Start with Island Lord

Chapter 200 Various preparations before fighting the devil (13)

Late at night.

Rosen was lying on the bed, with his wife Serena, who was already asleep, beside him. Not far away were two cribs with two growing babies lying side by side.

It was very late at night, Rosen closed his eyes, but his consciousness was very clear.

He had not slept well during this period because he had been connected to the eleven rings.

Legendary power has a characteristic, that is, it must be replenished at all times.

Because his soul strength is too high, it exceeds the highest ring pressure of the ring.

In other words, it exceeds the upper limit of the rules of the world.

This means that the speed of his soul disintegration has greatly accelerated. Once the ring connection is disconnected, his soul strength will automatically drop back to the extreme of ten rings in a maximum of one month.

Just like an airplane in the sky without engine power, it will fall down.

Once it falls back to the tenth ring, he will lose his commanding vision and his delicate perception and control of power.

If there is no opponent, then he will fall.

But this is a time of trouble, and the devil is watching, so he naturally cannot fall.

So it has to be connected all the time.

This will naturally put a lot of pressure on the soul.

If it were an ordinary mage, he would have to retreat to the tenth ring at most after one day, but Rosen relied on Lai Fu's assistance to greatly overcome this.

But it was not completely overcome, and the pressure still existed.

The main reason was the soul vibration caused by the Soul Burning Secret.

His "plane" was autopiloted, but the "engine" was very noisy and the "fuselage" vibrated very strongly, just like sitting on a "massage chair".

It might be comfortable to sit in a "massage chair" for a while, but sitting for 24 hours a day, then the sleep is naturally not good.

'According to Naya, demons can enter the eleventh ring, and once they find me, they may attack me. '

'Although Naya taught some magic ring combat skills, they are used desperately, so it is better not to meet. '

Therefore, for both comfort and concealment, the Soul Burning Secret must be optimized.

During this period of time, Rosen has been doing this, and today is almost the end.

'The vibration shielding structure is still not perfect and needs to be greatly enhanced. ’

‘A single spiritual power combustion chamber is too large, and the combustion intensity is too high, so I changed it to multiple combustion chambers and carefully designed the relative positions of the combustion chambers, which not only reduced the intensity, but also allowed the vibrations generated by each combustion chamber to offset each other. ’

‘The operation of the spiritual power pump is almost the same. Just add a few more pump chambers, reduce the intensity of a single pump, and use the number to obtain the total amount. ’

These are structural adjustments based on existing knowledge, with low difficulty and prepared for a long time, so the speed of change is very fast at this time.

With continuous optimization, the soul vibration has become significantly softer and lighter.

Gradually, it is almost imperceptible.

But Rosen himself can't feel it, which does not mean that the demon will not feel it.

After all, the other party is a native void creature.

Just like the beasts in the forest, they have a keenness far beyond that of humans.

Therefore, Rosen does not use his own perception as a criterion, but asks Lai Fu to judge with objective data.

Objective data shows that it is not enough now.

So continue to optimize.

In the end, the soul vibration caused by the Soul Burning Secret Art was even more than 90% lower than the vibration caused by the Zero Ring Light Art, and its impact on the magic circle was so small that it was almost negligible.

Any movement in the magic circle was louder than the movement caused by Rosen.

‘It should be almost done now, and I can sleep well. ’

But he soon had a second worry.

‘Because of the constant connection, the strength of the magic power has been increasing. Although I control the speed, over time, the quantitative change may cause qualitative change. ’

What will happen to the qualitative change of the legendary magic circle?

I don’t know.

I’m afraid that my brain will suddenly explode one day.

‘After Levender’s matter is settled, I will go to the Republic of Nahuat to learn from it. ’

There are many pioneers in Nahuat, and they are willing to share. A trip there will definitely be a great harvest.

As the soul vibration almost disappeared, Rosen’s perception of the external situation naturally became more sensitive.

What he sensed the most was naturally the power of faith that continued to flow from the True Name Beacon.

‘Laifu, have you completed the training of the ability of "Ear of God"? ’

‘It has been trained. Do you want to activate it? ’

‘Turn it on. ’

‘This ability will occupy 60% of the computing power. Confirm to activate it? ’

‘Confirm. ’

When the ability was activated, Rosen felt a slight pause in his mind, and then a huge window appeared. The window was like a super-giant game chat box, and a large number of messages kept flashing down.

‘Mother Nature~ Please have mercy on me and let me win this bet. ’

‘Mother Nature~ This year's wheat must be a good harvest! ’

‘Mother Nature~ Please let my wife survive this level! ’

‘Mother Nature’

All kinds of prayers, hundreds of thousands of them flashed in one second, far exceeding the processing speed of the human brain.

At first glance, it was a "buzzing~" noise.

But after being promoted to Legend, Rosen listened carefully and could hear the specific content of the sound.

But at the same time, he could hear at most three or four messages.

Lai Fu is able to hear everything clearly, just like now.

After looking at it, Rosen said, "Lai Fu, block the weak links and only keep the strongest and most stable 10%. Save computing power."

‘Has been blocked, saving 95% of computing power. ’

The 'chat box' suddenly became much cleaner, but tens of thousands of messages could still flash through it every minute.

These messages represent the rather intense prayers of believers, which not only represent their pious beliefs, but also represent the strength of their souls.

Rosen did some statistics and found that the average soul strength of believers is about one level, and the average piety is divided into 100%. From 1 to 100, it can be scored as about 60 points.

But it was still too much.

After thinking for a moment, Rosen continued: "If you block it again, only the top 1% will be left."

‘It has been blocked and currently only occupies 0.5% of the computing power. ’

The 'chat box' has become cleaner, with less than a thousand messages flashing through every minute.

After further statistics, it was found that the average soul strength of believers has reached the second level, and the average piety can score 80 points.

It can be seen from the prayer content that at least half of these believers are priests of natural temples in various places.

‘This group of people should be the core believers of the Natural God Religion. ’

What's the use?

Of course it’s useful!

It may not be able to provide Rosen with much power of faith, but this is a real-time intelligence network scattered throughout the Nature Alliance!

Rosen continued to order: ‘Laifu, filter out the voices from Levand’s followers. ’

The 'chat box' flashed suddenly, and a separate chat box appeared. On average, more than two hundred messages flashed through every second.

Levend has a population of 110 million, and it is now past midnight. After deducting 99% of the information, more than 200 messages can still flash in one second, indicating that the base of believers is still very large.

Rosen selected one of the strongest messages and looked closely at the power of his belief.

‘Not only is it strong, it’s also very stable. ’

‘The power of faith decays very slowly with distance in space, and is extremely penetrating. It can penetrate all things like gravity, and even travel through planes. Therefore, I should be able to locate the soul of the praying person through the power of faith. ’

He thought so and did so.

After a while, he succeeded in locating the soul of the person praying and learned the secular identity of the person from the content of the prayer.

‘On the western outskirts of Levend Platinum City, Sister Qin of St. Ambrena Monastery is a soul at the peak of the Fourth Ring. She is 39 years old and has been in the monastery for 22 years. She has always maintained her virginity and her faith is extremely firm. ’

Her prayer was:

'O gracious Mother Nature, my heart is going through a storm. ’

‘I witnessed an extremely tragic massacre with my own eyes in the wild forest, and the person who was massacred had an extremely noble status. He asked me for help before he died, but I didn't dare to help because of fear, so I could only watch him being killed by thugs. ’

‘O Mother Nature, I have gone against your teachings. I felt so ashamed and hated my cowardice so much. ’

‘Please tell me how I can redeem my soul from sin, so that I can regain peace of mind. ’

Rosen was surprised when he heard this: ‘It turned out to be a murder case! ’

After thinking for a moment, he passed a newly developed faith spell back along this stable thread of faith based on his latest understanding of the power of faith.

The spell is called "Warming the Heart". It doesn't have much effect. It just makes people feel warm in their hearts. It consumes very little power, not even one-third of the power of faith provided by the other party.

With the transmission of this faith spell, the faith thread from the nun suddenly became more than twice as thick, and at the same time, there was a sound of great surprise.

‘Mother Nature, is it you? Have you heard my words and forgiven my sins? ’

Rosen clicked his tongue and exclaimed: 'Good guy, the power of faith can actually increase so much! ’

This far exceeded his expectations.

Subconsciously, he wanted to reply with specific information, but at the last moment, he held back.

‘Because of the mystery, there is awe. Because of fear, there is faith! ’

'If I speak too clearly, I am not a god, but a human being. ’

‘So, I have to raise my tone and only respond to vague emotions and some commanding thoughts, as well as specific belief spells. ’

Use vague emotions to hint to the other party. If the other party doesn't understand, use command thoughts to tell the other party what to do.

As for the reasons and details, there is no such thing. The believers have to figure it out on their own.

Finally, use specific faith spells to show your own miracles.

Where does the power of faith spells come from?

Of course from believers.

Judging from the absolute strength of the power, the spell of faith seems not strong enough, but because of the ultra-high order level of the power of faith, it has wonderful effects that other low-quality powers cannot match.

For example, it can directly help people increase their soul strength.

For another example, you can use your knowledge of the human body's structure to create miraculous healing spells.

For another example, it can repair soul wounds and make people feel happy and peaceful.

‘Hmm~ In order to save power, to avoid causing trouble in the world, and finally to match the teachings of Mother Nature, I will use comfort and healing as the core tenets of natural magic. ’

Thinking like this, Rosen sent another vague emotion of 'whip' to Sister Qin.

Jean was very smart and understood immediately.

‘Mother Nature, you didn’t forgive me, did you ask me to bravely expose the murderer? ’

Rosen immediately conveyed a sentiment of ‘affirmation’.

After passing it on, I felt that it was suspected of encouraging people to die, so I followed it with the idea of ​​"waiting patiently for the opportunity".

After the transmission, another "Warm Heart" was transmitted.

The elder nun was immediately made to cry by Rosen.

"Mother of Nature~ Thank you for your kindness, thank you for your favor, I know what to do!"

Her power of faith doubled again, and lasted for a full half an hour before gradually fading away, and it never faded away completely, there was always a trace of power connected to the True Name Beacon, and it was very stable.

Rosen was interested, and carefully observed other believers and found that there were similar phenomena, but the connection strength was far less than that of Sister Qin.

He calculated a little and was shocked: 'This seems to have a promising future! '

The number of natural believers is so huge. If he manages the church seriously, he may be able to increase the amount of faith power to hundreds or even thousands of times the current amount.

The current power of faith is very weak, and it doesn't matter whether it is there or not, but if it is increased by thousands of times, it will be completely different.

Even if there is no soul burning secret method, there is no need to connect the magic ring all the time, it is enough for him to maintain the legendary power.

Moreover, if the Natural Sect is really expanded, it will not only be an extremely excellent intelligence organization, but also an extremely outstanding guide for social opinion.

Think about it, a single sect with a true god behind it and not participating in the secular power struggle, when the time is right, will send down an oracle and declare him as the Natural Emperor. That is simply destiny!

‘Oh my god~~ If this is really done, then I can’t help but be the Emperor! ’

Think about it again, there are so many nuns and female believers, and there must be many graceful ones among them. Ahem~ This is an evil way, so stop here!

The more Rosen thought about it, the more he felt that this matter had a way to go, but he had to be very careful to avoid the situation where theocracy interfered with the secular world.

After careful thinking, he came up with a core purpose.

‘The secular world belongs to mortals, and the soul belongs to God’.

‘In modern countries, everyone is very busy, and all kinds of complicated religious rituals can be avoided. The temple does not expand, and simplicity is advocated. Let a group of pious and ascetic monks maintain the sect and try not to interfere with the secular world. ’

‘Only when mortals are confused, in pain, fear, and other negative emotions, warm the hearts of mortals and serve as a lubricant for all levels of modern society. Don’t cause intense friction and internal consumption for no reason. ’

‘I definitely can’t do this. I have to train Lai Fu to develop an ability to respond specifically to believers. ’

‘Let’s call this ability “Natural Godhead”. ’

Thinking of this, Rosen immediately began to set various training parameters, then accessed the massive amount of believer data received by “God’s Ear”, and then began to train a new ability.

After doing all this, Rosen gathered his thoughts and temporarily turned his mind away from the natural god religion, and began to check the second ability he asked Lai Fu to train.

This ability is called “Graphic Translation”.

It is to translate the situation in the real world in real time through the various fluctuations and ripples that appear in the magic ring.

As the ability was activated, Rosen’s vision had an additional window, in which he looked down at the details of the magic ring fluctuations after he was at the top of the eleventh magic ring.

With Rosen's current ability, he can detect the fine fluctuations of the magic ring within a range of 100 kilometers.

Or to be more precise, if someone releases a spell with a strength of zero ring or above within 100 kilometers, he can "see" it through the ripples of the magic ring.

And unless the magic ring is shielded, any shielding magic array in the mortal world will not work for Rosen.

However, the brain power of mortals is very limited. There are countless ripples in the magic ring within 100 kilometers, and the human brain can't see them at all.

But after training, Lai Fu can see them.

So after the "Graphic Translation" training to perfection, Rosen is equivalent to having the ability to know everything within 100 kilometers.

It's still early to perfect it, because the training time is still short, and the data fed is not enough, but it is already usable.

In the window, there is a bizarre magic ring ripple picture.

Rosen's first feeling was dizziness, just like looking at a kaleidoscope. Unless he stares at one point carefully, he can vaguely see the reason.

But in Lai Fu's eyes, it was completely different. It marked all the important events one by one.

Clearly, clearly, no matter how big or small, no omissions.

Rosen browsed it and was very satisfied: 'Keep it running in the background, link with "Heart of God of War", and continue to collect training data. '

The window disappeared immediately.

At this time, there were still a few hours before dawn, so Rosen closed his eyes and rested.

No words were spoken all night.

The next morning, his wife Selena's voice came to his ears: "Dear, there is some left again, drink it."

Rosen opened his mouth in a daze, and drank a few sips of "gulp gulp", and heard Selena's slightly rapid breathing.

He smiled secretly and whispered in his heart: "Dear, if it's so frequent, the child will come again soon."

Selena laughed softly: "Come if it comes, can't the Grand Duke afford it?"

She now has no fear of having children, but instead wants to have more children to make the family more lively.

Of course, Rosen didn't mind having more children, so he turned over and galloped.

After finishing, he whispered: "Dear, you now have the power of the fifth ring, Alia is also a warrior at the peak of the fifth ring, and the warriors of the Guards are all trustworthy, but you still can't completely relax your vigilance."

"I know, dear. I will use the magic weapon you gave me well. You have to be careful too."


After getting up, Rosen arranged the relevant matters.

The matter of Levender seizing power was very complicated, and it required a lot of intelligence support and a lot of preliminary layout.

Rosen made full preparations, but it still took a full month.

One month later, with the help of massive data, Rosen's training in "Natural Godhead" had achieved some success.

The results were also extremely significant, and the power of faith he gained suddenly increased tenfold.

But under his careful control, the matter of "Mother Nature responds to believers" did not spread for the time being, and only spread among a group of devout believers, and did not cause obvious social impact for the time being.

One month later, Molly Sheila, the eldest princess of Levender, issued an announcement to the All Natural Alliance in Weilan.

The general content of the announcement was: "The current king of Levender, Lars, does not have the blood of the Sheila family, and is the illegitimate son of the Queen Mother and the Frost Messenger Lafeng! '

'Lars' throne is illegal, and his behavior is a serious blasphemy against the blood of the natural god. He should be sent to the guillotine for blasphemy and usurpation of power! ’

‘Queen Mother Karen Larmo is guilty of adultery, usurpation, regicide, and blasphemy, and shall be sent to the guillotine! ’

‘Frost Messenger Lafeng is guilty of adultery, treason, regicide, and blasphemy, and shall be sent to the gallows! ’

As soon as the announcement came out, the Natural Alliance was in an uproar, especially Levender, which was shocked.

After being shocked, among the five major marquises in Levender, the Larmo family to which the queen belonged immediately refuted the eldest princess's words, believing that she was lying.

Other members of the royal family also came forward to speak out, confirming that there was no doubt about the bloodline of King Shila, and believed that the eldest princess Molly was held hostage by Duke Weilan.

By the way, Duke Weilan was condemned for interfering in Levender's internal affairs.

For a time, public opinion in Levender was easily guided, and most people believed that the eldest princess was talking nonsense.

However, the other four marquises in Levender, as well as more than 200 large and small lord families, remained abnormally silent.

In this chaotic background, Rosen took the eldest princess of Levender and secretly drove a specially modified disposable long-distance aircraft to Levender.

The last two updates today will be late

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