Start with Island Lord

Chapter 176 The poor rely on mutation, the king relies on money (23)

The mage connects the magic ring with the soul, which not only strengthens the soul but also gains magic power.

Therefore, the mage can not only feel the magic power, but also the power of the magic ring and the power of the soul.

In the low-ring, more precisely, the mage below the eighth ring feels that there is almost no difference between the three.

But in Rosen's eyes, there is a clear difference between the three.

The order level of the power of the magic ring is 1, the order level of the power of the soul is 2, and the order level of the magic power is 3.

Originally, I thought there should be nothing between the magic ring and the soul.

It turned out that there is!

So, on the night when he got the True Name Beacon, Rosen rarely practiced in person in the underground secret room of Swan Castle.

During the practice, he clearly felt the endless power of the magic ring, as vast and boundless as the universe.

He also felt his soul, like a solid planet floating in the universe.

The planet is his soul, and the atmosphere covering the surface of the planet is his magic power.

Because Rosen's magic power has reached the peak of the tenth ring, there is no power in the universe representing the magic ring that will fall to the planet.

Only when Rosen's mana is consumed and the soul body slightly reduces its strength due to the transfer of mana, will the magic ring re-transfer power to make up for this consumption.

That is to say, in dynamic balance, Rosen can only replenish mana from the magic ring, but cannot strengthen his soul.

But now, a small pipe has appeared directly on the ground of the soul planet, which continuously pours a gentle force into Rosen's soul.

Compared with Rosen's soul, the water flowing out of the 'pipeline' is very small, and it may not increase the strength by 1% even after a year of pouring.

But this is a step further.

He is at the peak of the tenth ring, what is another 1%?

Rosen almost dared not think about it.

'Mother Nature said that the eleventh magic ring is divergent. What will happen if I break through it? '

Before I figure it out, I dare not mess around!

So, Rosen decided:

'Temporarily reduce the frequency of practicing the magic ring, and use this strange power to replace and replenish part of my soul loss to maintain the balance of soul strength. '

But it's not enough to just maintain it, I have to study it.

As a visitor from Earth, he couldn't help but have an idea in his mind.

'This is probably the power of the believers' faith. '

'This power is very subtle, even I can barely sense it, and those below the tenth ring naturally can't sense it. '

'If I understand this power, I may be able to safely break through to the eleventh ring. '

How to understand it?

Of course, various experiments are carried out.

'But this experiment has never been done before. It is a research from scratch. It is extremely difficult and the investment must be very large. '


Of course I have to do it!

If he wants to see the scenery of the eleventh ring, he must do it.

But how to do it is particular.

Because this experiment involves the study of the soul, it is easy to go astray and thus bear the stigma of depravity and evil.

Rosen cherishes his feathers very much, but he doesn't want to be scolded for this.

After careful thinking, he decided to imitate the process of developing new drugs on Earth.

'First do experiments on mammals and find answers from pigs, sheep and dogs. After having enough experience and safety control, do experiments on monkeys. Finally, find volunteers from the human race. ’

After thinking it over, Rosen started writing the experimental plan.

As he wrote, he found that the experimental investment was indeed quite large, and it would take at least a million dollars.

If it were a powerless wizard, he would either have to sigh in despair, or go astray and be killed, or he would have to gamble his life with luck.

‘Fortunately, I am a duke now and can afford the money. ’

“However, money is needed everywhere now, so I have to find money quickly.”

Switching to paper money is one way, but this way is just to reconfigure the resources of the Weilan Giant Island, and there is a safety ceiling.

If money is printed without restraint, hyperinflation will occur immediately.

Therefore, if you want more money, you have to make money from various countries through trade.

Of course, you have to do the first step now.

While thinking, Rosen completed the preliminary experimental plan. After writing it, he did not keep it, but scanned it into the Fu database and destroyed the original.

No words were spoken that night.

Early the next morning, Rosen immediately got up and rushed to the newly established banknote printing factory next to Swan Castle, also known as the Weilan Mint.

The bureau used high-quality printing equipment produced by Levender, using green-textured paper from Kao, and then combined with Weige's latest developed ink.

The printing equipment was free of charge, and was found from the materials detained by Levender merchants.

Levender secretly plotted against him, so what he said before was naturally invalid. The materials with a total value of about 3 million Oger were naturally confiscated by him.

But it must be said that Weilan is really a desert of magic technology, almost a poor rural village.

The technology in all aspects of society is far behind the three major kingdoms of the alliance.

If you want to catch up and surpass in all fields, you must not only spend a lot of effort, but also invest a lot of money.

"In the future, buying magic equipment from various countries will definitely cost a lot of money. Fortunately, there are no patents these days."

Rosen plans to take two steps.

Taking the route of imitation, we must first solve the problem of creating something from nothing, and then solve the problem of making something good.

Back to the topic.


The printing factory has started work.

A large group of novice apprentices from Weilan, led by a group of printing masters hired from Kao at a high price, began to try to print the first edition of exquisite banknotes.

Rosen, accompanied by the new director of the Mint, looked at them one by one.

Finally, the two came to a special magic workshop in the basement of the printing factory.

In the laboratory, a group of four-ring magic masters were already in place.

There were 100 magic masters, all of whom were from Weilan civilians, had no bad records in the past, and had a clean family. The average age was about 35 years old.

This group of people were basically newly promoted magic masters. They had been stuck at the peak of the high level before, and they were always a little short of a breakthrough.

But as soon as "Rosen's Cultivation Path" was released, a large number of 4-ring masters emerged in a few months.

The workshop was very spacious, with a 24-hour constant temperature ventilation array set up, and the indoor light was bright and soft.

In short, the working environment was very comfortable.

There were 20 rows of long tables, with five magic masters sitting in each row.

A large pile of printed rectangular banknotes was placed in front of the long table. They were about half the size of an adult's palm. The paper was brittle and hard, and had the characteristics of being waterproof, oil-proof, and resistant to folding and rubbing.

Because of the huge quantity, after a large amount of costs were spread out, the cost of a single sheet was about 0.5 copper klee, which is equivalent to 50 cents on Earth.

There are currently five denominations, namely 100, 50, 20, 10, and 5, and the unit is the "klee" used in the previous copper coins.

The magic masters have also started working.

They followed the standard steps, picked up the banknotes with dried ink, and started with the first magic master, and printed the anti-counterfeiting magic seal on the exquisite banknotes in five steps.

The anti-counterfeiting magic seal was named "three-color seal".

It was designed by Rosen with great effort, incorporating a deep understanding of "the power of steel", "the power of nature", and "the power of pure water", and then equipped with a constant magic lock that even he could not crack.

Its appearance is exquisite and eye-catching. It will show dazzling three-color brilliance in the sun. When you touch it with your fingers, it will give you a very wonderful touch, a bit like the delicate feeling of a young woman's skin. Anyway, it feels very refreshing.

The magic masters certainly cannot understand the essence of the three-color seal.

Their job is just to infuse a trace of their magic power into the special "three-color seal", and then print the strange power transformed by the seal on the fixed position of the banknote.

As low-ring mages, they cannot feel the high-ring power, but they can use the delicate high-ring power with the help of the high-ring magic tools created by high-ring mages.

'Click~ click~~ click! '

Under the special positioning calipers, one banknote after another flows on the long table like water, and finally enters a box and is inspected by the quality inspector in the next room. After confirming that there is no problem, it will be packaged in a standard way.

In addition, there is a set of independent reviewers in the workshop.

Whether during working hours or after get off work, reviewers and coin makers are not allowed to communicate in any form.

And every once in a while, the reviewers will be replaced to prevent them from becoming familiar faces in the eyes of the coin minters.

In addition, there are many higher regulatory agencies to achieve cross-loophole-free supervision to ensure that the whereabouts of each banknote are traceable.

During the entire inspection, Rosen did not speak.

Soon, he came to the final finished banknote frame and carefully examined the finished product.

The pattern on this banknote was obtained by him inviting art masters from all over the Natural Alliance and spending 2,000 Oggs for the design fee.

The front is a majestic bust of him in formal clothes, and the back is the outline of Weilan's map, as well as phantoms such as airplanes and Black Stone warships.

Finally, add various complex anti-counterfeiting patterns and a very unique three-color seal, which looks exquisite and magnificent, just like a work of art.

After a careful look, he nodded and praised: "Very good."

After adding the three-color seal, the final cost of the banknote is 1 kale per piece.

In other words, such a 1 kale piece of paper can be exchanged for at least 5 copper kale, which is 4 kale more out of thin air.

And these 4 kole are the seigniorage collected by Rosen, the Duke of Veran.

The director of the Mint accompanying him is none other than Cavendish's father, Master Goss, the former director of the Artillery Research Bureau.

The old man is old and can no longer move the "booming" artillery. His son Alshut can also take the lead. Rosen is impressed by his meticulous character and invited him to supervise the Mint.

Now it seems that this decision is very good, because this banknote is not only of good quality, but also very stable, just like the artillery made by the old man.

Seeing Rosen satisfied, he was also happy, but still felt that this banknote was very empty.

"Duke, it's not just me, we all have this question."

"Can such a small-denomination bearer deposit certificate work?"

In the past, the smallest deposit certificate was 50 or even 1,000 kole. Now the largest is less than 50 kole, which is equivalent to half a kole.

How much should be printed to meet the market needs?

Rosen smiled and said, "In the past, nobles were very rich and didn't feel bad about spending money. They would spend hundreds or thousands of Oggs at will, and tens of thousands were common."

"Now everyone is a citizen of Weilan. The average annual income is less than 10 Oggs, which is about 150 100-kle notes~about this stack."

Rosen picked up a small stack of banknotes and said, "Isn't it just right to use it?"

Goss still couldn't figure it out: "Wouldn't that mean we need a lot of certificates of deposit? Our mint's output is not enough."

It seems like a lot, but after a busy day, the total face value of the certificates of deposit produced is less than 4,000 Ogg.

"Don't rush to roll it out. Use it in a pilot project in Mont County first. If the market response is good, then expand the scale of production."

Looking for a while, he came to Goss's office: "Old man, you have accumulated about 50,000 Ogg certificates of deposit at present, right?"

"Yes, there are a total of 54,000 Ogg certificates of deposit in the warehouse."

"Very good, then you should work hard to accumulate more, and it would be best if you can have 300,000 Ogg certificates of deposit. I'm also starting to build momentum in the market."

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