Start with Island Lord

Chapter 226 Naya’s Gift (33)


The twisted spiral light appeared again in the phase transmission room under the Swan Castle, and a figure slowly emerged.

This man has very shiny long blue-gray hair, crystal blue eyes, eyelashes as thick and long as small fans, bright and intellectual facial features, and a small but exquisite figure.

She was wearing a simple gray thick cotton skirt, with the hem covering 15 or 6 centimeters below her knees, revealing black tight trousers embroidered with some silver patterns, and a pair of ordinary warm cotton shoes on her feet.

It was Naya, a lifelong member of the Nahuat Guardian Council.

In addition to wearing some inappropriate winter clothes, she was also carrying a bulging backpack.

As soon as she appeared, she staggered a little, and when she was about to fall, the mage's hand came from beside her and gently supported her body.

Immediately afterwards, a pure power of faith poured in, quickly replenishing her greatly consumed mana.

It was Rosen.

When replenishing his power, he could feel that Naya's mana once again broke through into legend and remained at the level of legend +1.6.

She quickly replenished about 40% of her mana.

Naya took a long breath: "I'm much better, thank you Master Rosen."

Rosen then let go of the Master's hand and glanced at Naya's backpack: "Master Naya, there is no need for you to bring the copied books all at once. It is too dangerous."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand as an invitation, gesturing for the other party to follow him.

Naya followed Rosen and looked around the underground secret room with a curious look on her face: "Are we in the basement of Swan Castle now?"


Rosen followed the not-so-wide underground corridor and brought Naya all the way to the guest room of Swan Castle.

The guest room is spacious and bright, and the constant temperature array operates stably 24 hours a day.

In terms of luxury and exquisite decoration, it far exceeds Naya's peaceful manor.

Not to mention anything else, the entire one-way transparent crystal glass wall next to the living room makes people feel very comfortable and at the same time very luxurious.

"Please take a seat, Master Naya."

Rosen stretched out his hand as an invitation, and at the same time walked to the wine cabinet in the guest room: "Would you like something to drink, madam?"

Naya looked at this spacious and exquisite room: "Just have some light fruit wine."

Rosen poured her a glass of Mundania's specialty strawberry fruit wine, and he poured a glass of maple wine from the Shire.

Passing the drink with the mage's hand, he sat down on the dragon lizard leather chair opposite Master Naya, and took the backpack handed over by Naya, which contained the five books he had previously requested to copy.

Rosen actually didn't care about the book anymore, but he had to do it.

His face was full of gratitude: "Master Naya, I am very grateful that you can send this book in person, and I also admire your credibility."

Naya took a sip of the fruit wine and said with a reserved smile: "It's not my credibility, it's the credibility of the Nahuatl Republic."

"We Nahuat have always avenged our enemies and rewarded our kindnesses."

"Master Rosen worked hard to kill the demon for us and sent such a precious treasure. Of course we must give him an equal reward."

While talking, she took out a newly synthesized sample from her pocket, and took out the crystal guardian staff given by Rosen.

"We have indeed successfully synthesized it, and it is indeed effective, but the quality is difficult to improve. We have tried many methods to no avail. There are always various flaws, and it is far inferior to the crystal torrent staff you made."

Rosen took the sample and looked at it carefully, then input the legendary mana to feel it carefully.

It was found that its storage density is about 30% of the Crystal Torrent Staff, and its focusing performance is about 70% of my own, reaching the level of legendary +2.

It can be used, and it is definitely a good thing, but I am afraid of comparison in everything.

This time, Rosen won’t tell you the real secret, but he still provides a feasible way to improve quality:

"Master Naya, actually I encountered the same problem as you, but I solved it with a stupid way."

"Huh?" Naya looked curious.

Rosen said: "Look, when we synthesize the mana crystal, if we allow the crystal to grow in the alchemical liquid, it will eventually grow very large, up to fifty centimeters in size, right?"

"Yes." Naya had carefully understood the gem synthesis process and knew that what Rosen said was correct.

Rosen said: "Then synthesize more large crystals. If you are lucky, there will be one or two local areas with excellent quality or even perfect quality."

"Then cut this part of the area out separately for subsequent processing, and you can get a high-quality legendary magic weapon."

After a pause, Rosen added: "This is how you made the Crystal Torrent Artifact I gave you."

Naya understood and couldn't help but laugh: "Oh~~ I wonder how you can do such a good job, but you still bet on luck."

Rosen spread his hands: "That's right. And the inferior crystals cut off won't be wasted. They can still be used, but their properties are just a little worse, right?"


Naya smiled and nodded: "I will pass this news to my husband later, so that he can relieve his worries day and night."

Rosen smiled and said: "In fact, we can let Master Spin come over as a guest. Why bother Madam to take risks alone?"

Naya shook his head: "He is busy synthesizing legendary crystals every day now, and he has no time at all. And I don't trust leaving this matter to others."

After a pause, her face became serious again, her eyelashes like a small fan flickered, and she said seriously: "I have bad news, I must tell you."

Rosen also became serious: "Madam, please speak."

"Sasmar, the current guardian wizard, recognizes your talent very much, and insists on inviting you to Nawat and become a member of Nawat."

"In order to achieve this goal, he even used some dirty means."

Speaking of this, Naya showed a trace of guilt and embarrassment on her face, and had to lower her head to drink to cover it up.

"As far as I know, he sent people to the Glorious Empire."

"Although I don't know the specific content of their conversation, I believe that you can roughly guess Sasmar's method."

Rosen can certainly guess: "He wants the Glorious Empire to defeat me, so that I can't be the duke, and even can't stay in the Dritan plane, so I can only go to Nawat."

Naya nodded, feeling a little unable to face Rosen, so she turned her head to look at the gorgeous glass curtain wall on one side of the reception room.

Outside the curtain wall is a well-maintained garden. It is the midsummer season of the Dritan plane. The garden is full of very bright sea roses. When the wind blows, the flowers rise and fall like blue waves.

To be honest, it is really beautiful, a man-made wonder that Naya has never seen before.

Although she has only been here for a short time, she can clearly feel that from a material level, the great lord in front of her who controls a population of 30 million is much happier than the lifelong member of the Nawat Guardian Council.

Because Nawat has invested too many resources in fighting demons, it is not rich in material terms.

Even his power is greater, because he is basically not constrained in doing things.

And this discovery makes her admire the young mage opposite her even more.

Because he could have safely hidden in the back and enjoyed his life, but he chose to face the demon again and again regardless of the danger of his soul being broken.

Therefore, she is only a little envious of the other party's current material enjoyment, but not jealous.

Because this is the honor that the other party deserves.

Just as Naya was immersed in her thoughts, she heard the other party's voice again.

"Master Naya, you don't have to blame yourself for this."

"In fact, when I chose to fight against the Lord of Shadows, I had already vaguely anticipated what would happen today, but this is my own choice, and I am ready to bear it."

Naya was stunned: "Choice?"

Rosen nodded: "Yes, of course the Lord of Shadows once proposed to make a deal with me. He wanted to use some void knowledge in exchange for my silence, but I didn't agree."

Naya felt more and more ashamed, feeling a little bit unable to raise her head: "Hey, Nawat has disappointed you, Master Rosen."

Rosen shook his head: "Master Naya, I said, don't blame yourself for this. "

"We are all mortals, and mortals are imperfect. Isn't this what the saint said?"

Naya was shocked, and then she heard the Duke say:

"Although this will indeed cause me some trouble, I am not completely powerless to fight back."

"In fact, as long as I think of the wizards Alena and Seglin who burned their souls in front of me, and all the blood soul heroes who died, I feel that the little trouble I am facing now is nothing to worry about. "

"Just move forward bravely, and leave everything else to the Creator to judge."

Naya listened to this quietly, with a sense of reverence in her heart.

Yes, it was reverence.

She has lived for more than eighty years, and this is the first time she has such feelings for the second wizard besides the saint.

But then, she felt a little hot and felt that her whole body was constantly sweating.

Of course she was hot.

Who told her to be unprepared and wear winter cotton clothes in the midsummer weather?

Rosen saw Naya's cheeks flushed and her forehead covered with fine beads of sweat. He couldn't help but smile and pointed to the bedroom next to him.

"The bedroom leads directly to the bathtub. There is also a dressing room in the bedroom. There are summer clothes prepared for your body. Go and change, Master Naya."

"Excuse me, I'll be back soon."

Naya hurried into the bedroom. Less than a quarter of an hour later, she came out again and changed into a lake green low-cut thin skirt with lace cuffs.

It was very exquisite and fashionable, much better than the plain dress she wore before.

She obviously liked it very much, but she was not used to it. She looked a little shy, with a faint blush on her white cheeks.

Rosen appreciated politely and clapped his hands naturally and praised: "Very beautiful, Master Naya."

Naya pursed her red lips lightly, raised her head and looked at Rosen.

Obviously, the other party looked very generous and open, but the sensitivity of the legendary wizard made her feel a little hot in the other party's eyes.

She was secretly happy, thinking: 'It seems that I still have some feminine charm, which can attract the appreciation of this duke. '

She is not a little girl, and she knows that when a man appreciates the beauty of a woman, it must be with desire, but it is just a matter of hiding it, so she does not feel offended.

But she did not want to take a step forward, after all, she is married.

After sitting down again, she had sorted out her mood and said seriously: "No matter what, this is the trouble caused by us Nahuat."

"As compensation, I brought you a fairly useful spell about how to use legendary power to assist low-level mages to break the ring wall."

"I think you will understand as soon as you hear it. It is precisely because of the help of this spell that there are so many high-level mages in our Nahuat."

"In our Nahuatl, a mage who can reach the fourth ring through normal means can usually use this spell to break through to the eighth or even ninth ring. And if he is a top genius who can break through to the fifth ring on his own, he can reach 10 ring."

"If you are a genius who can break through the sixth ring on your own, you are qualified to become a legendary mage."

"Of course, there are some restrictions on the use of spells."

"For example, the same mage can only be used once a year, otherwise it will greatly damage his soul."

Rosen's eyes widened when he heard this: "Master Naya, your spell has really helped me a lot. I simply don't know how to thank you."

It is really huge. It can greatly increase the number of high-level mages in the Natural Alliance and also greatly increase his personal reputation in the magic world.

It can almost be said that it directly paved the last step for him to become the emperor of the natural empire.

Naya was very straightforward: "I need pen and paper, Master Rosen."

Rosen immediately served it to her, and then didn't walk away. He sat next to her and watched her write the spell book.

This is a bit too close, and usually only close friends do this.

Naya also felt it, but she had a very good impression of Rosen and thought that he was just anxious to find out the contents of the spell book.

So just pretend you didn't see it and just focus on writing the spell book.

The spell is very sophisticated, and naturally very complicated. I wrote a full twenty pages in one go.

After she finished writing, Rosen also finished reading.

He closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, then used Laifu's computing power to conduct some calculations and deductions, and then discovered several points that could be optimized.

I didn’t hide it, I pointed it out directly, and then wrote out a better method.

Naya looked at it carefully and cast a spell to test it at the same time. Sure enough, she found that the performance of the spell had been improved, by at least 2%.

It didn't look like much, but it was a huge step forward, and it only took the other party half an hour to correct it.

Naya couldn't help but admire: "Master Rosen, your talent in magic is amazing. No wonder you can advance to the tenth level with your own strength."

After she finished speaking, she was suddenly shocked to realize that the two of them were sitting so close together that their thighs were touching.

The summer clothes were thin, and Naya could clearly feel the hard and thick muscles on the other party's thighs, and she suddenly felt a little flustered.

A secret thought came through my mind: ‘This is much stronger than my husband. ’

Her husband, Master Spin, is a research mage. He has always been a literate, slow and rigorous character. He is naturally a genius in the study of magic, but he lacks a lot of wild passion.

At this point, the Duke next to him was at the other extreme.

He was both a talented mage and a wild warrior. Although he didn't want to admit it, the fact was that this duke was far more dazzling than her husband.

There was silence in the living room.

At some point, Naya felt the Duke beside her put his arm around her waist. Her heartbeat accelerated slightly and she wanted to stop it, but somehow, she didn't.

She didn't know what she was thinking. She was a little scared, but also had an inexplicable sense of expectation.

Somehow, they kissed each other.

After kissing for a while, Naya finally regained her consciousness, raised her hand and pushed Rosen away, pushing him away.

The two still didn't speak, just looked at each other.

The summer air is very hot, making people's souls boiling hot.

Half a minute later, they kissed again, but this time Naya did not push Rosen away.

After a long time, Naya lay on the spacious and soft bed and lazily said to Rosen: "Only the two of us know about this. If you dare to tell my husband, I will completely fall out with you."

"Of course I won't hurt Master Spin's feelings."

Rosen is admiring the garden scenery.

"Can you really handle the troubles in the Glorious Empire?"

Naya asked very straightforwardly, no longer as polite as before.

Rosen also answered straightforwardly: "Of course."

Naya was a little unconvinced: "The magic effects of the Radiant Empire are very advanced. Their flying magic weapons can fly high and fast, and they can also become completely invisible."

"I know. We also have similar magic weapons. We may not be as invisible as the other party, but we definitely fly faster and higher than the other party."

The Aircraft Manufacturing Bureau's investment never stopped, and it burned through 5 million OOGs in less than a year.

In addition, a large number of talented mages have recently entered the Natural Alliance, and they have greatly improved the research progress of the Manufacturing Bureau.

The maximum speed of the recently built flying magic weapon has already touched the sound barrier.

"Then I'll be relieved."

Naya breathed a sigh of relief and said seriously: "I still say the same thing, try not to cause too much damage in the civil war and let the devil across the sea take advantage."

Rosen smiled faintly: "This is inevitable. Unless I have the crushing power to completely avoid the consumption of sawing, I will never unify the Witte Continent."

"You are so loud, but the strange thing is that I am still willing to believe you."

After a pause: "I have to wait nine days before returning to Nahuatl. I want to see your Weilan during these days."

"Go ahead and take a look, I will take you to see it myself."

Rosen also plans to show Weilan's development potential a little, so that Naya's faction will have more confidence in him and support him more firmly.

Naya was very satisfied with Rosen's statement. Seeing that he had been doing bad things, she couldn't help but sigh: "Oh~~ I can see your true colors now. You are just a dissolute wizard!"

"I am indeed dissolute, but doesn't my wife like it too? You said it yourself just now."

"Fuck you!"

This chapter should have a sequel, which will be available in the Q group within three days.

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