Start with Island Lord

Chapter 195 Can I really defeat such a person? (23)

Aaron Capital, Rhine City.

At the entrance of the Weilan Embassy, ​​there are two more documents on the bulletin board.

The title of the first document.

The font is very large and eye-catching, and it says: "Warm congratulations to the Weilan Magic Department for breaking through the large-scale food making technique!"

The following is the specific content about breaking through the large-scale food making technique, especially emphasizing that Duke Weilan will publish the key magic content to the entire Natural Alliance free of charge.

The second is a recruitment document.

"The Weilan Citizen Bread Factory has been officially established and will officially start operating in January. We are now recruiting a large number of food-making mages from the entire Natural Alliance."

"Including 50 chief mages, requiring high-level mana, rich experience in food-making spellcasting, aged 20 to 50."

"Benefits: Provide a free single two-story small building (with a 30-square-meter courtyard), a monthly meal subsidy of 1,500 kle, and a salary starting from 15,000 kle + sales commission."

"A large number of ordinary production mages, requiring low-level mana, proficient in food-making, and aged 15 to 40."

"Benefits: Provide free single rooms (with separate bathrooms), a monthly meal subsidy of 500 kle, an eight-hour work system, and a salary starting from 6,000 kle."

As soon as the two documents came out, they spread throughout the Rhine City like a thunder tsunami.

Similar situations occurred not only in the Rhine City, but also in the Silver Moon City of Kao, the Platinum City of Levender, and the major duchies.

The news spread so fast, much faster than the previous ban on grain exports. In less than half a day, residents of all the big cities in the Natural Alliance knew about the news.

After the big cities knew about it, it spread to towns and villages at a very fast speed.

The next morning after the news was announced, the grain prices that had soared to the sky due to the export ban fell sharply, and they could not be stopped, more than ten times faster than the ebb tide.

The night before, a ton of potatoes cost 20 Oggs to buy, but the next morning, it was cut in half, only less than 10 Oggs.

People had only one thought in their minds: large-scale food production has been developed, and it is shared free of charge with the entire Natural Alliance. Wood straw can be turned into flour. Won't grain be everywhere in the future?

Good days are coming soon. There is no point in hoarding grain. If you hoard more, you will lose it!

A large amount of grain poured into the market from private grain traders, and the market changed from a shortage of supply to a supply far exceeding demand. Wouldn't the grain price plummet?

But private grain traders are small in scale and sensitive enough to the market, so they can ship goods very quickly. Those noble grain traders and even royal grain traders can't react so quickly.

If they want to ship goods, they have to ask their superiors layer by layer, obtain approval documents one by one, and even the cabinet has to hold a meeting.

Maybe the king is not feeling well, or he is just playing and has no time to care about the government, so it will take another day or two.

When the resolution is finally passed, the price of grain has almost dropped to the bottom.

Three days later, Danger sat in the study, looking at the market report given to him by the new Minister of State, Master Grunt, and his face was darker than a fireplace that had not been cleaned for ten years.

This time he purchased a large amount of staple food.

Flour, potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc., anyway, everything that can be eaten was purchased, and a total of 8 million Ogg was spent.

Because they entered the market relatively late, the purchase price was relatively high. For example, potatoes were purchased at an average price of 12 Ogg per ton.

Now, the average price of potatoes is less than 5 Ogg, and the average price of other staple foods has also dropped sharply.

All in all, he lost 6 million Oggs.

After a long silence, Danger asked unwillingly: "Is Weilan's large-scale food-making technique true? Or is it fake news?"

The Minister of State, who had been in office for less than two months, said cautiously: "It should be true."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because Duke Weilan quickly fulfilled his promise and shared the arcane conversion array with the magic departments of major kingdoms and principalities, as well as major magic academies."

Danger frowned: "Did our magic department also share it?"

"Shared, and it is currently being urgently verified."

"But I heard that Kao's Silver Moon Higher Academy has reproduced the magic phenomenon of light conversion to arcane, and the conversion rate is as high as 5%."

"5%? This is not high."

Grente is also a magic master. Although he was just promoted and his magic achievement is average, he naturally has common sense.

He thought to himself: 'Isn't this high? This can be directly used! ’

He secretly complained about the king’s ignorance, but the previous experience was still there, and he was still reluctant to leave the position of Minister of State, so he patiently explained.

“Your Majesty, this conversion rate is indeed not high, but Weilan must have a better and more mature conversion array, and the conversion rate can reach 10%, or even 15%.”

“And light power is very easy to obtain, and the food making technique is also a mature spell, so large-scale food making should be a real thing.”

Danger didn’t know how to describe his feelings, it was very complicated.

There was admiration.

Because he didn’t expect that the other party would use this method to break their joint stranglehold, and later announced the results for free, and even said that he hoped there would be no more hungry people in the alliance.

This word has spread in the Natural Alliance, and the Duke has jumped to a level that everyone looks up to, and has become a great man of the Natural Alliance.

And the kings of them have been set off as rogue clowns.

There is fear.

The opponent’s moves are completely out of common sense, just like the Creator’s own son.

Such an opponent, can he really defeat it?

The fear that had once subsided returned, even more violent than the last time.

The loss of 6 million Oggs was not a small amount, and it was even enough to build ten new Black Stone warships, or to restart several projects in the Lion's Tooth Manufacturing Bureau that had been stalled due to lack of funds.

He had robbed the house of the Aaron nobles and obtained a total of 43 million Oggs. He lost 18 million Oggs, and there were 25 million Oggs left. He spent all kinds of money in the past six months, and now after all this trouble, there are less than 16 million Oggs left.

The problem is that Aaron has completely lost Weilan, and overseas income has dropped by 80%, while the expenses of the royal family and the new government have not decreased, but increased a lot.

Why did it increase?

Because Danger greatly improved the treatment of civilian officials. Maybe it was not much for each individual, but it could not stop the large number of civilians. After adding up the total amount, the money spent was much more than the aristocratic era.

It is better to spend money quickly than to make money.

If this continues, the national finances will go bankrupt in just two years.

So he had only two options: either break his promise and cut the salaries of officials, or stop all the money-burning projects in the country.

Researching new weapons, building new warships, supporting the army, etc., all had to be reduced in scale.

After some contemplation, Danger took a deep breath and asked the Minister of State for advice: "Grente, do you think the grain in the granary should continue to be stored or sold at a low price?"

Grente really didn't want to get involved in this black pot. He also had resentment in his heart. He had not taken office when the grain was collected. Now he was asked to give advice when something went wrong. What a mess!

But as a minister of state, it is his duty to help the king solve problems.

So, he whispered: "Your Majesty, in the foreseeable future, various food factories will pop up everywhere, and being able to turn trees and straw into flour is equivalent to at least doubling the grain output."

"Therefore, grain prices will definitely continue to fall, and storing grain also requires a lot of costs, and there will be various losses over time, so it is better to sell it."

The grain storage methods these days are not advanced, and if the grain is stored for a long time, the loss will become very large.

"Who can I sell it to?"

Such a large amount, if all invested in the domestic market, no one can eat it.

If it is thrown into the international market, no one will want it, because the All Natural Alliance is selling it.

So it is not easy to sell.

The Minister of State Affairs immediately said, "Sell it to Weilan, Your Majesty."

"Hurry up and sell it before Levender ships it out. After all, the average price of grain purchased by Levender is much lower than ours."

When Danger heard the word "Levender", the blood vessels in his forehead throbbed: "I am so stupid that I actually did such a shitty thing with that damn little king!"

But he was unwilling to sell it to Weilan at a low price.

First, the other party might not accept it, and he would have to beg to sell it in the end.

Second, he couldn't swallow this breath, because this matter was equivalent to him spending money to buy grain and then giving it to Weilan.

As long as he thought of this, he felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.

He thought for a moment and said, "Why not just use this grain to make wine?"

The Minister of State whispered, "Your Majesty, I have contacted major domestic wine merchants. They can only take 20%, and I hope Your Majesty can give a preferential low price."

Danger's face began to gather a storm: "Isn't the price low enough now?"

"It is low, but the quantity is so large, I hope it can be lower than the current market price."

Danger was annoyed and said angrily: "These greedy businessmen, I think they are itchy and want to scratch their necks with a knife."

He now has no good feelings for all businessmen, especially Levender businessmen, they are all bastards!

"Contact domestic merchants, grain merchants, wine merchants, pig and cattle farmers, anyway, as long as they use grain, contact me."

"Tell them to take half of the grain I originally took. No, 60% of my grain."

"Make sure to eat all the grain, and each county will have its own tasks. Any official who dares to refuse will be immediately dismissed and replaced."

"Any merchant who dares to refuse will be hanged!"

He would rather let the grain rot in the domestic market than let Duke Weilan get it cheap.

The Minister of State was shocked: "Your Majesty, you can't do this, it will go wrong."

"What can go wrong?"

Danger's eyes flashed with anger: "I control the Lion Legion, tell me what can go wrong? Huh?!"

The Minister of State did not dare to answer, and after hesitating for a moment, he nodded and agreed: "Yes, Your Majesty, I will convey your order now."

Danger continued: "Don't rush to leave, there is one more thing."

After saying this, the voice of the Lion King became much deeper, and his pair of emerald green eyes flashed with a fierce light of choosing someone to devour.

"Go and count the Levender people in Aaron's country. Count them quietly. The number of people and assets are all counted clearly."

He will soon be short of money and must find extra income.

The fastest way to make money in this world is to rob.

Of course, you can't rob your own citizens easily, but you can rob the Levender people with confidence.

'Who asked your king to give me bad advice? 'Danger thought bitterly in his heart.

Grente was startled and immediately understood Danger's thoughts. He wanted to persuade him, but was shocked by Danger's appearance, so he nodded respectfully: "Yes, Your Majesty."

He sighed in his heart: 'The Levender merchants are really unlucky. '

There was just a wave of robbery in Weilan, and countless people suffered.

Now Aaron has to come again, and it can be predicted that Danger's methods will be ten times more brutal than Weilan.


Kao's situation was much simpler.

First, the princes and princesses had little money and collected little food. Second, Kao himself was a little short of food.

So, the third prince and the sixth princess spent money to buy food for the people, which did not harm Kao's national strength and even improved the reputation of the royal family.

The only problem was that many of the properties under the names of the third prince and the sixth princess went bankrupt. In order to fill the financial hole, the two sons of the king, who were originally quite rich, took turns to cry to their mother and begged her to let them go.

After all, they were her own children, so the queen of Kao raised her hand and let them pass this level.

But although they passed the level, their vitality was really hurt, and they had no money to toss for a long time.


When the little king picked up the urgent documents submitted by the cabinet, it was already five days later.

The reason was that he had been hunting in the royal hunting ground recently.

If the cabinet ministers hadn't kept urging him, he would have to play for at least five days before coming back.

After taking a quick look at the contents of the document, the young king, who had just turned 17, grinned: "Hey~ This duke is really capable. He can come up with such a solution."

The minister of state who came to report was called Herard. He reminded: "Your Majesty, we lost at least 15 million Oger in this incident!"

"It's just 15 million Oger. The money is gone, but the food is still there."

"Just sell these grains to the major nobles in the country at a low price, and each noble will get some. How much money can be recovered."

The minister of state frowned , and reminded again: "Your Majesty, about half of this money was borrowed from the nobles and wealthy merchants in the country, and it needs to be repaid."

The little king looked up at the minister in front of him, with an impatient face: "Hrad, are you done yet?! If you have money, pay it back, if you don't have money, write them an IOU."

"If they don't accept the IOU, give them grain to pay off the debt. The amount of grain collected at the beginning will be used to pay off the debt now."

"We all did it together, so of course we all share the losses."

"Do I need to teach you this?"

Hrad was choked and speechless.

The little king waved his hand: "Okay, okay, you can handle this matter, I haven't had enough fun hunting yet."

After that, he flicked the whip and turned to leave the study.

Glorious Empire.

The news of large-scale food making was once again urgently placed on the queen's desk.

She looked at the contents of the document and smiled softly: "This little duke is quite capable of doing things. Then you can do it well. Anyway, you won't be able to do it for long."

She has obtained the other party's blood. Grandfather used various methods to carefully check and confirmed that the other party is indeed the power of the initial eight rings and is indeed unable to make progress.

With the power of the eight rings, no matter how hard he tries, Duke Weilan will not pose a threat to the Glorious Empire.

And the life of the Godly Father of the Natural Alliance is coming to an end. When he passes away completely, the Natural Alliance will be just meat on the chopping board.

At that time, she can play a few cards at random and force the little duke to the city of Medasilin.

At that time, let him replace Duke Sistine and become her new national master.

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