Start with Island Lord

Chapter 213 Target Nawat (23)

Swan Castle.

Underground secret magic laboratory.

Rosen looked at the latest magic weapon and sighed: "Finally, there are some results."

This magic weapon was named "Crystal Torrent Staff" by Rosen.

It has two functions.

One is to store mana.

Or it can only store legendary mana.

Ordinary mana will leak as much as it is poured in, so this is a special magic weapon for legends, which is completely ineffective for ordinary mages.

The appearance of the magic weapon is made into an exquisite gentleman's cane, 50 cm long, less than 3 cm in diameter on average, and less than one kilogram in total weight. The total amount of pure mana that can be accommodated is equivalent to 100 Rosens.

This storage density is about 1.5 times stronger than the original mana gem of the devil, because the quality of the gem synthesized by Rosen is more perfect than that of the devil.

The second is legendary focus.

Pure mana can be focused.

But for low-ring mana, there is an iron rule of "focusing does not break the number of rings".

In other words, no matter what means are used to focus, a 3-ring mage cannot obtain 4-ring mana.

As for the legendary mana of the eleventh ring, the situation is somewhat special.

Because the eleventh ring is incomplete and directly connected to the void outside the ring, the strength seems to have no upper limit in theory, and it seems to be able to focus infinitely.

But in fact, the focus of legendary mana is extremely difficult.

The ‘Sword of Soul Oath’ of the Nahuat Republic used various methods, but in the end it was only Legend +2.

Based on the Sword of Oath, Rosen combined with the ‘Improved Cavendish Power Unification Formula’ to obtain the focus of Legend +3 (Note: This effect cannot overlap with the Sword of Soul Oath.)

In other words, using this staff to cast spells, his legendary power can reach Legend 5.

Why is it an improved formula?

Because Rosen understands the deep meaning of the power unification formula better than Cavendish.

It can even be said that the reason Cavendish was able to achieve this result was actually the result of Rosen’s secret guidance.

The purpose, of course, is to assist his research on mana gems.

Cavendish’s power unification formula did not completely unify all powers.

It only unified to the step of ‘pure mana’.

In other words, it was too crude.

It regarded the pure mana of sequence 3, the soul power of sequence 2, the faith power of sequence 1.5, and the highest sequence 1 ‘magic circle creation power’ as ‘pure mana’.

The reason was very simple, that is, Cavendish himself had the weakest power and could not perceive the difference between these powers.

But Rosen knew it.

So, based on Cavendish’s power unification formula, according to the experimental data provided by Cavendish, combined with his own understanding of the soul, he developed a more powerful improved formula.

The result was that this legendary magic weapon, the ‘Crystal Torrent Staff’, could give Rosen 100 times the total mana in a short period of time, legendary + 5 legendary mana.

Also, because the carriers of focus and mana flow were on the external staff, they did not need to pass through the caster’s soul, so they would not put any pressure on his soul.

Such a powerful magic weapon was naturally the protective treasure that Rosen used to bring to the Republic of Nahuat.

With mana, there must be spells.

Based on the ‘Improved Cavendish Unified Formula’, Rosen also had a new idea.

He immediately developed a new spell based on the new idea.

The theory of the spell was already in place, and the idea was also there. With the help of Lai Fu’s powerful computing power, he got an original legendary spell in less than ten days.

Spell "Immortal Destiny".

Spell effect: Based on huge mana, Lai Fu’s high computing power controls the trajectory of fate and constructs a spell field where no one can harm the caster.

Spell strength: Legend +5.

Spell consumption: Depending on the scale of the spell and the degree of environmental threat, the maximum consumption is one Rosen mana per second.

One Rosen is the standard set by Rosen based on his total mana.

After the spell was developed, Rosen still did not rush to set off, but looked for people everywhere to test the spell.

After testing for more than a month, Rosen went to find a guide to confirm that it was reliable enough.

The succubus Mediana was the best guide, and she happened to be in Veran.

Soon, in a good tavern in the Icefield County in the north of Weilan, Rosen found the succubus Medina.

Although it was late spring, the temperature in the Icefield County was still below zero.


Put a large cup of ice and fire liquor unique to the north in front of Medina, and then sat down opposite her.

“I don’t understand, is the wine so delicious?”

Medina took the ice and fire liquor, gulped down a big mouthful, sighed with satisfaction, and then asked: “Are women so fun? To the point of changing one after another?”


Rosen was speechless.

Medina looked Rosen up and down: "I feel that you have some needs for me, do you want to play games with me?"

After saying that, without waiting for Rosen to answer, she smiled and said: "If that's the case, then you came at the right time, because I also miss the celebration ceremony with you."

Rosen shook his head: "I plan to go to Nawat in person and ask you to lead me a way."

"Not for nothing, this is a reward."

Rosen handed over a bag of high-quality soul gems.

Mediana looked at the gems and nodded with satisfaction. She reminded: "After crossing the plane, you can't control your puppets."

Rosen smiled: "It can still be controlled. I found a cross-dimensional control method."

This method is based on phase transfer, but the power medium used is the power of faith.

Faith is a magical thing. By using natural believers as relay beacons, Rosen can easily achieve cross-dimensional control of the Duke Puppet.

And natural believers are everywhere, there is no shortage of beacons, so even if it crosses the plane, the connection is still very stable.

Medina shrugged and sighed: "It can be seen that the Duke's understanding of the plane has far surpassed mine. This is really disappointing."

Rosen also shrugged: "If you had spent half of your energy on finding good wine, I guess you wouldn't have been caught up by me so easily."

"Then I'd rather choose good wine."

Rosen returned to the topic: "When can we set off?"

"Wait three days. I just performed a phase transfer and haven't recovered yet."

After a pause, he said: "Nawat has not been peaceful recently."

"Or rather, Nawat has never been truly peaceful. So I think you'd better make some preparations."

Rosen smiled and said: "I've made some preparations."

Mediana looked around Rosen and fixed her eyes on the inconspicuous staff at her waist: "Is this your preparation? I think you might as well bring a musket."

She didn't feel any power from the staff, it was almost like a decoration.

Rosen smiled and said, "I would like to bring it, but the musket plus bullets are too heavy. I'm afraid my mana is not enough for the plane transfer."

A Vulcan musket weighs about 8 kilograms. If it is to be useful, the more bullets the better. You have to bring 100 rounds, which adds up to more than 20 kilograms.

And he has to free up some weight to carry soul gems, coins, ordinary protective magic tools and other auxiliary items, so it is far less practical than the one-kilogram "Crystal Torrent Staff".

Mediana naturally knew the limitations of phase transfer, and nodded when she heard it: "Okay, since you feel ready, then I have nothing to say."

After a pause, he said, "By the way, Zigrellana is also in Nahuat recently, maybe you will run into her by chance."

Zigrellana is the mother of nature.

Rosen's mind suddenly appeared the woman who was full of maternal radiance but shy, and he couldn't help but smile: "What is she doing in Nahuat?"

"She heard that demons appeared in Levender, so she went to Nahuat to find knowledge to fight demons, and then came back to give it to you."

Rosen's smile became wider: "Ah~~ This news is really heartwarming, and it makes me feel no longer alone."

"But didn't you tell her that you have brought me knowledge?"

"I did, but she said that the knowledge I got was not the best and most advanced. In short, this mother of nature is a very persistent person."

Speaking of this, Mediana looked at Rosen with surprise: "I didn't expect that you actually succeeded in killing the demon. Even in Nahuat, this is a great achievement worth writing about."

Rosen didn't want to attract too much attention, because he was still a novice in the legendary field.

"Keep a low profile~Keep a low profile~Mediana, I don't want to be targeted by the devil."

"Understood~I won't say too much."

After taking a sip of wine, the succubus's snow-white cheeks turned a little red. She raised her hand and pointed at the ceiling: "Duke, after seeing you, I really miss your magic gun. Let's go to the room upstairs to practice?"

Rosen grinned: "You are not short of men, are you?"

Based on Mediana's conditions, even if she used Transfiguration to disguise her appearance, as long as she hooked her finger at any man, the other party would immediately kneel down and surrender.

But Mediana shook her head repeatedly.

"I lack them, very much. In the past two hundred years, I have only sparred with you, the Duke."

"After all, although there are many men, there are very few who are pleasing to my eye. In the past thousand years, there are only three men who I feel are good."

Without Rosen asking, she said: "One is the Lord of Light, one is the Godly Father, and the last one is you, the Duke."

"And you, the Duke, are obviously much better than the first two."

Rosen was even more puzzled: "What about your people?"

Unexpectedly, when he asked this, Mediana's face showed a trace of sadness: "People? The plane I am in has long been destroyed by the devil."

After saying that, she shook her head, as if to get rid of the bad mood: "Are you coming or not?"

Rosen has been focusing on studying magic during this period, and he also needs to take a breath, so he nodded: "Come on."

The two went to the room on the second floor.

After a while, there was a faint movement through the wooden floor of the second floor to the lobby on the first floor.

The drinkers in the pub were used to this and drank as if nothing had happened at first.

But after a quarter of an hour, someone couldn't help but grumble: "Why doesn't it stop? Is it going to shake the floor through?"

After another quarter of an hour, the drinkers stopped drinking and pricked up their ears to listen to the noise upstairs, just to see how long the man upstairs could last.

After another quarter of an hour, everyone's face showed shock.

Someone swallowed subconsciously and whispered: "With this energy, I'm afraid he can fuck a mare to death."

"This is a man~ a real man~ let's toast him a glass!"

"I have to keep an eye on my wife. If she knows that there are such real men in the world, she must divorce me."

After having fun with the succubus for three days in Icefield County, the two set off for Nahuat together.

Before leaving, Mediana said: "I like to be alone, so when I get to Nahuat, I'll introduce the basic situation to you and then go find some wine."

Rosen nodded: "Okay."

"Then. Let's go!"

The two of them activated the phase conversion array one after another.

Rosen felt the light in front of him twisted, and after more than ten seconds, it became clear again, and then he found that he had arrived in a cold cave.

Feeling the mana, it was less than half left, and he immediately knew that he had brought too many things.

Fortunately, the legendary mana recovers quickly, so it is not a problem.

Walking out of the cave, I found that it was the top of the snow mountain. Looking forward, it was an endless plateau.

There are many buildings scattered in the east and west of the plateau, and you can also see a group of lakes scattered like pearls.

Mediana followed him out of the cave: "Ahead is Anweimar Province of the Nahuat Republic, which is also the highest province and is guarded by three ten-ring mages."

"Let's go, I'll take you down the mountain."

"To prevent the invasion of demon minions, Nahuat has very strict identity management. The first step for any outsider to enter Nahuat is to meet the guardian mage and get his approval."

"If you don't do this within 24 hours, you will be wanted nationwide and then face the pursuit of the Republic's Blood Soul Army."

"Believe me, the Blood Soul Army is very, very strong, a group of nearly perfect warriors, it's best not to go against them."

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