Start with Island Lord

Chapter 210: Not a mortal, but a god (23)

Medasilin City.

The Royal Horse Farm of the Never-Night Palace.

Since the horse farm is built in the palace, it is naturally in the center of the city.

The royal horse farm is naturally very large, covering an area of ​​more than 200,000 acres.

In this wide horse farm, a pure-blooded heavenly horse with light golden hair carried the queen in a navy blue vest and breeches, walking steadily on the spacious grassland with elegant small steps.

A knight in black clothes and a black horse followed the right rear side of the queen's body. It was General Gadiya who had just returned from Levender.

The Glorious Empire is located in the south, and spring comes early. The grass in the horse farm is already green. Under the warm sunshine, the gentle spring breeze blows on the face, making the two distinguished ladies feel very comfortable.

After a while of silence, Queen Zoya spoke: "Sister, I have read your report. It is very thrilling. Both the demons and the legendary wizards are unexpectedly powerful."

"Your contribution this time is very great. Grandfather will reward you greatly."

In terms of blood relationship, Knight Gadia is Queen Zoya's cousin. In private occasions, the two chat more casually.

Gadia was slightly happy in her heart, but her expression was still solemn: "Your Majesty, I am honored to receive the reward from my grandfather. This is my supreme honor."

After a pause, she whispered: "But compared to the reward, I am more worried about the demons."

"The demons are so powerful that they have exceeded the limit of the empire's ability to cope with them. Perhaps, we should send envoys to the Republic of Nahuat again to seek support from it."

This is a reasonable and legitimate suggestion, but the queen showed a bitter smile on her face.

"Sister, you know, Grandfather has been there before, and even went there again half a year ago. He did get a lot of experience in fighting demons, but many of the experiences are beyond our reach."

Jadiya whispered, "Your Majesty, what I mean is that we should not only seek experience, but also ask for help when needed."

"Ask for help?"

"Yes, ask the other party to send a legendary wizard to support us."

"A lofty legendary wizard like Robin can give us great help at critical moments."

The queen listened carefully, and after Jiadiya finished speaking, she frowned slightly: "Speaking of this Robin wizard, I have to discuss it with you in detail."

After pulling the reins and letting the horse change direction, the queen whispered, "When Grandfather heard about Robin wizard, his first feeling was strange."

"Because this Robin wizard said that he had a relationship with the Republic of Nahuat, but Grandfather had just been to the Republic of Nahuat some time ago, but he had never heard of such a powerful legendary wizard."

"You know, even for legendary wizards, no matter what method is used, no matter whether the target demon is strong or weak, Being able to kill the demon in the end is an extremely remarkable thing. "

"So even in the Republic of Nahuat, this person should be an extremely noble and great existence."

"But for such a remarkable person, it is very strange that we can't find his past deeds and have never heard of his name."

After listening carefully, Jia Diya whispered: "He claims to be a demon hunter and is also traveling in various planes."

"I think the demons are definitely not stupid. Since they know that there is such a strong man hunting them everywhere, they will definitely find a way to hunt him down. "

"So, in order to protect himself, Master Robin deliberately concealed his name and true identity?"

Queen Zoya nodded slowly: "There is indeed this possibility, but there is another possibility."

Jadiya was stunned: "How to say it?"

Queen Zoya's face showed a deep solemnity: "Demons are extremely cunning. He knew that he had been exposed, so he tried to get out of it."

After a pause, she said: "The battle in the Levender Palace may be a play by the devil."

"Acting?" Jadiya didn't understand for a while.

"Yes, acting, acting a death and disappearing play to avoid the attention of the eyes, so that he can sneak into the world again and carry out a silent invasion again."

Jadiya understood, and an unacceptable expression appeared on her face: "Your Majesty, are you saying that Master Robin is actually the mortal body of the devil? "

"There is this possibility."

"No, absolutely impossible!"

Jadiya denied this speculation without hesitation.

She looked resistant: "Your Majesty, I have personally experienced the power of Master Robin. It was he who pulled me back from the edge of madness."

"At that time, the power of the devil in Levender was already very large. It not only controlled the royal family of Levender, but also began to spread to the people."

"No one can stop the devil, so there is no need for the devil to put on such a show."

She became more and more excited as she spoke. Finally, she couldn't even suppress her tone and shouted: "Your Majesty, not only me, but every soldier of the Sixth Special Operations Regiment will never agree with the idea of ​​acting!"

Zoya looked at her cousin with some surprise: "Jadiya, we are just simply speculating on various possibilities. You don't need to bring subjective emotions to this."

Jadiya also realized that she was a little out of control. She took a deep breath and calmed herself down: "Your Majesty, I lost my composure."

Zoya nodded.

"The possibility of acting is indeed very small, so small that it is almost impossible."

"But this Master Robin does have many inexplicable doubts."

"In addition to his identity, there is also his power."

"A few days ago, my grandfather contacted Master Justin in Nahuatl and told him the various power characteristics you described. As a result, Master Justin has also never seen or even heard of similar legendary wizards. "

"This Master Justin is no ordinary person. He is a candidate for the Guardian Archmage. He has a considerable understanding of the legendary power."

"He told his grandfather that without the help of the power of faith, a mortal might be able to be promoted to a legend, but it would never be possible to maintain a strong combat effectiveness while maintaining the power of a legend."

"In other words, this Robin mage doesn't behave like a mortal, but more like a void god and demon."

Gadiya responded carefully to all the past dealings with Master Robin, and finally shook her head: "Sister, I am 100% sure that Master Robin must be a mortal."

"I have dealt with void demons at close range. Those demons can speak and communicate with us, but they are all imitations and calculations, and they have no emotional resonance with us."

"But Master Robin is different. I had close contact with him for about five days."

"He likes good food and fine wine. Although he is quite old, he still likes to stare at the breasts of beautiful girls and occasionally make fun of her with words."

Speaking of this, Gadiya felt her cheeks getting slightly hot, because the old mage had also teased her in a subtle way, saying that she had a really good figure and her future husband would be very happy.

When she thought of this, Gadiya sighed in her heart: 'Mortals are really imperfect. Such a powerful and noble legendary mage also has flaws in his personal ethics. ’

Back to topic.

"In short, these details are something that inhuman things don't have. Even if they are pretending, they won't look like them."

Zhuo Ya still listened carefully. After listening, she smiled and said, "Sister, you should also write these details in the report."

Gadiya shrugged: "I will. I will submit a report, and the report will write down all the details and feelings of my contact with the devil and the legendary mage."

After a moment of silence, she added: "But one thing does make me very strange, because the devil called the legendary mage Duke Weilan many times, and the name was very natural, and it didn't look like he was lying."

These words made Queen Zoya also fall into deep thought.

The two continued to ride on the racecourse. After walking for a long distance, Queen Zoya said: "The possibility of Duke Weilan being promoted to legend cannot be ruled out."

"Your Majesty, I heard that my grandfather once analyzed the blood of Duke Weilan and confirmed that he was an eighth-ring mage?"

"If the Duke is really a legendary mage, he will naturally be able to hide the blood from his grandfather."

Gadiya was a little shocked: "But if this is the case, then he has the ability to easily unify the Natural Alliance."

Zhuo Ya also frowned: "Indeed, and it is extremely difficult to stop him. After he unifies the Natural Alliance, he will become the most terrifying opponent of the empire, even more terrifying than the Holy Elf Empire."

"What now?"

"It's just a guess. This must be confirmed. I have asked Eileen to confirm it."

Gadiya immediately shook her head: "Irene is only a fourth-level mage. She can easily be played by the legendary mage, and she has no ability to confirm it."

Zhuo Ya smiled faintly: "No, no, no, don't underestimate Irene. Her strength is indeed low, but she is very sensitive to men."

Gadiya spread her hands and refused to comment. She directly skipped the question of authenticity: "If the Duke is really a legendary mage, what should we do?"

The Queen sighed: "To be honest, I don't know."

"The Void Demon, which has no foundation in the world, is so difficult to deal with. A legendary Duke who has risen from the world and has already taken control of a grand duchy. If you really make him anxious, he may come to assassinate him, but we may not be able to stop him."

Jiadiya said: "Then what if my grandfather is also promoted to legend?"

The Queen slowly shook her head: "It can't be done, because it requires an extremely huge power of faith. The faith provided by the 900 million believers in our Glorious Kingdom is far from enough, and even tripling it may not be enough."

Then Gadiya didn't understand.

"Then it seems that Duke Weilan's power of faith is even more insufficient. There is a high probability that he cannot be a legendary mage."

Zhuo Ya nodded in agreement: "That's right."

Coincidentally, as soon as she finished speaking, the radiant magic weapon on her wrist lit up, and a message came from the Central Secretariat.

Queen Zoya glanced at the message and immediately smiled: "Irene sent a letter. She confirmed that Duke Weilan has been staying in Weiland recently and has not gone anywhere."

In other words, Duke Weilan cannot be a legendary mage.

Gadiya heard this strangely: "How did you confirm it?"

The Queen smiled: "Irene and Duke Weilan are getting along well, and she hangs out with him when nothing happens. These days, she can see Duke Weilan almost every day, and the two have secret conversations several times in the secret room of the Duke's study."

"Anyway, she and the Duke are getting along very well, and she will probably be pregnant with the Duke's child soon."

Gadiya was speechless: "Irene is really ridiculous. She doesn't want such a handsome husband in China, but she went to Weilan to be her lover."

Zhuo Ya spread her hands: "Don't you know?"

"Know what?"

"The Duke is not only good-looking, but also has a sharp gun. I thought it was a rumor before, but looking at Irene's performance, I knew it was true."

The female general was stunned for several seconds before reacting: "You can't live by guns, right?"

"It's true it can't, but it's better than nothing."

Perhaps it was to confirm Duke Willan's safety that the Queen was in a good mood. She galloped on the horse farm, and Gadia immediately patted the horse and caught up.

After the two ran a few laps in the racecourse, the queen whispered: "After eliminating various possibilities, the biggest possibility is that Robin Mage is not a legendary mage, nor a demon, but a god."

"Or to be more precise, he is God's mortal messenger in the mortal world."

Jadiya raised her eyebrows: "Aren't gods and demons both void beings? What's the difference?"

"Of course they are different."

"Demons are chaotic and evil beings, and gods are orderly and kind beings."

"Demons use mortals as tools."

"Gods use mortals as slaves, even friends and partners. They are willing to contact mortals and understand everything about mortals."

"At the same time, Gods also have countless believers in the mortal world, and Gods' mortal messengers often preach in the mortal world."

"For various reasons, God's understanding of mortals is even deeper than that of most mortals."

"This can also explain why Robin is so similar to mortals."

Jadiya accepted this explanation: "Okay , although I still feel a little disappointed, this possibility is not bad. "

"Disappointed? Why?"

Jadiya thought for a while and said: "Because I think it is dangerous to pin the fate of us mortals on the non-humans in the void."

"We mortals should control our own destiny. Whether the void creatures are kind or evil, it has nothing to do with us."

"But as long as they dare to have improper thoughts about us, we have the ability to beat them down."

The queen looked at her cousin with admiration: "Hearing you say this, I am completely relieved. To be honest, I am a little worried that you will be bewitched by this Robin wizard."

Jadiya smiled and said: "Sister, how can I be so fragile?"

The queen also smiled, but she sighed secretly in her heart: "It's difficult for mortals to control their own destiny."

But after all, she is the queen who controls such a large empire and the most outstanding survivor among the glorious gods. Zhuoya quickly gathered her mind.

"Wait, wait until the magicians of the Seventh Alchemy Institute find a way to store mana, or even souls, then we mortals will have the qualifications to fight against gods and demons."

Jadiah didn't have much confidence: "They have spent at least 2,000 tons of gold coins and spent a full 120 years. Can they really break through?"

This amount of money is so huge that it can almost buy a kingdom of the Natural Alliance.

Zhuoya looked into the distance and whispered: "To be honest, I don't know if they can succeed."

"But if there really is a magic weapon that can store mana in the world, we must be the first to discover it!"

"And once it is discovered, my Glorious Empire can be renamed the Glorious Kingdom of God!"

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