Start with Island Lord

Chapter 182 Weilan's Large-Scale Food Making Technique (24)

It is the job of the Island Foreign Affairs Bureau to investigate international affairs, and this is a large market with nearly 500 million people in the alliance, and it is not something that can be investigated in a day or two.

Therefore, after issuing the task to Stonard, Rosen could only wait patiently for the result.

Of course, he did not just wait.

Weilan has a lot of things to do at the moment.

The various foundations laid in the early stage are now officially on track.

Build a new capital city to create a new city model.

Build advanced and basic magic schools to cultivate magic talents.

Build magic industrial zones to provide new jobs and earn foreign currency.

Build docks to build warships, build aircraft factories to build various aircraft to improve armaments.

Finally, a large amount of magic research funds must be allocated to various magic laboratories.

And so on.

The reparations that had just been received immediately flowed out like a flood.

Of course, it was not gold and silver that flowed out, but paper money.

Time passed quickly in the busyness.

Early the next morning, Rosen went to find Mediana first.

He wanted to see how the traveling wizard crossed the plane.

Medina had already gotten up, changed into a tight combat leather armor, and prepared a series of packages, looking ready to go.

After seeing Rosen, she smiled and said, "Lord, you are here just in time. I am just waiting for your soul gem."

Rosen was naturally ready.

He did not give synthetic gems, because the quality of the synthesis was too high and too consistent, and if there were too many, it would be obvious.

He also pointed to synthesizing rare materials and making money in various planes. He did not want the knowledge of the basic element table to spread in various planes for the time being.

So, he gave various natural gems found in the homes of the nobles, about 30.

"This batch is of worse quality, but fortunately there are enough."

Medina looked at them one by one and nodded with satisfaction: "This is already very good."

After that, she walked to the middle of the basement, and a very complicated magic circle had appeared on the ground.

She placed the soul gems on the hub of the magic circle, a total of 8, and she stood in the middle of the magic circle with her package on her back.

"Duke, I am about to start a plane transfer array."

"This array needs a power called phase force to drive it. I know you must be very curious about phase force, so I wrote it down for you and put it on the desk."

Rosen has seen the booklet, which is 40 to 50 pages long and has a name called "Power of the Planeswalker".

Mediana's voice continued to come: "Duke, you must study hard. If I get into trouble one day, I still expect the Duke to rescue me."

Rosen nodded: "I will study hard."

One more skill means one more way. What if he means what if, he can't make it in this plane, he can use this new knowledge to run away.

Mediana continued: "It is not enough to have a magic circle alone. You also need to set up conversion beacons at the destination to guide the transfer."

"Otherwise, the location after the transfer will be very random, and may even appear in a deadly environment."

Rosen nodded to show his understanding: "What about the first transfer? Rely on luck?"

"Some adventurous planeswalkers rely on luck, but such planeswalkers generally do not live long and will die for various inexplicable reasons."

"Another method is to find some naturally existing beacons. I have given the relevant search methods in the book, and the Duke can practice it himself."

"The first After a successful transfer, you need to manually set the transfer beacon. This is also the basic homework of the travel wizard. I have also written down the specific methods in the book. "

Rosen thought it was very good: "Where are you going?"

"I was originally planning to go to the Atumen Realm, but the lord must now need to break through the legendary knowledge of the eleven rings."

"So, I will go to the mortal world guarded by the legendary wizard Naya and seek relevant knowledge from this legendary wizard."

As he spoke, the crystal red soul gems in the magic circle gradually lit up, the light inside the magic circle began to distort, and Mediana's voice continued to come out.

"Naya is a great and legendary wizard. She has thwarted the invasion plot of the great demon three times, and the last time she even seriously injured a great demon."

"She is also a very kind, extremely wise and open-minded wizard. I believe that after hearing about your situation, she will be very willing to teach you relevant knowledge."

"But her status is also very high. It is very difficult to meet her, so I am not sure how long it will take me to succeed. It may be three or four months, or it may be several years."

"In short, it depends on luck."

As he said this, the distortion of the light inside the magic circle instantly intensified, followed by another fierce flash. When the light dimmed, Mediana disappeared.

Rosen looked at the ground again and found that the soul gems had turned into a pile of white powder.

He walked forward and carefully checked the composition of the powder.

It was found that the element had not changed, it was still titanium oxide, but the original wonderful magic properties that interacted with the magic ring had disappeared.

It was a bit like the demagnetization of a magnet.

If you want to use it again, you have to synthesize it again, which is equivalent to re-magnetizing the magnet.

After observing the operation of the planeswalker up close, he also roughly understood it.

This plane transfer array is a means of plane traversal with the help of a magic ring.

At present, Rosen is not sure whether other planes are in the same universe as his own plane, but one thing is certain: all planes must share the same magic ring.

The circle is like a bond, and the planes are the pearls strung on the bond.

Because of this, the speed of time in each dimension world should be consistent.

He carefully collected the titanium oxide on the ground and prepared to reuse it.

‘I made some flaws when synthesizing them, and then I said I found a new batch of Soul Diamonds, hehe. ’

After coming out of the basement, Rosen went to Bell Labs without stopping.

The wizards at Bell Labs have intensively studied transformation alchemy and lightning alchemy, and have a very in-depth understanding of the basic elements. Currently, two-thirds of the blanks in the periodic table of elements have been filled in.

Now that Weiland Island is short of food, in the long run, the entire Wit Continent will also be short of food.

If the former is short of food, they can still go to Witte Continent to buy it. The latter is short of food, so they can only find ways to increase food production.

There are traditional agricultural methods to increase yields, such as breeding excellent seeds and improving planting techniques.

But as the mage lord, Rosen had just acquired something new. Not only did he have to use traditional methods, but he also had to find ways to use magic.

First find the dull but talented Bell.

"How do you feel about the new transformation circle?"

Bell is doing research. Although the time is short, he has already made preliminary conclusions because of his detailed knowledge.

"It can indeed convert light power into Austrian power. The efficiency is indeed very low, but I can feel that there is a lot of potential for improvement."

"I estimate that optimizing the performance of the array materials and then optimizing the structure of the array itself can increase the conversion efficiency to more than 10%."

"It sounds very good. I asked you to study the elemental composition of various basic food elements earlier. Have you got any results?"

Food elements are the names given by Rosen. To be precise, they are starch, protein, and fat.

"It's been there a long time ago."

Bell smiled dullly: "For example, the most important flour has a very simple structure."

"It is composed of three basic elements, which are dephlogisticated water, phlogiston and charcoal, or it can also be said that it is a fusion of charcoal and water."

Rosen smiled when he heard this: "Then, by combining the conversion magic circle with the food creation technique, we can achieve large-scale flour production, right?"

Bell nodded excitedly: "That's right."

But a look of hesitation immediately appeared on his face.

"This goes both ways."

"One is to use charcoal to melt water. The other is to use various types of wood or grass stems for cracking."

"The former is difficult to control, and the final product will always have some inexplicable and insurmountable toxicity."

Rosen understood the source of the toxicity as soon as he heard it. It was most likely caused by the chirality of the molecules.

With today's chemical capabilities, it is difficult to distinguish chirality, and one must study the molecular structure in depth.

"The product of the latter method is not poisonous and can be eaten, but the final product has a very rough texture and is difficult to swallow."

Rosen smiled and said: "This is mainly due to the low level of food-making skills, which can be completely overcome."

After thinking for a moment, he said: "Since the latter is already available, you can sort out the relevant magic materials, set up a team specifically to improve the taste, and come up with usable finished products as soon as possible."

Finally, a reminder: "This matter is very important, so hurry up."

"Yes, Lord."

As for improving the conversion efficiency of the magic circle, Cavendi is naturally good at it.

After he found Cavendi, the other party gave a direct conclusion.

"This array is not yet mature. After integrating our latest research results, the conversion efficiency should be up to 30%."

This is much better than the 10% estimated by Bell.

"How long will it take to achieve this?"

"A month at most. After all, it's just an improvement, not a creation out of thin air."

"very good."

Then, the Aura Transformation Array is available, and the corresponding food-making spell is available. Although it is still very rough and has a lot of room for improvement, it can already be used as a spell factory for large-scale flour production.

This flour factory is not something created out of nothing, but a transformation of matter and energy.

Therefore, the ideal of ruthless and endless food is impossible. After all, energy and matter will limit production.

However, it can convert cellulose, which is unavailable to most animals, into edible starch.

Cellulose is abundant in nature.

Not to mention anything else, this greatly increased the output of farmland.

In the past, when wheat was grown, only the grains could be eaten. Now, the wheat straw can also be turned into flour, and the weight of wheat grains and wheat straw is about one to one.

In other words, the wheat yield per mu has directly doubled.

Furthermore, not only wheat straw can be turned into flour, but weeds, leaves, firewood, etc. can also be turned into flour.

If the taste is really bad, it can be made into livestock feed and used to grow meat, and the taste will be improved.

And technology is constantly developing. When the technology is completely mature, maybe artificial food can completely replace farmland output, and then food production will no longer have to depend on God’s face.

After coming out of the Cavendi Laboratory, Rosen felt much more relaxed and found Kluber again.

"The Magic Center has broken through a new spell that can use wood to make flour in large quantities. The cabinet needs to approve an appropriation to build the first Weilan flour processing factory."

Kruber was stunned when he heard this: "Lord, is this true?"

Using wood to make flour, if a big tree is cut down, it can feed the family for a long time.

"Really, but the specific details of the spell are kept secret for the time being. Only you know."

"To the outside world, we say it is a new type of large-scale flour processing plant that can improve flour production efficiency, but we must not talk about the details of converting wood into flour."

Large-scale food-making has always been a hot topic in the Natural Alliance. If it gets out, it will definitely cause a huge shock.

Rosen's political sensitivity told him that this matter could be used as a card to make a big fuss.

So, he decided to keep a low profile first, and then make a high-profile news when necessary.

Kruber was also extremely shrewd, and immediately understood Rosen's deep meaning.

"Lord, how much does it cost?"

"It will probably require an investment of 100,000 Ogg."

Kruber continued to ask: "What is the annual output?"

"It is currently estimated to reach 100,000 tons. When it is fully mature, we will expand the output. It will not be difficult to increase it by a hundred times."

Kruber nodded repeatedly and turned to the cabinet to get money.

Everyone knew that it was important to deal with food, so the money arrived quickly.

Rosen took the money and personally supervised the construction of the first magic flour processing plant in the Natural Alliance.

A month passed quickly in the busyness.

The results of Stonard's investigation finally arrived.

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