Start with Island Lord

Chapter 233 Queen? No, just a tool (13)

Although she had various thoughts in her mind, when her grandfather was awake, all important news concerning the fate of the empire had to be reported in person as soon as possible.

This was the iron rule set by her grandfather.

So, Queen Zhuoya took the "Letter to the Human Race" passed by Weilan and hurried to the Shadowless Palace where her grandfather lived.

Grandfather has been very busy recently, busy getting familiar with his newly acquired legendary power.

At this moment, he should be practicing, and there is at least half an hour before the end of the practice, so Zhuoya can only wait patiently at the door of the Shadowless Palace.

This is also the iron rule set by her grandfather.

When he is practicing, no high-ring magician is allowed to enter the Shadowless Palace.

During the waiting time, Zhuoya sensed some power fluctuations coming from the Shadowless Palace, and many thoughts surged in her heart.

As far as she knew, the legendary soul was much tougher than the ten-ring soul, and it existed longer, so her grandfather, who originally had more than 50 years of wakefulness, could live another 50 years.

This is a hundred years.

For an empire, this time is very long, even enough to change the world.

Zhuo Ya couldn't help thinking:

"Duke Weilan, who has obtained the power of legend, can inspire the power comparable to natural thunder and kill the demons hidden in the void. How powerful is this."

"The scenery of the legendary realm should be the most beautiful, magnificent and glorious scenery in the world."

"It would be great if I could see it with my own eyes."

Originally, she had absolutely no such idea, but now someone gave her the opportunity to climb the peak of magic.

Of course, she knew that there was a provocative intention hidden in it, just like a cup of poisoned wine.

But this cup of poisoned wine is too sweet.

And it may not poison her to death.

Of course, she doesn't have to drink this cup of poisoned wine, because there is still a cup of non-toxic wine to drink.

'I don't know if my grandfather is willing to give me this cup of wine. '

Grandfather has been promoted to legend, and as far as she knows, the secret method of helping people break through the ring wall is also in Nawat.

With the resources of the Glorious Empire and the good relationship with Nawat, it is not difficult to exchange the secret method of breaking the wall from Nawat.

So, grandfather is able to help her.

While thinking, Zhuoya's grandfather's voice rang in her mind: "My granddaughter, what happened again that is worth your personal trip?"

Zhuoya immediately said: "Wei Lan has sent another important news, which is related to the Holy Elf Empire."

The Lord of Glory snorted coldly: "Huh~ I knew that those elves would go to Wei Lan for cooperation. Duke Wei Lan agreed to cooperate, right?"

"No, grandfather, Duke Wei Lan refused."

"Refused? Is he stupid?"

"Come in and tell me in person."

Zhuoya immediately entered the magnificent and gorgeous Shadowless Palace.

The Shadowless Palace is very large. While she was on the way, she couldn't help thinking.

'Duke Wei Lan is stupid? Grandfather, didn't you see the horror of this announcement? '

Duke Wei Lan did give up some opportunities because of the announcement, but it greatly improved his reputation in the Natural Alliance and even in the people of the Glorious Empire.

It can be imagined that after this announcement spreads, even those who have prejudices against Duke Wei Lan will have to admit that he is a hero of the human race.

In this era of rapid awakening of people's wisdom, this reputation is extremely important, and can even be regarded as the "human race's destiny".

As long as you carry this destiny, you can greatly enhance the legitimacy of ruling the human race country and greatly reduce the cost of managing the country.

'Grandfather will definitely see that he probably just doesn't care about these things. '

While thinking, she crossed the spacious artificial lake, walked across a suspended bridge across the sea of ​​flowers, and finally saw the Lord of Glory in a glass sky bath.

He was lying lazily in the hot spring, and more than 30 beautiful girls who were naked were serving him attentively.

But the Lord of Glory had no desire on his face, only a faint sense of fatigue.

This was the fatigue of legendary practice, and he had experienced too much of the trivial things between men and women in his early years, and he had no interest in them.

The reason why so many beautiful girls were gathered was simply to look good.

He closed his eyes and asked: "Zhuoya, tell me the situation in detail."

Zhuoya told the details of Irene's report and emphasized the content of the announcement.

After repeating, she remained silent.

The Lord of Light was a little tired, not in a good mood, and his thoughts were a little slow. After hearing these things, a trace of disdain subconsciously emerged on his face.

"This duke is really stupid. If he really joins hands with the elves, it will really cause me some trouble. Now he refuses and says that he wants to fight against the Elf Empire together. It's ridiculous."

"A small principality with only 30 million people, he is worthy!"

Zhuoya disagreed in her heart, but she did not comment.

Because she knew that her grandfather did not like people to sing against him, especially did not like people to point him out, even if she was his granddaughter.

After venting his dissatisfaction, the Lord of Light softened his tone a little.

"But his stupidity is still very beneficial, giving us a lot of room for maneuver."

"Zhuoya, you respond to him and say that the Empire appreciates his wisdom very much. On the matter of dealing with aliens, the Empire agrees with his views, but we have differences with him on the matter of the Natural Alliance."

"After all, Weilan is Weilan, and the Natural Alliance is the Natural Alliance. The former is only a part of the latter, and the countries in the alliance are equal."

"If there are kingdoms or principalities in the alliance that are willing to make peace with the Empire and ask for help from the Empire, then there is no reason for the Empire not to respond."

This response is not much different from what Zhuo Ya wanted.

After all, it is a national war, and since it is a war, it is impossible to be polite, and naturally you have to find ways to win.

So, she nodded and said, "Yes, Grandfather, I will do it now."

In theory, she should leave now, but she still didn't leave and said something extra.

"Grandfather, from Duke Weilan's speech at the academy, he seems to be planning to share the secrets of legend with the magic geniuses in the country."

"If he really shares it, then there will be a large number of legendary wizards in the Principality of Weilan, which may pose a considerable threat to the empire."

The Lord of Glory snorted coldly: "Don't listen to his lies, he is just talking."

After that, he added: "If he really dares to share, then it will be a problem whether he can sit firmly on the throne of the Duke."

Zhuo Ya asked again with a stiff face: "It is obvious that Duke Weilan is such a fool. He just stupidly issued an announcement refusing to cooperate with the elves. What if he does something stupid again?"

The Lord of Glory felt the abnormality of his granddaughter and opened his eyes. He looked at her seriously, and then said: "Do you also want to be promoted to Legend?"

Without waiting for Zhuo Ya to answer, he closed his eyes again: "I tell you the truth, the legendary realm is far from being as beautiful as imagined. Every time you practice soul burning, it is a chore."

"If you practice legend, you will have no energy to deal with state affairs. It is enough to let grandfather do this kind of chore."

After a pause, he seemed to feel that there was no persuasiveness, and added: "You don't have to think about breaking through the tenth ring."

"The difference in power between the ninth ring and the tenth ring is not big, and there is no big difference in the life span of the soul. The ninth ring is enough for you."

Zhuo Ya has been in charge of the empire for 40 years. She is also a nine-ring mage. How can she not hear the perfunctory in these words?

She understood as soon as she heard it that her grandfather would never let her be promoted to Legend, not even the tenth ring.

He didn't intend to give anyone the cup of legendary wine.

This made her feel depressed.

The tempering of the mind to be in charge of the empire made her easily suppress the depression in her heart, making her look as calm and submissive as usual.

"Yes, Grandfather, I understand."

The Lord of Glory was indeed very tired and didn't want to talk more: "Very good, then you can leave."

It seemed that this was just a very ordinary conversation.

But when Zhuoya turned and left, the Lord of Glory suddenly opened his eyes, and a hint of contemplation appeared in his brown-black eyes.

As one of the top strong men in the Wit Continent, he did lack the specific ability to govern the country, but he was an excellent existence in perceiving people's hearts.

He vaguely felt that Zhuoya, his granddaughter, was gradually losing her awe of him.

So, he also fell into contemplation.

"I can still be awake for hundreds of years. If I add the time of sleeping, it won't be difficult to live for another thousand years. I still have a long life."

"If the person I rely on most has a different heart, it will be a very bad thing."

"Replace Zhuoya?"

After careful consideration, the Lord of Glory rejected this idea. In the Glorious Royal Family, there is no one more suitable to govern the empire than Zhuoya.

Of course, they will definitely have to be replaced in the future, but not at this critical juncture, otherwise it will definitely cause a violent shock to the empire's political situation and delay many things.

After thinking about it, the Lord of Glory had an idea: "The scale of the Empire's First Shadow Guard must be expanded."

The empire has ten shadow guards.

Among them, the First Shadow Guard has 20,000 people, directly commanded by the Lord of Glory, and only obeys the Lord of Glory's orders, responsible for the defense of the entire Never Night Palace.

The remaining nine shadow guards, each with 2,000 people, are distributed throughout the empire according to their functions and commanded by Zhuo Ya.

With 20,000 people against 18,000, and the convenience of commanding the palace, the Lord of Glory firmly grasped the imperial power in his hands.

Zhuo Ya is called the Queen, but in fact she is just his prime minister.

Now, this prime minister seems a little disobedient, and the Lord of Glory feels that 20,000 shadow guards are not enough.

"Let's add another 10,000 people, and we have to intensify the surveillance of Zhuo Ya."

The Lord of Glory thought so.

On the other hand, after leaving Wuying Palace, Zhuo Ya had many thoughts in her mind.

"It seems that I am just a tool of my grandfather."

If she had mediocre talents, she would have no complaints even if she was a tool.

But she was enlightened at the age of seven, promoted to a master at the age of 14, broke through the 6th ring at the age of 25, and reached the 9th ring at the age of 50. During this period, she basically did not rely on any external forces, but relied on her own efforts.

At the age of 50, she was valued by her grandfather and entrusted with the honorable position of the empress of the empire.

Originally thought that this was the supreme honor and that her grandfather valued her greatly, but now it seems that there is value, but there must be a hidden mind.

That is to use the heavy imperial government affairs to slow down her practice speed and prevent her from being promoted to the tenth ring.

In the past, she was not sure whether she could be promoted to the tenth ring, so although she had some regrets, she had no complaints, but after ruling the empire for 40 years and witnessing the various actions of her grandfather with her own eyes, she completely understood her grandfather.

"He is burning my life so that he can enjoy the glory of the supreme ruler of the empire."

But even if she understood it, she had no way to break the situation, because her every move was being watched closely.

"Forget it, the legendary scenery may be beautiful, but there are beautiful scenery everywhere in the world, there is no need to focus on one place. There is no need to let the empire fall into chaos because of my personal desires."

All the dissatisfaction and unwillingness turned into a light sigh.

In the Never Night Palace, the small waves caused by Weilan seemed to have completely subsided on the surface.

But ten days later, another elf envoy in disguise came to the Never Night Palace.

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