Start with Island Lord

Chapter 229 Young people, let’s meet at the top (33)

Weilan Higher Academy of Arts.

The dynamic square of the college is a square green space with a length and width of more than 200 meters.

It has two functions.

The first is to strengthen students' physical fitness on weekdays. The second is a temporary venue for holding large-scale ceremonies.

Compared with other colleges of higher arts in Witland, holding the college's first opening ceremony on such an outdoor lawn seemed a bit crude.

But the dean of the college told the tutors: 'The goal of the college is to teach students and spread knowledge. Do your job well and don't waste your energy on meaningless things. ’

The students have no complaints about this either.

First, because most of the students are from civilian backgrounds and have not seen much of the grand spectacle.

The second reason is that the tuition fees at Weilan Academy of Arts are surprisingly low, even less than one-tenth of the average!

Back to topic.

The most important thing in the opening ceremony is naturally the speech by the dean of the college.

Because this is not only the speech of the dean of the college, but also the speech of the most powerful mage of the Nature Alliance, and also the speech of Duke Weiland.

Whether the college can be run, whether it can be run well in the future, and whether the future of the students can be protected is closely related to this most noble figure in Weilan.

Therefore, one hour before the ceremony started, the college's discipline professor gathered the students and magic instructors in the square early, waiting for the dean to arrive.

The students stood directly in the square, while the magic instructors sat in order on the temporary ceremony stage set up by the square according to their status.

The dean hasn't arrived yet, and the ceremony hasn't officially started yet.

Both students and tutors were very relaxed and chatted in low voices.

At this moment, in an array of more than 30,000 students, stood a pair of somewhat peculiar young men and women.

Both of them were about eighteen or nineteen years old, with ordinary faces. They were also wearing ordinary bachelor's robes, and they looked exactly like the students around them.

But what was different from the students around them was that the two of them had full curiosity in their eyes, looking left and right from time to time, and chatting quietly using Gao Huan's spiritual secret technique.

"Oh~ the atmosphere is so lively." the girl said.

"Who says it isn't? It has to be said that the biggest thing both the Radiant Empire and the Natural Alliance have in common is their large population."

The boy replied.

"Do you think we will be noticed by him?"

"I'm not sure. After all, he is such an amazing magic genius. No matter what amazing things he does, it is only natural."

After the young man said this, he then said: "But if he can really find us, then the rumors will be verified, and our trip will not be in vain."

Not long after these words were spoken, noise suddenly came from the east side of the square.

The sound surged from the east to the west like a wave.

The magic instructors on the temporary lecture platform also stood up and looked in the same direction.

The girl immediately said: "The Duke is here."

"This is really impressive, but I have to say that his public identity is only an eighth-ring mage. How can he be worthy of such admiration?"

The young man nodded: "Short-lived species are like this. If they are a little busy, they will make noises. They look like they have never seen the world."

"But having said that, the human races around us are indeed very young, generally less than 20 years old."

"If it were us, there would still be a lot of babies weaned on right now."

The girl curled her lips and said, "You've already weaned yourself, right? Why are you talking so harshly?"

The young man spread his hands with a look of helplessness on his face: "Sissi, I'm just pointing out a fact, and I don't mean to make any innuendo at you."

"Do you know in your heart, okay, don't continue this topic!"

The girl waved her hand to interrupt the boy's intention to continue to defend, and turned to look at the crowd of guards on the side of the square with interest.

As she looked at it, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on her face.

"These guards are tall and energetic. Their average strength has reached the fourth level, and the leader has reached the sixth level. Before, I wouldn't have dared to imagine such a thing."

The boy said nothing.

His eyes were following the tall figure in the middle of the guarding crowd.

With curly black hair, a tall and straight figure, and a simple black dress, he seemed ordinary at first glance, but upon closer inspection, he found that he could not see through the other person's power at all.

The young man immediately said to the girl beside him: "Duke Weilan's magic power reaches at least the ninth level, maybe even the tenth level!"

Because his magic power is at the seventh level, he has also felt the auras of many high-level powerhouses, including the eighth, ninth and tenth rings.

If the other party is of the same race, he can recognize it directly, but if the other party is of a different race, it is somewhat unclear.

The girl's mana was also in the seventh ring, and her perception was more acute. She came to a more definite conclusion:

"It's ten-ring mana, but to what extent it's specific, I can't see clearly."

After all, the gap is too big.

Under the spotlight of everyone, Duke Weiland came to the makeshift speech platform.

He looked around the entire square, and the humming and whispering sounds in the square suddenly disappeared without a trace, leaving only the whistling of the autumn wind in the entire Vibrant Square.

Then, the gentle and clear voice of heaven came down from the high platform.

"Young people, today is a very important day, it is important for everyone."

"It's important to you, it's important to me, it's important to the college, it's even more important to Weilan."

“It matters even to the natural alliance.”

"Maybe some people don't understand why it is important to the Natural Alliance?"

"I have to say, because the magic instructors present can be said to be the most intelligent group of instructors in the All-Natural Alliance."

"The young people present here can be said to be the group of people with the smartest minds and the most curious souls in the entire Natural Alliance."

"How you learn now and what results you will achieve in the future will affect and even determine the fate of the Natural Alliance!"

"So, you young people can be said to be the future of the Natural Alliance!"

This was very passionate, especially for the passionate young people, it easily aroused the passion in their hearts.

The students began to applaud crazily in response.

The boys and girls in the crowd were also swept up to applaud, but the two of them were not passionate because they were already past the age of passion.

The girl whispered: "This duke is really good at inciting people."

The boy shrugged: "But what he said is indeed correct, at least he attaches great importance to this academy."

"Attachment? Why didn't I see it?" The girl was puzzled.

The young man sighed: "Sissi, if you had spent some of the time you spend on tasting food to get information, you wouldn't ask me this."

"Brian, why are you talking so much nonsense, hurry up and say it."

The young man said: "According to the information I have inquired, not to mention the cost of building the academy, the annual expenditure of the academy alone should exceed 1 million Oggs, or 1.5 billion kle."

The girl immediately retorted: "The students have paid tuition."

"The students have paid tuition, but the tuition for local students in Weilan is 4,000 kle per year, and the tuition for students from all over the alliance is more expensive, about 10,000 kle. "

"30,000 students, tuition fees add up to less than 200 million. There is still a funding gap of 1.3 billion, which requires additional subsidies from the Weilan government."

The boy said: "One college costs 1.3 billion, and Weilan has also built a large number of low-level magic colleges, which are basically the same model."

"I estimate that the money spent on educating citizens alone will reach 5 million Oggs every year."

The girl was amazed: "This Duke is really generous."

The boy shook his head: "This is not generosity, it's ambition!"

At this time, the boiling students finally calmed down a little, and the dean's voice came from the stage again.

"There are many beautiful scenery in this world."

"Some scenery is painted on the mountains and rivers, some scenery is spread on the sea and ocean, and some shocking scenery is engraved on the peaks of magic."

"The road to the peak of magic is rugged and steep, and most of the time it is boring and lonely, and even a little painful. This is the fate of mortals like us."

"But I want to say that only after forging can the toughness of steel be achieved. Only by going through the storm can the beauty of the rainbow be seen. Only after going through the baptism of knowledge can the scenery of the peak of magic be seen."

"I know you want to ask now, what is the beauty of the peak of magic."

"As the first dean of the academy, I believe that I have stood on the top of one of the peaks of magic. Next, I will show you some of the scenery I have seen."

With this, the students suddenly became excited.

The girl sneered: "The human race is so arrogant that they dare to say that they are at the peak of magic. Your Majesties don't dare to say that."

The boy stared at the podium: "If the rumor is true, then even if he is not at the peak, he is definitely higher than your Majesties."

The girl knew that the boy was right, but she was angry: "He has only lived for less than 22 years, why is he higher than your Majesties?"

"Shh~Don't talk, look carefully!"

On the podium, the first dean of Weilan Academy stretched out one hand to the sky, and the gentle voice of the sky spread throughout the venue.

"People have always believed that personal power is limited."

"No matter how strong a mortal wizard is, it is difficult to use force spells to push a stone weighing more than ten tons, and it is even more difficult to inspire spells comparable to real thunder, even one thousandth or one ten-thousandth of the power is difficult."

"But young people, I want to tell you now."

With these words, the dean's body slowly floated up from the podium, and the surface of his black dress began to have tiny but bright lightning surging.

At the same time, there was a powerful and almost inhuman mana fluctuation emanating from the young dean.

The extremely violent and unfathomable fluctuation almost made people feel a kind of spiritual tremor that was about to destroy the world.

With this fluctuation, the originally gentle sound of the sky seemed extremely grand, and it was simply resounding through the world.

Many people in the crowd were carrying a magic ring scale, and they were surprised to find that the scale value had a violent fluctuation, and the intensity was almost the same as that of thunderstorm weather.

"Young people, there are ten rings in the magic ring of mortals."

"Above the ten rings, there is a legendary ring!"

"Break through this ring, you can see the peak scenery of the magic world, and you can also master the magic power that is enough to fight against nature!"

With these words, a thick lightning suddenly rushed out from the hand of the dean who was floating in the sky.

This lightning was emitted from his palm, rushing all the way up to the sky, and quickly differentiated into countless snow-white branches in the sky. Almost in a blink of an eye, the lightning tree was all over the sky!

At the same time, there were more vibrations in the air that were similar to real thunder.

‘Boom boom boom~~~Boom boom boom~~~’

There were three explosions in succession, and when lightning appeared, its dazzling light almost eclipsed the sun!

In the bright autumn sun, thunder flowed back to the sky, and the sound shook for dozens of miles!

The entire Vitality Square, whether students or magic instructors, all had stunned expressions, and could not imagine that this was a mortal who could inspire magic power!

The dean slowly fell back to the lecture platform from a height of 100 meters, still calm and composed, as if releasing that violent lightning spell was just a casual attack from him.

The voice of the sky spread throughout the square again.

"Young people, this is the best era, because I have explored the way forward for you to practice magic."

"This is also the worst era, because the peak of magic has become much higher than before, and it takes more outstanding efforts to climb it."

"The most sacred function of the Advanced Magic Academy is to create and spread the most advanced, powerful, and top magic knowledge in the world."

"As the first dean of the academy, I will faithfully fulfill this."

"I will show you the way to the peak of the eleven magic rings, and I will also stand on the top of the mountain, waiting for our real meeting."

"So, the most talented young people of the Natural Alliance, work hard to climb~"

After saying this, the black-clothed dean, the Duke of Weilan, turned around and left the speech platform under the escort of the guard.

Leaving behind a group of students and magic instructors who were still not recovered in the square.

After the dean had left, the crowd finally came back to their senses and made a thunderous noise.

Everyone was discussing eagerly.

"The dean's magic power has reached the eleventh ring?"

"Mother of Nature, the eleventh ring has such great power?"

"So, the eleventh ring is a legendary ring, so the dean is not a legendary wizard?"

In the crowd, two young men of different races looked at each other, and they saw deep horror on each other's faces.

After a long time, the girl said: "This, this, this, is impossible, it must be an illusion!"

The boy gently sniffed the spicy smell in the air that had not yet dissipated, and whispered: "Even if it is an illusion, it has greatly exceeded the limit of the power of traditional magic."

"What's more, this can never be an illusion!"

"The majestic fluctuations of magic power and the violent vibrations of the magic ring all show that this is a great spell that can rival the great power of nature!"

"I never thought. I never thought that mortals like us could inspire such great power!"

"The legendary realm is really incredible!"

The boy murmured, his eyes showing a dreamy and blurred color.

On the other side, Rosen was sitting in the car, cleaning up the legendary crystal fragments in his arms.

The lightning spell just now consumed 1,000 of Rosen's legendary mana.

After the spell was released, all ten legendary crystals hidden in the clothes were shattered.

Net loss of 5,000 Oggs, or 7.5 million Clays.

'Ah~~ Pretending is really expensive. '

But he had to pretend, and he had to pretend big, so that he could have the greatest influence in the Natural Alliance in the shortest time.

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