Start with Island Lord

Chapter 231 Breakup! (23)


Aaron's Lion Castle.

Ever since the news of the legendary mage reached Dange's ears, he immediately went to find Sanchester, the Eye of the Storm.

Although they haven't spoken to each other for a long time, at this moment, only the five-ring sage can give him some answers.

Finally, he found the old sage in a small study.

The sage wore a pair of reading glasses on his face and was looking intently at an unknown spell book. When he heard the movement, he raised his eyes.

Because of this movement, the wrinkles on his forehead became deeper and deeper, like cracks on weathered rock.

Before Dange could ask, he spoke.

"Your Majesty, I know why you are here."

"All I can say is that if the news is true, there is nothing Aaron can do against Weilan."

"The only way is to admit defeat with dignity."

Dange swallowed hard: "Is there no other way?"

"There is another way."

Sanchester's voice was very soft, and his eyes were deeply hidden behind thick reading glasses, making it almost impossible to see the specific appearance.

"What way?"

Dange seemed to be grasping at a life-saving straw.

The old sage spoke slowly.

"Ask for help from the Radiant Empire, open the Giant Fortress, allow the Radiant Legion to enter the Aarons Plains, and fight against Weilan with the Lord of Radiance."

Dange was shocked and fell into a long silence.

After three full minutes, he asked: "Sage, does the legendary ring really exist?"

Sanchester answered the question incorrectly.

"I heard that there were more than 30,000 teachers and students at the opening ceremony of Weilan Academy of Arts."

"Among them, there are more than 20 mages with magic power exceeding the fifth level, and there are 4 magicians with the sixth level."

"No matter how exquisite the illusion is, it cannot be hidden from everyone's perception, so the power of the magic displayed by Duke Weilan is real."

"I don't know how he did it, but I know that the Duke has stood at the pinnacle of magic that is unparalleled in the world."

"Even if some people regard him as a god, I think it is completely understandable and even reasonable."

"Faced with such a person, no matter whether the legendary ring actually exists or not, it is not something that a kingdom like Aaron can resist."

"Perhaps Aaron, Kaa, Levend, and even the entire natural kingdoms of the Wit Continent unite to isolate Weilan, and then it is possible to defeat the Duke."


The old sage looked up at Dange again: "This is obviously impossible."

Dange immediately retorted:

"No, it's possible!"

"As long as Aaron is willing to transfer his benefits, it will be possible!"

There was a hint of sarcasm on the old sage's face: "Don't be stupid, Your Majesty Dange!"

"Why does Kaa keep cooperating with Weilan?"

"Why did Levind, who has always been against Weilan, stage a coup?"

"The bodies of the little king and the queen mother hung on the big tree for three days and three nights. Who do you think is behind the scenes?"

Dange is not stupid, of course he knows there are big problems here, but since cleaning up the domestic nobles, he faces a lot of domestic problems every day, and his perception of other countries has become very slow.

"Is it Duke Weilan who is behind this?"

"It's obvious."


Sanchester turned over a page of the book, his eyes still fixed on the page, as if the contents in the spell book were more important than the king in front of him. This detail made Dange feel angry.

The old sage seemed not to notice the king's anger. He continued:

"Levender and Kaa are already in the hands of the Duke. There is only one remaining of the three gems destined to be set in the natural crown."

Dange's heart skipped a beat when he said these words.

He knew that the name of this last gem was ‘Aaron’.

He was panicked, anxious, and jealous.

"Natural Crown. Is he planning to be crowned emperor?"

This throne was a treasure that he longed for but did not dare to think deeply about. But now, a little person whose destiny he had easily controlled was about to get this supreme crown.

He is unwilling!

Sanchester felt this. In the past, he would have used words to comfort Dange, but now, he no longer had the patience and thought it was no longer necessary.

Because a group of flattering jackals gathered around the lion, saying nice and flattering words to him every day, but these words had completely obscured the lion's wisdom.

So no matter what he said, it was useless.

But he still had to remind him.

"Your Majesty Dange, the crown is not crowned by others, but is forged by your own hands."

"No, he doesn't have natural divine blood, he is not qualified to be a natural emperor!"

"Mother Nature wouldn't agree to it, absolutely not."

Tormented by the fire of jealousy, Dange roared like a wounded lion, waving his hands as if to defend himself against an invisible enemy.

"Even if Mother Nature can't stop him, I will do my best to stop him!"

"If I can't stop him, I will unite with the Radiant Empire to stop him!"

After saying this, Dange turned around and left.

After walking a few steps, the voice of the old sage came from behind.

"Your Majesty, if this path may plunge the Natural Alliance into an abyss, do you still want to choose it?"

Dange didn't answer, he strode away.


Sanchester let out a long sigh.

Then, his figure gradually faded, faded, and finally disappeared.

It was just a magic phantom.

About ten minutes after the apparition disappeared, Aaron's night guards surrounded the study.

This team of night guards is personally led by Bloodflame Salas, the sharpest knife in the king's hand and the enforcer of the Black Knife Night.

He waved his hand vigorously: "Your Majesty ordered Sanchester to shut up completely!"

The night guards immediately rushed into the small study like a pack of wolves.

At the same time, in the basement of a small building in the outer city of Rhine City in the north of Lion's Castle, Sanchester let out a long sigh again.

He quickly left the small building, came to the dock, took a new black stone freighter, and went all the way down the river.

About a day later, he arrived at the coast, immediately changed to a sea ship, crossed the Gilded Strait, and headed north to Weilan.

Dange is hopeless, but Aaron can still be saved, and the Natural Alliance must not fall into the abyss.

At this moment, only this talented and strategic Duke has the ability to save the Natural Alliance!

By noon the next day, Sanchester followed the Oran River in Welland to the banks of the Swan Lake in Montagna.

Looking at the magnificent college standing on the west bank of Swan Lake from a distance, and the exquisite Swan Castle across the lake from the college, Sanchester was filled with emotion.

"In the end, the lion is swallowed up by his beastly nature, but the Duke's original intention remains the same."

"The Lions' defeat was doomed, it just happened a little too quickly."

With another sigh, Sanchester entered Montagna and headed all the way to Swan Castle.

This time, he didn't hide it and directly handed over his name card openly.

About a quarter of an hour later, he was received and sat on a leather hospitality chair in the Duke's study facing the lake.

On the large desk not far ahead is a mountain of document scrolls. Behind the scrolls sits the still energetic but increasingly dignified Duke of Weiland.

Looking at such a character, Sanchester felt deeply old for the first time.

"Sage, please wait a moment while I finish approving the document in hand."

"Your Majesty, please do as you please."

He did not wait long. After a few minutes, Duke Weiland's attention turned to him: "Sage, your face is full of disappointment and anxiety. Is the lion going crazy?"

Sanchester was startled, but then he was relieved. Since the other party had the idea of ​​unifying the Natural Alliance and had taken many steps, he would naturally pay attention to the movements of the Lion Castle at all times.

He suddenly felt that his trip was a little unnecessary.

But he was not only a five-ring mage, he was also well-informed and had a strong will. He quickly put away the disappointment in his heart and explained Dange's possible next moves in detail.

Behind the desk, Rosen listened quietly.

After listening, he sighed: "I originally wanted to save the last bit of dignity for Dange."

Sanchester's body shook slightly: "Your Majesty the Duke, my request may be a bit presumptuous, but I hope that the Dange royal family can be preserved."

Rosen smiled slightly: "I will, but not the Dange royal family, but the Dange family."

After a pause, he asked: "Sage, do you have any other requests?"

Sanchester thought for a moment and then said: "I hope the Duke can treat Aaron's people equally and not treat Aaron less favorably because of King Dange's madness."

"Of course I will."

"What about yourself. Do you have any requests?"

Sanchester thought for a moment and said: "If possible, I would like to have a small manor by the Swan Lake, plus a deposit that is enough for the rest of my life."

Rosen nodded: "This request is very simple, but does the sage really intend to retire?"

Sanchester's face was full of bitterness: "Duke, I am already 120 years old and have only a few years to live. What else can I do if I don't retire?"

Rosen raised his eyebrows: "From my observation, with your magic talent, Sage, I can help you increase your magic power to ten levels step by step."

According to Naya's secret method, those who have advanced to the fifth ring by their own strength are extremely talented in magic. Then they can be promoted to the tenth ring through the legendary secret method.

In fact, in a country with a legendary mage, the value of magic practice has dropped significantly, but a person's ability, knowledge, structure and other qualities are still scarce.

Obviously, this sage Aaron, who lived for 120 years, was an extremely talented person. It would be a pity to die of old age like this.

Therefore, Rosen finally said: "Once you have a ten-ring soul, you can live for at least two hundred years."

Sanchester's heart skipped a beat when he heard this: "Is this okay?"

Rosen smiled: "I need someone to help me subdue the crazy lion."

As he spoke, he raised a hand and extended his index finger, a faint golden light appeared on his hand.

"If the sage is willing to do this for me, I can help the sage advance to the sixth ring now."

The silent flame in Sanchester's heart suddenly rekindled, burning brightly, and a pair of slightly cloudy eyes suddenly showed a shining light.

"Your Majesty the Duke, leave this matter to me. I am 90% sure of forcing the Lion to abdicate!"

In the past, when he was old, he could only live for a few years at most. If he was unlucky, he might die when he fell asleep at night, but if he was promoted to the sixth ring, he could live for at least twenty years.

How many twenty years does a mortal’s life last?

Not to mention the possibility of being promoted to the tenth ring in the future, which was a power that he could not even imagine.

So, without hesitation, he abandoned the Lion King who disappointed him.

Rosen was also very straightforward, letting Sanchester come up to him, and then pointed his finger on his forehead.

"Your mana is already at the peak of the fifth ring, so I can directly raise you to the sixth ring."

"After reaching the sixth ring, you must continue to practice diligently. When your magic power reaches the peak of the sixth ring, the soul shock should also subside."

"Come to me again when the time comes, and I will help you advance to the seventh ring."

"Also, your body is already old, but don't worry, I have a golden blessing potion that can restore youth."

He has saved a lot of this potion, and there are some in the study, which are specially used to reward meritorious ministers.

At this time, he took out 100 ml.

Sanchester swallowed it without hesitation.

After the potion entered his stomach, he felt indescribably happy, as if he had endless energy.

He was immediately overwhelmed.

His heart was beating vigorously, and the last time he had such a rapid heartbeat was when he first had sex with a woman a hundred years ago.

It felt like he had returned to his youth.

"Duke, just wait for my good news."

Rosen added: "A 90% chance is still not enough. I need a 100% or even 20% chance of success."

"After all, this is related to the fate of countless people in the Natural Alliance, and there can be no mistakes."

"So, this is for you."

A badge was handed to Sanchester: "Island Foreign Affairs Bureau Aaron Branch, Lion Hunting Operation Commander Badge."

"With it, you can mobilize the power of Aaron Foreign Affairs Bureau."

This is indeed a huge help, which greatly reduces the difficulty of the operation.

Rosen then handed over a legendary magic weapon: "Ice Amulet, the strength of the peak of the ten rings, can be triggered a total of ten times, which should be able to keep the sage safe."

Sanchez specifically said that he had never seen or heard of such a powerful magic weapon, and immediately took it and put it on.

Rosen also found the director of the Foreign Affairs Bureau, Stonard, and explained the situation: "Fully cooperate with Mage Sanchester."

"Yes, sir."

The two left the study side by side.

Although one is old and the other is young, the depressed aura of the old man has completely dissipated.

For Rosen, Danger is no longer an opponent of the same level. With the help of Sanchester, Danger's problem is mostly solved. What to do next depends on how Aaron's situation develops.

When he was about to continue to deal with official documents, the chief steward of internal affairs, Alai, handed him another name card for an audience.

Interestingly, this name card was written on a leaf.

The material of the leaf is very strange. It is similar in shape to a maple leaf and has complex veins, but the texture is particularly tough, showing a metal material.

After using magic power to explore it a little, Rosen was full of surprise: "Is this the tree of life cultivated by the elves' magic?"

As far as he knows, the elves' magic is completely different from that of humans, and they take a unique path of "biological transformation".

It is said that elves are also immortal species, just like Mediana, with a particularly tough soul and a lifespan more than ten times longer than that of humans.

But Rosen had never seen an elf in person, so he was quite curious about the envoys from the Elf Empire.

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