Start with Island Lord

Chapter 203 The Battle Group on the Brink of Collapse (13)

Moonlight Town.

There is a large manor in the fields on the outskirts of the town, called Finite Garden. The front of the manor is boundless fields, and the back is leaning on a large steep mountain forest.

The garden has a large courtyard covering an area of ​​more than 30 acres. There are five or six meters high walls around the courtyard, forming a circle of independent courtyards that are almost completely isolated from the outside world.

In the yard, people with serious expressions and upright postures were walking back and forth. From time to time, someone came from the northern path on horseback, and from time to time, someone left the courtyard on horseback.

Occasionally someone talks, but rarely does anyone talk nonsense.

The main building of the manor has a stone circular tower. Various strange magical instruments are installed inside the tower. Many unknown materials are used to draw many strange runes with unknown functions on the inner walls.

Perhaps to ensure secrecy, even the windows were sealed, and any light gaps were carefully blocked.

In broad daylight, the house was still lit with lights.

But it is not a magic lamp, but the sheep oil lamp most commonly used among Levund folk.

There was a desk in the middle of the room, with all kinds of information piled messily on it.

A man dressed as a secretary, with hair as messy as a bird's nest, sat behind the desk and wrote hard.

Another tall woman wearing brown leather armor was standing next to the desk, with a look of deep anxiety on her face.

"We have clearly discovered traces of the devil, and have even fought against the devil's minions in the mortal world many times. The performance of its power is partially similar to that in the data, but there are also many differences."

"Its minions are very sensitive to mana, and even the faintest whisper of the soul can be detected by it even if it is hundreds of meters away."

"The minions are extremely resistant to spells, and are especially immune to psychic spells. A demonic minion with a third-level magic power can easily break through a sixth-level mental illusion, which greatly increases the difficulty of the battle."

"When fighting, the demon's minions can always take advantage of the opportunity to attack, quietly triggering various deadly curses, causing many unexpected casualties to the battle group."

"We also had a direct confrontation with the descendant of the devil. Although we successfully defeated it in the end, Colonel Weasel, Colonel Atlu, and Colonel Gott were killed as a result."

"The death of three powerful colonels not only greatly damaged the morale of the chapter, but also substantially reduced the combat effectiveness of the chapter."

Speaking of this, the woman took a deep breath, a look of exhaustion was written on her face, and there was a panic that was difficult to hide in the depths of her brown-black eyes.

"We dare not rest, because the demons don't seem to need rest, and the demons never care about the life and death of their minions. They will launch a surprise attack at any time, twenty-four hours a day."

"We don't even dare to easily connect the magic ring to replenish the consumed power. Because the devil can see the soul of the practitioner directly through the magic ring, he will confuse you and make unpredictable traitors appear inside you."

"After being separated from the magic circle for a long time, each warrior's strength is almost exhausted, and his will is on the verge of collapse."

The woman took another deep breath.

"The demon detection array developed by the empire is effective, but it is not always effective, and fatal errors occasionally occur."

"Various weapons are also effective, among which the continuous fire gun has the best effect."

"But we don't know how long we can last.

As he spoke, the man with hair like a bird's nest suddenly stopped writing.

He suddenly yelled and shouted frantically: "It's all your fault! It's all your fault!"

The man's eyes were scattered and unfocused.

He jumped up, used the pen in his hand as a weapon, and stabbed the woman's neck hard.

He failed because the woman was taller than him and her hands were longer than his. She grabbed his neck with one hand, held him in her hand like a chicken, and shook him gently.


There was a sound of bone cracking in the man's neck, and his body suddenly fell to the ground weakly.

"Hey~ Another one is crazy."

The woman took the pen from the man's hand, threw the body casually at her feet, then sat behind the desk, dipped in ink, and continued writing.

"Your Majesty, this demon is very good at bewitching and has mastered a large number of mind-bewitching spells. Warriors whose strength is lower than the fifth ring have almost no power to resist."

"My strength is higher than the fifth level. For example, if my strength reaches level 7, I can resist the whispers in my heart under normal circumstances, but when I practice, I feel very scared."

"I can often see a pair of blurry silver eyes hidden behind the black mist, and hear that round, soft, weird voice that is gender-neutral. That voice often sounds in my heart inadvertently, saying some inexplicable words."

"I know it must be a demon in the void, and I also know that the other party can't really enter the ring to harm me, but it greatly interferes with my practice."

"With my will, even auditory hallucinations occurred, let alone ordinary soldiers."

"I am also sure that the devil can locate our position through the magic ring, and our every move cannot be hidden from his eyes, which makes most of the tactics meaningless."

"Faced with an inhuman monster, temporary victory is meaningless."

The ink was out of water. The woman shook it vigorously and continued writing, but she still couldn't write.

The woman went crazy, so she simply pulled out the knife, stabbed the corpse at her feet a few times, and then continued writing with blood on it.

"Your Majesty, the experience of the Nahuatl Republic is correct. Under the current circumstances, only legendary mages can truly fight against demons."

"We can defeat the devil's minions again and again, but we can never really hurt the devil!"

"Under the devil's repeated temptations and sneak attacks, we are doomed to collapse."

"Perhaps, after the development of that thing, we can drive away or even kill the devil, but I doubt whether that thing can really succeed. After all, we have experienced such a long period of failure."

As I was writing, someone knocked on the door, and an excited voice came at the same time.

"General, someone is looking for you."

It was her assistant, Major Green.


The woman immediately became alert, and a pair of tired brown-black eyes instantly condensed into a strong murderous intent, staring at the door.

"I don't know, the person who came called himself Mr. Robin, and he said he had a good way to fight the devil."

"He lied!"

"It must be a disguised devil's minions! Don't listen to anything he says, just kill him!"

"General, you'd better open the door and take a look."

"Green, don't come in! No one is allowed to come in!"

"Get out now! If you don't get out, I won't be polite!"

'Crack! ’

The female general picked up the latest exorcist musket developed by the empire and pointed the muzzle at the door.

She roared.

“Get out! Get out!”

At this time, she heard a gentle voice from outside the door: “Major Green, your general is scared.”

The voice was too gentle, which was out of tune with the tense atmosphere of the garden, and immediately reminded the female general of the soft, mellow, androgynous voice she heard in the magic ring.

She pulled the trigger at the door without hesitation.

‘Bang bang bang bang bang~~~’

“Die~~ Devil! Die!”

The exorcist musket equipped to the general can hit 9 times in a row, and the strength of each hit is as high as 9 rings.

She shot all in one breath, making a huge hole in the direction of the door, and even the walls on both sides of the door were riddled with holes.

After the shooting, she did not stop, immediately took out the ammunition box, and loaded new ammunition into the exorcist musket with trembling hands.

At this moment, an old man in a plain grey robe appeared at the door.

The old man had white hair and flowing white beard, was tall, had bright eyes, and a kind smile on his face.

"General Gadiya, the devil won't reason with you like I do."

The man who came was naturally Rosen, or to be more precise, Rosen disguised with the legendary Transfiguration.

He saw it clearly.

Because he couldn't practice normally for a long time and kept using his strength, the soul strength of this general who was originally at the peak of the seventh ring was about to drop.

If a muscular man doesn't exercise for a long time, he will lose muscle rapidly. And if a magician can't connect the magic ring for a long time, his strength will naturally drop.

The difference is that a muscular man doesn't feel anything when he loses muscle, but if his soul loses strength, the whole person will be enveloped by a huge feeling of depression.

If you encounter a demon who is proficient in mind bewitching at this time, he will be tortured into a madman at best, and degenerate into a puppet at worst.

Judging from the other party's previous actions, this person is already on the verge of madness.

With her arms trembling, Jia Diya was still desperately loading bullets into the gun chamber, but her fingers were shaking so badly, and she had to be on guard against Rosen's movements at all times, so after trying for a long time, she couldn't load a single bullet.

Adjutant Major Green came out from his hiding place: "General, Mr. Robin is a legendary wizard, he is not an accomplice of the devil!"

Jia Diya was shocked: "Legendary wizard?!"

She immediately denied: "How is it possible? There are no legendary wizards in the Wit Continent."

Even the Lord of Light failed to be promoted to a legend, so why can this person be promoted?

If he was promoted? Why would he be called "Robin", a mediocre name?

He should be famous all over the continent!

But the term "legendary wizard" did have some effect after all, which eased her tense heartstrings a little and she stopped trying to attack.

Seeing this, Rosen smiled and said, "I really couldn't find a companion in this plane. I forgot to introduce myself. I am also a plane traveler from the Republic of Nahuat."

Neither plane traveler nor the Republic of Nahuat is something that ordinary mages can know, and the old mage in front of him does have the temperament of an extremely powerful person, which immediately made Jiadiya believe it.

It is the instinct of the general to be vigilant against all strangers, especially Jiadiya is still fighting against the cunning demons.

"Mr. Robin, you said you are a legendary mage, how do you prove this?"

Rosen smiled slightly: "The general looks very tired, it should be because he has not been able to connect the magic ring normally for a long time. If you don't mind, let me help you?"

Jadiya was a little puzzled: "How can you help?"

Rosen smiled slightly and walked forward slowly.

As soon as she took a step, Jia Diya became alert: "What do you want to do?"

Rosen sighed lightly: "General, relax, I have no ill intentions."

While speaking, he continued to walk forward until he was half a meter in front of the female general, then slowly stretched out his hand, and a faint golden glow appeared on his hand.

"Don't move, it's just a small power recovery spell, it won't have any negative impact on your soul."

Jadi Ya was still very nervous and subconsciously wanted to resist, but in the end, she decided to take a risk.

She had been forced by the devil to have no way out.

So, this hand with a faint golden glow, its fingers gently touched her forehead.

Then, she felt a warm power flowing into her heart.

At this moment, it was like a traveler in the desert drinking sweet spring water, or a refugee who had been hungry for three days and three nights eating a greasy chicken leg. The spiritual satisfaction made Jiadiya sigh with satisfaction.

Anxiety, fear, confusion, depression and other negative emotions quickly faded like snow under the scorching sun, and her scarred and dry soul became radiant again.

A few minutes later, the warm hand that seemed to be reaching down from heaven slowly withdrew, and Jiadiya had an impulse to kneel down and worship.

She couldn't help thinking that if there were true gods in the world, the white-haired old man in front of her must be one of them!

But this impulse only lasted for a while and was replaced by reason.

'It is rumored that the legendary wizard of the Nahuat Republic has the means to infuse power. Now it seems that this rumor is true. '

I couldn't help thinking again: 'The legendary wizard is really powerful, no wonder he can fight against demons! '

She no longer doubted the identity of the old man.

At this time, gentle words came into her ears again.

"General, the battle between mortals and demons is extremely arduous. It is amazing that the general can hold on until now."

After the power was restored, Jia Diya clearly felt the difference between this voice and the demon's voice.

The voice in front of her was gentle and contained a sense of sympathy. It was a human voice.

And the mellow and soft, androgynous voice sounded good, but there was no emotional ups and downs in it. It was completely an inhuman monster.

The content of the words also hit Jia Diya's heart, making her eyes feel a little hot.

The general could not cry, so she took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to cry.

Then she stood up straight and saluted the old man in front of her with the military salute of the Glorious Empire.

"I apologize for my previous rudeness, Mr. Legendary Mage Robin."

Rosen smiled: "Compared to the title of Legendary Mage, I prefer to be called a traveler or a demon hunter."

"Because I like to travel, and I have been hunting demons."

"Of course, the demons in Platinum City are very powerful and extremely good at bewitching people. They have not only developed many powerful minions, but also controlled the royal family of a kingdom."

"Even I dare not easily claim victory."

After a pause, he looked at the heroic female general: "So, I also need the general's help."

Diya, who had regained her strength, naturally regained her fighting spirit.

She saluted Rosen again: "Mr. Robin, Glory cough cough~~~"

She wanted to say her position, but then she realized that it was Levender, which seemed inappropriate.

Rosen smiled: "General, don't underestimate the insight of the legendary wizard, and don't underestimate the knowledge of the travel wizard. I know your origins."

"But for me, these worldly differences are irrelevant, because we have a common enemy."

Diya thought about it and it was right. The other party was a legendary wizard, the most intelligent and powerful mortal, the closest to God, why would he care about such a trivial matter?

So she immediately said: "The Royal Shadow Guard of the Glorious Empire, the power of the Sixth Special Operations Group will be at your disposal."

After saying that, she showed a trace of embarrassment on her face: "However, the soldiers are in a very bad mood, and there are not enough people. I am afraid it will be difficult to fight against the Levender royal family."

Rosen smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I have a detailed plan."

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