Start with Island Lord

Chapter 168 The Lion King's Path to Greatness (33)

It's twelve o'clock at night.

The capital of Aaron, the Lion Castle in the Rhine City.

After receiving the latest news, Dange was very anxious. He tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep anyway.

He simply stopped sleeping and found Sanchester, the eye of the storm, overnight.

He could only find this sage because he was the only guardian sage he could fully trust.

Handing him the latest information: "The situation is not good."

The little gray-haired sage took the tip, put on his reading glasses, and looked at it carefully.

Looking at it, he sighed softly: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for not being able to provide you with any advice."

Dange was startled: "Why? Can't the sage do a storm divination for me?"

Sanchester smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, Duke Weilan is a miracle mage at the peak of the Seventh Ring. In the old days, this was the god in the sky."

"Do you expect me, a mortal sage on earth, to divine the thoughts of gods in heaven?"

As soon as these words came out, the tall and strong Lion King suddenly felt a strong sense of powerlessness.

Yes, how can a mortal guess what God is thinking?

But he was the Lion King after all, and he quickly regained his courage.

"So what?"

"He himself said that there is no god in the world, and even the Seventh Ring is just a mortal."

"The latest domestic magic research also shows that even a god will fall after being hit by a cannon!"

Sanchester nodded in approval: "Yes, the Seventh Ring is indeed a mortal, but he is a mortal with high achievements in magic."

"So, my divination is still useless."

"Then based on the current situation, what do you think I should do?"

Sanchester raised his slightly cloudy eyes and looked at Dange meaningfully: "Your Majesty, you actually know everything in your heart."

“You know what’s the right way and what’s the wrong way.”

"The problem is that the right path is full of thorns, while the wrong path is like a smooth slide. It's fun to slide, but before you know it, you've reached the abyss."

"Perhaps, you should disclose the news of the alliance between Weilan and the Empire at the cabinet meeting. It should be able to persuade more nobles to support your idea."

Dange smiled bitterly: "It is true that we can get more support, but I'm afraid it won't be enough to turn the situation around."

In recent years, Aaron's national power has increased, and everyone in the country, from the nobles to the common people, has become accustomed to being strong.

Now that they have lost so much money and swallowed the bitter pill without fighting, is Aaron's Lion Fleet no longer a joke?

Sanchester naturally understood the domestic situation and sighed: "Your Majesty, then try your best to win."

Dange clenched his fists when he heard this: "Is there no other way out?"

He was afraid that the north would win but the south would lose.

To his surprise, Sanchester nodded: "There is a dangerous path that may be useful."

"You said."

Sanchester didn't say anything directly. He first activated a storm barrier and then spoke.

"Your Majesty can take advantage of the battle north to Weilan to weaken the power of the nobles in the country, and then liquidate them for their ineffectiveness in defeat, so as to completely take control of the kingdom."

Dange was shocked when he heard this, and his eyes widened.

"It is indeed a dangerous road!"

Directly pushing the fate of the kingdom and his personal destiny to the edge of the cliff.

If the operation is not performed properly, both parties will fall off the cliff together and be shattered into pieces.

But if he succeeds, Dange’s fists will clenched even tighter.

If he succeeds, then he will completely take control of Aaron, and he can start to do many things that he wanted to do but couldn't do before.

Should I do it or not?

Dange hesitated: "Sage, you really gave me a difficult problem."

Sanchester smiled softly, but his eyes remained solemn.

“A great kingdom needs a great king.”

“Although mortals often talk about the word ‘great’, how many mortals really know the heavy weight of ‘great’?”

Dange mused.

Gradually, he whispered: "It is difficult for me to do this alone. I need the cooperation of Duke Weilan."

Sanchester grinned: "He will definitely not help you, Your Majesty, he wants Aaron to make a mess."

Dange shook his head: "No, he doesn't have to help, as long as I show enough sincerity."

"The biggest enemy of the Natural Alliance is the Radiant Empire. If Aaron collapses, the entire alliance will suffer along with it."

"With Duke Weilan's eyes, he can definitely understand this."

After thinking carefully, Sanchester nodded: "Indeed, but he will definitely cut off a large piece of meat from Aaron."

Dange chuckled and said, "Even if he comes to cut it, with Weilan's size and the barrier of the strait, no matter how much he cuts, he can't really hurt Aaron."

"And as long as I truly take charge of Aaron, I will soon be able to repair the wounds of the past and let Aaron regain his glory. When that time comes...hehe!"

A deep light flashed in the Lion King's eyes.

Sanchester nodded again: "Your Majesty is right, I, Aaron, will be able to stand up again soon."

"This matter is very important. I have to think about it carefully, and I also need the cooperation of the sages."

Sanchester nodded without hesitation: "Since Your Majesty is willing to embark on the path of true greatness, I will naturally walk with Your Majesty."

These words reassured Dange a lot.

He is just a fourth-ring warrior and has no in-depth understanding of magic. Although he can become a king because of his personal ability, the real foundation is the sacred bloodline.

Now that the sacred bloodline is no longer sacred, he can only rely on his own personal abilities.

As for what the final result will be?

He didn't know.

It was like groping in the dark, not knowing what was waiting for him on the road ahead.

But under the heavy constraints of family glory, the lion king who could still do many great things was indeed not an ordinary person.

Compared with other kings, his ability to act was much stronger.

Ten days later.

Dawn City.

Rosen was making a face-to-face final decision on the candidate department officials of each county.

According to the discussion results of the first Weilan Citizens' Assembly, in order to restore Weilan's production and living order as soon as possible, the first chief officials of each county city and large town with the potential to grow into a city were directly appointed by the Duke.

After the appointment, they were directly airdropped to each county and served in a foreign land.

As a Duke, Rosen was certainly not randomly appointed.

He first selected a large number of talents with basic abilities and clean backgrounds, and then conducted face-to-face interviews. After passing the test, they would undergo emergency training before being given positions.

It was not a formal position, but an acting position.

Only those who did well could be promoted, and those who did not do well would be replaced.

The fifteen counties in the south plus some towns in the north add up to more than 40 towns, with an average of about 30 major officials in each town, and the number of candidates is doubled.

Interviewing them one by one is really a lot of work.

If Rosen himself is tired of doing it, fortunately, this kind of mechanical and repetitive work is basically done by Lai Fu, and he is just the last one to check.

In addition, his main body is not idle.

He stays in the military port almost every day, staying with a group of engineering mages from the white sturgeon island, busy transforming the existing ten black stone warships.

There are two goals.

One is to increase the caliber of the cannon to fight against the Aaron warship.

The second is to install the new ship-borne magic weapon as soon as possible and form combat effectiveness.

Just when Rosen was busy and dizzy, the original intelligence bureau was responsible for Weilan’s domestic intelligence, and now the independent island security bureau sent him a message.

"My Lord Duke, an old man entered Dawn City in the name of a Kao merchant and secretly found us, saying that he wanted to discuss some Aaron affairs with you."

"He also specifically stated that it is top secret. I hope you can pay absolute attention to it, and it is best not to let a third party know the content of the secret talk."

The person who brought the message was the director of the Security Bureau, named Turinin, a rare half-blood forest wizard, currently at the peak of intermediate magic power, and his mother was from the Ego tribe.

He was once Stonard's right-hand man, and because of his outstanding ability, he walked up to Rosen.

Rosen felt a little strange in his heart, and asked in the secret communication: "Besides this, are there any other clues?"

Turinin was confused: "There are no clues, it is very secretive. We contacted the Foreign Affairs Bureau and did not find any relevant clues."

"This person seems to have appeared out of thin air, and we don't even know if he has magic power."

Then this matter is interesting.

Rosen had a very strange premonition and immediately said, "Take him into the Dawn Castle secretly, don't let more people see him, take him directly to the underground secret room through the secret passage."


About half an hour later, the person arrived.

Rosen immediately went to the underground secret room.

This secret room is dedicated to doing secret things, so it is not only deep underground, but also has many anti-detection magic runes.

Regardless of whether there are useful runes or various shielding treasures, all the materials that can be piled up are piled up.

The confidentiality effect is also very good.

At least Rosen is not able to explore the situation in the secret room.

Entering the secret room, I saw a skinny old man.

Even if it was three or four meters away, Rosen could only vaguely feel the trace of mana emitted by him, and he couldn't feel it at a distance.

This is the sensitivity of his ten-ring mage. If it is a mage below the sixth ring, I am afraid that I can't feel anything unusual even if I am close to him.

And this trace of mana tells Rosen that the man in front of him is a sage.

Combined with Aaron's sage information, Rosen knew that this guy was Storm Eye Sanchester, the loyal dog of King Danger.

Rosen sat down opposite him, motioned everyone to leave the secret room, and then performed an improved version of the 7-ring Breathless Crystal Wall Technique.

When the light blue water film completely covered the interior of the secret room, he asked, "Is it really surprising that the sage secretly crossed the strait to see me?"

Sanchester took a strange amulet from his neck.

Rosen knew at a glance that this was a low-level version of the 'Boiling Moon Fire Amulet', which could probably block the 7-ring mana information.

In other words, after the God of Power obtained the powerful magic weapon from the Moon God Dora, he also spent a lot of time studying it.

"I came here in accordance with the will of His Majesty, and you should know that His Majesty has no intention of going to war with you."

Rosen vaguely guessed this and raised his eyebrows: "His Majesty doesn't want to, but what is he going to do? Sell out his motherland?"

"To be precise, it is to sell out the nobles in the country."

Sanchester put on the amulet again: "Your Majesty is very envious of what the Duke did in the Southern County, and he also hopes that Aaron can get rid of the constraints of those greedy noble lords."

Rosen completely understood, and after careful thinking, he felt that Danger was walking on a very dangerous road.

He smiled lightly and said: "Your Majesty, aren't you afraid of being hung on the street lamp by the nobles in the country?"

Aaron has a history of more than 1,200 years, but not all kings have a good end. During this period, it also experienced turmoil, resulting in three kings dying on street lamps.

"There is this risk, but since you are the king of Aaron, you certainly can't watch the short-sighted and greedy nobles ignore the interests of the kingdom for their own interests."

Sanchester showed a trace of pride on his face: "This is the responsibility of a great king, and it is also the reason why I firmly follow Danger."

Rosen was worried: "This is too dangerous. If you accidentally let it slip, the Giant Fortress may fall."

"So your majesty needs the cooperation of the Duke to control the situation within an acceptable range. And as a reward. After the defeat, your majesty will give Weilan a very generous compensation on the grounds of redeeming prisoners of war."

Rosen grinned: "Sanchester, no matter how you control the situation, a group of brave warriors will be inexplicably sacrificed."

Maybe, this is the cold-bloodedness of the real superior. He feels very stressed when doing such things, and he will never be as calm as the other party.

Sanchester sighed: "This is indeed regrettable, but some sacrifices are necessary. Because these brave warriors are all minions of the Aaron nobles!"

This is true.

After careful consideration, Rosen decided to cooperate with Danger.

"In the naval battle, I will try to reduce the loss of ordinary soldiers and only kill noble officers."

Sanchester was slightly startled: "My Lord Duke, are you still kind now?"

Based on the other party's killing of 36 noble families, he always thought that the other party had completely forgotten the word of kindness.

Rosen smiled faintly and did not explain much: "There is no need to pay attention to insignificant details. Let's talk about the specific details of the cooperation, sage."

In this case, the two discussed in detail.

They talked for more than an hour, and when they finished, they were all verbal secret agreements, none of which were put on paper.

How many of them can be truly implemented later, I am afraid that even the Creator does not know.

Of course, it is definitely much better than nothing.

Because this means that the naval battle in the Gilded Strait is most likely just a local war.

It will not get out of control and evolve into a full-scale war, so that the Glorious Empire will take advantage.

Rosen finally asked: "Your Majesty should have a way to defend against the secret invasion of the Three Sages, right?"

Sanchester's face suddenly showed a trace of unconfidence: "Of course there is, but the sages are unpredictable, and the new era spells are constantly appearing, so I'm afraid."

Rosen handed over the complete version of the Boiling Moonfire Amulet given by Mother Nature.

"I just happened to get a powerful amulet, so I'll take it back to your Majesty for self-defense."

He has studied the principle of the amulet and can make it himself. Now it is even a promise to Mother Nature.

Sanchester saw that the amulet was a super high-ring magic weapon, or a divine weapon.

I was stunned: "Duke, if something happens to your Majesty, it seems to be more beneficial to you, right?"

Rosen explained: "Like Aaron, I also feel the huge pressure from the Glorious Empire. So if something happens to your Majesty and Aaron is in chaos, it will not benefit me at all."

Aaron is Weilan's big meat shield. The meat shield is a little emotional. Just slap him to wake him up, but don't beat him to death.

After saying that, he stood up and left: "Sage, I'll have my people take you back overnight in a small boat, so that you won't be noticed if you stay there for too long."

"Thank you, Duke."

It was already late at night outside, and Sanchester was escorted all the way to Storm Bay, boarded a fish-killer speedboat, and sped across the Gilded Strait.

On the way, Sanchester felt the wind blowing on his face, watched the splashing waves around the boat, and was shocked by the speed of the boat. He subconsciously recalled the previous secret talk with the Duke.

As he thought about it, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

"The Duke is not kind, but ambitious, an ambition greater than that of His Majesty Danger."

"He wants to unify the Natural Alliance!"

When this thought came out, Sanchester was startled, and his heart was pounding, and he couldn't help thinking.

"Can he do it?"

After some analysis, a preliminary conclusion was drawn.

"The three kingdoms of the Natural Alliance all want to do this, but the one who can really do it is probably this Duke Weilan."

"And once it is done, the Natural Alliance can confront the Glorious Empire head-on, instead of being suppressed everywhere like now."

In this situation, the knowledgeable people in the Natural Alliance feel very suffocated.

After reaching this conclusion, some changes that he was unwilling to admit, but really existed, suddenly appeared in Sanchester's mind.

This change made him a little scared: "Don't think about it anymore, don't let down your majesty's trust, Sanchester!"

But he still thought about it a little more: 'What does your majesty have? A four-ring warrior. The Duke is a miracle wizard at the peak of the seventh ring. Don't think about it, don't think about it! '

Sanchester raised his hand and slapped himself hard, causing the wizard driving the speedboat to look at him inexplicably.

"Bug~ There is a bug on my face, hehe."

The sage laughed dryly.

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