Start with Island Lord

Chapter 197: A sharp sword that does not kill external enemies, but only kills the inner demons (13)

In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

The last day of Weilan's magic exchange conference has also come.

As the host of the conference, Duke Rosen took the stage for the third time to give the final closing speech.

The voice of the sky is as clear and gentle as ever, like a stream flowing in the ear.

"An undeniable current situation is that Weilan is not yet a country of magic, and most places are still in a very backward state."

"But this situation will soon change."

"Our magic center has accumulated many new magic achievements, and I, Duke Weilan, will do my best to transform these achievements into the power to change the world."

"In the near future, Weilan will build countless new magic factories. According to the preliminary estimate of the Ministry of Magic, Weilan will generate at least 4 million new magic positions in the past five years."

The number of 4 million moved the participants because it means countless opportunities.

Even if the participants are famous wizards, successful and famous, they don't need them, but they all have many apprentices.

Although there are some black-hearted mentors who exploit their apprentices, there are also a large number of mentors who sincerely hope that their apprentices can develop and become successful, so that their efforts will not be in vain.

So everyone is paying close attention.

The Duke on the podium continued to report the data.

"At the same time, as Duke Weilan, I will try my best to increase the income of mages."

"I solemnly promise that among the 4 million magic positions, the lowest monthly income will definitely exceed 5,000 klai. Among them, the high-paying positions with a monthly salary of more than 100,000 klai will exceed 50,000!"

5,000 klai is about 3 orgers per month, which is 30% higher than the average income of low-level civilian mages in the Wit Continent.

A monthly salary of 100,000 klai is equivalent to a monthly salary of 67 orgers, which is an income of 800 orgers a year.

For the middle and large nobles, this is naturally not a glorious income, but for the small nobles and civilians, this is an extremely generous income, enough for them to live a very decent life.

Many famous mages present were civilians. They had good results in magic, but they were not good at business, so at least half of them did not reach this income.

More importantly, since the Duke made such a promise on such an important occasion, he would definitely try his best to ensure this.

So, many mages were moved.

They also believed that Duke Weilan was telling the truth, and what they had seen and heard in Mondania City these days also fully confirmed this.

Luwakado turned to his friend and said, "Don't rush to leave after the conference is over. I will take you to see the Duke."

Ruifa's heartbeat accelerated slightly: "Will this work?"

Everyone knows that this is an extremely precious opportunity. As long as the Duke says a word, he can change his fate and save him more than ten years of struggle.

However, Ruifa was not thinking about seeking benefits for himself. He wanted to take this opportunity to explain to the Duke his thoughts on Weilan's political situation.

He had been in Weilan for so many days. Not only did he participate in the magic conference, but he also carefully observed the situation in all walks of life in Weilan society. He already had a lot of ideas in his mind.

He thought that the current Weilan was very good, better than all other countries in the Natural Alliance, especially it was extremely friendly to civilians, but Weilan also had many potential hidden dangers.

If these hidden dangers were not eliminated, Weilan would soon fall.

Although he had only been here for less than a month, he already had great expectations for Weilan, so he hoped that Weilan could be better than it is now, and even become the perfect country in the world.

On the other hand, Luwakado was very proud of his friend's surprise, and laughed: "Others certainly don't have this ability, but the Duke and I are old friends, so naturally I can do it."

After that, he added: "Of course, I can only take you to see it once. Whether you can seize the opportunity depends on your own ability."

Ruifa nodded repeatedly: "That's good enough."

Of course he would seize this precious opportunity tightly.

At this time, the Duke's voice came from the stage again.

"On the shore of the beautiful Swan Lake, a high-level magic school belonging to Weilan is being built, covering an area of ​​more than 50,000 acres, and I will personally serve as the first dean of the school."

"The school will be completed in half a year, and it is expected to recruit 500 senior professors, 2,000 magic instructors, and 5,000 assistant magic instructors."

"The recruitment requirements are very simple. One is to come from the Natural Alliance. Two is to have sufficient ability. Three is to have good character. Other factors such as origin, gender, and age are not considered."

"The treatment of the faculty and staff of the school will increase by at least 30% on the basis of the first-class magic schools in the alliance, and the resettlement of the faculty and staff's families will be solved."

"If you are interested in teaching in the school, you can submit an application to Weilan's magic department after the meeting."

"Finally, thank you all for coming to the meeting again."

"This magic exchange conference is over, let us pay tribute to the magic circle!"

This recruitment invitation is very attractive, even Ruifa is a little tempted.

Because compared to the outside world, the life in the academy is much more peaceful and tranquil, and as long as you focus on magic, you can enjoy a high reputation.

Maybe life is not as exciting as the outside world, and the income is not too high, but it is enough to maintain a decent life, which is the most desired career for many scholar-mages.

The mages invited to the meeting are all scholar-mages, so they are all very tempted.

Anyone can see that Weilan is about to usher in a rapid development. The magic school with an 8th ring mage will definitely become the magic holy land of the Natural Alliance.

It is the honor of every mage to teach in such a magic school.

Therefore, many people secretly planned to go to the magic department to submit their applications as soon as the meeting was over, and many people even planned to use their connections to get in through the back door.

Seeing the Duke walking towards the podium, Luwakado immediately stood up and gently patted his friend on the shoulder: "Hurry up and catch up."

Rifa felt his heart pounding and immediately followed him.

Although Luwakado is old, his legs are very strong. When he walks, he is like a young man in his twenties or thirties.

Rifa followed him, walked through the crowd, walked out of the venue through the side door, and finally caught up with the Duke who was leaving in the private corridor outside the venue.

"My Lord Duke~ My Lord Duke~~"

Rivakado trotted after him.

Such a reckless state made Ruifa feel a little scared.

Because in Aaron, if a commoner dared to greet the lion king like this, his guards would rush up without the lion king saying anything, making this presumptuous guy realize the huge gap between ordinary people and the king.

He saw the duke turned around, and saw a smile on his face, and raised his hand to stop the guards around him from blocking him.

Then, he saw Luwakado pass through the guards, like an old friend, and gently patted the duke on the back with khal etiquette.


Ruifa finally let out the breath he had been holding because of nervousness, and at the same time clearly realized that this Duke of Weilan was indeed different from other kings, and his approachability was not a disguise but a natural thing.

This gave him a lot of courage, because the words he was about to say were like a knife stabbing people, and the one who stabbed the hardest was the duke himself.

If the duke was as domineering as the lion king, his life might be in danger today, but now it seems that he might be scolded and driven out, but his life will never be in danger.

Then, Ruifa saw that Ruvacardo smiled and chatted with the Duke for a few words, then turned around and pointed at himself, and then saw the Duke waved at him.

He felt that his body seemed to have its own consciousness, and he couldn't help but trot over.

When he arrived, his body tensed and shouted loudly: "Greetings, Your Excellency the Duke!"

This state was just like when he met the dean of the college when he was young.

On the other side, Rosen couldn't help but smile: "Master Ruifa, there is no need to be so serious in private occasions."

He also looked carefully at the former Minister of State from Aaron.

In his early forties, he had a square face with a natural frown, and his eyebrows were naturally twisted into a Sichuan character, as if he had some difficult feelings.

As soon as Rosen saw this face, he knew that this guy's life was rarely smooth, and the reason for this state was probably because he had too many edges and corners in his personality.

Among the nobles, this kind of square character is rare. Most of the nobles have been taught all kinds of social etiquette and principles of dealing with people since childhood, so they are very smooth. Even if they do things secretly, they will not say anything on the surface.

Just like a smiling fox.

But the common people are different. Most of the common people have exhausted all their strength to acquire a skill.

If most of the common people have outstanding expertise in one aspect, there must be great shortcomings in other aspects.

Just like a cheetah that gives up everything to run.

The former can always be like a fish in water, but will never think about changing the world, because the current world is already the most suitable world for him to survive.

The latter encounters obstacles everywhere, so there is a natural source of power to change the world.

In this era, the wizards who come from the common people are the greatest source of power to change the world.

So, he continued: "Master Luwakado introduced you to me and said that you are a very talented wizard."

"In fact, I have also read your works, especially the book "Exploration of the Essence of Existence", which left a very deep impression on me."

In this book, Ruifa proved the existence of "space" and proved the conclusion that "pure force is equivalent to the earth's gravity" from the perspective of magic.

It is simply the intermediate between Newton and Einstein.

So, in terms of intelligence, this person is extremely high.

Rifa was very surprised. He didn't expect that the Duke actually knew his most proud work. He suddenly felt very honored and felt like he had met a soulmate.

He said modestly: "Those were all wild dreams when I was young. Although they were some achievements, I still couldn't find any specific applications."

Rosen raised his eyebrows: "Wild dreams of a young man? What is the master pursuing now?"

"I am pursuing to change the world from the national political level."

After saying this, Ruifa stammered, as if he wanted to say something, but he seemed to have not organized his words yet, so he was hesitant.

Rosen understood it at a glance and immediately said: "This is not a formal occasion. Master, please say whatever you want to say."

Rifa gritted his teeth and really said it.

"Duke, I have carefully studied the citizen participation system you proposed, and I have also heard you say that 'Valan should belong to all Vilan people.'"

"That's right, then what?"

At this time, Ruifa found that Ruvacado was constantly winking at him, and he also knew why the other party winked, because he had discussed his views with him before.

The other party thought that the idea was good, but it was not in line with reality, and no noble lord would accept his point of view.

Luwakado also thought that if he said these words in front of the noble lord, it would be a great mercy for the other party not to put him in prison.

Ruifa certainly knew this, and he would not dare to say it before, but his observations in the past few days gave him some courage.

He also believed that some words must be said by someone, so that as many people as possible know, and spend time discussing and thinking deeply, so as to lead to a better world.

Even if it costs a price, it is worth it, otherwise the world will always be the same as it is now.

So, he ignored his friend's reminder, gritted his teeth, and said as tactfully as possible: "Duke, since everyone is a citizen of Weilan, then you and your family should also be citizens of Weilan, right?"

Rosen nodded: "Yes, that's right, I have never denied this."

Rifa continued: "First of all, I admire your political wisdom in dealing with the nobles of the Northern County, but there is a legal problem in this."

'Cough cough~~cough cough~~~'

Luwakado coughed loudly, he felt that if Rifa continued to talk, something big would happen.

Rifa pretended not to hear it.

"That is, since the nobles have been stripped of Weilan's main political power, what reason does the Duke have to continue to control Weilan's political situation?"

After saying this, Rifa waited to bear the Duke's anger.

But he didn't wait for anger, but got a slightly smiling answer.

"Because Veran is still a duchy, to put it more clearly, it is the kingdom of the Duke of Dawn."

"My dukedom comes from my wife's transfer, and it is recognized by Mother Nature and the Adrian family, so I have the legal right to rule Veran."

Rifa was stunned, and after thinking about it carefully, he found that this reason was really impeccable, but he still felt that something was wrong, so he couldn't help scratching his head.

Rosen now knew why this guy was dismissed by Danger in a short period of time. Just this straightforward temper, the noble kings of the old times really couldn't stand it.

Soon, Ruifa thought of an unreasonable place from another angle.

"But, Duke, you said that Veran Citizen Bank is a bank belonging to all citizens. The wealth stored in it belongs to all Veran citizens."

"Yes, I said that."

"Then according to logic, if you want to use this wealth, you should get the consent of all Veran citizens, but you don't seem to do that."

Rosen certainly knew that there were loopholes in what he did, but he still had a way to defend himself.

"I really didn't use it, because the gold is still in the vault. I just issued the bearer deposit certificate of the gold."


Rafa was a little confused. He knew that this was definitely wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Rosen knew that he had met a guy who loved to argue.

Such a guy may have very poor interpersonal relationships, but he can often become a thinker and expand the wealth of the human spiritual world.

So, he also answered seriously: "Master Rafa, it was the Weilan Citizens' Assembly that gave me the right to control these wealth. Every penny I control has been discussed and confirmed by the cabinet meeting, and finally used to develop Weilan and protect Weilan's safety."

"Are you satisfied with this explanation?"

This explanation is much more reasonable than the previous one. Rafa nodded slowly: "This is good, but there is still a small flaw."

"Please speak."

Rafa had thought it through a long time ago, so he said it directly.

"Duke, as an eight-ring wizard, you must have many achievements in magic. According to the simplest principle of fairness of 'whoever works, whoever gains', these achievements should belong to you personally, not all citizens of Weilan."

"I also believe that these achievements will definitely bring huge wealth. According to natural reason, a large part of them should be controlled by you personally, right?"

Rosen understood: "Master's idea is to distinguish between personal private property and government public property, right?"

Rifa's eyes lit up and he nodded immediately: "Yes, that's what I mean."

"I think it is a great injustice for the ruler to confuse the concepts of individuals and the country in order to achieve personal appropriation of national wealth."

"Duke, you have made great contributions to Weilan, but you have not gained your own wealth from it. This is unfair to you personally."

"If your descendants do not have your achievements and wisdom in magic and cannot contribute to Weilan, they will inevitably embezzle national wealth for their own use, which is unfair to all citizens of Weilan."

At first, he stuttered a little, but the more he spoke, the clearer his thoughts became and the smoother his words became.

When he finished speaking, Rosen clapped his hands to show his appreciation.

"Very well said, Master Ruifa."

"Then I want to ask, how can we completely eliminate this injustice?"

Rifa immediately said: "In addition to the distinction between public and private property as you said before, various laws must be enacted to strictly prohibit officials from using their public power for personal gain."

"Because the power of officials comes from all citizens of Weilan, it should be used for all citizens. If it is used for oneself, it is essentially stealing the wealth of all citizens."

"If it is not prohibited, then in a little while, maybe just a few decades, a new aristocracy will be formed that actually exists."

"Their existence is more secretive and more terrifying than the old aristocracy, just like borers hidden deep in the trees."

"By the time they were discovered, the trees were already dead wood."

These words are a bit profound, and will touch the interests of countless people, and will naturally offend countless people.

Rosen looked deeply at Ruifa: "Master, I want to remind you that what you are doing is against human nature."

Ruifa said without hesitation: "To be precise, it is against the lower beasts in human nature."

The face of this magic master is full of seriousness, and his voice is high-pitched, as if he is preaching the truth.

"I believe that there is a lower animal nature and a higher divine nature in human nature."

"If a person succumbs to animal nature, he will definitely be a mediocre person. His destiny will be manipulated and controlled by others throughout his life, and he will never achieve any great achievements."

"Similarly, if a country composed of countless people succumbs to the beastly nature of its citizens, it will definitely be a mediocre country, and it will only serve as a slave to a powerful country and be manipulated as a chess piece by it."

"Only by suppressing animal nature and pursuing the divinity of reason can a person become a saint and the country become a great country that can control its own destiny and even dominate the destiny of the weak!"

Rosen applauded again and praised: "Well said, Master Ruifa, so well said!"

This guy is really a sharp sword.

This sharp knife from Aaron does not kill foreign enemies, but the country’s inner demons!

If he wants to follow the trend of this era and use the power of the trend to unify the natural alliance, he cannot do without the assistance of this sharp knife.

Of course, inner demons cannot be eradicated, but with this knife, you can always keep the spiritual platform clear and avoid falling into the devil's path.

It just so happened that Rosen had been thinking about this matter recently. Now that he had a quick knife, he naturally started to do it immediately.

So, he said: "Master Ruifa, my cabinet lacks an inspection minister, and Weilan's current government also lacks a formal inspection department."

"The establishment of the Supervision Department is to ensure that Weilan's government can always use divinity to suppress animal nature, and it is always a government that seeks the interests of citizens."

"Master, do you intend to be the inspector general of citizens of Weilan?"

Ruifa felt happy and then was startled: "The inspector of citizens of Weilan? Isn't he the inspector of the Duke?"

Rosen smiled: "If it's mine, then who will supervise me?"

"Ah?" Ruifa was shocked. He didn't expect Rosen to do this.

He couldn't help but said: "Then my power exceeds that of yours, Duke?"

Rosen smiled: "Master Ruifa, ideals should be ideals, reality should be reality."

"We should try to get reality as close as possible to the ideal, but that's clearly not possible."

"Just like in reality, you can't find a circle in mathematics at all, right?"

Supervision belongs to supervision, and execution belongs to execution. As long as the Duke holds the power of execution, the power of supervision is actually in vain.

Rosen did this not to restrain himself. With his current prestige in Weilan, no one can really restrain him. He did this to restrain future generations.

The ancestors of the earth have long said, "Those who do not plan for the eternity cannot plan for a moment."

A lord must not only consider the present, but also the situation ten years, a hundred years, or even hundreds of years from now.

In this alien world, Master Gaohuan can even survive for thousands of years, so he needs to find a way to survive forever.

As a master of magic, Ruifa can naturally understand what Rosen said.

He took a step back and saluted Rosen seriously: "Your Majesty, Duke, I am very honored to be the Supervisory Minister of the citizens of Welland!"

Rosen also looked solemn: "This is a big matter. We can't rush it for a while. We have to move forward step by step. Master Ruifa must be prepared for a long-term battle and never think about getting there in one step."

He also planned to give this Ruifa a guard and a high-ring amulet to prevent him from being shot to death.

Ruifa was shocked, and immediately realized that he was too idealistic, and immediately said: "I understand, Lord Duke."

"Very well, come with me to Swan Castle and we will discuss this matter in detail."

After speaking, he said to Ruwaka: "Master Ruwa, you can find me a top talent this time. According to the agreed reward, I will give you a bounty of 1,000 Oggs."

After speaking, he turned to Ruifa and explained with a smile: "This money is called the talent introduction fee. It was discussed at the Welland Citizens' Assembly and is considered a legal expenditure of the government."

Ruifa was a little surprised. At the same time, he felt that he still underestimated the young Duke, who thought much more comprehensively and realistically than he did.

Then, an idea came to me deep in my heart.

‘According to the Duke’s approach, the power of the Principality of Weilan will definitely become as condensed as Arcanum, while the other countries in the alliance are still as loose as mounds of earth, and will definitely be defeated by Weilan one by one. ’

Then, he vaguely saw the Duke's hidden ambition, and a raging flame burst out of his heart.

‘Okay~~Okay! Such a sage should become the master of the natural alliance! ’

‘When Weilan defeats Aaron, I will go to Lion Castle to see Dange’s face! ’

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