Start with Island Lord

Chapter 188 The Land of Magic Legends in the Distance (13)

Underground secret room.

Mediana held the wine bottle and drank it.

He drank half the bottle in one breath before stopping: "I was very lucky this time. I met the legendary mage Naya soon and told her about your situation."

"Another good thing is that Naya has just resigned from the position of the Guardian Archmage of the Nahuatl Republic and has a lot of time of his own, so he not only asked me to bring you this spell book, but also specially gave it to you. You created a magic weapon."

Mediana pointed at a strange magic weapon as big as a fist in Rosen's hand.

"This is called the Retrospective Circle. Its function is to weaken the strength of your soul when you enter the Eleventh Circle but fail to successfully condense the Heart of Legend, allowing you to return to the Tenth Circle again, thus avoiding the misfortune of soul disintegration. "

Rosen had a great understanding of the soul. After careful observation, he understood the principle of the magic weapon. He felt that the design of this magic weapon was extremely exquisite, which ordinary people could not imagine.

He clicked his tongue and exclaimed: "This is really a good thing."

This is simply the regret medicine for spiritual practice.

He also became very curious about the country in the distance called the Republic.

Because the word ‘republic’ is a word that will only appear after society has developed to a certain level.

"As a legendary mage, is Ms. Naya just the country's guardian mage?"

He has been in this aristocratic world for a long time, and his thinking has been subtly influenced a lot. He subconsciously believes that this legendary mage should be the absolute master of the country, and should be a higher being than the emperor.

Of course Mediana could understand what Rosen meant.

She smiled and said: "I was also very strange at first, but now I completely understand, and I think that the system of the Nahuat Republic should be the best way for us mortals to fight against the invasion of gods and demons."

Without waiting for Rosen to ask, she explained carefully.

"In the Republic of Nahuatl, the legendary power of the legendary mage does not come from his own practice, but from the support of the people."

"This kind of support is similar to 'faith', but it is not exactly the same as faith. It does not believe in a specific god, but a concept of 'protection'."

"The Guardian Archmage is an honorable position with a sacred aura."

"In other words, if you serve as the guardian mage, you can gain the support of the people's faith and gain the power to break through the eleven magic circles."

"But once you leave office, the people's faith will leave you and fall on the newly appointed guardian archmage."

Rosen understood: "In other words, the retired Naya does not have legendary power?"

"Yes, she is now only at the peak of the tenth ring. The newly appointed guardian mage is named Sasmar, and he is also a talented mage at the peak of the tenth ring."

After a pause, Mediana added: "In Nahuat, the guardian archmage's tenure is 10 to 20 years, and he must be replaced after 20 years at most."

"It's not that Naya didn't do a good enough job, it's because the soul and body of a mortal cannot withstand the pressure of the legendary power for a long time. After a long time, you must rest, otherwise you will face the danger of soul disintegration."

Rosen was surprised: "After promotion, it's just a temporary breakthrough, isn't it permanent?"

"Of course not forever."

Mediana shrugged: "Even a low-level mage will lose his level if he doesn't practice for a long time or when he gets old, let alone a legendary realm?"

"The realm of legend is like a bird flying into the sky. Of course it is flying, but the consumption is also huge, so naturally it cannot fly forever. When the time is up, between falling to death or landing on your own initiative, you have to choose an ending. , isn’t it?”

It was a very vivid metaphor. Rosen nodded to express his understanding and became more and more interested in the situation of the Nahuatl Republic.

"Meddy~ Let me introduce Nahuat more."

Mediana had been drinking and had already started talking. When Rosen asked, she naturally told him everything.

"The Republic of Nahuatl is a true country of magic. I have traveled across the major planes and seen countless mortal countries. I have never seen a country that has as many ultra-high-level mages as the Republic of Nahuatl."

"Because there are so many ultra-high-level mages, in the high-level parliament that holds the highest power in the country, the qualification to become a member is ten-level mana."

"Currently, there are 102 members of parliament."

Rosen was secretly shocked when he heard it, and guessed: "Nawat should have completely disclosed the principles of magic practice and implemented the most extensive magic education, right?"

"That's right, every child will undergo enlightenment from the age of six. Once they show outstanding mana talent, they will immediately receive attention and be focused on training."

"The Republic has 1.6 billion citizens, which is more than the Natural Alliance, the Glorious Kingdoms and the Holy Elf Empire combined. Therefore, it has the power of magic that makes even gods and demons tremble."

Not to mention gods and demons, Rosen felt a little scary, but at the same time he also wondered: "What force prompted the emergence of such a behemoth?"

It doesn’t matter if 1.6 billion citizens form a mortal kingdom. They even have unified thoughts, so much so that the power of their faith can turn mortal lives into legends.

But the strange thing is that its achievements in exploring the world are not very high, at least not to the point of despair, so it feels a bit inconsistent.

Just like many pseudo-science fictions on Earth, those who use the technology for interstellar travel end up fighting with fists and feet.

"There are many reasons, but the biggest reason is external pressure."

Mediana held the wine bottle with a look of horror on her face: "Did you know that the plane where Nahuat is located is being targeted by three big demons at the same time."

"In any plane, it would be troublesome to be targeted by one big demon, but there are three of them there, and each of them is extremely cruel. In just twenty years, half of the plane has been plunged into absolute darkness."

"At the critical moment, a ten-ring mage named 'Feedmont' appeared."

"He traveled around the countries shouting, contacting the strong men of various countries, forming a high-circle council, and forming the Nahuat Empire, the predecessor of the Nahuat Republic. Only then did he withstand the first wave of invasion by the great devil."

"But we still lost more and won less. In the constant battle, in order to unify the power of the entire mortal world, the empire gradually turned into a republic, and created a stable national system that gave birth to legendary mages. This stabilized the situation and not only withstood the three The heavy pressure of the big devil's invasion can even be counterattacked in some local areas."

Rosen listened quietly, and from Mediana's words, he could clearly feel the courage and wisdom of countless mortals fighting against fate.

He couldn't help but sigh: "Fighting gods and demons with a mortal body, Fedmont is really a model for us mages."

"Who says it isn't?"

Mediana gave a message: "So, the guardian archmages of the Republic of Nahuatl also call themselves 'disciples of Feidemont', intending to inherit the legacy of Master Feidemont and completely drive out the gods and demons that invade the plane." ”

Rosen asked: "In your opinion, do you think it can be successful?"

Mediana shook her head, with confusion on her face: "I don't know."

"We, mortals, have both demonic and divine nature in our hearts. Master Feidemont has awakened the divine nature, while the demons continue to induce the demonic nature. No one knows who will win until the last moment."

"But I am still optimistic about the Nahuat, because they have successfully resisted for 800 years without defeat, and have even grown stronger."

"Of course, I also sincerely hope that Nahuatl wins."

The fact that this succubus could say something like this showed how broad and profound her knowledge was. Rosen even felt that the word 'succubus' was really insulting to her.

He smiled and said: "I hope so too."

Then, he opened the spell book brought back by Mediana and found that the original text on the page was a completely unfamiliar text, but at the beginning, a mind spell was handwritten in the universal text of the Alliance of Nature.

The writing is elegant and delicate, but at the same time it contains a magnificent spirit, with a faint fragrance of ink. From it, you can vaguely feel that the writer is a powerful mage who is delicate, elegant and rigorous.

‘This Naya is also a strange woman. ’ Rosen secretly sighed.

The psychic spell is called "Eye of True Seeing", and it functions like a real-time translation software that can translate the common language of the alien plane into the reader's native language.

The spell is not difficult. There is a similar spell in the Natural Alliance called "Mind's Eye". The principles of the two are similar.

Rosen mastered it after a little study, and then he understood the contents of the spell book.

The title of the book is "Legendary Circle".

The first sentence on the page is.

'Notice! ’

'The path of legend is a dangerous path in spiritual practice. Every mage has his own legendary path. All suggestions from others can only be used as a reference and not as a guide. ’

Rosen was slightly shocked when he saw it, and he immediately looked down.

‘Young mage from another plane, as a forerunner, I cannot teach you how to become a legend. All I can do is describe to you the various characteristics of the eleven rings. ’

'As for how to deal with it, no one can help you but you can only rely on yourself. ’

After reading these sentences, he looked up at Mediana: "It's not the same as I imagined."

Mediana obviously also read the contents of the spell book and shrugged.

"The road to legend is like this. There are many members of the High Circle Council in the Nahuat Empire, and they have very rich practical experience, but in the end, there are only 9 people who are capable of serving as the guardian archmage."

"It is like a fish leaping onto the land without dying, or like a wild beast galloping on the ground and flying into the sky."

"It is precisely because it is so difficult that it deserves to be called a legend."

Rosen nodded in agreement: "Indeed."

If the first ten rings are compared to the surface of a living planet, then the eleventh ring is like entering outer space.

For mortal life, it is indeed a kind of transcendental improvement, and it is indeed a huge adventure.

He began to open the contents of the spell book.

There are about fifty pages in the book, describing the characteristics of the eleven rings in great detail, but mostly from the first perspective of Master Naya, and many places are filled with a kind of idealistic description.

This is normal, because mana comes from soul cultivation, and soul cultivation is idealistic.

It is precisely because of idealism that it is difficult to promote it on a large scale.

Rosen read quickly. The first time he just browsed and entered the information into Laifu's database. Then he closed his eyes and started the second and third times of intensive reading with the help of Laifu's data analysis capabilities.

The content in the book was very valuable and gave Rosen great help. Combined with the data obtained from various experiments in the medical laboratory, Rosen came up with a feasible promotion method in his mind.

'My promotion cannot rely on faith, because the power of faith I currently have is too weak, and it is far from enough to allow me to gain a firm foothold in the Eleventh Circle. ’

The basis of belief in Mother Nature is less than 500 million people, and it is also the most primitive and weakest belief in worshiping gods. Compared with the lofty belief in protecting the plane of the Republic of Nahuatl, there is a huge gap in both quantity and quality.

‘So, I must use the soul-burning method to draw power directly from the eleven magic rings to maintain the stable existence of the soul. ’

The method of belief is to pull an oxygen tube from the bottom of the atmosphere to outer space.

The soul-burning method is to create a 'spiritual power pump' in the soul to 'pump' the thin power of the eleven magic circles into the soul.

The existence of the 'pump' simultaneously solves the problems of 'spiritual energy return' and 'power supply'.

The operation of the 'spiritual power pump' requires power, so the soul must be burned to obtain this power.

As long as the amount of spiritual power burned is lower than the amount pumped in by the 'water pump', the soul can exist stably in the eleventh magic circle.

However, how to controllably burn the soul instead of burning it into a big fireball, how to create a "spiritual power pump" with a precise structure, and how to ensure that the main structure of the soul is not damaged when the spiritual power pump is operating, while maintaining the The high efficiency of operation must be perfectly adapted to the mortal biological brain so as not to burn the brain.

All kinds of things, each one is extremely complicated and extremely precise.

Just thinking about it, you will know that this must be many times more difficult than low-level cultivation.

Even if he succeeds in the end, he will definitely use most of his brain power to keep the 'water pump' running, and he will not be able to do other things at all.

Rosen dared to do this mainly because he owned Laifu.

Mortal brains can't do this delicate work, so if it's okay, just train Laifu to do it. Once you have mastered Laifu, you will allocate part of your computing power to him to maintain the spiritual power pump.

While he was thinking, Mediana's voice came to his ears: "Grand Duke, where is my reward?"

Naturally, Rosen was already prepared and took out more than fifty defective soul diamonds that had been synthesized in advance, each one as big as a fist.

"Here~ Here you go."

"Haha~~ It's really a fruitful harvest. Just wait for me to rest for a few days, and I will set off to the next plane immediately to find high-level knowledge for you."

Rosen smiled and said: "No problem, I am particularly interested in converting low-level talents into noble talents. Pay attention to this knowledge."

"Okay~~ Do you have any more wine?"

Rosen pointed to the small door of the secret room: "Behind the door is a wine cellar that stores various famous wines. You can drink as you like."

Then he pointed to another small door: "That door leads to the ground. You can go out for a walk at any time and experience the city scenery."

"At least in Weiland, you are free."

"You can also take this money and spend it as you like in Weilan Capital and Dawn City."

He took out a suitcase. When he opened the suitcase, he found 1 million Klay banknotes. It looked like a lot, but it was actually equivalent to more than 600 gold Oggs.

But having said that, in Weiland City, the purchasing power of 1 million banknotes is quite good. As long as you don't use it to buy large items or gamble, and just use it to meet daily needs, you can live comfortably for a long time.

"Not bad~ really good~~"

Mediana was very satisfied with Rosen's arrangement.

After arranging the succubus, Rosen did not leave in a hurry: "Master Naya has helped me a lot, how should I repay her?"

Mediana smiled slightly: "I knew the Duke would say that."

She took out a thumb-sized Soul Diamond from the package and handed it to Rosen: "This is the plane landmark of the plane where the Nahuat Empire is located. If you are free, go there yourself."

"Master Naya is also very interested in you after hearing about you."

"She believes that you can increase your magic power to the peak of the tenth ring in a short period of time, and your magic talent is simply unprecedented. Of course, I think the same way."

"It just so happens that she has stepped down from her duty as the Guardian Archmage and has a lot of free time, so she wanted to share her practice experience with you."

Rosen understood, and of course he was very willing to exchange experiences with such a powerful mage. It could even be said to be an honor.

"After the magic exchange conference, I will go to the Nahuat Empire."

Then, without any further delay, he immediately returned to his magic laboratory.

The existence of demons outside the ring caused a lot of mental pressure on him.

I used to think that reaching the top of the Ten Rings was the ultimate in personal practice, so I was relatively lax in my practice. Now that I have pressure, I have the motivation to move forward.

During this time, he really devoted all his energy to research.

He thought that he would not be able to accumulate enough knowledge so quickly, but La Fonge directly gave him a big gift, which saved him at least several years of research time.

Now that everything is ready, and there is a life-saving magic weapon like the Retrospective Circle, it is time to try to break through the eleven magic circles.

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