Start with Island Lord

Chapter 19 Picking up lost pearls


In the carriage, Rosen was eating the goat cheese that Alia had just bought: "Tell me the details."

Alia was also eating cheese. Although she was tall and strong, she ate very delicately, biting it in small bites.

At this moment, a thick cloud of sorrow covered her cute face.

She did not answer but asked.

"Master, I have heard a lot of strange rumors about you in the past two days. Some people say that you were killed by the Aaron people. Others say that you kidnapped the Princess of Dawn. Is it true?"

Rosen grinned: "The princess is indeed with me, but I didn't kidnap her. The princess chose to follow me herself."

Alia was so shocked that she forgot to eat her favorite foaming cheese.

"Master, this matter can't be joked. In the past two days, there are more Aaron Night Guards in the Harbor District than flies on cow dung!"

Rosen naturally knew the movements of Aaron Night Guards clearly.

But seeing that Alia seemed to know a lot, he thought it would be a good idea to listen more, after all, the detection guards also have blind spots.

"What do you know? Tell me about it."

Alia immediately said, "I heard that Aaron's ambassador Sir Yalak had a big fight with the Duke this morning, and the noise was so loud that it almost shattered the window glass."

"It is said that Sir Yalak threatened that the baron who humiliated the king would die tragically on the street, and the princess would definitely marry King Danger."

"The Duke was also furious, but no specific words were heard."

"But Shitou told me that this morning, Aaron's Night Guards' search efforts increased several times. Not only did they have more people, but they were also spending money like crazy. Gangs in various districts were all mobilized, and they were crazy to help them find you."

"By the way, they also listed the harbor area as a key search area."

Rosen smacked his lips: "Tsk tsk ~ mobilized local gangs to find me, these Night Guards are very passionate."

Aaron's Night Guards are strong dragons, and local gangs are local snakes. If the two sides cooperate to find someone, even if they are reincarnated and hidden in a woman's belly, they will be pulled out.

Therefore, it was only a matter of time before he and Selena were exposed.

As for the stone mentioned by Alia, it was another trusted attendant of Rosen.

His real name was Stonard, and he also grew up with Rosen. He was 21 years old this year and was a low-level wizard.

His magic was naturally taught by Rosen, but he didn't learn it very well.

His greatest ability was to get information, and he was one of Rosen's most relied-on eyes in Dawn City.

Alia pouted and complained: "Master, please be serious, this is all for you!"

Rosen shrugged: "Okay, okay, I really need to be serious."

"So, is there any other news?"

"Of course."

Alia looked solemn: "Shitou said that the reason why Sir Yalak's attitude became so tough was because Aaron urgently sent a special action team."

"And the leader of this action team should be Shadow Master Lesent."

"That is to say, Aaron's Night Guard in Dawn City currently has two magic masters leading the team."

Rosen raised his eyebrows: "Shadow Master. Didn't this old guy fly over the sea overnight?"

"He must have flown here, otherwise he couldn't have come so quickly."

Rosen ate all the cheese and filled his stomach. He took the handkerchief handed over by Alia, wiped the crumbs from the corners of his mouth, and chuckled.

"This old man is over sixty years old, and he is not afraid of falling into the sea because of exhaustion."

Flying magic consumes a lot of energy. If flying with bare hands, a senior magician can only fly 5 to 10 kilometers, and a fourth-ring master can fly about 15 to 25 kilometers.

The Kingdom of Aaron is located in the Witt Continent south of the giant island of Weilan, and the narrowest part of the strait between the two sides is more than 200 kilometers.

As a master of magic in the early stage of the fourth ring, if Lesent wants to fly across the sea overnight, he must rely on the assistance of various lattice magic tools and potions, and it is estimated that he will also let other magicians fly with him to quickly cross the strait.

Of course, a master is a master, and he should not be underestimated.

The general perception of this world is that everyone can basically reach the level below the third ring through hard work, but above the third ring, talent is required.

This talent is quite rare.

It is possible that one of the five hundred third-ring senior magicians will break through to the fourth ring, and the strength of the fourth ring magic power is 30% higher than that of the third ring, which is much greater than the maximum of 15% of the first three rings.

The great difficulty of promotion and the small step increase in strength make the strong with four rings of power be called masters.

Because of this, although Alia respects Rosen very much, she still thinks he is too arrogant.

"Master, although you are very knowledgeable, you are just a low-level wizard after all."

Seeing that his servant was so worried, Rosen felt that it was necessary to comfort him, so he nodded: "You are right."

"But I am not unprepared."

As he spoke, he reached into his pocket, fumbled for a while, and took out a crystal bead the size of a thumb tip.

In the dark, the crystal is very inconspicuous, just like ordinary glass beads.

But when the crystal is taken to the light, it becomes very dazzling, and its refractive index of light is frighteningly high.

With a slight turn in the air, it can easily scatter the sunlight into fine and colorful halos, which are more gorgeous than diamonds.

"Do you remember this?"

Alia's eyes suddenly lit up: "Of course I remember, it's the communication orb that Master Levin left for you."

"Master, did you ask the master for help?"

"Of course. So soon, our old friend will come to help."

The worry on Alia's face instantly dissipated.

Because as far as she knew, Master Levin was a master of combat magic with four-ring peak mana, extremely good at fighting, and also a close friend of the master regardless of age difference.

But there was one last worry.

"Master, will that old friend be able to come in time?"

"Don't worry, he will be able to come in time. In fact, I have received his reply."

In this case, Alia was completely relieved.

Rosen continued the original topic.

"Now let's get to the point. Introduce the three targets you have set your sights on."

"Okay, master."

Alia began to focus on the introduction.

"The first one is a mercenary named Kruber, who is in the middle of the advanced stage, 35 years old, and was once the deputy leader of the Fiery Mercenary Group."

"In the ten years when he served as deputy leader, the scale of the Fiery Mercenary Group expanded tenfold."

Rosen was quite satisfied: "He has good skills and a sharp mind. He is a rare management talent. So what are his shortcomings?"

Alia spread her hands, speechless.

"He fell in love with a man, and this man was the leader of the Fiery Mercenary Group."

"He loved her madly, and took advantage of his drunkenness to give the leader to that man, and then he was kicked out of the mercenary group by the leader."

"Even so, he still loved her."

Rosen didn't think it was strange, because his previous life was a bizarre world.

In some places, there are even dozens of genders.

After thinking for a moment, he asked, "The Church of Nature strictly prohibits this kind of abnormal love. Once discovered, it will be castrated by magic. How did he escape punishment?"

"The leader owes him a life, so he didn't expose him. The matter didn't get out of hand, and the temple didn't bother to meddle."

"I see."

Rosen asked again, "I am very satisfied with his ability. What conditions do you want him to work for me?"

Alia said with a strange look on her face, "He said that unless he can make the leader accept his love."

Rosen felt a little toothache: "Are you kidding?"

"I thought it was a joke at first, but after asking carefully, I confirmed that he was serious."

Rosen felt a little headache: "What about the second target?"

"The second one is a senior wizard named Alonso who was expelled from the Mage Guild and strictly prohibited from continuing to contact the field of magic."

"He is only 33 years old this year, proficient in refining, and was once a very outstanding and pioneering refiner."

"Well, not bad!"

In the future, he will mainly rely on refining to develop the White Sturgeon Island, so this is the talent he needs most.

"Then why was he expelled from the Mage Guild?"

"The failure of the magic experiment caused a huge explosion, killing ten innocent people, including a noble, causing extremely bad effects."

"For this, he lost all his property and was imprisoned in the Jialai Mine Prison for three years. After he came out, his left leg was lame, and his wife and daughter married the wealthy merchants from Kaolai."

"He was hit hard, became taciturn, and had no intention of making money. His life was very miserable, like a beggar."

"Hmm~ A high-level mage who was once full of vigor and vitality but now has lost his will. His fate is really rough."

"Is he willing to serve me?"

Alia hesitated, but still said it.

"He is willing to serve big shots, but the price is very high. Not only does he require an annual salary of 500 Oger, but he also needs to provide him with a fully functional refining workshop and a magic laboratory."

"And he only works half of the time, and the other half is spent in the laboratory."

"Finally, the materials consumed by the laboratory must also be borne by the employer."

Rosen understood: "It's quite expensive."

"Well, it's really expensive, even a little arrogant."

Rosen smiled slightly: "Very good, I appreciate such arrogant people, I agree."

"Master, just your agreement is useless. This Alonso also said that not only must the money be enough, but he must also be pleasing to the eye, otherwise it will be useless."

"Ha~~Interesting uh~ How about this, you arrange him in the Wildcat Inn in the northern suburbs of the city, and I will meet him tomorrow."

"Yes, master."

"What about the third one?"

"The third one is a wanted criminal of the Levender royal family, named Wei Ge, 27 years old, with intermediate mana peak, not strong , but she is the chief apprentice of Odanlo, the former court potion master of Levender, and in some aspects, her achievements even surpass her mentor. "

"Master Odanlo was involved in a palace coup and was imprisoned by King Xila. Wei Ge escaped by chance."

"At present, she is hiding in the old city like a mouse, living by selling some ordinary potions. "

Rosen understood: "If I hire her, I have to bear the political pressure from Levender, right?"

"Yes, and I may even face the scarlet assassin sent by the royal family of Levender."

"She also said that as long as the master is willing to protect her and let her live a stable life, she is willing to serve the master."

"But she also said that she doesn't believe me and must see you in person and have a good talk with you before making a final decision."

"Also let her wait for me at the Wildcat Inn."

After listening to the three, they are all rare talents and very useful to Rosen, but they are not all fuel-saving lamps.

"By the way, Alia, you didn't let them know my identity, did you?"

"No, I just said I was a noble lord."

"Very good."

If they had told them, then given Rosen's current situation, not only would he be in danger, but his two trusted servants would also be in great danger.

Now it's all right.

He thought about it again and found that the easiest person to deal with was the mercenary Kruber.

Moreover, his plan tonight also happened to require the help of Kruber's ability.

He looked up at the sky and saw that it was only 1:30 in the afternoon. He said, "Take me to see Kruber first. No, take me to see the leader of the Fiery Mercenary Group first."

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