Start with Island Lord

Chapter 129: If a country is not acquired in a proper way, there will be endless troubles (33)

Rosen deliberately walked out of the side door on the other side of the Grand Temple, and took the Queen's Rune Fire Gun with him.

He also deliberately avoided Lady Blue Rose Luna.

His goal had been achieved, so he naturally would not continue to entangle with the other party.

After entering the crowd, he quickly canceled the secret transformation and restored his original appearance.

But this was not enough.

He began to cast various anti-tracking spells.

Pure water, fate, arcane, mind, etc., as long as he knew the anti-tracking spells, he cast them all.

He did not fight with the other party, because he might not be able to fight.

Directly with the advantage of strong mana, he came with a super-large-scale interference spell.

After the casting, he found Miss Margaret on the edge of the square and left the temple square with her.

In the rest room, the queen was not in a hurry to leave.

She carefully recalled the previous secret conversation and searched for the possible flaws left by the other party.

The reason is very simple, because in addition to normal transactions, she has a better choice.

That is to capture the mysterious magic saint, control him in the palace, and use him completely for her own use.

At the same time, she was very dissatisfied.

She had been a queen for forty years, and had never experienced such a completely suppressed negotiation, so that after the negotiation was completed, let alone the specific identity, she didn't even see the real appearance of the other party.

She only knew that he was from Weilan, but Weilan also had more than 30 million people.

After thinking about it over and over again for more than ten times, she still couldn't find any valuable clues. Even the spells used by the other party were brand new, and there was no corresponding clue in history.

'Try destiny divination again, maybe you can get some answers. '

She gestured with her hands and began to divination.

She was very proficient in divination. She had been honing in divination for more than forty years and mastered many unique divination skills.

As soon as she divination, she felt something was wrong.

The subtle inspiration of destiny divination was seriously disturbed and could not be condensed at all.

After trying for more than ten minutes and consuming half of her magic power, she still failed.

She had to give up, and a sense of shock arose in her heart.

"Using magic power to stir up the fate frenzy and disrupt all clues, is this the power of a six-ring magic saint?"

It felt much stronger than the six-ring magic saint she imagined.

On the other side, Rosen followed Miss Margaret back to her simple rental house, and after getting his wooden box, he said goodbye to her.

Find a hotel to stay in, and then wait.

Not waiting in vain.

Not only did he check the area near the agreed treatment site to get familiar with the situation.

He was also constantly playing hide-and-seek with Kao's spies.

Doing business with the royal family is like seeking the skin of a tiger, so it is not excessive to be careful.

At the same time, he also remotely connected his territory and the giant island of Weilan through the telegraph machine hidden in the wooden box and the established telegraph line, and sent telegrams from time to time for remote control.

'Once Kao makes this move, the threat from Aaron will be gone for the time being, and I can start selling pearls on the giant island of Weilan. ’

His island can no longer be hidden. Before everyone focuses on him, he will sell pearl jewelry crazily and make a lot of money to earn the last wave of information asymmetry dividends.

Three days passed in a flash.

Three days later, Rosen came to the agreed location and used fortune-telling to calculate his fate, but there was no result.

Because the interference he released earlier was still effective, and it also interfered with himself.

‘This divination is really unreliable. ’

Then we can only seek truth from facts and investigate on the spot.

After circling around and confirming that there was no ambush, he quietly sneaked into the top floor of a luxury suite in a top-level mansion.

As one of the three major gold capitals of the Natural Alliance, the luxury of this mansion in Silver Moon City is naturally far better than the original Blue Whale Mansion, and it is even catching up with Weilan's Dawn Castle.

When he came to the door of the suite, he knocked gently, and the door opened immediately, revealing a spacious and bright living room with four people sitting in the living room.

To be more precise, there are four sages, one of whom is the queen.

Apart from this, there were no irrelevant people.

Rosen was very satisfied with this.

When it comes to conspiracy, the fewer eyes the better.

When Rosen arrived, except for the queen, the three sages showed a hint of hostility on their faces.

These three sages are the top mages of the Natural Alliance, and they have been famous for many years.

Their exact ages are unknown, but their bodies look quite old, with silver hair and wrinkles on their faces.

But if we look at the age of the soul based on the 100-yard scale, the youngest is 40 and the oldest is 60.

For the sages, they are still in their prime.

Rosen slowly walked into the room and closed the door.

"Where is your majesty?"

He had actually felt the natural power of King Silger, who was in the bedroom next door.

The queen confirmed with some concern: "Your Excellency, if the situation is beyond expectations, I hope to keep it as it is."

"I will."

At this time, the oldest sage spoke: "Your Majesty, once you embark on this road, there is no turning back."

Her Majesty sighed and said in a concentrated voice: "Sage Leighton, Aaron is frantically preparing for war. At this time, if we do not unify our forces, internal strife will occur, and the consequences are unpredictable!"

"I assure all the sages again that my purpose is to help Kao overcome difficulties, not for personal selfishness!"

"National affairs are not decided by me alone, but by the four of us together."

Railton sighed deeply and did not nod, but he did not deny it either.

He acquiesced somewhat reluctantly.

This conversation made Rosen's heart move slightly: 'This Railton's rebellion is not complete. ’

If the rebellion is not thorough, that is, if there is no rebellion at all, sooner or later there will be trouble.

But it doesn't matter. As long as there is no trouble in the next three or four years, this internal rift will become the starting point for him to enter the political arena of Kao again in the future.

Therefore, Rosen regarded himself as an outsider and knew nothing.

At this time, another female sage with silver hair said: "Your Excellency Dharma Saint, you look very young. Is it because of the golden potion?"

She looked very interested in the potion, indicating that she wanted to regain her youth.

This is great because desire is what drives trading.

"That's right."

While answering, Rosen walked to the door of the bedroom, opened the door and took a look, and saw the old king lying alone on the bed.

He was even awake, at least his eyes were open, but his eyes were lifeless and his body was motionless. Apart from breathing, he could hardly feel the movement of life.

He approached the bedroom, put his hand on the old king's forehead, felt his soul carefully, and then came to a conclusion.

"A soul with three-ring strength, although only 68 years old, is already very old. Even if the body is completely healthy, it can only last for 15 years at most."

Logically speaking, a 68-year-old person should not be that old, but the symptoms of a stroke greatly consumed the old king's soul.

It doesn't matter if you have a stroke. As long as you get symptomatic treatment and use the exquisite skills, you can naturally save it or even fully recover.

But the mages these days don't quite understand the principles of stroke.

As a result, the king did not receive accurate and timely treatment. The therapists just continued to use spells to replenish his vitality, but they could not stop the leakage.

Such waste will greatly shorten the life span of the soul.

Therefore, even if the body was cured and the cause of the stroke was eliminated, the king's brain could not be cured.

At this time, four sages also followed into the bedroom.

The youngest sage said: "Fifteen years is not a long time, but it is not a short time either. Maybe I can survive Dange to death."

After all, Dange is already 40 years old and will be 55 in 15 years.

For a king, 55 years is a very normal lifespan.

Especially those ambitious kings, although they were famous, often died violently.

As for how he died, no one can tell.

The queen said: "Then please ask His Excellency the Dharma Saint to treat me."

Rosen took out the Golden Blessing and fed the remaining sixty milliliters to King Sirge in one breath. Then he immediately pressed his palm on the King's forehead, channeling the power of the medicine to repair as much damage to the brain as possible.

With his treatment, the old king's breathing became noticeably smoother, his pupils became more focused, and his gloomy complexion regained a lot of luster.

Anyone could tell that his health was improving significantly.

About a quarter of an hour later, Rosen withdrew his hand.


The old king coughed lightly, spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm, moved his eyes slightly, and let out a changed but powerful voice in his throat: "Lala~ My Lala~~~"

To be precise, it's Nana, the queen's nickname.

The queen was slightly surprised, but she still stepped forward and grabbed the old king's hand.

She clearly felt that the king's hand became much stronger, and she also clearly felt the strong vitality in his body.

Anyone who sees the king like this will feel that the king's health has improved greatly and he will definitely not be able to breathe for a while.

The king cannot breathe in a short time, and the turmoil in the domestic political arena will naturally calm down a lot.

When the old king saw the queen, his face showed a pure smile like a baby. As soon as he closed his eyes, he fell asleep peacefully.

The queen was a little worried that the king had completely improved, and immediately looked at Rosen: "What's the situation now?"

Of course Rosen knew her worries and immediately comforted her: "In the best case scenario, His Majesty is in good health, but his brain is similar to that of a child. He only remembers you."


The queen exhaled softly: "Thank you, Your Majesty the Dharma Saint, for your help."

Rosen said softly: "Take good care of it and live at least ten years."

In other words, in these ten years, the Kingdom of Kaa essentially belonged to the four sages headed by the queen.

Of course, this is the current situation.

How it will evolve in the future, Rosen doesn’t know, and probably no one knows either.

Then, he increased the intensity of the God of War's Heart to the highest level, closely watched every move of the four sages, and slowly retreated to the door.

"Everyone, my mission is accomplished."

"Every month from now on, I will give Her Majesty the Queen 10 ml of gold potion."

"But what I want to say is that the golden potion is very precious. Because of my personal relationship with Her Majesty the Queen, these 10 ml are free."

“But if you want more, you have to pay for it.”

"The price is 2,000 Og for 1 ml."

As he spoke, he threw a beautiful lightning bracelet to the queen: "Your Majesty, if you want to see me, put your mana into this bracelet, and I will rush over within half a month."

The queen raised her hand and took the bracelet: "I want to buy 50 ml of gold blessing now."

The female sage also said: "I want 40 ml."

The other two sages also ordered 40 ml from Rosen.

That adds up to 170 ml.

Rosen immediately set up new trading rules: "The maximum limit is 50 ml a month. It's not that I don't want more, it's really difficult to make the medicine."

This is half true and half false. The potion is indeed difficult to make, but 500 ml a month is not a problem.

But he can't give too much, because if the other party drinks too much, he will become completely young and no longer rely on the potion.

He has to make the other party younger little by little, just like in online games, the characters become stronger little by little, so that it can last long.

His reason is also reasonable, and the four sages have nothing to say.

So the remaining 40 ml, 10 ml each.

Rosen nodded to the four sages again: "Everyone, then I will leave first."

After saying this, he left quickly and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After he left, the four sages looked at each other and felt that this matter was a bit strange.

The oldest, Leighton, said, "Your Majesty, this Mage knows all about us, but we know almost nothing about him."

"This is not a good thing."

What they did was a rebellion, and if they were not careful, they would be punished by God. Now, such a mysterious outsider is involved, which makes people feel very uneasy.

When he said this, he immediately got the approval of the other two sages.

"That's right, he has our handle, but we don't have any handle on him at all."

"This is too risky."

The queen spread her hands and looked helpless: "Don't just talk. Try to find him out."

When these words came out, the three sages were all stagnant.

In the past three days, they tried various methods, but they just couldn't find him.

Some of them were simply unable to fight with magic, and some were seriously interfered.

In addition to magic, earthly means were also used, but none of them worked. The other party hid very well.

Anyway, they knew that the other party was hiding in the city, but they just didn't know where he was hiding.

Silver Moon City is so big that it would take three days to find it.

The queen continued, "Besides, we didn't do anything bad, but a good thing. Because we let His Majesty receive the best treatment and live more than ten years."

"Even if Mother Nature comes, she can't blame us for this, right?"

It seems to be true.

The anxiety on the faces of the three sages dissipated a lot.

On the other side, Rosen quickly rode away from Silver Moon City on a fast horse.

He released a six-ring natural gift to the horse, so the horse ran very fast.

After running far away, he looked back at the magnificent city behind him and laughed in his heart: "Let power and desire ferment~~"

If you don't get the country right, there will be endless troubles!

Now there is no big problem. When he sits on the card table in the future, he will play a card at random, which will be enough for these sages to be busy.

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