Start with Island Lord

Chapter 223 Leaving without Saying Goodbye (33)

Only Rosen and Zigrellana were left in the moving black stone car.

After a short silence, Zigrellana's mental whispers rang out.

"Duke, you are too dazzling, so dazzling that the Republic of Nahuat has lost its normal mind."

The Republic of Nahuat is a mortal superpower, which should be as calm and composed as the sun, but Rosen found the secret demon that had troubled the Republic for a long time as soon as he arrived, and killed it directly!

This is a powerful demon of Legend 6.

Therefore, this incident caused a huge shock to the political arena of the Republic of Nahuat.

Zigrellana may only have 8 rings of power, but her insight is extraordinary.

She has discovered the changes through many inconspicuous details.

She whispered softly.

"Perhaps in the fight against demons, Nawat is united and is the pioneer of mortals. But Nawat is not perfect. Although there are no nobles in the country, it is also divided into many factions."

"There are also complex conflicts of interest here. Whether a guardian mage can become a candidate for a legendary mage requires not only extremely high ability, but also sufficient background."

Rosen's face remained calm. After all, there was a driver. He also answered in a high-level mental whisper: "I know, that's why I took out the alchemy manual."

"In this way, at least before the manual is verified, Naya's faction will try its best to protect us from interference from other factions."

He is also a great lord. How could he naively think that a country composed of mortals would be perfect?

Even if everyone is noble and everyone has a common goal, there is more than one way to the goal!

Under the premise of fighting against demons, there must be different opinions on how to treat the strong from the outside plane.

And the leader of any country considers the problem based not on personal morality, but on weighing the pros and cons.

As long as the benefits are greater than the cost, then this thing can be done.

Rosen knew this very well.

Zigrelana didn't expect Rosen to have this idea. She was stunned for a moment and asked, "How long do you think it will take for them to reproduce your results?"

"I estimate it will take at least a month, and during this month, they will definitely think of some ways to keep us. For example, if the book is not copied well, or if they invite us to participate in some important activities."

"Will they let us go after reproducing the results?"

Rosen whispered, "Naya will definitely do it, but I don't know about others."

"It is highly unlikely that it will be detrimental to my personal safety, because it is not in the common interests of Nahuat to fight against demons."

"But they should think of various ways to persuade me to stay in Nahuat and become a legendary warrior in Nahuat."

In other words, let Rosen be a high-level thug.

Zigrelana also made this judgment. She was a little anxious: "Will you stay?"

Rosen smiled slightly: "Of course not."

Why should he be demoted to be a thug instead of a good lord?

Soon, the black stone car returned to Naya's quiet manor.

When they got to the room, Zigrelana asked:

"What should we do next?"

"Of course, we should go back immediately."

"Now? Aren't we waiting for the books to be copied?"

If the books are not copied back, then this trip will be in vain, and the precious alchemy manual will be given away for free.

Rosen smiled slightly: "Don't worry, my brain is very good, I will remember everything after reading it once."

Zigrelana was shocked: "Then you have memorized a lot of books?"

"Not many, eight."

If Rosen had to explore all the knowledge in these eight books by himself, it would take a lot of manpower and material resources, and many of them could not be reproduced.

So, he made a lot of money.

Inside the capital of Naidlin, phase transfer is strictly prohibited, but Naya's manor is in the suburbs, and it can be transferred if you go a little further out.

And today is Rosen's seventh day in this world, and he has almost reached the 8-day safe transfer time.

At this time, phase transfer will indeed cause some pressure on the soul, but it is not too big. As long as it is not done frequently, there will be no sequelae.

Zigrellana still couldn't figure it out: "But we don't have the Soul Gem, and we haven't prepared a teleportation array, how can we go back?"

Rosen smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I've prepared everything, just follow me."

So, shortly after returning to the manor, Rosen left a farewell letter to Master Naya, and then left the Crystal Torrent Staff and some legendary secrets as an apology for leaving without saying goodbye.

Then, he took Zigrellana's hand, used legendary magic to drive the Brilliant Invisibility Technique and the Breathless Crystal Wall Technique, and quietly left the manor through the back door.

Running all the way out, after running about ten kilometers, they left the phase interference area of ​​Nedlin and came to an ordinary town in the suburbs of the capital.

When they arrived in the town, Rosen took Aigrellana into an ordinary house and went to the basement of the house.

There was a huge phase transfer array in the basement, and the Soul Gem was all ready.

Zigrelana looked confused: "You made this? Have you been preparing to run away?"

Rosen smiled: "Not really. I just prepared for both situations."

Of course, he didn't make this magic circle himself. He was being watched all the time and had no chance to make it.

This was prepared by Mediana for him.

"Okay, time is running out, let's retreat now."

At the same time, in the Kingdom of Naidlin, guarding the temple.

The current guardian archmage Sasmar is having a very intense secret conversation with Master Naya.

"There is no doubt that Master Rosen is an extremely talented mage. He not only has amazing results in magic, but also has extremely amazing fighting talent!"

"Since he was promoted to legend, he has killed two demons in a row. Such a record is enough to shine in the history of the Republic!"

"And such an outstanding talent must do everything possible to stay in Nahuatl!"

It was Sasmar who spoke.

He looked to be less than thirty years old, with silver-grey hair and silver-grey eyes. He was an extremely energetic and talented genius mage.

He also has a square and strong face with Chinese characters, and his whole person shows a strong temperament of resoluteness.

It is better to say that he is a soldier than a mage.

Master Naya shook his head: "I have already communicated with Master Rosen about this, and he refused, and the reason for his refusal was very legitimate."

"You and I both know that he is the duke lord of the Dritan plane. He manages 30 million people, and he also has an oath to protect his people."

"He doesn't want to break his oath, so..."

Sasmar sighed with disdain: "It's only 30 million, but our Nahuat has 1.6 billion citizens!"

"Furthermore, if this Duke returns to Dritan, he will definitely not be content with his current status. He will definitely launch a war to expand his power territory."

"The Dritan plane will definitely be plunged into boundless war, and the number of people who will die as a result of the war will definitely be far more than 30 million."

"And the war will definitely weaken the mortal power of the Dritan plane. If the demon Buck takes the opportunity to attack, the entire Dretan plane may fall. It would be a catastrophe that would destroy the world!"

Speaking of this, Sasmar lowered his voice again: "You have to understand that we have a deep cooperation with the Radiant Empire, and the various magical achievements of the Radiant Empire have been of great help to us."

"This Duke is an enemy of the Glorious Empire, and it is never a good thing to let him go back. Letting him stay in Nahuatl is in the best interest of our country!"

These words are very reasonable, and apart from personal emotions, Naya also agrees with most of them.

Except for one thing.

"Mage Sasmar, but you ignored Master Rosen's personal will."

"You and I both know that although the personal will of most mortals is not important, the personal will of some mortals must not be ignored, otherwise it will definitely lead to huge disasters."

"You and I both know that Master Rosen has extraordinary personal talents. If his personal will is distorted, the backlash will be very violent, and the ultimate damage to the Republic will be no less than that of a terrible demon!"

"Have you considered this?"

Sasmar immediately said: "Why should we twist his will?"

"We have countless means to let him make his own choices. We can give him huge benefits and even make him a lifelong member of the High Circle Council."

"I don't believe that a lifelong member of our great country of 1.6 billion citizens is not as good as his small dukedom."

Naya frowned: "Everyone has different ideas, Master Sasmar, you can't use your ideas to make decisions for others."

"Master Naya, I also think that your idea also contains too much subjective judgment. If you don't give it a try, how will you know it won't work?"

The tone of the two gradually became fierce, almost quarreling.

At this moment, the assistant mage knocked on the door. His voice was urgent, indicating that something was urgent.

"Come in!" Sasmar shouted.

The assistant mage pushed the door open and entered, bringing a message: "Mage Sasmar, Mage Naya, Mage Rosen and Mage Ruilana are missing."

"Missing? What do you mean?"

The assistant mage immediately said: "No one is there. The entire Tranquility Manor has been searched."

Upon hearing this, the two members of the High Ring Council immediately felt something.

Sasmar immediately said: "Immediately go to the Plane Observation Bureau to check the records and see if there are any fluctuations in phase transfer!"

The assistant mage will go check it out immediately.

About a quarter of an hour later, he came back: "We found out that just an hour ago, there were two fluctuations that happened closely together. Judging from the intensity of the fluctuations, it is almost the same as the intensity of the fluctuations caused by traveling to the Dritan plane."

Sasmar let out a long breath: "He ran away!"

Naya corrected: "No, he just left without saying goodbye."

"He just ran away!" Sasmar snorted coldly.

Naya was shocked when she heard this, and immediately realized that this matter was not over yet.

She was too lazy to engage in verbal arguments, bowed deeply to her somewhat arrogant colleague, turned around and left the Guardian Temple.

We got on the black stone car and drove back to Tranquility Manor in a fast speed.

After walking around the manor, she suddenly felt a very secret mana fluctuation, which was a spell mark specially left for her.

With a move in her heart, she followed the mark and found a well-hidden letter, a crystal guardian staff filled with legendary power, and a booklet.

When I opened the letter, I saw what was written on the letter.

‘Master Naya, please forgive us for leaving without saying goodbye. ’

'But I have to go, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to leave. ’

‘First of all, I want to say that the Alchemy Manual is real and effective. I also hope that Master Spin can successfully copy it as soon as possible and create legendary mana gems on a large scale to help Nahuat fight against demons better. ’

After reading these three sentences, Naya felt very ashamed.

‘Mage Alena is the mage I respect the most, but I cannot attend her funeral. I feel extremely sorry for this. Please apologize to Mage Alena on my behalf. ”

‘I am also very aware that leaving without saying goodbye this time will definitely cause you a lot of trouble. I feel deeply ashamed and have made some compensation for this.’

‘I leave you the Crystal Torrent Staff and some secret methods to assist in the promotion to Legend. I believe it can help you regain the power of Legend.’

‘In addition, I also left a phase transfer beacon. If Madam is willing, you can use the beacon to send me a message or send a phase transfer request. I very much hope to continue to communicate with Madam on magic.’

‘Finally, thank you again for sharing the legendary knowledge with me, and once again express my most sincere apologies to you—your loyal friend Rosen Saxon Master. ’

After reading the letter, there is a booklet at the back, which records the secret method of using the staff to ascend to legend.

Naya held the booklet tightly, feeling guilty and touched, and at the same time deeply worried.

‘Sasmar is not a person who gives up easily. He will definitely find a way to force Master Rosen to return to Nawat. ’

‘I must pass this news to him so that he can be prepared! ’

Many of Sasmar’s words make sense, and she agrees with them, but she will never agree with Sasmar’s tyrannical behavior.

Because what Nawat needs is allies who actively cooperate from the heart, not a group of coerced slaves.

Otherwise, what is the difference between them and demons?

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