Start with Island Lord

Chapter 178 Money ‘created out of thin air’ (13)

‘Ding ding ding ding~~’

Early in the morning, in Mundania City, the new capital of Weiland, there were people walking around in the streets and alleys hitting iron bars with hammers.

Knocking and shouting.

"Big event~~Big event~~~"

"The gold coins compensated by the Lion King are about to be put into the treasury~~ If you want to watch the excitement, hurry up and get ready~~"

"Countless gold~~The most gold you can ever see in this life~~"

Following this sound, the residents of Mundaniya City immediately pricked up their ears.

The word gold naturally has a powerful effect in attracting the mind.

So people inquired about the specific situation one after another.

Following such voices, more detailed news gradually surfaced.

‘The gold coins compensated by Aaron were transported to Mundania. There were more than 20 million Lion gold coins, equivalent to 180 tons of gold! ’

'The money will be deposited into the vaults of Welland Citizens Bank. "

"To celebrate the arrival of the huge compensation, the Duke ordered a treasury ceremony to be held to publicly display the gold coins to everyone.'

‘The ceremony will be at Guanhu Square in front of the bank, and it will be in the morning ten days later. ’

As soon as the news came out, there was a huge sensation in the new capital.

There is so much gold, if you don't take a look at it, it will be useless to live in Mundania.

In fact, this news spread not only in the city of Mundania, but also in all counties and cities in Weiland.

The residents of Mundania City were close to each other, so they stayed at home and waited for the storage ceremony in ten days.

However, many residents of other cities in Weiland started preparing early and crossed the mountains and rivers to come to Mundania to watch the excitement.

Many people even came here begging, almost like a pilgrim.

By the evening of the seventh day, the Lake View Plaza in front of the bank was already crowded with people.

Anyway, it's still early autumn and it's not cold yet, so countless people are sleeping on the streets just to get a good place to watch the excitement.

As the instigator of the incident, Rosen did not expect that the situation would be so heated.

He can only explain that the other world has magic power, the average physical fitness of the people is high, and the hardware for watching the excitement is relatively strong.

To avoid a stampede, he sent a brigade of city guards into Guanhu Square to maintain order.

In this chaotic situation, time flew by.

It's the dawn of a new day, and the sun slowly rises in the sky, bringing the slightly hot autumn sunshine to the world.

The discussion in Guanhu Square gradually became louder.

"When does the ceremony start?"

"Is that the Citizens Bank headquarters? It's so grand."

"Will the Duke show up?"

“Did Aaron really lose so much money?”

This time someone answered, but it was a resident from Dawn City.

"Aaron really lost so much money. He was escorted here by several warships. They pulled out gold coins one by one. It took a whole day to finish!"

"The people of Aaron are going to be scolded now."

"Then what can be done? Who makes our Lord Duke the nemesis of the Aaron people?"

At this time, no one noticed that among the countless spectators, there was a very ordinary-looking middle-aged woman.

She hid in the corner, listening to the buzzing discussions around her, with a look of great interest in her deep red and almost black eyes.

When the time came to 8:30 in the morning and the sun was about an arm's height above the horizon, a dull sound of "woo woo woo" came from the edge of the square.

Immediately afterwards, news came from the crowd at the front.

"Coming~Coming~~~A few black stone cars emitting blue smoke are coming~~~"

"The rear compartment is covered with glass and filled with gold!"

"A lot of gold~~~"

"It's so bright, golden light~~~"

As the news emerged, the noise in the square suddenly increased tenfold, almost becoming a condensed and visible sound.

With the entry of black stone vehicles, more and more people see gold.

There are a total of twenty black stone carts. The buckets are so short that you can see the contents inside the buckets by stepping on them.

The bucket is covered with a highly transparent glass cover. Through the glass, you can clearly see that the bucket is filled with yellow gold coins.

The sun shines through the glass and shines on the gold coins, immediately reflecting a dazzling golden light.

This is 180 tons of gold and more than 20 million gold coins.

It was just piled up like dirt in the truck bed, making all the spectators' blood boil.

The car loaded with gold drove slowly in the square, showing off the endless gold in the car.

Wherever the car drove, the audience immediately stood at attention, took off their hats, and paid high respect to the endless gold coins.

There were also poets present, who couldn't help but sigh.

"Ah~~just let me die on gold!"

The beard of the farmer who has been farming all his life is trembling.

"Hey~~This gold is more than the soil in the ground~"

Some mages do not believe in evil and think it may be a magical illusion.

So, they used various detection techniques to check.

The Duke issued an order allowing everyone to use non-offensive detection spells on cars.

Along the way, the gold was subjected to numerous magical tests.

There is only one result, that is, this is indeed a real gold coin!

As a result, these mages who were born as common people were all shocked and lost their minds.

From the endless gold, they felt the power of the country and the insignificance of individuals.

Finally, the vehicles passed through the spacious square and drove into the headquarters of Welland Citizens Bank one after another.

There is a high platform at the entrance of the headquarters, surrounded by a large circle of guards, and on the platform stands the Duke in full dress.

The Duke's voice spread throughout the square through the High Sky Sound spell and reached the ears of every audience in the square.

"Citizens of Weilan, this money is Aaron's war reparations."

"They will always be kept in the vault of Weilan Citizen Bank, and will never be used unless Weilan encounters a crisis of national destruction."

"Because this money belongs to all Weilan citizens!"


A few words ignited the enthusiasm of all the audience, and the cheers of the people broke through the clouds.

The Duke's words sounded very straightforward, and everyone thought they understood and felt that it was right to do so.

This money is saved to deal with Weilan's crisis, just like an ordinary family saving money every day to deal with various unexpected events in life.

The Duke's voice sounded again.

"We will use this gold coin as a guarantee to issue small, anonymous bank deposits to all citizens of Weilan."

"I believe you have all seen the sample of the deposit."

"In the past three months, a bounty of up to 10,000 Oger has been issued to the entire Natural Alliance, and at least 50 waves of challengers have been welcomed, but to this day, no one has been able to earn this money."

"It's safe enough!"

Everyone can understand this and agree with it.

Because the super high bounty of 10,000 Oger has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts, I don't know how many people are paying attention to this matter, but the bounty has not been reduced.

The Duke continued to shout: "But even so, we are still extremely cautious, and we will still do everything possible to prevent the property of Weilan citizens from being damaged by counterfeiting."

"To this end, we have introduced three measures."

After a pause, when everyone was concentrating, Rosen's high voice sounded again.

"First, issue a special "Deposit Certificate Law". The law stipulates that any counterfeiting of bank deposit certificates will be regarded as a provocation to national security and must be subject to the most severe punishment!"

"For domestic criminals, we will set up a special law enforcement guard to crack down on them."

"For foreign criminals, no matter who he is, even if he is a noble or a king! Our navy will make him pay a huge price!"

"Just like Aaron, let him pay tens of millions of gold coins!"

This statement once again caused a huge cheer.

The people of Weilan were full of pride, and their admiration for the newly appointed Duke reached a whole new level.

The reason is simple, this Duke is really good at fighting.

He beat Aaron to his knees and paid compensation, he is simply a god of war in the world!

After the heated emotions subsided a little, Rosen continued.

"Second, even if there are various anti-counterfeiting measures, we will use deposit certificates with great care."

"We will issue as many deposit certificates as the Citizens Bank has gold deposited!"

"We will never exceed the amount, so that the deposit certificates cannot be exchanged for the full amount of gold coins from the bank!"

This is for professional businessmen to hear. Ordinary citizens will just listen to it and think it is very reliable, but they don't know what it really means.

Rosen certainly knows the meaning of this.

The reason why he keeps talking about deposit certificates is just to make it easier for everyone to accept, which is actually paper money.

He also knows that he can issue paper money that exceeds the reserves of the Citizens Bank.

Because there are too many paper money, no one will notice it if more is issued.

And the extra paper money is almost money that appears out of thin air.

But he doesn't plan to do this.

Or to be more precise, he doesn't plan to do it himself.

He believes that no one can resist the huge attraction of money that appears out of thin air.

Soon, someone in the banking system will realize this and bring it up to him.

At that time, he will bring this matter up and let the country's knowledgeable people discuss it together to form a new consensus.

Of course, this is a later story.

Then, Rosen said the third point.

"Third, still based on the principle of prudence, this new type of small-value bearer deposit will only be used in Mondania City and Dawn City for the time being."

"Only when the new deposit certificate is fully mature will it be promoted throughout Weilan, and gold, silver and copper currencies will always be Weilan's legal currency."

"Then now, Weilan citizens who are willing to use the new deposit certificate can enter the Weilan Citizen Bank headquarters and bank branches located in various places to exchange them."

After saying that, Rosen jumped off the platform and left Guanhu Square under the heavy protection of the guards.

Then, the headquarters of Weilan Citizen Bank opened with a bang.

Immediately, a large number of Weilan people rushed in.

Most of them were not there to exchange, but to watch the excitement.

Bank staff have undergone rigorous training.

No matter who it was, they were patiently and warmly entertained, and detailed the relevant matters of the new deposit certificate.

The endless gold coins were really shocking before, and the Duke's personal promise was still ringing in my ears, and the effect was quite good.

About one-tenth of the people directly took out various metal coins and exchanged them for paper money directly from the bank.

Since then, paper money, a non-full-value credit currency, has officially moved from the aristocracy to the hands of ordinary people.

A month later, the relevant statistical data of the bank was placed on Rosen's desk.

Rosen opened it and took a look, and a satisfied smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Not bad, very good, much better than expected."

The 500,000 Oger banknotes prepared in advance have all been distributed to the people.

Even the 200,000 Oggs that were rushed out this month were all exchanged.

700,000 Oggs worth of paper money was exchanged, so the bank naturally had 700,000 Oggs worth of metal currency.

According to the current trend, the metal currency that was previously distributed among the people because of the Dawn Bank's deposit certificates will soon be collected by the bank again.

By then, the treasury of the Weilan Citizen Bank will have nearly 30 million Oggs more gold coins, plus Aaron's 18 million in compensation, which is 48 million Oggs.

Standing in front of him is the first acting president of the Weilan Citizen Bank.

He is a fourth-ring peak mage named Nolan, who is just over 40 years old. He was originally the president of a branch of the Dawn Bank and has outstanding abilities. Now he is here to serve as the acting general manager for Rosen.

He also had a happy look on his face: "My Lord, this new type of deposit certificate is very exquisite. It is a good thing just for collection. People love it very much."

"There are countless people coming to the bank to exchange every day. The mint can exchange as much as it sends."

Speaking of this, he paused and lowered his voice.

"My Lord, I think this new type of deposit certificate can completely replace gold and silver currency for market circulation."

"It is so cheap. After a long time, people will get used to the new deposit certificate. It is completely possible to slightly exceed the limit of reserve exchange gold to obtain excess income."

Rosen smiled secretly in his heart: 'Isn't it coming. '

No one can resist the huge temptation of printing money.

But because the temptation is extremely huge, if it is not controlled well, it will run wild and extremely vicious inflation will occur.

If 500,000 klee's money can't buy a loaf of bread, then his position as Duke of Weilan will be over.

So, this matter involves national destiny, and we must be cautious!

So, he looked up at Nolan and said in a bland tone:

"Mr. Nolan, credit is the foundation of the existence of banks and the existence of the country. Are you trying to persuade me to break my promise to all citizens?"

Nolan's face turned pale, but he insisted, because the benefits were too great.

"My Lord Duke, I don't mean that at all. I am talking about increasing the maximum utilization rate of exchange gold."

"You see, although the deposit certificate can be exchanged for gold and silver currency at any time, it is impossible for everyone to exchange it together after all."

"The clerks have carefully calculated and practiced statistics. As long as the excess is not much, or even doubled, it can still safely fulfill the exchange commitment."

If the bank has 48 million Auger reserves and issues currency twice, it is equivalent to the government having 96 million Auger out of thin air.

At first glance, this is really wonderful.

But Rosen is very sober.

He said with a serious face: "I understand what you mean. Let's put it this way, don't rush, wait for a year or two, and come up with a mature plan with practical experience."

"Wait until the first formal Weilan Citizens' Assembly next year, bring this up and discuss it in detail at the assembly."

"As for the present, just be honest and print as many deposit certificates as there is exchange gold."

"Yes, Your Excellency the Duke."

Nolan nodded and told the news: "Your Excellency the Duke, some foreign merchants also want to use this deposit certificate to facilitate overseas trade, and more and more people have asked about related matters recently."

Rosen saw in the statistics that, especially in the port city of Dawn City, more than a hundred foreign merchants want to exchange their gold and silver currencies for deposit certificates every day.

This is of course a good thing, because in essence, Weilan takes a pile of paper to exchange for full-value gold coins, and the seigniorage is directly collected abroad.

But Rosen does not intend to let the new deposit certificate go out so early, because Weilan's influence, especially military force, is not yet fully in place.

"For the time being, we will use it in China. After all, it is not mature yet. When the problems have been solved and there are no major shortcomings in the improvement, we will take the next step."

"Yes, Duke."

After the acting president left, Rosen drafted another order and asked the herald to hand it to the director of the Mint, Goss, to increase the scale of manufacturing new certificates of deposit.

After finishing, he stretched his body vigorously, walked to the French window facing the lake, and looked out at the lake to relax.

"It is not enough to anchor the banknotes to gold Oger alone. After all, gold Oger cannot be eaten."

"It also has to be anchored to food!"

"Now, we can mine the guano fertilizer of the White Sturgeon Island on a large scale to increase the grain production of Weilan."

As long as the food purchasing power of the banknotes remains stable, the prices of other non-survival commodities will not cause major problems in the short term even if they fluctuate like a roller coaster.

At present, the whole natural alliance is also short of food, so increasing food production is a win-win situation.

"Danger lost 18 million Oggs, which is a lot of money. It is enough to build an electric carriage industry chain."

Electric carriages are electric cars, which are super substitutes for old-time carriages and are several generations ahead of Kao's Blackstone Steam Carriage.

The market demand for this thing is huge. Once it is launched on the market, it will definitely earn a lot of overseas gold coins for Weilan.

Just as he was secretly planning his future plans, his housekeeper Alai came in to report.

"Master, there is a woman who calls herself Mediana Anslant and wants to meet you."

Rosen quickly searched the database for the surname 'Anslant', but found nothing.

In other words, this person is not a noble of the Natural Alliance or the Glorious Empire.

He is now a duke, and not just anyone can see him. Alai knew this, but he still brought her here.

"Is there anything special about her?"

"She said she brought a method to transform low energy into high energy, and she showed a magic power of up to 5 rings, so..."

Rosen immediately became interested: "Then let her in."

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