell information that can be used for tracking.

Lucius felt a sense of powerlessness and even a faint sense of awe.

This fellow wizard is stronger than him, by a large margin.

Not only is his magic power stronger than his, his knowledge is also more profound than his, and his spellcasting ability is completely crushed.

If he persists in tracking, he may face life-threatening danger.

After a moment of silence, when his mood calmed down a little, he turned his head and looked at the captain of the security team: "You have seen him. Forget it, it's useless even if you have seen him."

The opponent is a master of transformation, also known as the Master of Thousand Faces, and ordinary people will see nothing.

The fact is that the clues for tracking have been completely cut off.

Lucius stood silently in the middle of the warehouse, unwillingly analyzing the known information, and finally came to two conclusions.

"This fallen wizard is cunning and cautious, has strong action ability, rich knowledge of magic, and strong magic power. He is a true master of transformation."

"At the same time, he is very short of money, has a great understanding of women's bodies, and may have good relationships with dozens of beauties. He is likely to be a playboy who is addicted to sensual pleasures and squanders all his wealth."

These two conclusions are contradictory.

Magicians are also mortals, and their energy and time are limited.

It is impossible to achieve such amazing achievements in magic if you lie on women's bellies every day for pleasure.

Lucius scratched his scalp a little frantically.

"Mother Nature, what kind of person is this?!"

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