Start with Island Lord

Chapter 131: Magic Laboratory on the High Cliff by the Sea (22)

High cliffs by the sea.

The high cliffs are concave, forming a secret and safe sheltered bay.

Under the water near the entrance of the bay, Rosen and Laertlis are quietly hiding.

In the water, the hiding effect of the breathless crystal wall spell is maximized.

It is like a black hole, which perfectly conceals the power of the two people, but at the same time, it does not prevent various external breaths from entering.

So, the two can hide in the crystal wall and safely use spells to detect the situation outside.

At this moment, Laertlis is using pure water divination to explore the situation inside the bay.

Rosen has of course learned this trick, but he is not very proficient in using it. At this time, he uses the soul bridge to share Laertlis's divination results in real time.

With the guidance of pure water, Rosen can see the situation inside the bay very clearly.

The entire bay is oval, about 500 meters wide and more than 800 meters deep. The place is not large, and it is crowded with two sailing warships more than 70 meters long.

Although the main body of the warship is made of wood, many key parts are equipped with iron armor, which looks ferocious and majestic.

Around the bay, along the steep sea cliffs, many simple buildings were hastily built with gray cement and wooden boards.

You can see a lot of people, a total of more than 1,200.

All of them are warriors wearing standard leather armor, with an average strength of above intermediate level, and they are well-equipped.

Most of the warriors are holding steel crossbows, and they should be continuous crossbows.

Another part of the battle mages, about one-third of the number, are not holding staffs, but rune muskets!

The style of these rune muskets is naturally not as exquisite as Queen Kao's, and their power is certainly much less.

But they must not be underestimated.

Because the number is really a bit too much, the entire camp is probably more than 500.

Rosen had a headache: 'Levender still has too much money! '

These days, muskets are new weapons. These battle mages can be equipped with muskets, which means they are Levender's elite warriors.

He hid his official identity in a deceitful way, which meant that he was doing something shady.

Where is the laboratory?

Chunshui quickly told Rosen the answer.

It is hidden in a natural cave at the innermost part of the bay.

Obviously, the Banshee captives are locked up inside, and the Banshee King is also likely to be there.

But the defense strength outside the bay is so high, and the defense of the laboratory inside the bay is naturally even more strict.

It is extremely difficult to sneak in and rescue people silently.

Rosen thought about it and had an idea.

"Lily, can you contact your mother? I mean, can you let her know that you are here and let her cooperate with us as much as possible?"

In the current situation, it is definitely not possible to force it. The only way is to infiltrate quietly.

The safest way to infiltrate is to have the cooperation of internal personnel.

Laertlis pondered for a while and nodded gently: "I can use the blood resonance technique to tell my mother in secret."

She then introduced: "This is a spell that combines the mind and pure water. It is very secret and should not be perceived by non-blood relatives."

After that, she closed her eyes, lowered her head, put her hands together in front of her chest, and cast the spell silently.

As the spell ran, Rosen saw her palms covered by blood-red light.

The light radiated in all directions, and after radiating about 30 centimeters, it disappeared into the water.

After the spell lasted for ten seconds, Laertlis slowly spoke.

"I contacted my mother. She is not in good condition. Her magic power is imprisoned and her body is injured, but fortunately she is not in danger of life for the time being."

"She told me that she was imprisoned in a sturdy cage made of krypton gold. There is a very powerful six-ring frost mage beside her. They are talking."

Rosen's heart suddenly moved: "Six-ring frost mage? What's his name?"

"I'll ask my mother to find a way to ask."

Laltris was silent for a while, then nodded and said: "It's called Lafengge."

Rosen's mind was slightly startled: 'Heh~ There is such a big fish in the laboratory! '

Frost messenger Lafengge, the guardian sage of the royal family of Levender.

Now he has been promoted to the sixth ring, that is, the guardian saint.

This guy is an extraordinary person!

Guarding the royal family, guarding the queen to the bed, not to mention the king's green hat, but also pushing his own son to the throne!

Now, he himself has touched the sixth ring and achieved the magic saint. It can be seen that he is also a peerless genius.

Such a person turned out to be the head of this secret magic laboratory, and things became more and more difficult.

But on the other hand, it also shows that this laboratory is very valuable and must hide extremely precious magic knowledge.

Not only for the sake of saving people, Rosen is also very envious of this batch of knowledge.

At the same time, he is also very interested in Lafengge.

Because this guy is the actual supreme king of Levender.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Lily, let your mother stabilize Lafengge, attract his attention, and let him not wander around."


"Mother said she will try her best, but Lafengge is a very cunning person, and she doesn't know how long she can hold on."

Since this is the case, they naturally have to speed up their actions.

After thinking for a while, Rosen said: "Lily, go back and let your sisters fly over to attract the attention of the Gulf Warriors from a distance, and I will sneak in during the chaos."

Lartelis couldn't think of any other good ideas and could only nod in agreement: "Lord, you must be careful."

"Yes, don't worry."

Lartelis turned around and swam away quietly from the bottom of the water, while Rosen carefully continued to sneak forward from the bottom of the water, and finally hid under a small wooden boat on the shore.

After a while, he heard the whistling sound of a banshee coming from the distant sky. The distance was not far or near, about one or two kilometers.

The sound is very sharp and naturally very harsh.

The garrison in the bay was immediately alerted.

Rosen heard shouting near his head.

"Alert~Alert~~The banshees are coming to save their queen~~"


The soldiers ran on the dock planks and quickly entered fighting positions.

"Sir, do you want to take action?"

"Sir, there are not many, just a dozen."

"We'll wait until they get closer, but I guess they won't dare to come over, haha~~"

"Masters, is there any way to silence these noisy women?"

"Too far, sir."

During the chaotic conversations, Rosen saw an opportunity and transformed himself into a Levander battle mage under the water, and then took the opportunity to roll ashore.

On the shore is a pier, half made of cement and the other half made of wooden boards.

Because the topography of the bay is complex, the buildings built according to the topography are layered on top of each other, which is very complex and has many blind spots.

This greatly facilitated Rosen.

Because there were only a dozen or so banshees and they were far away, they didn’t cause much confusion.

There were more than a thousand soldiers in the bay, and only a few dozen soldiers were on guard. Most of the soldiers did not even move.

Some soldiers were chatting, some were patrolling, and some were hiding in corners smoking.

Rosen used the secret transformation technique powered by ten-ring mana to transform into a small military officer.

He walked along without arousing any suspicion and received many salutes.

As he walked, he observed, and when he encountered an area with a clear view, he secretly set up the "Detection Guard" seal.

All the observed information is lost to Laifu's "Heart of the God of War", which analyzes the best combat strategy.

If the secret is revealed and recognized, Rosen will hand over the fighting authority to the Heart of the God of War, with the first goal of escaping with his life.

But fortunately, he was lucky.

All the way to the cave entrance on the innermost side of the high cliff by the sea, it didn't attract any special attention.

Forty meters ahead is the entrance to the cave, with a special guard post at the entrance.

In addition to a senior warrior standing on each side of the gate, there are also many condescending defensive posts set up next to it.

Anyone who wants to break through the card will immediately be attacked by a group of more than twenty warriors, ten of whom are battle mages holding rune fire guns.

Rosen came all the way and saw someone shooting with this thing at the shooting range.

From the power estimation, the strength is about the early stage of the fifth ring.

This is naturally not as good as Queen Kaa's, but it is better in numbers. Once it is besieged, it is really dangerous.

There's no way to hide in there either.

Because invisibility is only suitable for bullying ordinary people.

In such a highly alert place, the mana fluctuations of the invisibility spell will be felt immediately.

Although optically invisible, the magical power is almost the same as holding a torch.

Rosen leaned against an inconspicuous corner of the stone wall, lit up a simple cigarette without a filter tip that came along the road, 'Baz Baz', and pretended to smoke it while thinking about a reasonable way to enter the cave.

At this moment, I suddenly noticed a group of soldiers wearing leather bibs walking out of a wooden house in the distance.

There were more than twenty soldiers, each pushing a wooden cart with a large wooden barrel on it.

There was steam coming out from the gap in the wooden barrel lid, and at the same time, there was a strong aroma of food.

They pushed the cart toward the cave door.

He is a cooking warrior who delivers meals to the laboratory in the cave.

The ventilation in the cave was inconvenient, so meals were prepared outside the cave and brought in. This was a normal situation, but Rosen's eyes lit up.

He immediately walked over and stood in a narrow corridor with poor visibility and waited patiently.

Soon, the food truck passed through the corridor.

Rosen saw the opportunity and took the place of the last food delivery soldier.

As for the original warrior, he was naturally knocked unconscious and thrown into a corner to hide.

He pushed the dining cart all the way to the entrance gate of the cave smoothly.

You can see various detection magic weapons installed on the gate.

When passing the gate, Rosen was still a little nervous and was ready to run away at any moment.

Fortunately, the secret transformation technique he carefully developed passed the test and did not trigger the magic weapon alarm.

We entered the cave safely all the way.

The cave is very bright and the defense is extremely tight. There are four checkpoints composed of senior warriors set up at every corner, which is like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

Fortunately, no matter how strong a warrior is, he has to eat, so the journey was smooth.

As Rosen walked, he quietly printed the "Detection Guard" seal near every corner.

In an open area, it is easy to be surrounded by human sea tactics. No matter how strong one's personal strength is, it is extremely dangerous.

But in a cave with complex terrain and many blind spots, it is the best place for personal power to flourish.

Therefore, this cave is Rosen's home field.

In addition to "Detecting Guards", he also used his new knowledge of pure water to quietly sense the flow of water vapor in the cave to determine the topography inside the cave.

This perception ability is naturally not as good as that of Laertris, who has been immersed in it for hundreds of years, but with the sensitive blessing of the ten-ring magic power, the difference is not big.

As he walked, Rosen suddenly saw the cave where the banshees were imprisoned.

It was a very large room, with rows of special round cages made of thick iron bars.

The banshees were locked in the cages, their hands were tied to the krypton gold buckles on the top of the cages, and their waists and feet were also tightly bound with the same shackles, and the whole person could only stand still.

There were a lot of round cages, more than 200 in total, and almost every one of them held a banshee.

At a glance, all you can see is black iron, white meat, long blue hair, and faces full of despair and fear.

What shocked Rosen even more was that he found that half of the banshees had bulging stomachs. Judging from their appearance, they should be pregnant.

‘Let the banshees get pregnant so that we can further study the blood inheritance and make a more perfect blood camouflage, Lafengge? ’

Rosen roughly guessed what the frost messenger was thinking.

After walking for a while, they arrived at the cave restaurant, and the warriors began to push the dining car into the restaurant.

Rosen also had a full grasp of the terrain in the cave, and also vaguely sensed the approximate location of Lily's mother.

He found a suitable opportunity, quietly left the dining car team, followed the passage, and quietly moved over.

‘The situation has been basically figured out, it's time to act! ’

Rosen rarely killed people, because in many cases there was no need to kill.

With his status as a lord, he could make the other party a friend and create wealth for him with a little manipulation.

But when needed, he did it without any hesitation.

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