Start with Island Lord

Chapter 108: Sun Warrior Project (13)

"Don't grab it~Don't grab it~~Get in line!"

"There is enough water and food, don't grab it!"

"Breastfeeding women, pregnant women, patients, and children go first in line~~That's right~~Those who are strong will give way!"

Behind the Sturgeon Pier, the guards shouted until their voices became hoarse, but they could still barely maintain order.

The refugees who had just gotten off the boat smelled the aroma of cooked food. They all looked like hungry wolves, their eyes glowing green, and they pushed forward as hard as they could, hoping to fill their stomachs as soon as possible.

The knight Frodo is one of the refugees.

Yes, he was once a noble knight and a high-ranking knight.

But the flood did not recognize this, and turned his fief into a muddy field, and also washed away all his subjects.

All his property was gone. Equipment, weapons, horses, even his family, and the most precious lord canonization book were all washed away before his eyes.

But it doesn’t matter.

Because the baron he conferred was even more unlucky, the castle made of earth and stone collapsed directly from the heavy rain, burying the baron's family inside.

With strong fighting spirit and good luck, Frodo used all his strength to hold the trunk of a big tree and stayed in the tree for five days and five nights before the flood subsided.

He saved his life and encountered a slave-catching team while struggling to survive in a muddy field.

Being tired and hungry, he had no strength to resist at all, and he didn't even want to resist, because if he was captured as a slave, at least he could still stutter.

He was knocked unconscious.

When I woke up, I was already lying on the swaying plank of the boat, eating inadequate portions of rotten food and drinking water that smelled like urine. After wandering for more than a month, I arrived in such a completely unfamiliar place.

They say this is Weiland's Paddlefish Island, an island baron.

He had vaguely heard of the name of this place, only that it was a small place, but judging from the size of the port not far behind him, this place should not be poor, and should be much richer than his original baron lord.

This made Frodo secretly relieved.

‘My family is all gone, so I have to make a living no matter where I am. It’s not bad to live on a rich island, at least I don’t have to fight with the knights in the territory next door. ’

He did not despise Weilan. They were both principalities of the Natural Alliance, and Bosilia was not much richer than Weilan.

Although there are many shield warriors to maintain order, the order is still not very good. Many men are dishonest and will act randomly if they have a little strength.

Frodo looked at this scene and thought to himself: "Why are the Baron's soldiers so weak? In this case, they should be whipped hard!"

But he never saw the whip holder from the beginning to the end.

However, the troublemakers did not remain arrogant for long, and soon strong soldiers pulled them out alone.

But there was still no lesson, they were just isolated with a shield array and marked on their faces with a unique paint.

Frodo thought to himself: "Well, it seems that he must be a benevolent lord."

There was indeed a lot of food, and everyone did receive enough food and clean water.

The anxious mood gradually calmed down, and the team gradually became orderly.

After a while, Frodo received his share of food.

The food was served in a clay bowl and a wooden spoon was given.

The bowl contained a generous portion of salted potatoes, a wheat cake, and finally a ladle of thick seaweed soup.

"Eat the food as soon as you get it! After eating, keep walking forward. When you see the big puddle in front of you, wash yourself off when you pass by the puddle!"

There was a sound reaching his ears, but Frodo had no time to listen. He had not eaten fresh food for almost two months, and the rich aroma of the food in his hand made his stomach growl.

He found a corner and started eating.

The potatoes tasted good, and the vegetable soup tasted good. When he ate the wheat cakes, Frodo was surprised to find that there was filling in them.

When you take a bite, it's sizzling, with the aroma of bacon and fat.

"Hmm~~He's still a meatloaf!"

Frodo had not eaten meat for an unknown amount of time, and he thought these little meat pies were simply the most delicious delicacy in the world.

He devoured it, and so did everyone around him.

After finishing the meat pie, Frodo even put his meat-stained fingers into his mouth and sucked them clean.

There was a lot of food, but he only ate about four percent full. His appetite was naturally much larger than others.

But no matter what, the burning feeling in my stomach has been greatly relieved.

‘Finally living like a human being. The Baron is so kind and generous. ’

They are just refugees. If they were in any other territory, they would definitely be treated like cattle or horses, but here, they didn't even receive a whip.

Although it had not been an hour since he had disembarked, Frodo was already planning to start over on the island.

‘I’m only 23 years old, I’m still young enough. With my fighting spirit and martial arts skills, I will definitely have no problem joining the army. There seem to be fishmen around this island. If I kill the fishmen more diligently, I should be able to be knighted soon. ’

While he was thinking about it, he saw several clean and respectable young people walking into the crowd, shouting as they walked.

"Keep walking forward. There are several large pools in front of you. The water in the pools is filled with potions for cleaning the body and getting rid of bed bugs and fleas."

"Clean your bodies in the pool. When you get to the other side of the pool, report your names and abilities, and receive a brand new set of clothes!"

Frodo was very happy to hear this: ‘Hey~ I’m still making potions and getting new clothes. It seems that this lord loves to be clean. ’

He had been itching all over for a long time, and he had the strength to get up immediately and followed the instructions to walk forward.

As expected, he saw two huge pools, 50 meters long and five or six meters wide. The pool on the left was open to the sky, for men.

The pool on the right was surrounded by a wooden fence more than one person high, for women.

The potion in the pool was light green, with a strong bitter smell of plants and trees.

Frodo didn't care and jumped into the pool with a "plop".

"Wash while walking, don't block the road!"

Frodo did it immediately.

The potion smelled a bit strong, but it didn't irritate the eyes. When it was applied to the affected area bitten by fleas, it felt cool and comfortable.

Frodo simply buried his whole body in the water, and then walked forward in the water with his eyes closed.

Soon he reached the end and encountered another level. There were many stone counters half a person high behind the checkpoint, and behind each counter sat island officials dressed as clerks.

Someone beside him instructed: "Young man, keep going forward and report your name, age, and ability."

Frodo strode up and stood in front of a cabinet.

"Frodo, 23 years old, I used to be a knight of the Principality of Bosilia, and I have practiced advanced fighting spirit, horsemanship, swordsmanship, spearmanship, and shieldmanship."

The clerk behind the cabinet showed surprise in his eyes, and looked up and looked at Frodo carefully.

Then he waved loudly to a man dressed as an officer behind him: "Sir, there is a very outstanding warrior here."

The officer walked over quickly, looked Frodo up and down, and said: "Since you are a knight, why don't you go find your lord?"

"The baron I am loyal to is dead. The foundation of the castle was directly washed away by the flood, burying the baron's family inside, I saw it with my own eyes."

"Well, it's a rare flood, follow me."

The officer waved to Frodo.

Frodo followed briskly, knowing that his life would soon get better again.

The officer took Frodo to a spacious room and said to a man dressed as a barber waiting inside: "Shave all his hair off his body to make sure there are no blood-sucking creatures."

He then said to Frodo: "Take off your clothes."

Frodo did as he was told.

As a man, he didn't mind exposing his body, but he felt that the officer's eyes were a little strange because he kept looking him up and down.

The officer's voice sounded again: "Although you are a little thin, you used to be quite strong and good-looking."

Frodo smiled awkwardly: "Yes, sir."

"Now, you have three choices."

"The first is to return to the team and go to the refugee shelter with everyone to work for the baron."

Frodo shook his head very simply: "No, sir, I won't go to the shelter."

"Very good, then the second choice is to join the island army and become a warrior guarding the island."

"What about the third one?"

"Join the island's navy, participate in the "Sun Warrior" plan, and become a Sun Warrior. As long as this task is completed well, you should be able to get rid of your status as a recruit soon."

Frodo said without hesitation: "I choose the third one."

"A wise choice."

The barber was very skilled and moved very quickly. He soon shaved Frodo's whole body, and the officer also brought a set of clean clothes.

"New recruit leather armor, put it on."

Frodo took a look at the leather armor and found that it was brand new and of good quality.

As he was getting dressed, he asked, "Baron. Oh no, the lord seems to be very wealthy?"

The officer smiled slightly: "You guessed right, he is very wealthy and of noble status."

"Noble status. The lord is indeed of noble status."

"No, you haven't understood yet. I said noble status because our lord married Princess Weilan. It's just like your dead baron lord married the daughter of the Grand Duke of Bosilia."


Frodo took a breath, and then suddenly remembered the outrageous rumors he heard some time ago: "Wait, wait, I remember, is the lord the baron who robbed the princess with King Danger?"

"Yes, that's it."


Frodo suddenly felt that his future life might be very exciting.

Soon, he found that the officer was taking him to a house.

"What are you doing now?"

"Enjoy lunch. Or, are you full?"

"Of course not." Frodo's saliva began to secrete faster.

His biggest characteristic is that he can eat a lot. Because he can eat as much as three or four people, he can never save money.

Soon they arrived at the restaurant.

This restaurant is much better than before. It is spacious and bright, and there are rows of rounded tables and chairs made of topaz-like stones.

The restaurant is separated into two rooms, the inner one is the officers' restaurant, and the outer one is for ordinary soldiers.

"You eat here."

"There are clean plates over there. Take the plates to the window to find the chef. Take whatever you like and make sure you are full, but don't waste it."

"Yes, sir."

"Finally, no matter what happens, private fighting is prohibited in the army. Disobeying orders will result in being imprisoned in the confinement room at the least, and expelled from the army at the worst."

Frodo didn't quite understand, and he asked based on past experience: "Which knight is my direct superior?"

"You are directly affiliated with the East China Sea Fleet and are a fleet recruit. The highest commander of the fleet is Major Harry."

"Major Harry. It's a new type of army, just like the Kingdom of Levender, right?"

Frodo still had some knowledge.

"It is somewhat similar to Levender, but there are also many differences. I know you must be confused now, but someone will teach you."

Frodo was indeed confused, but the aroma of food drove away all the questions in his mind.

'Who cares, as long as there are delicious food and drinks. '

He imitated the other soldiers, picked up the plate and lined up in front of the window.

Soon it was his turn.

Through the small glass window, he saw many kinds of food inside, more than a dozen kinds, including vegetables, meat and soup. Not only did it look good, but the aroma was also very rich.

He remembered what the officer had said before, pointed at the big piece of stew and said, "I want that, full."

The chef glanced at him and reminded him, "It's okay to have a full plate, but you'll be in trouble if you can't finish it."

"Uh~ Then give me half, and five more meat patties, and a bowl of seaweed."

Finally, he took a full plate of food back and started to eat it in big mouthfuls.

The food tasted very good, much better than the food in his previous territory.

He couldn't help thinking: 'If there are days like this every day, I won't go back even if I go back to my previous territory. '

And from the surrounding situation, it is obvious that there are days like this every day, because those warriors are very strong.

While eating, Frodo saw an officer with a few confused, thin, bald recruits walking in.

It was clear at a glance that the other party was a refugee before.

It can also be seen that although the other party is thin, he is strong, young, and handsome, just like himself.

He then discovered that all the new soldiers in the restaurant were young and good-looking.

Frodo immediately wondered, "Does being a soldier have to be good-looking these days? Or is this the lord's personal preference?"

He couldn't figure it out, so he simply gave up.

He buried his head in the stew, and the delicious taste made him forget all his troubles.

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