Start with Island Lord

Chapter 100 The mentor's secret care (23)

Mrs. Agnet didn't have the dazzling beauty of Selena, but she had bright eyes, soft features, and a graceful figure, like a white tulip quietly blooming.

No matter who she stood with, she would not look abrupt, nor would she be ignored.

Now that her magic power had been promoted to the fourth ring, this trait became more prominent.

When she walked into the government study room in a lavender dress, Rosen immediately put down the bracelet sample in his hand, raised his hand across his chest to perform the apprentice salute, and said "salute to the mentor".

The earl, who was dizzy by Rosen, breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had met a savior: "Sister, you came back at the right time. Your apprentice is full of tricks, and I am really no match for him."

Mrs. Agnet walked to the desk to check the bracelet Rosen brought.

Rosen immediately stepped aside to make room for the mentor.

She picked up the light and delicate bracelet, looked at it carefully, and even injected magic power into it to carefully examine its internal structure.

As she watched, Mrs. Agnet showed a hint of surprise on her face.

"Rosen, for such a small thing, you set such a complicated spell lock?"

For a moment, she couldn't crack it.

Rosen squinted and smiled: "Teacher, don't look at the small size of the thing, but it has the power to collect the 'expectation power' of ordinary people. Please allow me to name this subtle power that has been ignored. It refers to the weak magic power that naturally exists in the soul of every ordinary person. When ordinary people pay special attention to an item, this very weak magic power will follow and entangle it."

Mrs. Agnet looked interested: "Continue."

"For example, this bracelet is named 'Beautiful Girl', so this word is a hint."

"When the buyer buys it home and wears it every day, he will naturally add the expectation of 'Beautiful Girl' to it. Inject it on the bracelet. When the bracelet is stimulated, it can produce a kind of "micro magic", which gives the wearer the moisture of water elements, thus producing beautiful effects. "

"It's really interesting, and it is indeed effective. Although the effect is very weak, it will be enough for the wearer to feel it after a while, right?"

Rosen nodded: "If you have strong expectations, you can feel the effect after wearing it for ten days."

Mrs. Agnet looked down at the bracelet again: "The craftsmanship is very exquisite, not inferior to the magic tools imported by Aaron, and the materials are also unique. I have never seen it before."

She looked up at Rosen, and her bright violet eyes once again revealed an inquiring light.

"Rosen, it seems that you have done a lot of groundbreaking research in the magic laboratory that I don't know about."

Rosen nodded very straightforwardly: "Yes, mentor, I have done a lot."

"I have no doubt that it has a huge market, but since you plan to sell it in Shire County, how do you and my brother plan to divide the profits?"

"There are two ways to split it. One is 3 Oggs, and the profit is 64%. Or the earl can set his own price and buy it from me at a price of 20 kren each."

"It sounds good. You just said that there are other types of small magic tools?"

"Yes, there are many. I am still developing them. The approach is similar to this bracelet. It is developed for the daily needs of ordinary people, so that every ordinary person can use magic tools."

"Very good idea. How high can the output be raised?"

"I have been training refiners with similar skills. Within three months, the output can be raised to at least 10,000 per month."

"Really good."

Mrs. Agnet praised sincerely and turned to look at the earl. "Brother, I think this is a very good way. If it develops well, the monthly income may be tens of thousands of Ogg, which means hundreds of thousands of Ogg per year."

This made Rosen slightly stunned: 'Teacher, you are so optimistic, which is not in line with your cautious character. '

And he could also think that the difficulty of reaching a cooperation was directly reduced by an order of magnitude after the teacher said this.

Sure enough, the earl said excitedly: "Sister, since even you think it is reliable, it seems to be a good business!"

The sister was promoted to a master of magic at a young age, which is the pride of the family. Maybe the earl would not listen to her in other aspects, but he trusted her in the field of magic without reservation.

So when she said this, the earl immediately decided to cooperate with Rosen.

Since it was such a large-scale cooperation, the matter of the Flame War Group would naturally pass.

But there was one more thing he had to figure out with the little baron.

So, he coughed lightly, sat back in the thick leather chair, and said: "Rosen, my nephew, the smuggling activities at Broken Gold Wharf have been rampant recently. What do you think about this?"

If they take the normal route, these smuggled goods should have paid taxes to him, but now they sneaked through without paying the money, which is taking advantage of him.

Although the amount is not much at present, in the past month or so, at least his wharf has lost several thousand Oggs.

The port tax at Broken Gold Wharf is the largest source of income in Shire County. It is an inexhaustible family gold mine and cannot be sloppy at all.

Speaking of this, Rosen's face became serious. After obtaining the consent of his mentor, he released a blockade barrier to the study and the window.

Then, he whispered: "Uncle, mentor, Her Royal Highness the Princess and I have found a group of secret supporters in the south."

When these words came out, Robert and his sister were both shocked.

Madam Agnet felt that her apprentice's barrier was too weak, so she immediately added a fourth-ring arcane spell she had just learned, "Wall of Secrets," to cover the entire study.

She then said, "Supporters. Support for what?"

Rosen said softly: "Support the princess and oppose the current duke."

Upon hearing this, the count stood up from his chair in shock.

"This is a conspiracy. Well, this news is really shocking!"

He wanted to talk about treason, but when he thought about it carefully, the princess was also a member of the Adrian family, and the natural divine blood in her body was no thinner than that of the current Duke, and might even be richer.

Because the Adrian family started with Saint Weilan, and the bloodline of Saint Weilan is more fully reflected in women.

The princess's stunningly pure emerald eyes embody this perfectly.

In fact, had the princess not been too young, the position of duke would have definitely gone to Ryder Adrian.

If Ryder did a good job, then forget it, and everyone would have no objection, but Ryder was a softie, and all the earls in the northern county looked down upon him.

The Shire is also a northern county, and all goods from the Wit continent must be scraped at the Dawnstorm Port.

Although I had always shaved before, after the new Duke took office, he shaved more and more fiercely.

The problem is that if Dawn City raises taxes, Shire County cannot follow suit because it is connected with other northern counties on land.

Northerners have explosive tempers, and the Shire County will be beaten if their tempers rise too much.

As a result, Shire County, the northern trading center, was hit the hardest.

Earl Robert had long been very dissatisfied with this.

He was even more furious about the new route this time!

Mrs. Agnet thought more, she said nothing, but her big soft eyes stared at her young apprentice.

After watching for a while, she said: "Rosen, Selena cannot be a good duke. Although she has a tough character, she is too shallow-minded."

She and Selena have a very good relationship, are very familiar with each other, and know Selena's character well.

Of course, Rosen knew that this matter could not be hidden from his mentor, and he did not intend to hide it.

"I will assist her, and if things work out, I will become regent."

Mrs. Agnet nodded: "That is somewhat reliable."

In the past few days after returning to Shire County, she had heard many rumors about Paddlefish Island, and she went to inquire about it, and found that her young apprentice was actually a very outstanding lord.

When it comes to being a lord, no one in his position can do better than him.

The Earl was a little shocked at first, but after thinking about it carefully, he agreed with this.

He thinks a lot.

First of all, Rosen’s ability and knowledge are beyond doubt.

Secondly, Rosen is from the north, and he and his wife have a very good relationship with their family.

In particular, Rosen was his sister's first apprentice and respected her very much. He came over the next day after her sister sent her a letter.

When he becomes the regent, he will definitely take great care of the interests of Shire County.

When he and the princess have a child, the child will have half northern blood. His father is still a baron in the north. When the child succeeds and becomes the new duke, he will definitely be good to the north in the future.

But he also has concerns.

"Those vampire earls from Southern County will definitely not agree, but our warriors from Northern County can beat the crap out of them. But what about the Aarons?"

Although he is reluctant, everyone knows that the current Duke of Weilan was actually supported by the Aaron people. Even if he is not a puppet, he takes great care of the interests of the Aaron people.

The Aaronic people would never watch him be overthrown.

Once there is a change in Dawn City, the Lion Fleet swimming in the Gilded Strait will immediately come north.

Maybe they and the Aaron people still have a head start on land, but the strait will definitely be blocked, and all maritime trade routes between Weiland and Wit Continent will be cut off, and even food will not be imported.

Forget about high-end magic products, it’s just a hard life, but food is your lifeblood, and you’ll feel panicked if you don’t eat even one meal.

They in the northern county are not too worried about lack of food, but those short-sighted fools in the southern county have planted cotton, sugar cane, tobacco and other messy things in the farmland.

Without the food supply from Witte Continent, it would be a human tragedy!

Moreover, there are many people in the south, and even if the north wants to save them, there is not enough food to save them.

Therefore, the word 'Aaron' is a huge stone weighing on the heart of every Earl of Weilan.

In this regard, Rosen actually has countermeasures, but it is not yet time to propose and implement them.

He said softly: "So, we have to accumulate strength year by year, not only to store more food, but also to develop our own magic industry in Weilan and become independent."

"Are you independent?"

Robert and his sister savored the word carefully, with complicated expressions on their faces.

Weilan never achieved true independence.

Even in the era of Saint Weilan, it was only because of the strong support of the Aaron people that they were able to successfully establish a foothold on the giant island of Weilan.

After a long time, Earl Robert came back to his senses and asked: "So, what is the purpose of these smuggling?"

"Paddlefish Island needs to develop its strength to prove that Princess Selena has enough ability to lead Weilan. At the same time, I will be the regent in the future, and I will also need some financial resources of my own."

"But the Duke had a trade ban, so it had to be smuggled."


The Earl wanted to let the ban die, but he quickly remembered the Ministry of Government in Xialin City.

Shire County is the richest county among the northern counties. Naturally, it is also the county that the Duke pays the most attention to. His autonomy is far less than that of other counties.

There's something going on here, and it won't take long for it to reach the Duke's ears.

At this moment, Mrs. Agnet spoke.

"Brother, the trade between other northern counties and the White Sturgeon Island is additional and will not affect the current trade volume of the Broken Gold Wharf. Can't you just close your eyes?"

The Earl thought about it carefully and felt that it was not wrong. Moreover, even if this batch of smuggling was included in the jurisdiction, it would only collect an extra 10,000 or 20,000 Oggs a year. The cooperation between him and Rosen in magic tools has already made up for this loss.

"Okay, but Rosen, remember to make a little less noise, and it's best not to go through the Broken Gold River. County Magistrate Xia Lin is a good dog of Reid, and he is keeping a close eye on it."

Rosen nodded: "I will develop a more secret smuggling route, uncle."

The Broken Gold River is the largest river in the north. If you don't go through the Broken Gold River, the transportation cost will be greatly increased.

He thought secretly: 'It seems that we have to develop a special smuggling ship. '

"That's good."

Everything that should be discussed has been discussed, and the three people's tense minds have relaxed a lot.

The Earl asked with a relaxed look: "How many days do you plan to stay this time?"

"I want to go back tomorrow. Princess Selena is lonely on the island alone."

Hearing this, Lady Agnet suddenly felt heartbroken: "Oh~ my poor princess. Brother, I want to spend this winter festival on the White Sturgeon Island."

The Earl shrugged: "Okay."

He was happy to see his sister and the princess get along well.

Rosen said again: "Uncle, I want to go to your library to check some information related to the murlocs, because the murlocs outside the island are too annoying. You see."

"Go ahead, sister, you are familiar with this matter, take Rosen with you."

Lady Agnet smiled slightly: "That's what I was thinking."

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