Start with Island Lord

Chapter 180 The knowledge that lords dream of (33)

The clone has to deal with government affairs, so the real body appears to arrange for the succubus.

When Mediana saw Rosen, she smiled and said, "Aha~ The Duke's flesh and blood puppet is so exquisite that it almost eluded my detection."

Rosen felt no complacency in his heart. He walked side by side with Mediana in a secret underground passage with all his vigilance.

He found that the other person was almost as tall as himself, and even a little taller with the horns included.

He didn't answer but asked: "What do you think of Buck, the great demon king across the sea?"

"He will definitely defeat you in the end. It's just a matter of time. Because your power is too scattered and you don't have the protection of the legendary mage."

She immediately pointed out: "In this case, I think you should find a god to back you up, such as Atumen, the Lord of the Sun."

Rosen smiled faintly: "I almost thought you were a missionary from Atumen, the Lord of the Sun."

Mediana also laughed: "I am just providing a suggestion, and Atumen may not pay attention to your request. After all, managing believers across dimensions is a very troublesome thing."

Soon, Rosen took Mediana to an underground secret room in White Swan Castle.

This secret room was dug out for air defense, because now that Weilan and the Glorious Empire have aircraft, other kingdoms must step up their research, and soon aircraft will become a method of attack for all countries.

Naturally, air raid shelters became a necessity.

The air-raid shelter must be prepared in advance. Waiting for the enemy plane to fly overhead before using the hoe will definitely make people laugh.

"The room has everything, a bathroom, a bed, fine wine, and easy-to-store, reasonably delicious food. In addition, I will bring you some fresh food from time to time."

Mediana walked around the room and was very satisfied.

She eventually sat down on a circular leather chair in the basement living room.

"It would be better if there were some books to occupy the boring time."

"This is a small problem, I will bring you a batch."

Rosen sat down opposite her and continued to ask: "Are the gods and demons in the void outside the ring omnipotent?"

"Of course not. There are many things that gods cannot do, but they who live in the void outside the ring have many things that mortals cannot do."

She thought for a moment and gave an example: "As far as I know, it should have extremely powerful perception of what is happening inside the plane."

"As long as they are willing to pay the price, they should be able to know many, many things they want to know."

Rosen was slightly surprised: "Does that mean omniscience?"

"You can't say that you are omniscient. After all, the starry sky is boundless and the magic circle is infinite. No one dares to say that he is truly omniscient."

"As far as I know, there are many low-level mages who have escaped the pursuit of gods and demons by relying on their own wisdom and luck."

"For example, I greatly offended the great demon Asema."

"It's a good thing I escaped, otherwise I would definitely be a member of the Wailing Plains."

She had an expression of joy and fear on her face.

Her answer also made Rosen's fear of gods and demons outside the circle much lower.

"Are there any mortals who kill gods?"

"Yes, if a mortal takes the artifact given by the gods and demons and adds some luck, he can cause huge trouble to another god and even kill him."

"In addition, legendary mages are also capable of killing gods. Of course, doing so requires paying a huge price. Usually the legendary mages and the gods and demons die together."

Rosen's fear of the void gods and demons was reduced again.

"Listening to what you said, gods and demons seem to be just powerful beings born in the void outside the ring."


"Then if the legendary mage continues to become stronger, will he become a god and demon outside the ring?"

Originally, Rosen just asked casually and didn't expect to get an answer, but Mediana answered seriously.

"Legendary mages are just mortals with more powerful magic. Even if their power is comparable to or even surpasses the gods and demons outside the circle, they are still mortals and cannot exist apart from the material body. This is fundamentally different from gods and demons."

"This is not what I said, it was said by Fermoros, one of the five legendary mages in the plane."

After saying this, she suddenly said: "Duke, won't you pour me a glass of wine?"

She looked at the wine cabinet aside, her eyes shining brightly.

Rosen brought her a bottle of Monte County specialty wine. After each of them poured a glass, the latter drank it all in one gulp, and then poured himself a second glass.

"I have to admit that I am a fan of fine wine. I was trapped in the devil world for ten years, and as soon as I escaped, I started running away again. Only now can I drink real good wine."

She finished the second cup in the blink of an eye. By the third cup, her cheeks were already a little red and she began to slow down and savor it.

"I came all the way here and I heard that you, Duke, have come up with a lot of brand new things."

"I took a closer look and found that it is indeed very good, better than most planes."

Rosen was about to ask about this: "What is the development level of spells in other planes?"

"Everyone is similar, some are ahead and some are behind."

Mediana explained.

"Because of the existence of plane traveling mages, the planes are not completely separated, and there are always various forms of communication."

"In addition, according to the research of many mages, all major mortal races actually spread from the same plane, which is the so-called 'single origin theory'."

“So, everyone’s development time is about the same.”

"Except the demon world."

"The development process of the demon world was forcibly interrupted by the great devil, and it became a terrible hell."

As she spoke, she drank the third glass of wine, and she immediately poured herself a fourth glass:

"Your wine is really good. It's mellow and silky. It's the best wine I've ever tasted, burp~"

Perhaps because of the drunkenness, the succubus, who was already very talkative, became more and more unable to stop talking, and even became a little unrestrained.

"Ah~ It's a basement after all, so it's still a bit stuffy."

He pulled off the collar of his clothes hard, revealing a large expanse of snow-white, a pair of long and plump thighs crossed into two legs, shaking from side to side, and a pair of dark blue hooves clicking on the ground.

"Currently, everyone is also exploring the so-called method of converting low-level talents into valuable talents. Some places go faster, and some go slower."

"The world of Dritan where the Duke is located has lost a lot of communication with other planes due to the ban on summoning, so the speed is a little slower, but not much."

"And I do have a technology that can transform a lowly person into a noble person. Does the Duke want to know?"

Speaking of this, she leaned back with one hand to support her body, and played with the empty crystal wine glass she had finished drinking with the other hand. A pair of bright dark red eyes seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist.

Rosen secretly sighed: "No wonder he is called a succubus. Most people can't handle this Yan Shi Mei Xing's energy." ’

But business matters.

"Of course, let's hear it."

"It's a method of turning light into arcane energy."

Rosen was shocked when he heard this: "Really?!"

Two extremely useful and famous spells from the arcane realm.

One is the art of transformation, and the other is the art of food creation!

If he could solve the problem of converting light into arcane energy, then he would be able to master large-scale transformation alchemy, and his machining capabilities would be directly improved by several levels.

In addition, large-scale food creation became possible immediately.

Both applications are powerful enough to change the world.

He immediately asked: "What is the conversion efficiency?"

"Maybe 3%."

It's not too high, but it's not too low either. With his new knowledge of the power of radiance, it is actually possible to build a large factory that burns black stone.

Rosen was greatly moved.

Mediana, a traveling mage, has extremely keen insight, and her judgment will not be affected even when she is drunk.

She narrowed her eyes and smiled: "Although I don't think this thing is of much use, it seems that the Duke likes it very much. As a planeswalker, my favorite thing is trading."

She moved forward slightly and said, "Previously, the Duke promised to shelter and help me leave this plane, and I am willing to share some knowledge about breaking through the eleventh ring. This is a deal."

"Now, what does the Duke intend to give in exchange for this new knowledge?"

Rosen's mood quickly calmed down. He took a sip of wine and asked, "What do you want, madam?"

"I don't know what I want specifically. The only thing I'm sure of is that the Duke must give me something valuable so that I can get it to the Atumen plane and exchange it for a generous reward from a big shot in another plane."

Then this matter is a bit difficult to handle.

Rosen thought carefully and asked, "What is lacking in the Atitumen plane?"

"There is a lack of water, the sun there is very bright, the ocean is far less intense than here, the climate is far hotter, and there are far more deserts on the land than here."

"Then do they know how to synthesize large amounts of pure water?"

"They know many ways to obtain pure water from the environment, but synthetic pure water seems not to be known yet."

"Of course, this is my knowledge more than ten years ago."

Rosen asked again: "Then do they know about pure water?"

Mediana blinked, "Pure water. Isn't it just pure water?"

Rosen understood. At least the succubus in front of him didn't know the existence of the periodic table of elements, and he probably didn't know much about the Attumen plane either.

So he said: "I know a way to synthesize pure water using dephlogisticated water and phlogiston. I also know how to obtain dephlogisticated water and phlogiston."

"How about I exchange this knowledge with you for the Sunlight Arcana Conversion Technique?"

Mediana tilted her head and thought for a moment: "Don't worry, Duke. I have to find a way to contact my colleagues in the Atumen plane to see if anyone needs it."

"In order for me to contact my colleagues, I hope the Duke can lend me a Soul Diamond."

Rosen already knew how to synthesize the Soul Diamond, and he had synthesized quite a few of them. There were only a dozen of them in the basement.

He took a piece directly to her: "Is it enough?"

Mediana's sharp eyes saw Rosen's inventory.

She was so startled that she almost jumped up. She quickly walked to Rosen and stared at the drawer.

"So many Soul Diamonds? And the quality is still so good?"

Each of Rosen's Soul Diamonds is as big as an adult's fist and costs more than a dozen dollars, which is far beyond Mediana's imagination.

"Shouldn't this thing be very precious?"

"I ransacked homes, and there were a lot of them."

This is also true. He confiscated a large number of nobles' homes in the southern county, and hid a few pieces of gold in each noble's home.

Mediana said simply: "If the Duke can give me three more Soul Diamonds of the same quality and size, then I can tell you the transformation circle without the knowledge of synthesizing pure water."

Rosen's heart moved slightly: 'It seems that the Soul Diamond is a great treasure to the succubus. ’

Then things will be easier to handle.

He took out five more pieces and handed them over. Each piece was as big as an adult's fist and the quality was almost perfect.

He used transfiguration alchemy to synthesize it, so it's hard to imagine it being perfect.

"It's all yours. The extra 2 yuan is my gift to you."


Mediana's face showed a clear "dumbfounded" expression, which could be seen at a glance without judgment.

Although she was a foreign race, she was not much different from the human race.

After half an hour of communication, Rosen could already distinguish her emotions well through her expression.

The succubus held all six soul gems in her arms, as if she was holding a rare treasure.

"Duke, do you know the value of this thing in the world of planeswalkers?"

Without waiting for Rosen to ask, she said directly: "This is the travel currency used in all planes. It is a good thing that money can't buy."

"Oh~ I am so happy. I actually got so many high-quality gems, ah ha ha ~~"

She showed an extremely happy look on her face, then suddenly stood up and enthusiastically bit Rosen's face.

Rosen quickly pushed her away: "Madam, I think you should go to the bathroom and clean yourself up."

"After washing, give me the Aoli Transformation Array."

"Haha~ Of course~ Of course~"

She walked away quickly, humming a light tune as she walked, feeling like she had won the 5 million jackpot.

After lingering in the bathtub for about half an hour, she came out wearing a large bathrobe: "I need paper and pen."

Rosen had already prepared it.

She immediately started writing, writing more than 30 pages, almost a booklet, and then handed the booklet to Rosen:

"Here, the Arcane Transformation Array and the knowledge I know about breaking through the eleventh ring are all in it."

"I believe in the Duke's credibility, and I believe that this will never be our last transaction. Right, Lord Duke?"

Rosen was flipping through the booklet quickly, and the more he read, the happier he became: 'What a good thing! It seems that this succubus is really a traveling mage. '

Of course he is willing to trade with the mage.

"Yes, I am very willing to continue to make various cross-dimensional transactions with you."

"I still have a lot of Soul Gems. If you can give me more knowledge, I will not be stingy."

"Aha~ It's really tempting, Lord Duke, but unfortunately I don't have any good things on hand."

She showed a trace of entanglement on her face.

After more than ten seconds, she said: "Lord Duke, if you are willing to bear the consumption of gems for my cross-dimensional travel, I can go to each plane immediately to help you find various precious high-level magic knowledge and high-level items."

As she said, she picked up a Soul Gem: "Crossing planes requires the consumption of Soul Gems. If you don't cross at a good time, but force it, the consumption will increase."

"For example, if I go to the Atumen plane now, I need 5 Soul Gems, but if I go there in half a year, I only need 2."

Rosen said without hesitation: "No problem, I will pay for the extra consumption of Soul Gems for you."

Soul Gems are treasures in the eyes of planeswalkers.

In his eyes, it is actually a pile of high-quality rutile, that is, titanium oxide.

He can have as many of these things as he wants.

It is a lucrative business to exchange them for high-level items.

But he couldn't tell anyone about this, so he found a reasonable reason.

"I will search for the Soul Gem for you in all the countries of the Alliance. Anyway, I will definitely satisfy you."

Mediana's eyes lit up with joy: "Oh~ This is really the best news I have heard in the past ten years."

"Duke, to wish us a happy cooperation, let's have some fun?"

Rosen was stunned. What kind of lewd words are these?

"I remember you just killed the mage who summoned you?"

"That's because he wanted to enslave me, and he was old and ugly."

"I didn't want to kill him because he helped me escape from the demon world, but he insisted, so I had to fulfill his wish."

Rosen didn't dare to have fun with a succubus who he had known for less than half a day and didn't know the details of, so he refused decisively.

"Cooperation is cooperation, but having fun is not."

He suddenly became a little worried about Mother Nature.

Mother Nature embraced a heart that yearned for freedom and became a planeswalker, but the world is so complex and profound, it is best not to get into trouble.

Mediana didn't know what Rosen was thinking.

She blinked and smiled: "Duke, are you afraid of me?"

As she said that, she walked to Rosen's side and squatted down, grabbed Rosen's hand and put it on her forehead:

"We planeswalkers do have some secrets, but since we have reached such a wonderful cooperation, I will naturally show you all these secrets in exchange for your trust."

"Do you feel the secrets I'm hiding, Duke?"

With such a close perception, Rosen did feel the power of Mediana.

It is indeed a soul at the peak of the seventh ring, but the mana is extremely strong, more than five times stronger than Laertris.

Immediately afterwards, Mediana took Rosen's hand and walked down again.

"Because of the Creator's prank, our bodies are particularly compatible with the Deritan people, even more compatible than our own people. Are you sure you don't want to have some fun?"

Rosen felt it clearly.

As a playboy, he knew it was a good treasure as soon as he touched it, so he was very excited.

He then concentrated his mind and carefully checked the other party's body. After confirming that there was no problem, he spurred the horse.

It must be said that this is really a fierce horse that gallops across the world, even fiercer than Neferoniya.

If it weren't for the two horns on its head to stabilize its body, it would be almost impossible to control it.

It took a lot of effort to finally tame it.

But after a while, Mediana was full of energy again.

"Duke, you performed very well. I am very satisfied with this fun."

This made Rosen feel like he had done some hard work.

"I need to have a good rest for a night. I will set off early tomorrow morning. If possible, I need as many soul gems as possible, at least 20 or more, so that I can return in time when needed."

"I will prepare it for you."

After a pause, Rosen said: "Please keep an eye out for a novice called Planeswalker, a young girl, eight-ring mana, light gold"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mediana: "I know her. I once traded with her the True Name Beacon in your hand. I sold it to her."

Rosen was stunned: "What a coincidence?"

"Not a coincidence, but a necessity."

"Because I am a frequent visitor to the Druitan world, especially after the ban on summoning, Ms. Zigrelana can only choose to trade with me."

After a pause, she smiled: "Do you feel that I am very old?"

"I have indeed lived for a long time, about 800 years, but fortunately, we Serila people are immortals, and our souls are naturally tough. I can live for at least 2000 years. Maybe you will leave the world before me."

Rosen suddenly felt strange: "800 years, Madam, haven't you found a way to break through the ring wall?"

Seven rings are a bit low.

"In another 100 years, I will be eight rings. We Serila people live long but grow slowly. This is the price of a tough soul."

"Okay, okay, Lord Duke, let me have a good sleep."

She issued an order to expel him, and Rosen said goodbye and left.

The first thing he did after leaving was to go to the laboratory.

He had to verify the new knowledge immediately.

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